Having submitted 13 posts for your delectation in quick succession, and with no pretty pictures to enliven the text, I thought I should explain myself.
We live in a global society. And, while it is possible to make an individual prediction for a market without reference to any other, an understanding of the broader picture requires simultaneous review. So although I prepared many of these posts a month ago, I waited until now to publish them so I could look at the global themes.
Having written so many entries, however, time was moving on and I felt that it was better for the project if I submitted the raw posts, rather than edit and add pictures to them. Even so, I have refrained from posting my, almost complete, Euro forecast until I have time to consult the charts of the individual countries.
In an ideal world I would have completed these and all my forecasts before 2013 began and had time to select some appropriate graphics. We don't live in an ideal world - if we did no forecasts would be necessary anyway- and I am well behind my schedule. For that I apologise and will try to make future entries a little less raw.