Review April 2018- October 2018

Review at 31 October 2018 ( Warning - LONG POST)
The picture this time is of me, accidentally embodying the Zoroastrian god. Don't ever ignore the signs or underestimate the universe

Clearly some months have elapsed since my last post. Once again life has been hectic and I apologise. In any case it does give me the chance to review a larger chunk and to comment on some of the more recent interesting events, Saudi, Iran, Brazil’s government and Italy’s  economic strategy are the ones that spring to mind.
Although it is difficult to assess the remark about long term (30yr) changes in April  the inflationary pressure prediction was confirmed due to the oil/energy price increases.
I said that June through to August would be a time when there is opposition to the leadership and that there would be some very challenging undercurrents. There was certainly opposition to the prime minister though there was perhaps less impact from the people than I would have expected.
My overall forecast was for some progress but being bogged down in details which well sums up the Brexit situation.
Pretty accurate overall
May was as forecast mixed.  June to August were predicted to be are more eventful and a difficult one for Sterling investors and sure enough against the Euro and dollar for example the currency declined throughout this period.
However I expected that  September and October  would be challenging the value of the currency, but in fact the currency made some recovery at this time though this was more a reflection of challenges elsewhere than benefits to Sterling. There was the expected volatility though.
Forecast Ok but not as good as I would have hoped
I forecast increased values in April, which was the case,  but a less clear period to July with focus on constituents and little trend,  again correct
I said in August to October things are more challenging. While there is no sign of noticeable falls, there will be problems and this has been the case though my forecast of tech issues has been realised more in terms of tech valuations that known incidents.
Pretty accurate again.
I did less well with the Euro, there was less pressure on its foundations than I expected in the period meaning although the values were maintained in the summer there was less pressure and as a result more decline in the early autumn than I expected, though overall we are talking small movements anyway.
Mediocre forecast
I thought that March and April would see country and leadership aligned but although Macron’s support remained higher than previous incumbents  it was declining from the high of 62 percent in May 2017 to 44%.
I thought the greatest theme over the summer would be the beginnings of changes that represent the end of a long cycle. Certainly there were issues In relation to the European budget and it is too early to confirm whether I am correct that this is part of a longer term issue.
Average – better than chance but too early to tell on the wider stuff
I expected March to May to be  more mixed but there would be questions where the country is heading.
I saw  real dissatisfaction, but I attributed this mainly to debt or banking matters and it seems the issues are more complex. Accoriding to Bloomberg (2 October) globalization and changing technology are threatening to bring deep structural changes to the tradition-bound country, where not everybody has benefited equally from the upswing, and an influx of refugees in 2015 flushed nationalist sentiment into the open
I also saw October as not significant although unsettling, perhaps missing Mrs Merkels longer term decision, although understandable as there is no actual change yet.
Ok. Again longer terms stuff is difficult to assess
I saw background positive sentiment in Spain through to June and  indeed  economically things were better and the Catalan issue receded further for the time being.
I expected  a tricky time for the leadership- and sure enough there was a vote of no confidence in May.
I thought that the longer term economic outlook might be questionable though and there were signs that the recent rapid growth might be peaking.
Pretty good.
I said in my forecast that April and May would see the beginning of a new very long term phase ( decades) and the Guardian said in May
The result: two lost economic decades in which living standards have stagnated, which is why Italy ... was prevented from recapitalising its banking system, and the Italian economy stagnated for a decade.
I also said that the two months themselves would be quite difficult, and one of the most confrontational times of the 4 year period. Right on schedule there was a new political crisis ending with a new government.  And of course there were the expected strikes.
I thought that although the country would remain edgy, things would calm down a lot by June and July and this was the case and as a result I was right that August and September would be better.
I said that in October and November there would be a real effort to make economic changes and the chances of success are better. There have been clashes with the EU and even though things have calmed down a bit Italy is in danger of going down the  spend (in contravention of the rules) and be damned route. So the short term may look betterbut the medium term and longer term look like they could be one of the 2019-20 problem triggers
 A good forecast. Italy rarely disappoints!
