2017-2020 General forecast

Finally here we are again. Many moons have past and I’ve not managed to communicate. But this time there was at least some sort of logical reason, as well as the normal personal ones.

I actually started this post back in June. In fact I wrote substantially all of it then but was unhappy at the way it hung together. I wanted to edit it but couldn’t find a peg to hand it on.

That changed with Trump’s election win. Although this is a general post, one can never ignore the impact of the largest financial nation and indeed must of my data for the post was based on the US.    

Only now, however, with Trump’s planned economic policies does it truly hang together. Because those policies are about growth, and stimulus and tax cuts and ( although it could be argued that some of these may have long term benefits) in the short term these will all add to debt.

And it is debt that I want to talk about the most.

Well, actually what I really want to talk about it the cycle that started in 1981/82 and that will end around 2020.

To do that fully, I’m going to have to talk planetary cycles again, so readers who are here to just  find out what will happen may want to skip parts of what follows, although  I strongly recommend not skipping straight to the individual country forecasts without taking some time to see the bigger picture.

And here, quite literally is the big picture.


Note 1: This graph does not reflect the new planned policy changes in the US.

Note 2 : I’ve chosen the US to illustrate the issue, as it is such a major player but most Western countries  ( e.g. France, UK, Spain etc. as well as Japan) show approximately the same one. I’m also sticking with government debt, but personal debt shows a pretty similar trajectory. It doesn’t matter anyway as we have seen following the crisis of 2007/8 government is the borrower of last resort!!

But don’t worry experts will tell you. Debt is fine. And that is partly true;- debt is indeed fine so long as it can be serviced and at the ridiculously low rates of interest we have at present it just about can.

 However that big picture is in fact only half the picture. Here is part II.

Looks good doesn’t it? GDP has grown sooooo much. Fantastic! ( Indeed, looking at this, one is inclined to ask why any stimulus would be needed!!)  And if GDP keeps growing we can just carry on  servicing the increasing debt can’t we?

The problem is that GDP has continued to grow because of the increase in debt/credit. i.e. GDP has a serious drug habit.

I particularly like this graph which attempts to summarise the global position. Note the clear uptick in debt as % of GDP around 1981!



The fact is that since 1981/2, or there abouts, debt has been fuelling GDP and so GDP has been accelerated: we’ve had tomorrow’s dinner today. And the next day’s and the next. 

( Of course experts will tell you that real GDP has grown as well as nominal GDP, so the above statements aren’t true. But the calculation of real GDP takes in normal inflation and not credit inflation).

So obviously at some point the trajectory must slow down and plateau and end in recession or it will end in tears: a situation much bigger than recession . Something that the world briefly faced, and dodged, in 2008 yet still no-one wants to seriously contemplate.

Here, for completeness, is the global position.



This obviously begs the question, where, or rather more pertinently, when does it end?

To find that out we must put that that 1981/2 shift in context.

In 1981/2 Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto were in conjunction (in Libra).

Saturn Jupiter cycles are 20 year ones. We are currently in the waning phase of a cycle that started in 2000.

Saturn Pluto cycles vary in length but in this case we are looking at a 40 year cycle. We are in the final quarter of that cycle which started in 1981. But there is nothing particularly noteworthy about a 20 year or 40 year cycle per se.

However, there are a number of factors which make these particular 2 cycles extremely important.

1.       Both cycles will end around 2020; two cycles of Jupiter-Saturn have matched the Pluto Saturn cycle. This is highly unusual.

2.       The Jupiter Saturn cycles have changed elements- something that happens only every 200 years. In this case the 1981 conjunction was the first in an Air sign, but the 2000 conjunction slipped back into an Earth sign. In 2020 the actual conjunction of the two planets takes place at 0 degrees of an Air sign, and the air conjunctions will continue for the next 200 or so years. We may have had hints of where things are going but only post 2020 will they become embedded.

3.       We are still in the first stages (on-going first sextile) of the Pluto Neptune 500 year cycles that started in 1891/2 and which I have talked of before. The societal impact of this cycle is still forming with each new interrelated planetary cycle. The Saturn Pluto cycle that ends in 2020 is the first one that followed the Pluto Uranus conjunction in the 1960s, which was the first Pluto Uranus conjunction within the current Pluto Neptune cycle.


