Saudi Arabia 2017-2020

 When I first started looking at Saudi Arabia back in 2008, it was the Switzerland of the Middle East- nothing much happened. However, things did get a bit more interesting for the 2013-16 forecast.  Looking at the next few years, however, I have to say that SA is winning hands down on the drama front so far.
Already as I write there is a lot more news about the country than I would have found easily 10 years ago. There are discussions regarding the country’s commitment to OPEC, and its economic position given oil prices, a terrorist attack and threats of much more.
And looking at the signs none of this is going to be a passing phase.
On the other hand there are short term indications of an attempt to increase some freedoms for women.
While some of the latter initiative remains in March to May, there appears to be a bit of a backlash and more of a crackdown on such freedoms again.
On the other hand the issues regarding oil and terrorism don’t really abate- though the period is a bit of a quite one generally. This is a country that is going to be undergoing major upheaval.
It hots up again in June to August. The status quo is shaken up by the events, as we return to the themes of the early part of the year.
September to October is more interesting.  Attempts to make radical changes continue. The situation regarding women goes through  a confusing phase, though their position is somewhat improved in September and October this does not indicate more freedom- just less direct opposition. Generally the country  is shrouded in uncertainty now  and certainly in September at least there is a tendency for the leadership to overreact. October is more mixed.
November and December see the continuance of the themes, there is some progress re women but this might be obscured by the sense of agitation in the country now. There may be sudden shocks regarding the leadership.
The sense of agitation that ended 2017 may be a taste of 2018. It is an important year.
Things may start with more difficulty as regards oil and terrorism related matters, but this seems to play well for the leadership which may well be very strong now even though there could be attempts to unseat it. There are definite indicators of shocks relating to the royal family.
 The picture for women is mixed, there may be progress but it is slow.
March to May are somewhat quieter months. There is still a great deal of change but it is less disruptive. Although the leadership is inclined to overdo its responses, things seem more or less in check now.
June to August comes with a sense of drama. Not only are the questions of oil and terrorism key but the people in general are motivated to protest too. There are indications of a major shake –up in the country’s foundations but it doesn’t quite manifest now.
Some, but not by any means all  of this might relate to women’s matters – with pressure for freedoms offset by extra restraint.
September and October are not significantly different.
But events could be moving faster now.
Indeed October could see a number of positive changes relating to the leadership and the people.
November and December are more tricky however and once again somewhat lacking direction. It is one of those times when every three steps forward results in 2 back.
There are opportunities for change but they meet with roadblocks and diversions.
On balance an unsatisfying end to the year.
January and February 2019 see the focus on partner or other nations and it is generally a harsh time for the people, though they are not at odds with the government.
There are some positives, as the country is perceived as more accepting of changes . However there are obstacles in terms of economics and continued threats. There is some risk of a particularly explosive period now. 
March to June sees a long term shift in the mood of the country; it is not possible, per se, to tell whether this will make it more dogmatic or more permissive only that change is definite. More information is required. It is possible that this will be positive for women’s rights which suggests a more permissive outcome.
However, generally, it is a difficult time when there may be a lot of economic constraints and the people may not agree with the government who are taking a hard line on the problems.
July to September seems to be a more moderate time, although there may still be some explosive outbursts. Little further changes will be seen now.
The leadership continues to exercise their power with force.
October and November, however, are again all about radical changes and disruption to the foundations. There are still difficulties which require adjustments and excitement may be followed by lack of certainty.
December is mixed. There may be some surprising announcements, or involvement in hacking or other technology or communication problems.
Threats and restrictions may be coming to a peak now.   
In 2020 the background theme  seems to be all on women and resources. But the main theme is about the leadership.
It starts in January and February with a huge amount of pressure on the leadership. There are further disruptions to the country’s foundations ( likely to be legal or philosophical foundations not physical ones but even the latter is possible).
There is a strong almost militant sense of purpose.
However, despite all that, the people are seeing positives. 
March to June sees the people in the mood to protest, however. There could be pockets of uprisings.
There is a major focus on the leadership, but it is less oppressive than in January and February. Much could be achieved if the energies are harnessed in the nest way.
The themes continue into August and September when the mood is more like January and February.
It is a time of a major turning point and a change relating to the country’s  religious image. Faith could definitely be highlighted now but them so could currency matters and the latter may be positive for the country.
October and November are similar months but now there is an extra element of pressure pushing things along.  The feeling is something akin to being about to make a breakthrough.
 December sees that manifest. And a new constitution or agreement may be made.
