New Bank of England governor

As a little bonus to accompany the BOE forecasts, I thought I would take a look at the synastry between it, the UK chart and the new Governor’s chart. Warning: astrological symbolism follows.
Mr Carney was born in March 1965. This is very interesting, as he was therefore born at the time of the Uranus/Pluto Conjunction. No prizes for noticing that we are now in the next part of that cycle; the square. Coincidence – well maybe- he is after all a reasonable age for the job and perhaps other candidates would have much the same configuration in their charts.

However, Mr Carney wasn’t just born during the period of the conjunction, his chart is closely tied to it. Indeed his chart is extraordinary. Although we don’t have a birth time, it is still clear he was born at a critical time. He has Pluto Uranus Mars and the Moon in conjunction in Virgo opposite Sun Venus and Saturn in Pisces. Of course Neptune in Scorpio trines/sextiles these two conjunctions but Jupiter in Taurus does also. All his planets ( bar Mercury) form a rectangle . Pretty and pretty impressive too.  The fact that the Moon change signs rapidly means this particular picture only lasted for a day or so. We are all unique; but some charts are more unique than others.
But what about the synastry? His Sun (sextile Jupiter) conjoins the Bank’s Neptune – indicative of the nature of his role. But what stands out is that the Bank’s progressed Sun at 13 degrees Capricorn trines/sextiles his Pluto/Uranus conjunction. And 13 degrees is the degree of the Pluto Uranus Square in 2013-14, just as his progressed Sun reaches 13 degrees Taurus. Inescapable. Cometh the hour, cometh the man

But I’m not going to comment on whether he is the right person for the job or not. That misses the point He is where he is meant to be and the results are neither to be blamed on him or credited to him. What will be, will be; destiny will out.
I also took a peak at the synastry with the UK chart. Mr Carney has Neptune at 18 degrees Scorpio. Exactly conjunct the UK Neptune in the 2nd House of money and resources. Neptune returning to any degree is a once every 165 year event- again we are living in very interesting (but inevitable) times. Since Neptune in the UK chart does indeed rule the wider money supply/currency, what this tells us is that the coming period will be key for the UK currency.

And I would just like to add that 18 Scorpio is a particularly lovely degree (says the owner of a 18 degree Scorpio Sun placementJ)
