Iceland 2017-2020

 This will be a short forecast. While Iceland was core to the events of 2007-8, and while I still think it is of interest from a climate perspective, its importance generally to these forecasts has diminished considerably.
However, I like the chart very much and thus I’m reluctant to drop it entirely so here goes.
The only matters of note in January and February 2017 relate to the fact that there is a great deal of misinformation and this creates confusion for the people. No doubt there are ongoing issues relating to the attempts to form a coalition after the 016 elections.
March to May seems to be a time when the government and people can make a new start together. However there is continued confusion and some obstacles for the leader which may well put a spanner in the works. . On balance though it looks as if some progress can be made now. There is also an ongoing ( throughout the next 3 years) possibility of progress in matters relating to science which may have global impact. Thus references to lack of foundation that follow can all be considered in that light too.
June to August is rather mixed. The people are dissatisfied as they don’t have the freedoms they expected. The external view is that the country still doesn’t have a solid foundation. And there are still issues getting the government to cooperate, leading to problems with budgets etc.
Although the issues continue in September and October, conditions are more moderated.
And although there are still challenges in the last two months, there is definite progress in terms of government etc. The only concern is that there may be some restrictions implemented around now.
January and February 2018 see a turning point which is key to the country’s identity.  
There are still questions about issues from 2016 and the situation is somewhat fluid.
March to May is generally a positive time, while some issues still remain, there is both stability and dynamism to the government and communication with the population is good.
June and July are a little more mixed. But while there is perhaps a brief sense of over-enthusiasm for the people , this is balance d by the steadiness of the government.
August to October continue mixed with a need to make some adjustments for the outside world- maybe tourism related.
The period is ok though little headway can be made.
November and December are more dynamic months when much can be achieved and in November at least the country is shown in a positive light. December is a little less stable and the government may overreact to events.
2019 starts as it means to go on ; a year of key developments for the country.
There is some push back on financial policy now as interest rate advantages may be disappearing, but there is still major support for the country by its people.
April to June is  very mixed and purely a time of adjustment when nothing really gets achieved. Rates are likely to be a question still.
July to September  is deadlock time not just in Iceland but everywhere. The biggest risk is throwing the baby out with the bathwater in order to gain short term freedoms.
October to December brings to the end the period where I feel the foundations are underwater or where science brings the country into prominence.
 This period is quiet unstable everywhere and Iceland certainly seems to need to make trading adjustments. November is therefore a tiem when cross party support is a challenge. December is once again a time when the government might make hasty decisions.
January and February of 2020 are months when the people are likely to raise most objections.
But generally Iceland is only indirectly affected by events now. It does mean some positions have to be altered but there is even a boost for the government.
March to June is though a period when the people aren’t quite sure what is going to happen.  But despite some underlying doubts there is enough that the country can harness now to make progress.
July to September sees the people in an optimistic mood and despite underlying pressures on the leadership things seem relatively good.
The mood even improves in the next couple of months and the people are mostly aligned with the government.
December is actually a calm  and stable month. Although there is a change of environment that will have a bigger impact in 2021. 
