Review January -June 2019

Time for a review again

I am struggling now with this project and glad it finishes in 2020. I shall have to resist anything that makes me want to look at 2021 and beyond.  Personally these days I prefer to sleep rather than write.  I seem to be affected by the constellations more than the countries are at present!

Yes, I feel , despite Trump being  front page news in UK papers this week, that nothing really concrete has happened yet and that although there are some themes across the globe there is as yet no obvious trigger for the 2019-2020 picture I expected. Perhaps things are not what they seem - like in the photo
Although, that is what I felt when  I was compiling my forecasts back in 2016- - unlike 2007-8+ there seemed to be no obvious focal point.  I have even been to a couple of seminars in 2017 and 2018 in the hope that someone would say something that would cause it all to fit together in my mind. But that hasn’t really happened.  It is a shame that I cannot foresee the exact way things will play out, but in some ways it is a relief – I have found it hard to reconcile the desire to make an impact on the world with the fact that everything seems to play out as predicted whatever one hopes.
Anyway back to the present and those reviews, I won’t be repeating what I said in the forecasts, if you want to know the details read ‘em:
I nailed this.  The next key period is August to October.
Not bad although I ‘ve not seen any key policy decisions re the currency. 75%
Ok- There are bubbles offset by poor performers.  70%
Mediocre; 55%
Not bad, issues with leadership swing it to 75%
I have done well with the trends in France since Macron was elected, although not every little detail is covered.  85%
Ok – I didn’t say much, 55%
I said even less. Though things do seem to be somewhat more positive there so 65%
This is a goodie – despite the fact that economically things have not been as bad as expected – the government trajectory has  followed my plan!!!
OK- much of the uncertainty in Eire is the knock-----on effect from the Brexit consequences for the NI border.

Yawn 55% ( If that seems high, think again – imagine if Switzerland had turned into Greece financially – then I could score it 10%!)
Average – not much happened – difficult to score more than 60%
I nailed the early part of the year   “restriction to government activity” for debt reasons.  And the fact that not much as happened since. 
Not bad – not the talk of alternative forms of currency ( see Facebook)  - 80%
Nah- I didn’t really do very well with this. 30%
Not really – though perhaps overall not as bad as for DOW, 50%
Not bad. Trade issues and border issues continue.  75%
Mexican Peso
Not bad either – pretty much got direction right 80%
Pretty much nailed it ( although it is just more of the same) but many might have expected a new leader by now and I noted both support and challenge.  85%
Since the currency is so devalued and since the country is toying with crypto and as the political matters dominate the news– it is difficult to tell whether this was correct or not. We will see. 50%
Not so good.  I still suck at forecasting Brazil).  I didn’t really get the leadership change in 2018 so early 2019 does not really describe situation. But economically it is much closer. 60%
I hedged my bets on this one but was more or less right overall especially regarding inflation impact. 70%
Not sure about this. Things remain financially problematic  but not as dramatic as last year. We will see.  Maybe 50%
Pretty good.  Noted the change in rate of depreciation. Again we will see. 75%
Not bad 75%
Nailed the lack of change in the government and the poor but not catastrophic economic position 90%
S Africa
Not bad at all, given the political situation from 2017 on . This is another one that requires more time. 75%
Not bad. The US trade “war” is more or less described. 85%
Yes. Not perfect but pretty good. 80%
Shanghai Comp
Yes for Jan/Feb. Correct on trend for Mar-June but missed some volatility.  65%
Rubbish. 30%
Hang Seng

More or less- good for first quarter- moderate for 2nd. 80%
OK. Didn’t say enough really. 70%
Overall ok. Balance but didn’t get first couple of months trend right. 65%
Another weak forecast. Whilst not entirely wrong it can’t be given more than 40%
Neither a poor forecast ( the longer term trends are right and that there was no leadership change) but failing to nail some of detail. 65%
Not bad, Compared to the bigger trends, the volatility call is correct 75%

South Korea
Economically it has been a difficult period making it difficult for the leadership. As expected there were budgetary changes ( to boost spending) . Not bad 80%
North Korea
Mixed signals in early months. Tick. Aggressive rhetoric in second quarter. Tick. No outright aggression yet though. 90%
The whole period was election dominated and I called it pretty much exactly right ( although I didn’t expect such a resounding victory) 90%

ok- but not clear cut enough 70%

Beginning of year right. Next quarter wrong. 50%
Continues to be difficult and although there was no sudden leadership change yet the potential remains. 65%

Ok- polls support my prediction that the leadership is having a harder time.  Sanctions , problems with an oil pipeline to Europe etc. But things are not terrible. Another 75%

Although there was the volatility I expected. It was not as significant in size as I forecast. I failed to find an overall trend and turns out there wasn’t one.   70%
OK – No great enlightenment. 60%
Nah- not quite rubbish but short on accurate detail. 40%
Ok. Though it has (outwardly at least) been mostly about the leadership, 60%
Not bad. Certainly there have been resource challenges due to sanctions and latterly there has been an effort to discredit the leadership from outside.  80% maybe more.
Less in the limelight than last year!  Forecast pretty good but nothing concrete enough for a high score. 75%

All in all probably my worst effort so far ( despite getting some shining results in a few key countries)
