Evolution by crises: Good or Bad?


Evolution by crises: Good or Bad?

With the dramatic events of 2020 at the forefront of all our minds, it is a good time to reflect on what critical changes like this mean, both in the astrological sense and in practical ways.

I’ve talked before about other astrologers who are more positive and optimistic than I am. Indeed I heard a few of them speak at a conference in Baltimore only a year ago. While all agreed that 2020 would be a dramatic year, many of them saw opportunity and, in some cases, hearts and flowers.  You can imagine what I thought of that!

Often in these situations the more spiritual among astrologers see change as a potential for the raising of consciousness, for overcoming societal conflict and resolving the long standing problems of the human race. It is a beautiful  vision but it rarely manifests so simply.  Indeed, if it did, humanity would have, long ago, ascended to another plane as 21st century western thought does not have a monopoly on transformative awareness

But I am far too cynical and my negative assessments are no more a valid response than is an expectation of imminent world peace.

We definitely have in 2020 a potential crisis point astrologically ( the Pluto Saturn Jupiter conjunction)  and the outcome of crises may indeed be positive in some cases so why is everything not coming up roses as some suggested it might?

Well, first,  the optimists are not wrong; they are merely underestimating the length of the journey  which groups or nations must travel as before they can start to overcome the darkness as well as the fact that we are all, whether nation, person or planet , at a different point in our travels.

There isn’t just one cycle operating. There are multitudes of interconnecting ones. Each nation, each economic sector taps into a different one. Indeed that is the very premise of astrology as each individual or nation or organisation has its cycles encapsulated in their birth-chart.

At the beginning of the pandemic, here in the UK,  the news was full of all the sacrifices being made by people for each other, all the little kindnesses and the devotion to duty. But soon it became apparent that for every individual who was selfless there was one who was completely and entirely selfish: breaking the rules, littering ( and worse) all over the place, abusing those trying to do their jobs and defrauding both individuals and the taxpayer.  Worse has been the situation in countries where the response to the virus has been overly politicised.

Clearly though there are many who are indeed on a path towards enlightenment there are at least as many for whom 2020 is the year that their worst traits are magnified.

Secondly, despite the fact that all the news is full of the negatives, there are also beneficiaries – both in the short and long terms-and in both the spiritual and the practical realms.  Things are bad but some people are reaping dividends. We just hear less of the stories that confirm the optimists’ perspective and more of the ones that reinforce my cynicism.

Finally, there is the reality is that for individuals the universe is not a closed system . While the astrological cycles continue unchecked,  for each of us a cycle’s key point is also the deciding crisis from which some will not recover  The camel doesn’t survive the last straw- his back is irretrievably broken, Humpty Dumpty can’t be put back together again.  We don’t get back to the point we started. In economic development we don’t unlearn the control of fire or benefits of the wheel and we don’t return to the use of horse and cart after discovering the combustion engine.

Some sadly have died from coronavirus, some businesses will never recover. For these individuals there are no happy endings even though, as a whole, the world may indeed become more enlightened.


Economic trends and the coronavirus

While some economic and political cycles will indeed reach a critical point in 2020 or in 2021, many have still a long way to go and some are in their infancy. Covid, representing the 2020 conjunction,  has accentuated some of these.

Governments don’t have any skin in the long term trend game – as long as they can keep things sufficiently in check through a few years of their power to enable them to be returned to office they don’t care what troubles are being stored up for the future.  So nothing changes until an external event creates the necessary crisis.

For three decades now ( since the Uranus/Neptune/Saturn conjunction of the early 1990s) technology has been changing the face of or society. At first it was just how we communicated but since the advent of Amazon and its ilk we have seen radical changes to the way we purchase  retail products. There has been a gradual shift away from the high street and the malls. Obviously the technology companies have revelled in this while local and national governments have worried about the impact on jobs, taxes and property markets. Policy changes have been minimal tinkering.

But anyone who thought that 2020 might lead to a switch back to high street stores has been in for a disappointment. Covid has brought about the opposite. In the UK at least, high streets have been emptied, retail and hospitality chains have gone into liquidation and a whole new bunch of customers have discovered the benefits of on-line grocery shopping. While some of the changes will turn out to be temporary,  many are permanent.  The impact of this has not yet fully flowed through the economy and the impact on often highly indebted commercial property owners has hardly began. This will in turn have a knock-on effect on Local authorities relying on business rates to provide its services.

Similarly, due to falling hardware prices, telecommunications advances and internet connectivity   it has been possible for many years to conduct large chunks of most office jobs from almost anywhere with a good signal. But companies have resisted such changes to their control over their wage slaves

In this case Covid has not so much accelerated a trend but created a whole new way of living for many.  And once again we must ask what will be the long term impact on urban/office areas, property markets and local government  budgets.

