Pakistan - 2013-16


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The inclusion of Pakistan is primarily to look at the relations between it and India, however inevitably this touches on other matters too, and Pakistan obviously also has borders with Afganistan so even indications of border issues do not necessarily relate to India.
 The long term conditions of the country remain the same in 2013 as in recent years.  Terrorism continues to remain a problem, although the real issues in the country are probably economic. There is a continuous theme that suggests lack of any concrete advancement and resolution. This influence will continue through the period of this focus.
 The year started with the usual localised terrorist incidents and border skirmishes with India- though in the first month they were slightly greater than subsequent months.
Also during January the Prime Minister was arrested over corruption.
A caretaker president was in place from March in the run up to the general elections.
And April was really taken up with electioneering.
The election did not result in a clear winner and much of mid May was taken up with negotiating a coalition so that a new president could be appointed in June
There was little advancement in July and August although the Indian border situation was a little worse with more civilians affected. However things remained on a relatively low scale.
An earthquake created a new island this month drawing outside attention to the country.    As of the time of writing the Indian and Pakistani leaders are meeting to discuss relations and the indications are that this is an opportunity to progress.
Although some of the this mood continues into October and November and even December, the evidence points to continued on-going difficulties during that time, there have been some bigger internal attacks in September and this may well be the pattern for some while. Still they seem to be kept in check. Although there are some similar themes in the Indian chart for the same period, there is no reason to think that there will be a significant escalation in difficulties between them
December looks to be a particularly significant month. There are restrictions that look like they might relate to border issues  - possibly indicating military presence. On the other hand it could mean more commitment to resolving border ( could be any border) challenges.
There may be further shifts in internal power in January 2014, there are further indications of an unsettled atmosphere – perhaps the coalition is shaky?
February to April is a mixed period – there are signs that unrest may proliferate and the country is affected by the long term global influences that are prevalent at this time. The latter part of the period is the most significant.
Either way it looks to be problematic for the leadership. However the significant matters seem to be internal ones.
May and June see this continuing, and it is coupled with a return to Decembers themes.
It is a very difficult period for a country which had such difficult origins.
It is unlikely that this will relate to India though as it will be approaching elections.
Although there is no real let up in the themes over July and August. there is a period when the population are particularly vulnerable, perhaps to more floods rather than any political or economic issues
There are economic restrictions in September and the possibility of either an escalation in violence or earthquake activity – one hopes that the country does not experience floods then earthquakes – that would be too unlucky.
 The focus turn to the leadership in the next two months, and although t is under pressure their image is not wholly poor at this time.
December is tricky with further restrictions and adjustments.
So it seems all of 2014 passes without any major border issues.
A change in mood accompanies the new year in 2015 – there is definitely more openness – though whether more interaction with other nations will be in a good way in this case is debatable.
There continue to be a great deal of power focussed on the fundamentals of the country so the recurring country themes of violence, economic hardship and  earthquakes etc. do not abate. This will inevitably cause major long term change  It seems at this time that international relations are the focus in the first few months.
March to May is not without problems but they are more issues of adjustment to existing circumstances rather than new events.
A gradually evolving picture starts to take shape over the June to September period. Adjustments are still happening but they are better for the leadership and the period even ends with some positive developments. It is a notable time in India too though there is nothing again that particularly indicates direct conflict,
In October the focus is on the relationship between people and government.
By November the picture is quite positive for the country ( within the longer term more negative context that is) with things opening up.
January 2016 is not  exactly a positive month but at least it does not see any explosive forces and there may be reasonable opportunities for the  people of the country.
And as the mood shifts a little in February and March, there is a chance to renegotiate relationships without direct confrontation.
 April and May continue to experience the themes of the first quarter and there is again a better position for the government
June to august sees a lot of focus on the country again. There is change but it can be harnessed rather than just felt as external force and the energies of the country are for once able to be directed in a constructive way.
It is, however, a time when there may be some border problems. Given the correlations between events in the two countries.
There is the possibility of the start of a slow evolution for the better by the third quarter – but the long term situation is so in-trenched that change always feels challenging even when it is moving in the right direction.  Faith is key to this period.
The last couple of months of 2016 are more mixed  but the government has internal support even if the external view is of it not moving in the right directions
