The US election 2020


Regular readers will know that I don’t usually bother to predict US elections, I like to focus on countries as the country chart will continue regardless of who is leader. Sometimes the country chart does show a big shift especially when there is a sudden change of leader but it is more important to see how the dynamics within the country play out economically and politically than it is to see who is leading at any time.

However, this election is fascinating everyone so I thought I would have a look.

Obviously then I am faced with the question of which charts to look at. Much has been written elsewhere on which election day chart to use and whether the inauguration chart is more important. Some people have also considered the chart of the potential VPs.

I have decided to concentrate on the two presidential candidates and the inauguration but I also plan to look at a chart for early on the morning of 4th November as I think this should show the mood after any results. I am also going to look at the charts for the Republican and Democratic formal parties, although with caution as these are not timed charts.

US Country chart

But, first, let’s look at what the US chart might be suggesting. Most astrologers of the US agree that the next few years are likely to be difficult as the country reaches its first Pluto return ( Pluto returns to its position in the Independence chart). The whole period seems to contain rumblings of unrest and what may well be economic challenges though 2022 seems the worst of the coming 4 years. But this tells us little about the incoming President as we all know the country is already very divided.

More useful is to look at the journey of the US sun over the 4 year term. And this is interesting. Aspects to the sun and progressed sun are far less prominent than they were in the first few years of Trump’s term ( 2020 has been a bit of an exception as he has been a victim of circumstance rather than an initiator). Also during 2017-20  all significators suggested a country divided over the leader himself. 2021-24, on the other hand show the leader as less important. That doesn’t mean that the country stops being divided merely that the President is not the focal point any more.

Furthermore there is an interesting sign in December of 2023 almost as if there is shift in the leadership- could this be when a VP takes over – certainly with both current candidates this could happen. Such a change is not accompanied by any particularly hard aspects so one assumes it would be by agreement.

On balance, although not totally conclusive,  these future developments suggest the leader is more likely to be Biden than Trump. If it is Trump he will be less prominent in his second term.

Now let’s see if looking at their charts suggests the same or a different conclusion.

Candidates vs election

There is little to be gained from spending too much time on the underlying charts of the candidates – Trump has been President, Biden has been Vice President so potentials in the charts have already been fulfilled. It is more useful to look at the transits and progressions to these charts.

However reading these charts is not easy. Both have negatives and positives in relation to the charts of the election and the inauguration. Not entirely unexpected – it is a serious job and gaining it won’t be all sweetness and light. So what are we looking for?

In the election (actually post election day) chart I think it is the mood we need to look at, the Moon and Mars in particular as well as Jupiter for success. Yes the Sun and Saturn will be important when the individual assumes office but when you’ve just found out you’ve won you are probably back at the basic instincts of victory and feeling good. We should also look at the chart angles.

When it comes to Mars we can see some differences. Biden’s Mars is at 12 Scorpio and his progressed at 7 Capricorn. Uranus is trine his progressed Mars  and the Sun is conjunct his natal Mars. Both are positive indicators. There is also an interesting “ double whammy” with transiting Mars trine his progressed Sun.

In Trump’s chart we actually see a moderate opposition of transiting Mars to his progressed Mars. We also see that the major Capricorn conjunction and specifically Saturn is quincunx his natal Mars.  This isn’t entirely bad as his natal Mars is very strong and both transiting Mercury and the Moon are moderately supportive too. But on balance it seems the competitive planet favours Biden.

So, next, what about their Moons?

Trump’s moon is opposite his Sun Uranus NN and sextile his Jupiter, progressed Venus and progressed Mercury. Immediately after the election we see that the transiting Moon opposes his Moon picking up all those planets. On balance this seems positive for him. His progressed Moon , however, is approaching a square to this configuration and more seriously is closely opposed by Neptune. That may well presage disappointment .

Biden’s natal moon is at 0 degrees Taurus and not heavily aspected in his chart. His progressed Moon, however, will be conjoined with his progressed Venus square his Saturn and quincunx his Pluto as well as sexile his progressed Mars. Transits on the day make little connection with his natal Moon but Uranus will sexile his progressed Moon/Venus though this does also mean a square with Pluto. While not universally positive there is also a lack of that nasty Neptune.

However it should be noted that Neptune is doing a long transit to Biden’s IC not usually  a sign of career success at all but this may just be an indicator of the campaign to discredit him through his family ( Hunter).

Finally Jupiter, which  turns out not to be so helpful. Biden has Jupiter at 25 degrees of the cardinal signs and progressed Jupiter at 16. Trump has Jupiter at 17 of the cardinal signs and progressed Jupiter at 24. Little to separate them then though Trump’s Jupiter is favourably aspected by the transiting Moon while Biden’s is not. We know Trump is lucky so maybe this could swing it his way.

So to be honest adding up all the pros and cons it is difficult to call the result based on these charts alone.

Another matter to look at is Mercury changing direction on the election day. It is retrograde and turning direct in 2020 as it was in 2000 when the famous recount happened. But in 2000 what made it extra interesting was that by the end of the day after the election Mercury had already changed signs and moved in Scorpio. In 2020 it will be changing direction at 26 degrees of Libra and will not reach Scorpio until 10th November, a whole week later. It’s the same but different! ( In 2012 it was turning retrograde instead and did not change signs until 14th November and is thus a bit of a red herring).

