Briefly the Turkish chart is characterised by Pluto rising square Mars. The Moon, the chart ruler is weak in the 12th house at 29 degrees 59mins . Uranus conjoins the MC in Pisces. Saturn and Mercury are conjunct in Libra, while Venus and Jupiter are close in Scorpio and square Neptune. With relatively few hard aspects it could be assumed it is a simple chart but the mix of planets and signs make it a curious and complex chart, with no one theme predominating.
Interestingly, although the proclamation is said to have occurred at 20.30 Attaturk was formally elected at 20.45- when the Moon had reached Cancer, and perhaps this makes more sense. The chart Moon is very transient.
In any case, either way, Pluto has recently ( 1-2 years ago) opposed the Turkish moon . Neptune has also been activating the chart – squaring the Jupiter configuration, whilst Uranus trined it. Saturn is in the 4th house having stationed close the IC a year ago. Economically Turkey’s rapid growth from 2002-2007 slowed during this period and the Lira completed its restructuring on 1 Jan 2009. The Lira has fallen since its redenomination in 2005, the Neptune square not being conducive to stability, but the Lira has stabilised a little of late, strengthening vs. the dollar in 2009. The Sun progressed into Aquarius in 2007 indicative of some of the issues around secularism that occurred at this time. They have been interesting times. What next?
Assuming the correct time for the chart, we see that the progressed MC is squaring the natal Uranus throughout this period. Changes will happen both in Turkey and with its partners that will radically change the way the country relates in the future.
Interestingly, although the proclamation is said to have occurred at 20.30 Attaturk was formally elected at 20.45- when the Moon had reached Cancer, and perhaps this makes more sense. The chart Moon is very transient.
In any case, either way, Pluto has recently ( 1-2 years ago) opposed the Turkish moon . Neptune has also been activating the chart – squaring the Jupiter configuration, whilst Uranus trined it. Saturn is in the 4th house having stationed close the IC a year ago. Economically Turkey’s rapid growth from 2002-2007 slowed during this period and the Lira completed its restructuring on 1 Jan 2009. The Lira has fallen since its redenomination in 2005, the Neptune square not being conducive to stability, but the Lira has stabilised a little of late, strengthening vs. the dollar in 2009. The Sun progressed into Aquarius in 2007 indicative of some of the issues around secularism that occurred at this time. They have been interesting times. What next?
Assuming the correct time for the chart, we see that the progressed MC is squaring the natal Uranus throughout this period. Changes will happen both in Turkey and with its partners that will radically change the way the country relates in the future.
The current Pluto Saturn square picks up the progressed Saturn, Sun and Venus – but on balance relatively favourably. Harder aspects to the ascendant and Mars lie in the wings for later. Neptune is opposing the progressed Moon but the aspect is over and the Moon moves on. Uranus comes to the end of its quincunx to Saturn and Mercury. Things are getting quieter for a while.
However Jupiter transits the country’s MC in March, which might throw up some excitement. Its trine to the Turkish Venus and Jupiter in April looks very positive.
In May the retrograde Saturn squares the Moon again, some issues from last October will be problematic. Uranus and Jupiter together also start to square the Moon, expect some divisive events and a not wholly happy populace. 1988, when Uranus and Saturn opposed the Moon was more or less the start of Turkey’s hyperinflation ( though Uranus itself was responsible only for the shift rather than the actual inflation). The issues continue through the effect of the cardinal cross in June to September. I would imagine this to take the form of both political and economic disruption – though it is quite possible that this will reflect external events rather than be caused directly by Turkish policy.
In October and November, Saturn will conjoin the country’s Mars, suggesting a clampdown of some sort on activity, further problems are suggested by the subsequent Square to Pluto and the Ascendant. The economic position is ok at this point though with Uranus and Jupiter trining Jupiter.
Uranus and Jupiter again square the Moon in early 2011- suggesting that any respite is short lived and that summer 2010 problems resurface them. Jupiter’s subsequent opposition to Mars only makes disagreements more out in the open. However Neptune by now has reached a trine with the moon making the mood more diluted – perhaps issues will just peter out. Although with Jupiter opposing the Saturn Mercury conjunction in May we might get some changes in policy/law as a result.
More important is the approach of Pluto to the Ascendant axis during these months. Pluto represents underground change, and it is crossing the Descendant square Mars, there is a risk that either Turkey will be subject to terrorism or serious power struggles. When Pluto squared this point in 1974 Turkey moved into Cyprus. Or, more likely since Pluto is on the Descendant, the country will be pulled into international issues and power games especially since Pluto is also sextile progressed Venus, suggesting diplomacy. Another possibility is earthquakes in the region.
June through to September looks more positive with Uranus sextiling the progressed Sun, only exaggerated by a Jupiter square in June. Changes will be welcome at this time and much can be accomplished. Nevertheless the Pluto transit doesn’t go away – it is hard to be completely relaxed. Jupiter sextiles the Ascendant in July and opposes the natal Sun, normally this would be a good thing but in this case it probably emphasises the involvement in power struggles.
The progressed Moon crosses the IC at this time – and the progressed Ascendant is also slowly transiting the same point. As in other charts we have looked at this indicates a key turning point especially for a country that already has Uranus on its MC. 2011 looks like the crucial year for Turkey to enhance its relations and thus its trade.
The themes continue throughout October and November, and the Saturn return in November December ends a 29 year cycle in the country’s history, one that started with the Saturn Pluto conjunction at that time. The next cycle looks to have a less challenging economic theme. Nevertheless all Saturn cycle ends force the evaluation of the whole cycle and there may be much introspection and questions asked of the government in these winter months.
