New Year 2017

Happy New Year.
Here belatedly, as an edit, is the rather reduced review of 2016:
Very good re Brexit ( prediction was made before referendum was even announced. And mentions of  currency. Would score higher but didn’t identify change in leader
Overstated volatility March. Good for key months of July to October. Some explanations wrong at  year end.
Ok, but difficulties overstated at beginning of year. Ok over summer
Not a great deal forecast but then not a great deal happened. So difficult to score high on this.
Identified time of attacks but didn’t mention outright. Identified general political situation. Growth poor though.
Not much happened  despite increasing power of right, although mood changed.
Correct about 3rd quarter being better than expected and that signals would conflict in October and that December would be about the people wanting change which turned out to be a referendum vote on government
Despite Spain not having an effective political structure for most of the year it improved its economy in line with the forecast. I’ve awarded the score because it has done better trend-wise than would have been expected in 2013, so my generally accurate forecast is noteworthy.
Although I wasn’t wrong on Ireland I can’t give a decent score as it is a bit of a mixed bag with the taz issue and Brexit knockon.
OK, nor bad but it was a year when not enough happened to merit a high score. Government did not change in Dec but Nov did see cabinet overhaul.
Not much happened in Switzerland but I’m giving a good score for getting January right and the referendum question.
Picked up government difficulties good for election and interesting climate stuff
Although I talked more about debt than was really the case, the issues identified were particularly accurate as was the identification of the “change” at election time- and the situation that followed in December. Remember this was forecast  in 2013 when we had no idea of who would run for president.
Did well in forecasts around April, July ( following UK Brexit) and November
Ok in early part of the year. 50/50 in summer. Poor later on – but this was qualified with clear reservations.
January was off target. Rest of year quite good
The economic conditions of the first part of the year were well indicated and yet the forecast economically for November was positive and Q3 growth announced then was good. Nothing too significant was forecast for the leadership either.
The forecast also stated that relations with other countries are highlighted at the year end, certainly the case with the change of US government.
Possibly deserves more than the score below but can’t be bothered to look up more details.
I highlighted April May as a time of challenge but failed ( not surprisingly) to identify this as being the threats by Trump of the wall.  I did make the connection between this time and November though and the consequent political and economic drama. And the need to work harder on the economics around  August ( there was a downturn)
Other than this I had the country down for a quiet year which was more or less right.
Mexican Peso
Totally nailed the Peso right through year- though volatility was perhaps less than I might have thought.
Probably the forecast for here was more positive than it warranted. Whilst there was no major shift in government or indeed the economic path, I don’t feel I identified the seriousness of the situation
I focussed on a new currency in my forecast. While I was right about the December timing –it wasn’t billed (no pun intended) as a new currency rather as new BIGGER notes for the old one. Obviously the need for it was inflation which I had already identified. And I assumed November indicators would be speculation rather than just faster inflation. So very good but could have been even better.
I got some stuff right for Brazil, though I focussed too much on the Olympics and not enough on the leadership as Rousseff was impeached. It si always the country I struggle with and the fact that I didn’t say things were great is a vast improvement. But we can’t score particularly high on this one
January ok but  positive sentiment started in Feb not March ( still within acceptable bounds for long term forecasting). Ok for mid year and identified weakness in November  and okish at year end. But missed some of the reasoning. Though identified that the November position was related to other countries  just not how. Could have been really good but was just good.
Generally this forecast was right. The new president came in and people were optimistic, but then a series of rapid policy actions were perhaps felt to be a step too far by mid year . I also correctly timed the debt negotiation and new issue in the first half. But I overestimated the effectiveness of the policies by October  but got the doubts right at year end.
Argentine Peso
Although the Peso fell in 2016, this was mainly in the first few months. The rest of the year was about adjustment and actually, despite the inflation in the country, the currency did as I anticipated stabilise by the year end.
I’m frankly surprised I got this right. Though I did miss the new bigger denomination notes that were issued.
OK, extra marks for earthquake prediction  ( Feb-May) actual  was in April. And repeat risks in November. Difficult to establish political and economic progress though so not possible to mark that higher.
