France 2013-16

 People often ask ‘why, if astrology works so well, do you not get your predictions right all the time?’ A great example of why this is so can be seen in the France chart at the moment.
One would be struck by the major configuration in the chart that suggests that the image France would be projecting to the world now is  that of a dark, secretive, undermining and scheming country undergoing a significant deep transformation. Now while some people might say there is some truth in that , I was drawn to the news item which says that Paris is to have a major Metro extension – the country’s capital will have a major underground upheaval. It is a perfect illustration of the difficulty of forecasters when presented with so many potential ways a theme can manifest.
Of course far more pertinent is France’s involvement in Mali since the beginning of the year. I am certainly glad I did not have to predict this in advance as Mali wouldn’t have been on my radar at all.
While France’s economic situation is not dire ( after a poor Q4 2012 it expects to grow minimally in Q1 2013), it is suffering its worst financial situation since the start of the crisis ( something incidentally I did point out in 2008) and recent opinion polls show the Socialist president's popularity is falling.
However the mood by April looks good. Expect better than  anticipated statistics and a brief few weeks of indulgence before reality resurfaces.
The period from May sees a return to the stresses of economic and other difficulties, with perhaps a few unexpected shocks to unsettle things further. However  it looks as if France still has sufficient reputation to overcome any financial setbacks and there is still plenty of funds available to it in the markets.
The period around August and September is tougher. While the government will still be in a strong position, there are some tough challenges which will resonate with the French public at this time. It is likely that the Mali situation or a similar event will escalate.
October is more mixed. There is no let up with the conditions already in place and there are some further shocks for the people. 
The last two months of the year see France associated with  more restriction and some limitations on the ability of the leadership to act as they would wish. However there is also good news possibly even on the financial front.
The beginning of 2014 sees both opportunity and the power to improve situations but coupled with a mood that dampens the affinity of France with its history as a republic created through revolution. Although the latter is a theme that pops up every 7 years or so, in this case it resonates with something in the global environment and may this have longer lasting impact. 
 March to May are characterised by disruptive instability, affecting the economy and the country’s relations with its partners.
 June is a more mixed month, but on balance there is a good feeling again for a while.
 In July, there is focus on France , and the financial foundations of the country, but this is unlikely to be too serious as it is beneficial for the government. We can assume some economic pronouncements on the Eurozone are made.
 August and September see a resurrection of some of the more difficult themes from 2013. The impact is mixed though with some positive responses followed by a more negative tone affecting the government and the country’s image.
October and November see some shocks brought in to the picture again. And issues that resonate with the history of the country are likely to take prominence.  It is possible there will be strikes etc. This is also a key turning point in relations with other countries.
December repeats many of the themes of the previous months but with a stronger resonance with the people and a greater focus directly on the economic situation.
The first 3 months of 2015, while continuing some of the 2014 trends, also begins to see a little more stability creeping in . There might even be some positive financial outcomes/
 April and May is actually so positive that it might cause the government to overdo its actions.
By June there is a final evaluation of the issues that were highlighted from October 2014, there seems to be sufficient power at ttime to overcome most difficulties.
Q3 of 2015     sees consolidation of the actions taken to date, an abundance of power in the country which is likely to only be a difficulty is there is too much action and too much financial ease. The only significant risk at this time is that the French people feel they are being deceived or not able to influence the agenda as much as they should. But this affect is likely to be minimal in comparison with the drive to overcome obstacles being so strong.  
Certainly the government is all powerful in November.  And the French people might resent this by December when they might raise some objections to policy.
January to March of 2016 are more mixed therefore. There is still a lot of power that can be harnessed, but there is also a need to adjust the way this is used and to pacify some more vocal members of the population.
April to June sees another mixed period, when there is real opportunity to move forward and change things for the better, but there is also dome dissent from some elements of the country.
The sense of unsettling power, coupled with a sense of being restricted with continue over the summer months  
This leads up to another key time in September. The period marks a time of opportunity and the start of a new period of success for the French leadership. There is some very powerful change in play but it is generally received in a positive way. 
 October sees the process of change continue but with a return to the concerns about deception.
 The last two months of 2016 are eventful but there is nothing that indicates a major change of mood and there is no clear direction. The themes of change and deception both continue but there is also a feeling of satisfaction and success in some areas and there is even some over exuberance.  However the benefits are not universal and this means that there are still some people who demand adjustment in policies.
The art is by Fayçal Baghriche
