Iran 2017-2020

The last forecast period 2013-16 was moderately positive for Iran- as the forecasts predicted, from even 2011 onwards the more open disputes with the country would decline. That was the case, leading eventually to the nuclear agreement and easing of sanctions in the country.
The new US presidency, however, throws this all up in the air. The combination of that with stories that Iran are increasing missile programmes etc,( though frankly most of us would do so under similar circumstances!)  make the current situation, where Iran is one of the most stable and peaceful nations in the Middle East, very vulnerable.
 I am sure that in Iran there must be deep concern about the direction policy will now take. It is also a difficult year for such challenges with elections coming up.
The elections are due to be held on 19th May. It looks like March to May will be a worrying time for the people. There is also some risk of a war of words internally in the election run up - In 2009 a similar indicator reflected protests in relation to the elections.
There is a small possibility that this will manifest externally with the US or its ME allies but the indicators are not pointing to external relations particularly. Anyway the country is more inclined to talk tough rather than act it at this time.
Also possible are technical (IT) issues- (indeed further references to communications in this analysis should also be read in this way too)
As a result it does not look like re-election is all plain sailing for the leadership, and although there is nothing to suggest a dramatic change now either, the balance could definitely become rather more hardline.
June to August also has indicators of some unexpected communications, and though these will be relatively moderate compared to those of the pre -election days – they may well be longer lasting and therefore more concerning in the long term.
The period also sees the government ( whether new or old) consolidate power and shore up its relations with those that do support the country. It may well continue to consolidate its military force too given the risks of a more aggressive US and Israel, not to mention all the other ME pressures such as ISIS.
September and October see the mood continuing, though there are less policy developments now. The country is in a period of major transformation but this seems to be received relatively well by the people at this point.
There is, however,  a return to the more threatening language. There is a “I’m not playing anymore and I’m going to take my ball and go home” feel to this period. (It’s not clear at this stage whether this is initiated within the country or is a response to outside pressures. The picture will become clearer by July).
November and December are more like June to August in mood, with the leadership in power orientated mode. Furthermore, there is more than just a risk of heated exchanges of words now- there is a risk that these could result in actions too. Again, it is hard to say whether the country is the initiator or is responding to outside threats. It certainly represents a noticeable medium term turning point – in a cycle that began 3 years ago, but also in the wider 6 &12 year timeframes.
January and February 2018 is really just a continuation of late 2017. Though on a positive note there seems to be some financial stability.
However, whereas before the leadership  was only slightly deflected from its path by events, now it could become unstable. It is a time of radical shifts in direction.
There is more evidence now of external relationships being involved than in 2017.
March to May sees the potential for the leadership to be involved in more radical shifts. But in other ways this is a much less intense phase than the last 12 months, though that does not mean that it is without its challenges.
The most obvious of these has to so with a change in the way the country communicates. It is now more inclined to be outspoken with big speeches rather than to just make short sharp comments which antagonise.  
June to August sees another period where the country is clearly consolidating its power and where the leadership appears to be strengthened by that. But other than that this is less a more even tempered phase and the economic conditions look rather mixed.
September and October see another, perhaps at first imperceptible, change as communication becomes more measured in the longer term.
In the shorter term however there may be some sudden big announcements which shake things up. Perhaps this again relates to the leadership, as it is another phase where radical shifts are likely.
At the end of the period, there is some opportunity to make progress in developments or propaganda matters 
November and December are generally better months for the country. It feels like a lull.
There are less shocks and outbursts and although the government may feel under pressure there are no direct challenges.
2019 is however the second year where the leadership in the country is unsettled or unsettling.
January and February are pivotal months for the people who may not be totally in agreement with their leadership.
They are also challenging months for resources and perhaps women. February is also a time when faith matters may be questioned or when water related matters come to prominence. Given the indicators of links to other nations now, this might be a dispute over rights- the position isn’t especially bad for the country though.
March to May sees the beginning of a longer phase (approx. 2 year) which may weaken the more recent fundamentals and image of the country. There is also a hint of challenges to come perhaps resource related.
It is also another time when big announcements or communications may surprise. It is a better time for economic resources and for women.
June to September sees the people really unsettled, perhaps disruptive, wanting change. But it  also sees another phase where the government consolidates the country’s power. There really do seem to be a lot of questions about whether the country is headed now.
There are connections to the events of February and once again this may relate to other nations- perhaps decisions now allow movement to the next stage.
October and November see a continuance of the unsettled mood within the country. It is similar to the previous quarter but now there is a clearer opposition to some of the leadership policies. However continued consolidation of power will reconcile the too. There is some minor aggravation in October, when comments get out of hand, but this seems to resolve quickly.
December is the beginning of the final period characterised by sudden outbursts of communications.
Other than that it is a mixed time, when there may be both good and bad news, but when there is more restraint than has been the case  for a while.
2020 may be a good year for economic stats and or women in the country.
January and February are intense months everywhere and of course in Iran that means more “assertive” language. As mentioned at the end of 2019, this is a phase prone to outbursts. 
It is a challenging time but not without some improvements in resources
March to July is a time when the people are extremely motivated, at first to have their say, later perhaps to protest more obviously, but there seems to be a sense of freedom for them so it is not too serious.
There is a continuing sense of confusion over the identity of the country though. The period also includes a surprising key moment for the country in terms of its world position or how it is perceived.
The surprises continue into August and September, which are in many ways similar to the early part of the year. Events, which may be local or global,   continue and even pick up pace now.
October and November, have things coming to a head globally and here is no exception. Though there are far worse places to be at this time. Indeed there is almost a sense of changes being beneficial and helpful for long term development. Nevertheless there is a sense of confusion.
December itself seems to be a month on the edge, as the environment  changes but the impact of this on the people has yet to be fully realised until January 2021.
There may be radical shifts in aims and goals by the end of the year.