I was right about more protests in April May. Though they seem to have been more peaceful than I might have expected.
I though that July to September would  just  see  a continuation of the themes of the year.
Unsurprisingly, I was right that there would be a lot of concern about long term recessionary conditions but the end of the bailout in August was otherwise quite uneventful. I still have to wonder what is going on behind the scenes financially.
I thought that by the end of the 3 months to September there may be renewed enthusiasm at government level and to some extent that is so. However let’s see what the next months bring.
Reasonable forecast but not great.
I correctly expected the period to April to be positive.
But I did say that May to July could see some dissatisfaction amongst the population  but this really wasn’t noticeable.
I thought that there would be some surprising economic shifts later in the period and the growth forecasts were recently  doubled.
OK but nothing special. Always difficult to forecast not a lot happening,
As usual I forecast little worth mentioning for Switzerland and it continued to pootle along albeit more moderately in the latter few months.
Average prediction
Overall I predicted a moderately positive period for Iceland too with little really to say.
And in fact  After a period of robust growth, Iceland's economy is slowing down according to an economic outlook for the years 2018” but all is ok.
Average again
I expected April   through Juneto be somewhat  more harmonious  but some of the challenges of September/October 2017 ( typo in original said 2016) to  return. There were issues relating to the ongoing investigation and a resurgence of issues re Syria/ME but nothing too great. There was alos opposition to the separation of immigrant children in late June, but overall a less difficult time.
I expected July to see little change to this but some evidence of financial discipline. This was when tariffs on China came into effect.
I thought August would be a rather an odd month. I said “while there are no changes to the themes of the preceding months, there is a sign of a short sharp challenging event. Is this an internal dispute, or attack, or is the US the initiator?  I’d almost be inclined to suggest the latter as other conditions are more benign. In fact the US re-imposed sanctions on Iran, removed security clearance from a previous CIA director and two Trump allies ( Cohen and Manafort) were guilty of financial crimes. But the overall climate in the country did remain calm.
For October and November I had a  sense of underlying disruption. I though the conditions might be financial in nature – trouble servicing the debt? In fact they have been mainly violence related not to mention the hurricane in Florida or the awkward Saudi situation. And tomorrow is the mid-term elections.
This did however obscure the fact that the deficit rose 17% to the highest level since 2012 so I was right, I merely got my news priorities wrong!
Moderate- nothing wrong but could have pinpointed things better 
I thought that April would see the  dollar at best as depressed and so it proved – the period around March and April being a bottom in the index.
However I thought that June to August would see more leadership challenges and even less faith in the core value of the currency.  In fact the dollar made some recovery in this period. However we must remember that this was after a rate rise in May. Maybe I wasn’t so far off the mark.
For September I said there wasn’t much change  “ a lot of policy work going on, adjusting interest rates, trying to reassure investors etc.” and lo and behold we had another interest rate rise. And as I said “to some extent it seems to be working”
But I expected more difficulties in October yet despite the deficit there have been no shocks to the dollar index. On the other hand the markets have shifted and gold risen so there is something happening.
Difficult to assess forecast : maybe better than a first seems the case.
I thought there would be a switch of mood  over the summer. And while I didn’t suggest selling I thought that it just felt like the market would lose its way a little over the summer. This was a good assessment, although values continued up there were increasing doubts.
However I thought that the period to September could see some falls and that wasn’t the case. Though it did top out by September.
I thought that October would also see falls though and this time I was right with a 5% drop over the month.
Moderately ok forecast
I forecast a return  to glitch and switch ( in index components) territory in March to May. I said “There is  quite a challenging situation which might lead to suspension or restriction of trading briefly. But it doesn’t last long as we see a return to optimism quickly.” On 25th April  The New York Stock Exchange suspended trading in the shares of five Nasdaq-listed companies including Google-parent Alphabet and Amazon due to a what it referred to as "a price scale code' issue. Possibly as a result of a tech upgrade.