We still see Pluto on the Descendant as 2012 begins, looking more and more like the impact of the wider world on Turkey. A heavy transit especially when accompanied by that Saturn return. I do feel the country will be under some fairly restrictive influences at this time one way or the other. It is unlikely to be great for the economy – although the chart is not showing massive restructuring of industries or hard recession, rather more an ominous shadow of difficulties.
The time around April 2012 looks better – with Jupiter opposite Venus and the chart’s Scorpio
conjunction as well as sextile the MC and Uranus there is some optimism and opportunity but it is still tempered by that ominous Pluto.
To add to the problem, over the Spring and summer Uranus reaches its cardinal square with Pluto – close to the Ascendant axis and opposite Mars. This is really tricky. Perhaps the fact that the MC is not involved saves the country from break up but having such a major global square slap bang on an angle can’t be brushed under the carpet. That and retrograde Saturn repeating its return to the 1923 position suggests a very difficult political period- even though economically it is more mixed. It is possible that Turkey is suffering damage to its main industries such as tourism etc at this time as a result of economic hardships elsewhere. Either way the government will be under pressure.
Furthermore the fact that Pluto moving on from the ascendant will soon oppose natal Pluto suggests little respite for some time yet.
Creation of Republic
29 October 1923, Ankara, Turkey, 20.30 local time
Source: Book of World Horoscopes. N Campion
The current Pluto Saturn square picks up the progressed Saturn, Sun and Venus – but on balance relatively favourably. Harder aspects to the ascendant and Mars lie in the wings for later. Neptune is opposing the progressed Moon but the aspect is over and the Moon moves on. Uranus comes to the end of its quincunx to Saturn and Mercury. Things are getting quieter for a while.
However Jupiter transits the country’s MC in March, which might throw up some excitement. Its trine to the Turkish Venus and Jupiter in April looks very positive.
In May the retrograde Saturn squares the Moon again, some issues from last October will be problematic. Uranus and Jupiter together also start to square the Moon, expect some divisive events and a not wholly happy populace. 1988, when Uranus and Saturn opposed the Moon was more or less the start of Turkey’s hyperinflation ( though Uranus itself was responsible only for the shift rather than the actual inflation). The issues continue through the effect of the cardinal cross in June to September. I would imagine this to take the form of both political and economic disruption – though it is quite possible that this will reflect external events rather than be caused directly by Turkish policy.
In October and November, Saturn will conjoin the country’s Mars, suggesting a clampdown of some sort on activity, further problems are suggested by the subsequent Square to Pluto and the Ascendant. The economic position is ok at this point though with Uranus and Jupiter trining Jupiter.
Uranus and Jupiter again square the Moon in early 2011- suggesting that any respite is short lived and that summer 2010 problems resurface them. Jupiter’s subsequent opposition to Mars only makes disagreements more out in the open. However Neptune by now has reached a trine with the moon making the mood more diluted – perhaps issues will just peter out. Although with Jupiter opposing the Saturn Mercury conjunction in May we might get some changes in policy/law as a result.
More important is the approach of Pluto to the Ascendant axis during these months. Pluto represents underground change, and it is crossing the Descendant square Mars, there is a risk that either Turkey will be subject to terrorism or serious power struggles. When Pluto squared this point in 1974 Turkey moved into Cyprus. Or, more likely since Pluto is on the Descendant, the country will be pulled into international issues and power games especially since Pluto is also sextile progressed Venus, suggesting diplomacy. Another possibility is earthquakes in the region.
June through to September looks more positive with Uranus sextiling the progressed Sun, only exaggerated by a Jupiter square in June. Changes will be welcome at this time and much can be accomplished. Nevertheless the Pluto transit doesn’t go away – it is hard to be completely relaxed. Jupiter sextiles the Ascendant in July and opposes the natal Sun, normally this would be a good thing but in this case it probably emphasises the involvement in power struggles.
The progressed Moon crosses the IC at this time – and the progressed Ascendant is also slowly transiting the same point. As in other charts we have looked at this indicates a key turning point especially for a country that already has Uranus on its MC. 2011 looks like the crucial year for Turkey to enhance its relations and thus its trade.
The themes continue throughout October and November, and the Saturn return in November December ends a 29 year cycle in the country’s history, one that started with the Saturn Pluto conjunction at that time. The next cycle looks to have a less challenging economic theme. Nevertheless all Saturn cycle ends force the evaluation of the whole cycle and there may be much introspection and questions asked of the government in these winter months.
We still see Pluto on the Descendant as 2012 begins, looking more and more like the impact of the wider world on Turkey. A heavy transit especially when accompanied by that Saturn return. I do feel the country will be under some fairly restrictive influences at this time one way or the other. It is unlikely to be great for the economy – although the chart is not showing massive restructuring of industries or hard recession, rather more an ominous shadow of difficulties.
The time around April 2012 looks better – with Jupiter opposite Venus and the chart’s Scorpio
conjunction as well as sextile the MC and Uranus there is some optimism and opportunity but it is still tempered by that ominous Pluto.
To add to the problem, over the Spring and summer Uranus reaches its cardinal square with Pluto – close to the Ascendant axis and opposite Mars. This is really tricky. Perhaps the fact that the MC is not involved saves the country from break up but having such a major global square slap bang on an angle can’t be brushed under the carpet. That and retrograde Saturn repeating its return to the 1923 position suggests a very difficult political period- even though economically it is more mixed. It is possible that Turkey is suffering damage to its main industries such as tourism etc at this time as a result of economic hardships elsewhere. Either way the government will be under pressure.
Furthermore the fact that Pluto moving on from the ascendant will soon oppose natal Pluto suggests little respite for some time yet.
Creation of Republic
29 October 1923, Ankara, Turkey, 20.30 local time
Source: Book of World Horoscopes. N Campion