The 2020 conjunction is also the first Pluto Saturn one since the conjunction of Uranus and Neptune the early 1990s


Bearing in mind that the  Pluto Neptune cycle tallies with the oil and consumption cycle and that the Pluto and Uranus cycle describes technological and societal advances, and Neptune Uranus communications advances, the combination of these successive firsts  makes 2020 unique and special.

But we are not there yet. We don’t just suddenly reach a point in a cycle, it is part of an evolving picture which moves the conditions of the past into their new phase. So the next few years will take us on a journey from the events of the much talked about Pluto Uranus square of 2010-15 into this unchartered territory.

Note that what follows is the generic picture. How this will manifest at a country of market level may vary significantly according to the conditions of that country or market. We can however get some hints of how things are unfolding on a more global scale.

And one last proviso. I don’t believe the changes of the coming decade will be the downfall of our current societal order. As I said when looking at the Uranus/Pluto Cardinal cross, Neptune while in trine to Pluto is still affording us some protections; hope, consumption, oil, credit and globalisation will survive the coming challenges. It is not until post 2030 and  the period leading up to 2060 that we will see the more fundamental challenges. However that does not mean that the next few years will be fun.



When I started writing this Jupiter was trine Pluto. Despite Jupiter’s reputation as a benefic, it also operates as a magnifier. Not a great thing to have when the surrounding mood is one of conflict. It was also quietly expanding that debt problem.

We also in 2016 have had a Neptune Saturn square, which creates events in relation to socialism, religion and the creation and dissolution of boundaries. Its operations during this current period need no further elaboration here. With the square, there has been a backlash against socialistic tendencies, against  the merging of populations and against tolerance in general.

Then, at the end of the summer  Jupiter entered Libra, where it is square Pluto at the time of writing, an aspect that will repeat in March and August 2017.  In doing so it reactivates that olde Pluto Uranus square. Every time we think we are out of those woods, we find ourselves diverted back for one last look and one last lesson. We need to heed those lessons well , we will need them in the coming years. Moreover Jupiter is much more inclined to beef up debt when in square. Nothing does transfer of wealth to the rich as well as Pluto/Jupiter.



However Jupiter is also still trine Saturn that gives a little stability still to the picture until 2017.


But in 2017 Saturn moves on in Sagittarius and its influence dilutes, the square is able to act in all its “glory”, so I expect some pretty seismic changes,  literally and metaphorically.  It looks as if the debt is indeed going to rise.

Then, in the latter part of 2017 Jupiter moves into Scorpio and starts a year -long series of trines with Neptune and sextiles with Pluto.  Generally these will seem benign, but in a environment of over-expansion, any sort of inflation and further expansion is not really to be celebrated.

Anyway, more importantly, Saturn moves into Capricorn and we really start to get a feel for the future.

So for  the most part 2017 should be ok; the status quo, give or take a few disruptions- probably around July August,  should be maintained.



For most of 2018, Pluto is trine Jupiter and Neptune and Jupiter are in sextile in one last credit binge.  

And then in May,  Uranus  slips into Taurus.  And  a whole new world starts to form. Uranus was last in Taurus in 1934-1942 which, let’s be honest, is not exactly reassuring in terms of what that world will look like. Of course the situation won’t just mirror that period – but with the upcoming 2020 picture, it isn’t looking like a bowl of cherries.

Expect disruption to traditional stores of value, to agriculture and other earth based activity (issues re GM crops, fracking  and in regard to deserts,  ice-caps and tectonics for example) , expect dictators to consolidate their positions and, more positively, expect new discoveries and inventions made between  2010-16 to bed in and start generating real returns at the expense of the markets they replace.

So in summary 2018 is likely to be more “interesting” than 2017 but this still a reasonable semblance of normality in most places.



By 2019 Jupiter is in Sagittarius, but other than activating the new Uranus condition and stoking some more inflationary (Neptunian) fires it is not yet the focus.

That focus is Saturn, moving swiftly from a relatively pleasant trine with Neptune into orb with Pluto.

We will see the reality more clearly at last.

