Gold - THe project Part II

This is the second of a three part Gold forecasting project. I am posting the whole project in this case as it isn't possible to identify an original gold chart, so some justification is in order. Part I discusses the chart in use, Part II, which is very long, looks at some historical events for chart comparison and confirmation and Part III looks at the future. Astrologers might be interested in Part's I and II, but other readers will probably want to focus on Part III and some future updates.

I’ve picked 6 events for comparison and greater enlightenment about the workings of the 1980 chart:
·         Newton’s proposal to fix gold 21 Sept 1717 (OS) – noon (untimed), London
·         Nixon speech ending Bretton woods 15 Aug 1971 – 9p.m. Washington
·         Lows in 1999- one for dollars (20 July 3pm London) and one for sterling ( 10 sep 10.30am London)
·         High point for gold in the recent cycle 5 Sept 2011 – 3pm London
·         The sterling fix of 1919
·         One of the 1974 charts
Newton’s proposal to fix gold 21 Sept 1717 (OS) – noon (untimed), London

In this case we will look at the aspects between the 1717 chart and the 1980 one.  The key factors to note here are (I will ignore the 1717 angles as the event is untimed):
·         Jupiter at 0 Leo on that 2nd cusp again and opposite the 1980 conjunction. Note also that the progressed Jupiter of the 1980 chart is close to this at 1 degree Leo- the degree it falls in the UK 1801 chart. Nice. 
·         The progressed 1980 Mars is at 21 degrees picking up the Moon, Pluto and Neptune.
·         Saturn is close to conjunction with the 1980 Pluto, and the progressed Ascendant square progressed MC are both within a degree of Saturn. Indeed the planets are within orb of there being a Saturn conjunction with Pluto and a Pluto conjunction with progressed Saturn. Definitely evidence of the grounding effect of this event.
·         The progressed Moon, though  in Leo,  is not highlighted. This makes sense. This was a decision of government not of the markets.
·         The progressed Node is close to the IC and transiting Pluto conjoins the IC. Clearly a key cyclical point in Gold history.
Nixon speech ending Bretton woods 15 Aug 1971 – 9p.m. Washington

In this case we expect to see more focus on the dollar price issues.
·         The chart MC conjoins Neptune at 21/22 degrees.
 At this point we could say QED and move on. But since it will be at this position daily (!) let’s see what else we can identify!
·         The progressed Moon itself is at 22 degrees Scorpio trine the 1980 Moon
·         Transiting Sun is at 22 Leo, square the progressed Moon and trine the transiting MC. These three taken together are significant.
·         Progressed Sun is at 22 Capricorn, sextile the progressed Moon and 1980 Moon etc.
·         Neptune is at that important 0 degrees ( in this case in Sagittarius). Sextile the chart Sun and trine the second house cusp.
·         The Ascendant of the speech  conjoins the 13-15 mutable degrees MC of the 1980 chart. Nothing like picking your moments in advance eh?!
·         Transiting Pluto is within 2 degrees of the chart  Saturn, and is sextile Jupiter and square the Moon. We are picking up the Pluto/Saturn  cycle again
·         Mar is quincunx the 1980 chart Mars.
And…. Well I think that is enough. We’ve clearly demonstrated the relationship between the 2 events. If you decouple your currency from a metal base it is likely to sink vs. that metal. No surprises there.
The 1919 fix chart
We wouldn’t expect this to correlate terribly well with the dollar as it isn’t a dollar turning point chart but would expect some elements of the peak chart to show up.  In this case we see:
·         Moon at 0 degrees ( this time Capricorn)
·         Asc progressed at 0 degrees Taurus. This in itself is indicative of the nature of the event.
·         Saturn conjoins the progressed Node – again it’s a fix – we would expect this
·         Progressed Mercury conjoins the natal Uranus
·         The transiting Sun Venus conjunction is square progressed Neptune
Then we have the 1974 chart. I’ve used NY at 10 a.m.