It may be that a result is called then overridden or that there is a delay in determining the winner. If so I’d guess that Trump thinks he’s won and then in the final reckoning it turns out he’s marginally lost.

Candidates vs inauguration

But perhaps the inauguration can help us. This time we are not looking for winning or emotion but for power, identity and communication; so the Sun , Mercury and perhaps Saturn (given that Jupiter is not a useful differentiator). Obviously the outer planets will be in similar positions to November so we ned to focus a little more on the inner ones.

Let’s first talk a little about the inauguration chart itself. All such charts have the Sun at 0 Aquarius on the MC, but this one has the Sun conjunct Jupiter and Saturn.  And Pluto dangerously close to that MC. A nasty little Uranus Mars Moon conjunction hides in the wings behind the Ascendant as well.  To say this is setting up for a challenging Presidency is an understatement. I don’t think there is an astrologer around that disagrees on this point. The event itself may be challenging too though if the Covid situation continues it may well be held on-line which would certainly cover the novel sun conjunction.

So the first thing we see in Trump’s chart is that there is a trine between the inauguration chart mc/Pluto and his MC. Obviously this has already played out in the previous inauguration but it is a positive indicator. However his natal Sun and Moon do not make such a good aspect and this is accentuated by a square from his progressed Moon.

We also see that the inauguration Moon is trine his Ascendant.  That’s a big plus.Or it would be if it wasn’t also opposite his progressed Ascendant. And the latter is key. It has moved into Scorpio. His circumstances are changing. A fact reinterated by a North nodal return on his Uranus. This does not suggest things will carry on as they have before.

We also note that Mercury opposes his progressed Mercury  but his natal Mercury is positively aspected by the Mars Uranus configuration, as is his progressed Sun. More changes?

Certainly if Trump is being inaugurated it is a very different presidency.

Of course, Biden’s chart for the inauguration is equally complex. First we see that the Pluto MC is conjunct his progressed Mercury and opposite his Jupiter as well as sextile his Sun and Mercury. Added to which the inauguration Mercury is conjunct his progressed Sun. It almost sounds as if he could be making a speech.

But of course it isn’t so simple with the Mercury and progressed Sun also being quincunx his MC ( which we know is opposed by Neptune at the moment). And just for good measure the Node is square that MC.

On the other hand we see that the Mars Uranus conjunction is trine his progressed Mars and sextile his progressed Venus and Moon. And the transiting Moon ( which is square the sun – definitely representing the President in this chart) is conjunct his Moon. Yet all that could just mean he embodies the people who aren’t supporting the president.  It is a conundrum!

 Parties vs election

So can the charts of the Parties tell us anything more concrete? I am treating them with some scepticism as although there are foundation dates they are untimed and only partly represent the real origins of the two parties.

Nevertheless they both include significant synastry with midday 20 Jan charts so I think we can use them. This time I will stick to the post election chart, so it’s back to our friends Mars, Moon and Jupiter.

One of the first things to note is that the Republican party have a Jupiter return[i]. Almost everyone will tell you how great Jupiter retuens are (though I’m popping my cynicism cap on ) but the reality is that there was also a Jupiter return in 2008 and 1996. Add in a dash of Pluto and Saturn transit and we can’t rely on that one to pay dividends this year either.

When we look at the Moon however things are a lot better. Mars at election time is stationed trine the Republican moon and forming a grand trine with its progressed Venus as well as a sextile to its progressed Saturn. This definitely suggests the mood of a win.

But we’d expect this to be backed up by nice transit to the Republican Mars and instead there are none. Perhaps the mood is not a win but a common feeling of anger?  Interesting that it will be activated on inauguration day…

What about the Democrats? The triple conjunction of Pluto Saturn and Jupiter picks up this chart in a big way. It is conjunct the Democratic Uranus, opposite both Progressed Saturn and progressed Sun and square the progressed Moon a well as approaching a trine to the Moon. It is a key year; what’s news?. The square to the progressed Moon is not a particularly good sign but the rest does not have to be negative ( bearing in mind that by progression the Sun is trine the natal Moon). So it’s a mixed picture. Dramatic but mixed.

Turning to the Democratic Mars we see that the transiting sun is conjunct the Mars Jupiter conjunction sextile Neptune and trine Saturn. That looks promising until you realise that it will be to some extent every election. And this time we see transiting Mars square Neptune and Saturn. It’s another mixed bag.

This time the Sun in the charts may also be important as it represents the leader.  But in the Democratic chart it is mixed and in the Republican it is mildly positive but not especially noteworthy.

No one single one of these charts is conclusive.

So we can conclude it is close – but we know that really. We also know that it is possible to win the popular vote but not the Presidency and that it is possible that recounts may be required.

So based on all the analysis it doesn’t look like there is a clear winner on 3rd/4th but that Trump at least probably thinks he winning. I expect it goes down to the last counts and Biden just pips it on the basis of the inauguration chart comparison and the US chart which both suggest that we will have a different kind of Presidency and that Trump’s situation is going to change.

But I wouldn’t put money on this either way.

[i] [i] I also note in a slight digression that the party have recently had a Neptune return and are now approaching a Uranus return as well. Regardless of the outcome of this election the Republican party are actually going through a period of fundamental change and while to date it might have been relatively gentle it is likely they need to find their direction again and the next few years might see some of the biggest disruptions.

