I must admit that reading my prediction for 2015 in China, I
feel I could have written a better one. Much of it is vague, as if anticipating
the smog that plagues the city of Beijing , but it also suggests internal
dissatisfaction. It is unfortunately hard to get a real view of what is
happening in the country politically ( even economically there is severe doubt
over the published statistics) on a month by month basis so it is very hard to
substantiate my claims.
I expected increased power and energy, but also pressure for
change and even conflict. I even predicted industrial unrest around June.
What we can say is that China did continue to extent its
global influence, despite an economic slowdown. There is an acknowledged need
to shift focus as the country moves away from exports to a more internal
consumer based economy. And it does have some internal conflict within
government – there is pressure on Xi to focus on development rather than ending
And we know that strikes and worker protests in China
increased noticeably during the third quarter as the manufacturing sector in
particular continued to stall. CLB’s Strike
Map recorded 593 incidents during the quarter.
So not bad, given the lack of reporting of all but the most
serious of events.
Where I really nailed events was on the one child policy
where I expected something to arise around September. On 29 October 2015, China's state news agency,
reported a change in the existing law to a two-child policy- it is effective
from 1 January, 2016 after the law was passed in December, 2015
I’m given myself 85% though that is probably mid of a range
of 75-95% depending on unknown information.
My 2014 forecast talked about the move toward a free
floating currency. But noted that there were practicalities and restrictions
that would prevent this in early 2015 I was both right and wrong. We aren’t yet
on the direct path of free float, but we are on an indirect path as the
Renminbi becomes increasingly important globally:
In fact 2015 has been a banner year for the Chinese
currency. It surpassed the Japanese yen to become the world’s fourth most-used
payments currency, in spite of an unexpected devaluation in August and concerns
about slowing Chinese growth. In November the IMF accepted it as a reserve
currency. This is arguably more than even I anticipated in such a short time.
Specifically I didn’t expect many decisive developments in
the first half of the year. And this proved correct.
But I expected June to august to be quiet with the biggest
changes therefore take place around September 2015. ( I did not specifically
state it but I imply that a float might
happen then)
And I anticipated problems finding the fundamental value of
the currency .
In fact there
was no float. But in August China
carried out the biggest devaluation of the renminbi in two decades
-The 1.9 per cent downward move by the central bank was its biggest one-day
change since 1993 — and since China abandoned its tight currency peg for a
managed float in 2005
(This is a close enough for my 3 moth rolling forecast
timescales) and the fact that the debate
raged about whether the currency was in fact overvalued or undervalued as the
US claim is also relavant.
In the last few months of the year I expected almost
complete lack of movement in the exchange rates as the market awaits
indicators. This proved to be so.
80% ( my core assumption failed but everything else was
pretty much spot on)
Shanghai Composite
I said that the first quarter of 2015 would probably see
nothing new happening. There was a chance of some speculation at but the signs
were not 100% certain. There was more likely to be a boost in the period around
March and April than in the first two months.
This proved spot on with a flat index in January and
February followed by rapid rises in March to May
Then I thought the
market would be restricted until September. That doesn’t really do justice to
events though. While by September it was back to March levels, it had fallen a
lot in June and August to get there.
Still I think that I called the turn in September ok
I thought the last few months of the year would see a return
to the conditions of January to April but that the indicators would remain
mixed with the net effect more likely to be negative at this time, with doubts
and restrictions dominating.
This was pretty accurate. Despite the September/October
recovery, for much of the last 2 months
the index fluctuated in a range, (before turning negative in 2016)
I’m very pleased with this one. 90% Though we still have the issue that direction
is predictable whereas extent of movement is less so.
I am always surprised by how much future information the HK$
is able to impart to me, given that it is still pegged. But reading my forecast
for 2015 is tells the whole story of the Renminbi developments very well, indirectly
highlighting June to August currency flows, and even the last quarter IMF
Renminbi decision ( external events).
