Up and running again

So, finally, I'm back in the zone. But I've got lazy over the last 4 years and I  can't believe what hard work this detailed forecasting is. 

Anyway, I've finally conducted my reviews of 2011-12 and the next 3 posts will feature the outcomes. The fourth post will feature a summary of my experiences - what worked, what didn't.

After that we're finally on to 2013-16, starting on home territory with a look at the UK and the Bank of England including a few comments on Mr Carney's chart.

I'm not sure how long it will take me to cover all the countrys again - I imagine around 6 months if I am to do everything justice, so I'll cross my fingers that no big events happen before I forecast them!!

As I think I mentioned, the new style will not include many references to the astrological configurations. In orde rto shorten the posts and make them more accessible I'm only going to include the forecasts. Anyone interested in the astrology can contact me for the astrological logic which underpin each forecasts which is avialable to those who want it.