This time we would expect a dollar and price connection (and a connection to the Nixon chart too):
·         Saturn conjoins the 1980 Ascendant  and sextile the chart’s Mars .Mercury is on the Descendant
·         Venus is at 0 degrees – this time Pisces opposite the node
·         Jupiter conjoins the 1980 MC
·         The Sun is within a degree of the progressed Moon and trines the natal Jupiter and squares Pluto ( yep we know what cycle we are in with that one!). The progressed Moon is itself sextile the progressed Ascendant.
·         Venus at 22 degrees Capricorn is conjunct progressed Mercury
·         The start of trade is probably also signified by the transiting Moon trine Mars/MC
Again the connections are sufficiently persuasive.
More interesting from the perspectives of price are the next 3 charts.
    Lows in 1999- one for dollars (20 July 3pm London) and one for sterling ( 10 sep 10.30am London)
Dollar Low
In this chart
·         Neptune ( quincunx transiting venus) is transiting the 0 degree Sun conjunction ( though not exactly) and is sextile the progressed MC and square Jupiter
·         Progressed Venus is at 0 degree Aries sextile the 1980 Sun conjunction.
·         The progressed Moon at 29 Scorpio squares the progressed Node.
·         The Sun is transiting the progressed Ascendant
·         The progressed Sun is at 20 degrees, sextile 1980 Neptune and trine Pluto
·         Transiting Saturn, square Uranus,  is trine the 1980 Mars
·         Transiting Pluto is trine transiting Mercury and square progressed Jupiter 
Contrast this with the Sterling low ( on which I put less emphasis as we are basing our analysis on the dollar peak chart)

Many of the progressed positions remain the same.
·         Neptune ( quincunx transiting venus) is still transiting the Sun conjunction although the sextile to the progressed MC is now wide
·         Transiting moon is at 23 degrees square Neptune
·         Progressed Venus remains at 0 degree Aries sextile the 1980 Sun conjunction
·         The progressed Moon is now at 1 degree Sag and  squares the Node.
·         The Sun ( conjunct Mercury)  is now transiting trine transiting Saturn and has just past the 1980 Mars/IC
·         The progressed Sun is at 20 degrees, sextile 1980 Neptune and trine Pluto
·         Transiting Pluto remains square progressed Jupiter 
So we can conclude that lows ideally require:
·         Neptune beginning to separate from  hard aspect to the Sun ( ideally triggered by another probably progressed planet).
·         Conjunctions/configurations  with Ascendant or MC/IC  - natal or progressed -especially involving Saturn
·         21 degrees or close strongly aspected
·         Aspects from Jupiter and Pluto
 The high point for gold in the recent cycle 5 Sept 2011 – 3pm London
The first thing we note here is
·         2011 Saturn conjoins transiting MC and opposes 1980 progressed MC and squares its ascendant. And at the degree of Mars. That alone is one big turning point indicator.
But also
·         The  transiting Sun is on the IC. Obviously an annual event and not by itself important. Though it does tell us something about the exact timing and together with the Saturn position is enough to tell us of a key timing date. 
·         The transiting Moon is at 23 degrees conjunct Neptune (21 degrees) and quincunx the progressed Moon also at 23 degrees.  And transiting mars is at 21 degrees. These clearly tie the event  back to the chosen chart. 
·         But what about that 0 degree point?  We do see Neptune at 29 degrees and the progressed Sun at 2 degrees, but this isn’t really quite enough?
Highs therefore require
·         Neptune starting to make a hard aspect to the Sun ( ideally triggered by another probably progressed planet).
·         Conjunctions/configurations  with Ascendant or MC/IC  - natal or progressed -especially involving Saturn
·         21 degrees or close strongly aspected
·         Aspects from Jupiter and Pluto
We can also, for fun, test the chart by looking at some other key economic events
I haven't posted the chart's as this section would become too cumbersome.
First a reverse chart test: What happened the last time Saturn conjoined the progressed IC ( incidentally accompanied by progressed Mars)?
= End of gold dollar production, baja California gold rush
Next a couple of date tests. Does the chart pick up the first gold rush?
·         Transiting Mercury at 0 degrees aquarius!  Conjoins  the Sun at 3
·         Saturn is close to the MC
·         progressed Saturn conjunct prog Mercury &Sun square prog Neptune
In 1806 with a  Sun mercury conjunction in Leo – US suspended production of Silver coins
The chart also picks up the royal mint chart 21 Sept 1717, with transiting Jupiter at 0 degrees Leo, Pluto at 13 degrees Virgo, trining the transiting Sun at 13 Taurus aspecting the chart MC and Saturn conjoining natal Pluto and opposite progressed Mars Mercury. The progressed MC squares natal Saturn.
interestingly, the chart can also be compared with the Tulip bubble : no date but in the month of the peak progressed Ascendant was  conjunct progressed Jupiter at 0 degrees Leo. Of course people would have been selling gold and buying tulips.
So there we have it. A workable gold/dollar chart with some indicators of some key degrees and planetary cycles.