However I put more emphasis on October as a time when the peg
would be threatened than was really the case
Here is what Jennifer Hughes of the FT in Hong Kong said on
Kong’s dollar peg is tough. In its 30-plus years it has withstood landmark currency accords, two financial crises
and Sars, not to mention perennial debate about its suitability. But now the
world’s longest-running unchanged currency regime is facing a new challenge:
its neighbour, the renminbi.
Hong Kong’s peg to the US dollar has become something of a gauge of just how
much the August devaluation has unsettled investors.
shock devaluation …. has whipsawed the Hong Kong dollar within the narrow range
of its band versus the US unit. Initially, speculation mounted that a weaker
renminbi would force Hong Kong to devalue its currency, pushing it lower.
China’s still-tight control of its currency since its mid-August move, however,
has eased that pressure.
That’s good enough for another 80% I reckon
Hang Seng
I saw January and February 2015 as difficult with a lot of
investor caution. In fact the index was pretty much static over the period and
perhaps that was better than I expected, though the caution was correct.
But I was wrong about
March to May. I saw the index all
over the place as there would be tech issues etc. despite positive sentiment.
But positive sentiment dominated by a long way.
The index shot up by over 15%
Nevertheless I saw June as a turning point – but I didn’t
forecast the extent of the July-August drops
I did see September as another turning point with positive news causing short term
speculative buying. But this is less impressive when viewed in the light of the
size of the previous 6 months’ movements
Again, I pretty much nailed direction in October and
November as well as the perspective in December ( re Jan 2016).
So once again 85% ( that’s 100% for timing and turning
points offset by negative 15% for weakness in relative significance)
I’m not especially happy with my Japan forecast.
I thought that there was a probability of signs of change,
especially economic, in 2015, but that these may be held back in the first half
of the year.
I predicted that in March there might be quite difficult
rockiness- geological or merely
economic, with the theme continuing for some months and being particularly
acute around June time. Technological shifts were likely.
It was certainly touch and go in the first quarter as Japan
seemed doomed to slip back into deflation. I was right in some ways, there were
changes in the pipeline that were then delayed, such as the return to active
nuclear reactors, there was an attempt
to curtail working hours and plans in train for allowing Japan military back
into the global fold ( for the first time since WWII)
But the rockiness I expected in March to June was not really
visible. Indeed there was glimmer of
light as June stats showed the economy growing.
After July and August were quieter, the process was expected
to start again in September, but be more about changing the leadership. August
saw the economy reportedly contract in Q2 .
I thought the year would end with increasing impetus for
radical change. There was mixed data in the last quarter as Japan was at first
thought to have fallen back into recession in Q3 but revised stats showed
Over the year there was change and this might possible be a
sign for the future. But I feel that I overstated the importance of the second
quarter. 55%
I said trade in the currency would be suppressed in January
2015 and February would see brief volatile conditions. In fact there was little
direction throughout the period and volatility was mild.
I correctly saw the next months as being calm though.
However I failed to note some rapid weakening in May. But my prediction for June/July
of no particular trend dominating currency wise was moderately ok
I expected a positive move in August though and this was
correct, But I thought that trend would continue and it did not.
The more mixed expectation for the year end was right though
with strengthening despite the US$ rate rise.
Not a great result, I missed some movements but was right
more than I was wrong 60%
I thought January and
February likely to be a difficult time
with depressed valuations. It was slightly true of January but not February
when the market rose.
I was more accurate on March and April, positive but no
significant rises. However the market hit 20000 for the first time in 15 years
in late April (though the last few steps of this was gradual) and such a
milestone should have been more obvious to me.
I thought there would be no significant change from May
through to September either. The difficult situation would remain, although
somewhat alleviated by positive news etc. But in fact after trading within a
range from May to August, in August the market followed other world markets
The positive blips in September and October can’t really be
matched with my statements either.