I love it when a forecast comes together!
I predicted  a mixed bag in June through August. Perhaps because of the time of year, there does not seem to be any particular direction then. In fact the index did rise a bit but given previous momentum this was a good call.
However I didn’t get October right as although I could see difficulties with the image of the market I thought that public confidence would remain high and there would be rises. In retrospect I may have been right in terms of what is happening- professional investors leaving while public buy but I can’t deny that I got the overall value trend wrong.
Doing great then fell at last hurdle!
Perhaps it was too extreme to state that there might be divergence between people and leadership – this is Canada after all- but there was certainly less enthusiasm for the leader. However more noticeable is the reduced affinity with the US and how that may create divergence within the country. The trade issues with US are particularly concerning…
The period was definitely a turning point in housing ( and thus debt etc) and the prices stagnated.
June and July, although seeing a cooled economy, was better than expected  in line with the more relaxed mood predicted.
I thought that September and October would see the people somewhat unsettled and perhaps feeling deceived in some way. There could be adjustments to communications and to rates.  Financial issues would continue to raise budget questions but not to be too challenging.
It seems that issues relating to energy/carbon taxes  are dominating and causing problems for the leadership as well as matters relating to banking data. Things are no so rosy, but neither are they too serious.
Ok – but details weren’t specific enough
I thought March to May likely to be  a particularly good time for the leadership. There would  still be a significant amount of optimism and drive. Certainly the economy continued to growth and the government won by elections etc.  
I also said that- floods may also characterise this period and in March a state of disaster was declared in Queeenland due to flooding  then in May there were also heavy rains in Tasmania
Despite the general strength of the government I commented that “Changes within parties may also alter the emphasis within government.”  The timing was a little later than I expected with the split in August rather than June but the prediction remains valid as it identified what is quiet an unusual political situation .
I correctly thought that June to August would  still see much that looks positive depite issues relating to extraction ( the mining sector continued to be in a trough)  and the countries identity continuing  ( racial issues continued to be more of an issue)as well as the continued support for the government ( generally yes, despite the change at the top).
I thought that September and October would see the people of the country take centre stage. In fact there is increasing pessimism about the end of the long economic  growth trend. The feeling is that it is the disruptions within government that are making the future direction uncertain.
 Forecast overall quite good but not as much focus on the people as I expected.

South Africa
I thought March to May would be a better time in most respects for both the people and the government because adjustments within the leadership to improve the foundations of the country.  And of course the change in head in February made this correct.
I thought June to August would continue the trends. However I thought that the economic indicators would improve. However GDP declined  and the unemployment rate has risen noticeably throughout the year.
I thought that September and October would be similar but the leadership have renewed dynamism to harness change in the economy. To some extent this is the case as the problems are being discussed but whether this will lead to anything positive remains a moot point.
Forecast  average- a bit better than change but not much.

The economy in March to May appeared broadly to be ok though later growth was revised down in line with the confusions that I suggested.
But more significantly I noted the likely impact of US policies and related restriction of people etc and in April there were refusals for migrants crossing which by June had become the US separation of families policy that was ultimately reversed.
I also said that there might be a brief spell of severe difficulty for the people, perhaps relating to the drug cartels or other threats ( no surprises). The whole of the first half of the year saw 1000s dying but this period was noticeable for the deaths of over 100 politicians in the run up to the election.
I thought that June to August would see a shift in emphasis for the people and the new president in July supports that.  I thought there may be upsets to industry and other economic activity and oil and industrial output fell.
I expected major turning points at the end of September but this is obviously one of those cases where we need longer to confirm that such points have occurred.