And then in the latter part of 2019 Jupiter slides into Capricorn, throwing up some surprises as it trines Uranus and finally blowing up the situations signified by the Pluto Saturn connection.

2019 is the year when everything kicks off big time. The only question is whether this starts early on in the year or in the second half.

I am inclined to think we’ll have some pretty good hints of where we are going in the first few months of 2019.



The key period in 2020 is the first few months and the year end.  Saturn is conjunct Pluto in January, just before moving into Aquarius.  But Jupiter then conjoins Pluto in April.

Then Jupiter retrogrades and finally conjoins Pluto again in November before joining Saturn in Aquarius in December.

The appendix lists some people and events that may resonate to the 2020 themes. However  we should not forget that we won’t have identical conditions to 1981 or 1947 or 2000. In 1947 the conjunction was in Leo, a fixed fire sign concerned with un challengeable leadership and creation while in 1981,in Libra, a cardinal air sign concerned with  initiating ideas, partnerships  and intangible matters ( such as credit). Capricorn a cardinal earth sign is much more concerned with initiation of societal structures ( infrastructure/borders/hierarchies/)  it builds walls, empires, laws  and security.

And it wants to know when the debt will be repaid.

Looking at the events of 1981 we should bear in mind that the 2020 conjunctions are broadly square the ones in 1981, that does not mean more of the same, rather it means challenges to the seeds planted in the earlier date.

So 2020 will be a year of major shifts and reorganisations. I expect that by the end of 2020 we should  be moving into a new environment with many financial positions recalibrated.



To help get some hints of the direction of travel,  here are some events from 1981 which may give an indication of the areas that will be in focus around 2019-2020.


Greece entered the EEC!

 Socialist François Mitterrand becomes the first socialist President of the French Fifth Republic.

U.S. President Reagan and Pope John Paul II attempted assassinations

The Israeli Air Force destroys Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor

Sandra Day O'Connor takes her seat as the first female justice of the US supreme court

Anwar Sadat  assassinated

Hosni Mubarak elected president of Egypt

 Bobby Sands died after a hunger strike in Ireland

Roy Jenkins, Shirley Williams, David Owen and Bill Rodgers announce plan to form new party, which became the SDP

 Britain hit by 105 tornadoes in a single night

Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer get married at St Paul's Cathedral

The Church of England General Synod votes to admit women to holy orders

Culture/media/economy etc

 Rupert Murdoch buys The Times and The Sunday Times

The first London marathon is held

 Raiders of the Lost Ark opens in the US

 MTV starts broadcasting in the US

August 12, 1981, IBM introduced its new revolution in a box, the “Personal Computer” complete with a brand new operating system from Microsoft                        

British Telecoms Act separates BT from the Royal Mail with effect from 1 October

The United States enters the severe early 1980s recession, exactly a year after the more minor 1980 recession ended; the Unemployment Rate is 7.2%

Savings and Loans deregulation 1980, (ERTA) in August 1981, start of crisis 1981-2

UK unemployment peaked 1981-2

April of 1981, NASA launched the very first Space Shuttle mission

Scientists identify the Aids virus

We should also consider the organisations that formed during previous conjunctions :

Pluto Saturn

CIA, Israel, Pakistan, ( note that Saudi Arabia was formed under the previous opposition 1932)

IMF first loans

And some defunct ones; LIFFE (1982-2002) and Enron,

computing –Manchester SSEM  21/6/48

People 1981: Beyonce, Britney, Tom Hiddleston, Kate and William

1946-8: Clintons & Trump, Elton John , Alan Sugar, Charles & Camilla

Pluto Jupiter

BOE, G Sachs 1869, JP morgan 1st trade, Chase, Argentinian Peso, Bill Gates , Korean Independence

And  The Dartmouth AI conference 1956


Pluto in Capricorn 1770s

Start of  industrial revolution

USA independence


AND earlier Pluto Saturn in Capricorn

549 Seige of Rome UK plague

785 Offas Dyke and 1284 Statute of Wales. Edward II ( First prince of Wales) born

1284  The gold Ducat is introduced in Venice.  It became one of the most popular coins in the world for 500 years.  At the same time, Great Britain issued its first major gold coin, the Florin. 

1518  - Africa to Americas slave trade became significant, numbers increased to 1000s