I saw October onwards as being better with moderately
positive trend in November and December. Partially correct – November was OK
but December less so.
Only 50%- no better than chance
I expected a quiet start to the year, positive with some
economic concerns. This summed up January well as positive growth was
accompanied by lack of confidence in the stats.
Modi’s reforms continued and particularly those affecting
the corporate sectors. I predicted shocka/dramatic events
between February to May which had the potential to undermine the
leadership but wouldn’t in the short term . Shocks was probably too strong a
word- upheavals better describes the anti-corruption and modernisation reforms
and it is true that the Corporates were happy but Modis wider reputation was
There was less outright opposition than I forecast in the
period June to August. But there was parliamentary opposition to reforms with
no bills passed in the session due to opposition pushback.
I also thought note that this period would have major themes
pertaining to global events and to the value of assets, but also to the
religious and cultural foundations of India.
It is therefore nice to see that the markets responded accordingly in
July/August but also that international yoga day became a reality.
I expected some clamping down on personal freedoms in
September and October though to
accompany a swelling mood amongst the population. This was mixing apples and
oranges I think. There were restrictions due to droughts affecting 14,708 of its 40,053 villages in one
regions. On the other hand surveys of the general public showed swelling support
for Modi
I the predicted more
unsettling events for the leadership near the year end. In fact this was an
error of interpretation- Modi was physically “unsettled” continuing his foreign
visits including surprising ones to Pakistan etc. There was also the loss of
some elections In November which was a setback.
I also expected leaps
in terms of women’s rights in the country in the year and near the year end the
Delhi high court ruled that the eldest female member of a family can now act as
the legal head of household, and, in October, the Ministry of
Defence approved the induction of women as combat pilots in the Indian Air
It is difficult to sum up a score for India. So much is in
flux, condensing it into a few paragraphs is impossible. Indeed the actuals are
far longer than the forecast. All things considered though a good effort. 80%
I expected the first
three months conditions to be relatively stable and this was so with the
currency trading within a narrow range. I also correctly surmised that
inflation issues might need to be addressed.
I thought April and May would be much more exciting- not all
bad, but gradual value changes . This was true but too a more limited extent
than I probably anticipated.
I was wrong about June and July – there weren’t any falls
and little fluctuations. I was spot on
about the value being undermined in August and that it was global events that
triggered things ( bonus points for that).
September will probably see a revaluation and the new
currency taking shape.
I expected more currency price stability in the last quarter
but this wasn’t so with the currency recovering slightly in October and then
returning to its September levels around the year end.
The stability came in the form of interest rates- after 4
reductions, (the final one larger than the rest) the rate stayed firm for the
last quarter.
Some good stuff here, but not perfect 75%
I expected January and February of 2015 to be very mixed
with a return to volatility again and a lack of clear direction despite the
fact that the longer term mood was one of market expansion. This was so, with a
peak being reached and no direction for the two months as a whole.
However I predicted
that March to May would see naivety and liquidity sending the market
higher. This was most definitely not the case. The market fell by 10% in
March to May.
I expected the index
to rise around June rise –I was talking bubbles though and it seems that
that had come and gone by then.
I also go August completely wrong as I missed the effect of
global falls here, though I was right to note that things would tail off in
My forecast for the last quarter was better, anticipating on
the one hand exuberance being maintained but on the other there is a sense of
caution returning. Gains in October were wiped out in November and December. In
fact the whole of the last quarter was lower than December 2014.
Missing out on two lots of definite falls, even if I did
note a bubble peak in the year, means I
can’t score more than 55% on this.
I expected more openness from Pakistan in 2015
I did not expect much
relief from violence, economic hardship
and earthquakes though- and this was also true ( though
anyone could have predicted the continued violence and economic problems the
fact that there was an earthquake in October is worth noting).
I expected not too much change ( ongoing reactions to past
events in March to May) and this was so. Violent incidents did continue and
there was a revisiting of the alleged 2013 election rigging.