Good predictions re US border, average re economy
I thought March to May would be better value wise. As uncertainty was lifted for a while. This proved true for all but the end of May ( so within bounds of forecast accuracy)
However I though that June to August may be one of the better times with a small upturn in value. But the currency actually fell prior the election. It did however recover after the election through into August, so only the exact timing was out.
However as I expected September and October, saw the old conditions resurfacing, with the currency falling especially in October.
Good but timing could have been more precise.

I thought that March to May would see the issue of leadership corruption and weakness return- and in fact there was much talk as Lula planned to stand for election again and there was much dissatisfaction with the acting president.
I also didn’t see much progress economically even if there was the odd snippet of positive news. The economy was ambling along after showing its best performance for a few years but by end of June forecasts had been revised down again.
I thought that September and October looked tricky again for the leadership –and Lula was banned from standing in the election..  I thought that there was no clear indicator of change and  that likely the president will continue but perhaps weakened further. But Temer the acting president was not standing so some change was inevitable and there was a decided shift the right.
However I did see  evidence of  economic measures improving  but this seems probably to have been optimism about the new leadership rather than anything concrete. We shall see.
Forecast ok, but not great
I though March to May Real values were mixed and difficult to assess. The currency weakened slightly but not significantly over the period. However there were few of the short term swings I expected.
I expected June to August to be more extreme with some shocks and likely a key longer term reversal. There was certainly more volatility especially in August and with a sharp fall at one point.
But in September and October I thought it likely that positive expectation will overcome much of the negativity. There was a significant reversal of the August fall and late October saw the best position since April although still on the downward trend line as I expected.
 Pretty good prediction.

March to May was as expected a critical time. The election was held but under as many clouds as I expected. As anticipated there were some dodgy tactics including arrests which led some opponents not to mention vast amounts of the international community to reject the result. However Maduro was re-elected.
It is not surprising then that I saw the following period as a continuation and a tug of war between two possible directions of leadership.  I did think there may be some short term good news economically, although in reality this turned out to be just the new plan giving a brief hiatus to the continued financial problems.
I also, unsurprisingly, correctly expected September and October to be more of the same
I predicted that March to May would see the Bolivar downward trend continuing but that there may be some surprises. And this was true, as the currency declined Maduro announced plans to create a new one.
I saw this becoming concrete in June to august with a fundamental change to the currency. This happened.
While I said that September and October would show hints of the future, the picture is still emerging and we will know more by end of year.
Another good forecast – few marks for continued devaluations but lots for the timing of the changes
I expected March to May to be relatively positive for the leadership and economic news and this was the OECD report at May
The gradual reduction of the high fiscal deficit is being accelerated to restore confidence. Recent structural reforms, such as a tax and capital market reforms, a new competition law, improvements in administrative procedures and lower trade barriers in selected sectors are welcome steps to strengthen inclusive growth. Further reforms to foster the integration into the global economy, enhance competition and improve access to quality education could build on this progress.
However I suspected there would be difficulties too.
I expected currency effects in June to August ( and referred the reader to the Peso forecast), this proved to be totally on the money.
I then highlighted  September and October as key turning points  with fast changes and so it seems to have been proved.
 Another good one
I went for significant inflationary tendencies for March to May and this turned out to be spot on.
I said that June to august would likely be the most fundamental period of the 4 years for the currency. By the end of August the Peso had dropped to a record law.
I thought September and October are similar though somewhat moderated and there may be interest rate adaptations and debt ( funds flows).  This was an understatement as rates rose to 60% to attract investment. This appeared to work in stabilising the Peso as I anticipated but it remains to be seen what this will do in the longer term.
Excellent forecast.
I expected May to July to herald a change of pace and although growth stats remain strong there was sign of less aggressive growth.
I said that some economic shocks  ( possibly external) may manifest perfectly timing the US tariff announcement.