Totally back to front. Some marks for identifying turning points in trends – potentially making it closer to 50/50 as I had doubts.
Ok but understated rises in latter part of the year and overstated in earlier part.  Turning points are easier than direction, direction is easier than magnitude to predict.
Although forecast was broad- very accurate in terms of leadership difficulties, capital controls and the year end situation after US elections.
Almost all wrong
Shanghai Composite
Other than timing of falls in January ( I said Dec 2015 so within 3 month timeframe) this was good. I had December as very volatile when it was late November early December but again this is within the timeframe for these forecasts.
80% January was off target. Rest of year quite good
Hong Kong $
Another HK$ failure for me. It still continues, though comments about external affects were correct and save us from a zero score!
Hang Seng
Not bad for first half of year, very accurate for second half.
S Korea
A high score here for getting the leadership issue nailed, especially given the strength in the earlier part of the 4 year period.
N Korea
The year was characterised by nuclear tests and sanctions. The forecast identified internal strengthening, some surprises and threats. Little else was reported on – The forecast was reasonable in this context  but not stunning.
Not a country to which the media here pays much attention so hard to mark. However it is possible to confirm that there was unrest due to disagreements relating to Islam and that there was a short term focus on inflation in September. There were no floods but there were volcanic eruptions. An unexpected interest rate cut in October also provided the good financial news referred to. The forecast missed the December earthquake though.
Not too bad- got the main bigger trends right and the reduction in volatility. Missed a short term blip in March but otherwise well summarised.
Not wrong nor particularly enlightening. A bit too vague. But did note the Q3 international relations matters
Because I came close to totally nailing n 2013 the demonetarisation event of 8/11/2016 which was top secret until it happened. The real power of astrology when done right.
Good assessment overall. Missed extent of fall in November and June direction but did well otherwise
Very good timing of border conflict, which, to be fair, was the main purpose of including the country-  though some of the rest was a bit wishy washy.
Not a bad attempt as it correctly focussed on Russia’s position globally and not so much on internal matters.  Particular bits of interest were the shifting environment of the last quarter due to the US  and the time around September when the depletion of the country’s reserves was noted.
Not a bad forecast. Reasonably good on timing things but  not enough emphasis on the January rises which was far greater than any other sentiment.   Correct to note a change in the last 2 months  which shows up well vs Sterling
Significant  wrong in some areas- although I identified shocks in July and strength of leadership I misinterpreted how this would play out badly. Economically ok
70%- possibly more for specifics despite missing general tone
OK god in some part of the year but awful in last 2 months.
Not a great forecast , but then on the surface not a lot happened in the country  in 2016,. The prediction  did mention  things escalating in the summer  and there were indeed a series of rocket attacks on Gaza then.  But September wasn’t particularly noteworthy at all.
A reasonably good attempt. Identififying continued changes, the support for the leadership in April-May when the moderate government was strengthened and more women won seats.
The August conflict was more moderate than the forecast implied and related to Russian missiles on Iranian soil. The focus in December was on Syria and sanctions. It is difficult to substantiate some of the other  remarks due to lack of media coverage so marks can’t be as high as they might have done
Saudi Arabia
Hard to mark SA too as the media rarely reports the detail of the internal mood etc. However opinion pieces such as one in the Washington Post in September seem to support what I have said entirely. I can’t give more marks though as this is not pure fact based.
South Africa
Another country where the real facts are hard to come by. For sure there is ongoing questions over the leadership and challenge from the opposition.  But 2016 was not especially notable for this. And although mining difficulties continue there was nothing like 2014.
Emphasis on education in October was true but the protests by students in the short term are not as positive as I assumed.
In the absence of any evidence to support other statements I’ll give it only
I think my forecast for Australia was harsher than the reality, although it did indicate a lack of decisiveness in July august which followed the elections and reduced control for the leadership. It also suggested that the industries that had been so beneficial before might see a shift and this was certainly the case ( though saved by some commodities price increases later in the year) with Q3 showing a contraction as well. So ok but not great. Score must reflect all the things that didn’t happen too- e.g change of government etc.