I said, however, that a gradually evolving picture would
start to take shape over the June to September period and it would be more
positive. In fact despite ongoing violence the level of it was reducing (
indeed there was a 56% decline in incidents between 2014 and 2015).
Unfortunately this is probably due to some militants leaving for Iraq/Syria but
it did improve Pakistan’s prospects.
I also get a bonus for noting the opening up in the end of
the year as Pakistan received the Indian leader for the first time in over a
I thought that January and February would be mixed, with
difficulty getting things off the ground and moving forward, even though the
leadership would be able to seize some opportunities to progress with April
seeing the country appear erratic in the eyes of others.
This was pretty well assessed. The economic situation was
becoming harder and was constraining the President’s spending pledge.
Furthermore the new Prime minister’s attempts to tackle corruption after his
appointment in February ended with his resignation in April re alleged
corruption. April also saw a nationwide strike.
June through August,
I saw confusion and no long term
stability in view. In fact the “confusion” took the form of a MERs outbreak and
growth falling to a 2 year low.
I thought September and October would be better, with more
well- being ( appropriate as the Mers outbreak ended) and there was some evidence of consumption
picking up and at least the deal-making numbers were high, even if growth was
As expected the last part of the year continued the themes
of the spring and my summary for the year end position as being tough but with
positives on balance was a fair assessment.
North Korea
As usual the dearth of reliable media reports is a barrier
to prediction assessment.
I think we can assume the continued economic difficulties forecast for the early
part of the year is correct as the US increased sanctions.
And as predicted there were no reports to suggest any
aggressive actions in the first few months.
I thought the time around June might show some unexpected
aggressive events. But the only known one was an internal execution in May.
There was a short spate of firing between North and South Korea in mid August
but this soon dissolved into the background economic events.
I saw a longer term change in September, when NK re-started
its nuclear programme and I saw more power to the leader in the last quarter
which is likely the result of the above
70% ( difficult to score very high due to lack of data)
said that January and February would still see the shakiness that pervaded the
last quarter of 2014, but there is renewed vigour and determination . In fact the Q4 2014 stats showed growth at a
5 year low but in February interest rates were cut to fend off deflation.
thought March and April would be mostly positive, and though growth continued
to be slow the rate cut made things more positive overall.
said May to August would be more challenging. In May a cabinet reshuffle
attempted to address falling popularity and a possible coalition partner fell
through making economic reform harder. Then of course this was followed with
further poor growth stats and the August global difficulties and 1 September
saw a rally of factory workers.
thought September as a whole would be less eventful with only the background
issues continuing and this was so.
predicted the last quarter would be another period of energetic advancement,
perhaps too much so. In fact the 2nd part of the stimulus was put
into action at the end of September and resulted in the economy expanding
faster than expected in the last quarter.
also noted that the year would be dogged “petty” concerns – by which I meant
issues not pertaining to the structural economy – and issues surrounding women’s freedoms. These were
fulfilled through a mix of aviation investigations, forest fires and changes in
Islamic attitudes.
This was a particularly good forecast overall with a lot of detail right and no bad calls–
My forecast for the first quarter was for not a lot of
change ( the currency actually ended up where it started) but a lot of external
factors and more inflation. All of which was correct.
I saw the second quarter sees a return to the focus on
longer term structural issues and the balance of payments. And the currency fell gradually over the
period to June reflecting that trend.
However I thought the background mood in July and August
would result in little change of direction but with the possibility of a sudden
shock causing brief volatility in this period. In fact the currency fell
rapidly from mid-July to early September and then just as dramatically
recovered. Not quite what I meant but I can at least see the relationship
between my forecast and the reality.
I rightly then forecast that the end of the year would be more
moderated with little movement in either
direction and with December is probably one of the most stable months for some
time – this was particularly the case in the second half of December post the
US Fed announcement.