I also expected some misinformation about or deception by the leadership, and a risk of problems spilling into aggression albeit mild- “aggression” was the term actually used for China’s activities in the South China Sea at this time
My forecast for August and September was to continue the theme of May to July, with “ the economic issues and perhaps the balance with the US needing attention”  the tariff situation escalated. A further tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods went into effect on September 24,[5] to which China responded with tariffs on $60 billion of US goods.
October I thought would see a “key turning point” and on the one hand stats  showed an economy weakening much faster than expected, on the other  relations with Japan saw a shift actually described as a “historic turning point”. Don’t you just love this stuff!
An excellent forecast

I expected little action in the value of the currency March to May and sure enough it was more or less unchanged.
I said that from June to September we’d be back to more challenging conditions, which would not be good for the currency. And again right on target it fell.
It is too early to say whether the last quarter will play out on target too.
Another good one
Shanghai Comp
I thought April to June could see a risk of a significant undermining of value. There was certainly a downward trend most noticeably in June.
An although the trend did continue I was right that July to September would be calmer. There was the stabilisation in that period I predicted..
Again it is too soon to know whether the final months will turn out as expected but trading volumes have risen as I suggested.
Pretty much a China full house prediction wise this time
For March and April I predicted a lack of direction and speculative actions. The currency traded in range.
I thought May to July would bring real instability and concern about the peg. Actually the currency continued to trade in range.
But I also said the situation would be critical around August and September but faith would hold things together. And that the Hong Kong dollar would be on the move as pressure mounts on local interest rates
On 20th September the HK dollar hit its highest level since late February
* Traders see spike rooted in expected Fed, and local rate hikes soon
* HKMA said HKD, money markets are operating in an orderly manner
Another well timed forecast overall
Hang Seng
I said that April to June would  see the beginning of a new long term phase for the index and   initially this would seem broadly positive,. The index  stabilised and even had some upside until the last half of June.
July to September  was a very mild period though the values fell rather than rose it indeed wasn’t  dramatic.
I said that October to December could see a return to the frantic pace of late 2017 and  there is much more momentum ( down) in October. We’ll see what happens in the next 2 months.
Forecast: Good, though not as good as China
Japan had a decline in GDP in the early part of 2018, this is not due to the issues that dog other countries but to the declining and ageing population.
So yes there are financial concerns and yes they are interesting times I have not found specific evidence to support my prediction that May and June would see the disconnect between the people and leaders continuing though. Though it has been true that relations with other nations dominated.
“The growth rate, for the second quarter  was well ahead of the country’s long-run trend, and suggests the Japanese economy is still in a phase of sustained economic expansion despite deepening labour shortages and the threat of a global trade war.”
Again I have not found specific evidence that July to September sees the people shift to being more dynamic and trying to address the structural concerns.
But I was right that there were  ongoing budgetary adjustments and attempts to create a shift in structural issues.
the Bank of Japan recently downgraded inflation and economic growth forecasts through fiscal 2020, putting its 2 percent inflation target well out of reach for the foreseeable future.
OK forecast. Another case where we are looking at long term trends in a short timescale so difficult to assess.
As expected March and April were more or less flat value wise.
Although there was a blip in late May as suggested I am not convinced it merits a confirmation of my prediction . The period May to July was indeed mainly stable however.
August to October was indeed similar to March and April but there was no noticeable increase in value at the end of October. The challenges for the central bank were real but there was no rate change in October.
Forecast marginally better than chance but not great.
I was right about the positive trend from March to May and there was volatility. Whilst there were no technical glitches as such there were issues around cryptos.
However June to august did not see big gains in values. Rather it was late September early October that showed the bigger gains albeit short lived. Nevertheless my overall broader prediction for the year, that there would be continued support for the index value even if there are no trend gains has proved right.
Moderately ok. Good on wider picture, poor on the detail
Economically things were reasonably positive in the period  March to May , but politically my forecast was for a shift in the mood ( of inertia). The people are energised and although this is broadly positive it could give rise to some pressure to change faster. There is concern that things are drifting.  Then I said June to August would continue this and it would not be all plain sailing with continued failure to manage dissident factions and issues relating to development.