On the other hand, so called “Technology” companies, already on upward trajectories for the last few decades, have generally benefitted from the 2020 crisis, but while I don’t see this trend reversing at a grass roots level, at a stock market level some of the valuations have become ludicrous. That cycle currently diverging from the others will meet its nemesis at some point too.  And once more I don’t see any attempt to mitigate the obvious downsides that will occur.

There is no going back to the way things were. New solutions must be found. Unfortunately governments will remain resistant to offering creative solutions to longer term economic change. In this case 2020 is merely sewing seeds for a future economic  crisis.

Furthermore ,the impact of the Coronavirus on economies across the world is well documented. Governments have had to reach up into their magic money trees to help businesses and individuals survive what are “unprecedented” times. This has accentuated the already questionably high debt position of many of those nations . There have been few countries that have been plunged into debt crises this year but it can only be a matter of time and the appropriate future points in global and national astrological cycles when the whole edifice collapses.


National pressures

As examples here we can consider Lebanon and Belarus

In Lebanon a single event ( the docklands explosion) had the potential to tip an already simmering situation into a new scenario. The government resigned and there was potential for a new administration and an international bailout, negotiated by the French, if certain conditions could be met. However the various factions in the country have not been able to come to agreement and the country continues its seeming inexorable decline. There is a chance to take the country down a new and possibly better path now but that isn’t happening-  what is for sure is that whatever the outcome it has already shifted to a very different trajectory.

Belarus is  another country where there is significant dissatisfaction with the leadership. However in this case the result so far has been the consolidation of power by the leadership with crackdowns on the protests.  It may be that the opposition will garner enough strength to overcome the government peacefully but it is more likely that life will get more difficult before it gets better – we may have to wait to the next crisis point in a cycle for things to change there.


Another country where the 2020 crisis conjunction is causing things to escalate but without any sign of resolution is the USA. We were already in a cycle of increasing polarisation of the right and left that dates back almost 3 decades and has led to increasing difficulty for administrations to pass even the most sensible of legislation.  But we are also dealing with much longer cycles -The Black Lives Matter protests are the culmination of the events and prejudices of  centuries rather than decades.

These protests, initiated for genuine reasons, have brought all sorts of other unrelated groups out of the woodwork. On the one hand extreme, in some cases white supremacist,  Right Wing groups, and on the other some so called supporters of the Antifa movement who seem closer again to anarchy ( extreme libertarianism) than the left wing socialism the name suggests.  Whether you agree with some of the more extreme examples or not, they are a product of previous cycles and formed in response to previous smaller crises.  They are a product of the incremental development and governance of the nation that is the USA.

 So in the US we have a moderate amount of disparate  civil unrest at the moment. Civil unrest may be a way of the people making their voices heard but it can also be a whisker away from civil war.

Astrologically, though with certain provisos[i], I think we are close to a tipping point in the USA that will manifest in the next few years as Pluto returns to its position at the time of Independence. This will inevitably have an economic and market impact as well and because of the vulnerability created by high debt levels perhaps then undermine the historic financial strength of the dollar. We will look at this in more depth in a future post.


Climate change, resource usage and environmental threats

A much bigger crisis lies in the wings and has taken a bit of a back seat in 2020. There was even a brief point during the coronavirus shutdowns where satellite images showed reduced pollution.  However that has been more than offset by increased plastic use as part of virus protection.

We’ve seen also the impact on oil prices and briefly some commodities.

On the other hand there is little attention paid to the rare elements that are being used up in some sectors.

Overall we have not really even begun to address  the complex economic and political questions of this area

But I don’t believe that 2020 is the year of crisis for this area. Yet it is clear from the attitudes of both leadership and people that crises will inevitably follow at some time in the future. I am not sure we can avoid them but I will still spend time, at some point, considering the astrology of when exactly those crises might occur.


And the last word goes to Covid

Something to think about here. The Jupiter /Saturn/Pluto conjunction has brought  something we think is our worst nightmare. But in fact, although it is very contagious, it is rather mild for many people.

Look around you now at this crisis point and see how everyone is behaving. Are they taking it seriously, or are they blasé?  For this may be the only such test that the universe will throw us, on the other hand it may just be a trial run for a greater test in the next decade or so. It is already possible to see who would resist any impositions in a future pandemic and thus who may or may not survive.

The crises will keep coming and we must adapt to survive- we must never just accept that we will be fine if we do the same as we did last time.

A crisis may be final but as the optimists home, it may just be a time when we realise the error of our ways and at least start to amend our behaviour so that at the next point in the cycle we may be better fit to deal with whatever is thrown our way.