In actuality this is From “The Conversation” on July 9th
In Indonesia today, reform has stagnated. …….As well as the hardliners, today these include enormously wealthy oligarchs, tenacious survivors of former dictator Suharto’s regime and elements of the armed forces. These disparate forces that together form Indonesia’s revisionist and populist right have little in common and often compete with one another. However, they also create expedient alliances from time to time, motivated by a common desire to roll back at least some of the democratic system initiated by Reformasi, the reform era. Together they can sometimes intimidate or outflank progressive civil-society leaders. Governments, local and national, seem uncertain about how to respond to these challenges, and vacillate between inaction, opaqueness or endorsement of reactionary policies. As a result, 20 years on from Reformasi, the spirit of reform that drove democratisation seems distant.
Although I stated that September and October would be much calmer months, there was clearly a tsunami that has a significant impact. Economically though things were more positive than expected.
Although I missed some events my overall themes are good
I said that March to May there would be confusions about direction and the uncertain environment will probably keep values in check. The currency was basically flat in this period.
I also said that there was a chance of inflationary conditions which would lead to significant management by the government and there was   a noticeable rise in interest rates.
I said that july and August are similar in tone. With small interest rate changes and this proved the case. I struggled to read the resulting value trend but was sure that there would be one and there was a noticeable decline in the currency’s value.
I correctly forecast more interest changes for September/October  but though that the mood may be more positive. The currency has flattened.
In some ways a good forecast but lacking some important information on direction. Could have made some nice bets on interest rate changes though..
S Korea
I expected a more tricky time than all of the previous year in many respects.
South Korean exports declined in April for the first time in 18 months I said that March to May could  the country entering a new phase which might be unsettled and the leadership may be ( perceived as) weak. I expected this to continue through the period to October with a focus on budgets and resources..
I thought there may be issues regarding NK or other countries by August - October
These are recent quotes which confirm the analysis
Public support for South Korean President Moon Jae-in has plummeted. Peaking at 83 per cent following his agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to end the Korean War, his approval rating has crashed to 49 per cent — the lowest since he took office. The biggest reason for this drop is South Korea’s weakest job growth in nearly nine years:
South Korea has announced a fresh set of measures to boost economic growth and create jobs by offering financial support for smaller companies and a fuel tax cut to spur consumption. The administration comes under growing pressure to revitalise a stalled economy and weak jobs market. South Korea’s export-driven economy is threatened by the worsening trade war between the Washington and Beijing as well as China’s slowing economic growth.
 Consumption has been held back by high household debt.
 Forecast – very good , important to see the change in overall sentiment
N Korea
 I expected March to May to be a period of change. However I thought that might be a worry for other nations when in fact the attitude of the leadership was much more open to negotiation.
It is difficult to tell whether I was right that the leadership might be perceived as weak, it is possible that internally that was so, externally it certainly seemed as if he was more accommodating. And obviously everyone was asking if it was for real?! 
I also said that there was evidence of big developments, changes to strengthen the economic position. I did not expect the various summits ( South Korea, China, and US on June 12th) that occurred but they presumably have made economic trade easier. 
I did say the grandstanding would be likely to continue and there was a point when he said he would call the whole thing off!
As a result it is true that September and October were more positive months and N Korea was pretty much out of the news.
Pretty good overall, but missed the crucial co-operation.
I thought that March to May would see things improve slightly with a change of mood generally leads to more support for the leadership, although there are still pockets of objection or protest, which was demonstrated by this article
Modi has completed four years in office but there is widespread disappointment among the Indian people with his performance as their prime minister. There is a strong perception that Modi spent most of the last four years either in state election campaigns, on foreign tours, or giving scores of moral lectures on state-run television, radio, and his own online app.
The economy grew well in the quarter to June  but a survey found about seven per cent decline in the percentage of people expressing satisfaction with the Modi government over past two years, but that a majority supported.
I forecast that In June to September despite a feeling of stagnation within policy and economic circles, there would be enough structure and budget to maintain stability and economically the country did continue to grow and Modicare was launched. But I also said September would sees some outbursts though and in New Delhi Sept 5 Thousands of farmers and labourers protested against what they called the anti-people policies
Pretty good overall. Even  some correct details. If anything forecast could have clearly separated economy more.

I expected the currency to be undermined somewhat in March to May but the decline was less than I expected.
It is difficult to assess the longer term turning point mentioned at this stage.
I said the situation would be more moderate in June to September, and this time the picture was in line with my expectations but there was no rise in the value of the currency.
October  has seen more of the volatility I expected but perhaps less of the wider trend.
A mediocre forecast – not much better than chance

I predicted the trend on the earlier months would  reverse in March to May and this was so. There was volatility as expected but again as expected  with not too much impact
However I said that June to September would see a trend dragging the index down. Investors may be a bit disillusioned now and  might even not respond to the good news. This was wrong at least for Jly and August. September did see another turning point however.
We will have to wait for December to see whether the last 3 months accord with my forecast.
Rubbish really. No point in nailing the turning points if the direction is wrong!!!
I predicted a long term shift in power as a result of the elections though I said it would not be radical. I also said that July to September  indicated that there is some sort of change as the people, as a whole,  become more cooperative and prepared to adopt government initiatives. With the new government ( certainly a change in long term patterns but probably not radical at least at first) and a corresponding change of mood.
I also said that there was still the ongoing issue of international matters to contend with particularly in September. In fact it is the need to raise financial support which has been the prime international matter
Protests re changes in blasphemy laws may well prove November problematic as forecast too
Moderately good prediction.

I forecast that there is little evidence of focus on leadership change for the election and assumed there would be only marginal changes made. And of course this being Russia Putin carried on!
I also said that global financial/banking matters become more important and the period coincided with more sanctions. However economically the country continued to benefit from the oil price.
I forecast June to August as relatively calm and with this coinciding with the World Cup which went so much better than generally anticipated I get extra brownie points for this.
I said September and October continue this calm, although there may be some weeks where the events of 2017 are touched on (issues re Syria/Israel were reactivated as was the Skripal mater albeit an early 2018 one) . The economic benefits of oil were further harnessed in this period..
Overall – pretty good. On the basis of the good forecast for Russia and other resource countries I took out an oil contract in 2017. So pretty pleased all round on this one.
I said that March to May was a periods when anything can happen and expected large sudden movements in value. There was a rapid fall in the value of the currency in April. But I forecast an upturn
After the April event the currency remained relatively unchanged through to August. I has said June to August is more moderate in tone. There is too much uncertainty for investors and locals alike to create any great sense of direction. There is also less volatility than in the previous three months. I expect the picture to be relatively unchanged for this quiet period. At least that was right!
September to October I predicted another period of mixed outcomes and volatility. But the initial August breakout was a decline. However September did reverse this.
 Excellent on timing. Less good on direction.
I thought that March to May would see focus on the currency ( see Lira analysis) which was certainly true. I also predicted that June to August would be slightly more unstable, as events shake up the status quo somewhat, and the financial problems definitely had an impact by this time undermining the growth earlier in the year not to mention economic and political spats with the US . I didn’t notice that there were elections in June but then I am not sure anyone did as there was no change at the top. In fact I said on balance things still seem rather positive for both the people and the government. The latter is definitely true but less so the former.
 I predicted September and October really just see a continuation of the previous 3 months, perhaps with slightly more expectation. Of course Turkey have been caught up with the Saudi thing but it isn’t really a matter for the Turkish people only the government so wouldn’t show up much in this chart.
I also thought that wider events would have a knock on effect on Turkey over the coming few years. We will see…
I totally nailed the negative mood on the Lira from March to May , the currency fell quite consistently. I particularly thought that the latter part of the period would be bad but that July and August would be less intense ( still negative). I was wrong about this the greatest falls were August.
However I was right when it came to September and October. And a reprieve where investors may well be encouraged to buy the currency. However I underestimated the size of these movements.
Overall a good forecast, though some details could have been better

The economic position was moderately improved  by March to May  confirming that it was less intense than some of the previous months ( e.g the earlier protests) but I still foresaw challenges and, encouraged by a concerted Israeli campaign, Trump started his drive to reverse the nuclear agreement.
I also said that around the summer there would be a change in the way the country communicates- changing from the short sharp comments which antagonise to longer speeches and this has indeed proved to be the case. I thought this period be a more even tempered phase and the economic conditions look rather mixed both of which were true.
And in September and October  I said that a gradual change to more measured communication would arise. This is probably true although as before we can’t judge longer term things yet.
I thought that in the shorter term however there may be some sudden big announcements which shake things up. And of course this was the time that Trump’s new sanctions and total withdrawal started to bite.
My final remark was rather odd but in retrospect rather perspicacious - I said that at the end of the period, there is some opportunity to make progress in developments or propaganda matters – which of course the Saudi situation has made possible ( although the highly suspect and likely set up Danish event to some extent negates that)
 Overall, petty pleasesd with this one.
I thought that March to May could see protests and more and that it was likely to be quite an unstable time for the people as a whole. Once again there may be a temptation to harness force to attack others.  There was the ongoing Palestinian situation of course and on 30 March 2018, a six-week campaign composed of a series of protests was launched at the Gaza Strip, but also direct combat between ( alleged Iranian) groups in Syria and significant retaliation by Israel.
However I said this may well create a bigger backlash than before and among other objections, Israel's use of deadly force was condemned on 13 June 2018 in a United Nations General Assembly resolution.
As I predicted June to August were mixed months, when the dissatisfaction did  continue but there was less actual confrontation.
I also said that there may be financial issues to contend with, though I’m not sure the arrest of the leader’s wife for fraud was what I expected. The head of the central bank also stepped down not convinced by government policy
I expected that things would be much the same in September and on  17 September, missile strikes that hit multiple targets in the Syrian government-controlled western Syria were conducted by the Israeli Air Force.  It is difficult to establish how this is affecting the government though.
Growth announced in September was lower than expected but I expected it to be a transitionary time economically and politically.
Overall pretty good predicting for a reliably predictable country
Saudi Arabia
Naturally, I have left, the currently most interesting country, Saudi till last but I must confess I am somewhat disappointed in myself.
I correctly thought March to May would be quieter months. Though there were reports of Mohammed bin Salman, being  shot and injured this did not appear to have much impact on the leadership in general.
I said some changes  might relate to women’s matters  and in June The Saudi Arabian government lifted the ban on women driving, which is the country's most progressive form of women's rights to date.
June to August comes with a sense of drama. I thought oil and terrorism would be key. Oil certainly - the country called off its plan to list Aramco for the time being at least and there was a terrorist incident in the country in July. But far more significant was the ongoing situation in Yemen.  On 6 July, Yemeni forces fired a domestic ballistic missile at a "strategic economic target" in Jizanin southwestern Saudi Arabia. On 9 August, a Saudi-led airstrike attack on a school bus in Yemen killed 40 young school children and 11 adults.
I was prescient though I said rather cryptically that were indications of a major shake –up in the country’s foundations but it doesn’t quite manifest now. So something in the air but nothing concrete at this stage. Perhaps that was right
Although I thought that events would be moving faster by September and October I did not predict anything significantly different and said that October could be positive. Obviously totally missing the main event- though to be fair the impact on the actual leadership ( so far) and the Saudi people in general has been minimal. And I did predict a trickier time from November.
Prediction broadly good but missing a key event so not perfect.
