Time flies, doesn’t it? But until the last couple of weeks we haven’t missed much economically have we?
I was, of course going to complete my G20 countries months ago, but try as I might I couldn’t raise any enthusiasm for a group of countries I had never visited. So economic output at Fortuna2020 has equalled zero. However, Greece has kindly re-ignited my interest. Of course it wasn’t on the list, but I’ve bribed myself: if I finish my G20 then I can look at Greece. Oooooh the thrill of it!
So here we are in South Africa. At least with the World Cup it is topical. You’d think I would be more thrilled wouldn’t you? However my appreciation for the World Cup is severely diluted every four years until that moment of ecstasy when England are eliminated. Then I am gripped by it. Of course England is unlikely to be submitting a team this year as the media has decreed that philandering is not acceptable in its footballers. And, since the phrase faithful footballer is clearly an oxymoron ..well…
Ooops, I digressed, didn’t I? Can you tell I am not enthused by South Africa? Oh well let’s get it over with shall we? I’ll try to make these next few posts short and sweet.
The chart I am using for South Africa makes it a Gemini nation – the dual face of Gemini fits well with the history of apartide. The contrast between the beauty of the Cape and the crime of Jo’berg is also indicated by this aspect. There are other interesting factors in the chart, notably a Mars Neptune conjunction, but we won’t analyse these we’ll just look at the future.
The Rand chart is rather mixed with a Jupiter Saturn conjunction quincunx Uranus. Interesting to see a currency that is about global matters and does not really tap into the personal planets at all. It has benefited from Neptune transiting its Sun in 2009; but some gains have been speculative.
South Africa has so far remained relatively unaffected by the world economic problems (
though of course relatively is a big qualification in this case), with its currency strengthening significantly in 2009, - although making the country less competitive, it is probably welcome after some years of deppreciation. However the political situation has been more questionable with the hints of past scandals associated with Zuma, president since May 2009 . Neptune spent the last year transiting the country’s moon : a situation where no-one knows the truth. The unsettled effect has been amplified by a Uranus sextile to the country’s Uranus which is pulling in a square to natal Pluto.
As 2010 begins these aspects are still in play. They are accompanied by a Saturn transit to the SA Jupiter, suggesting some restriction in business, but the trine to the progressed ascendant confirms that the country is coping better than others. However Pluto is square Jupiter suggesting that there are a number of problems simmering beneath the surface.
Transiting Jupiter is about to pass over the country’s ascendant and into its first house in the next few weeks. Of course the fact that the country must be more open to the world and find eyes focused on it is par for the course for a world cup host. Jupiter also squares the SA sun and MC, definitely a time when the activities of the country, good and bad, will be thrown open to all eyes.
Jupiter continues its journey through the first house in March and April shifting from hard aspects to the natal sun and MC to one to the progressed sun and MC. Jupiter then opposes the country’s progressed Mars and sextiles its progressed Uranus in April – unfortunately this progressed aspect probably reflects the crime and violence that occurs in the country and Jupiter is likely to draw attention to this in the run up to the Cup. Hopefully there is sufficient prominence given to the country’s Aids problem too.
From a trade point of view, though, the aspect is probably going to be a good thing – much more development and economic activity.
There are some problems surrounding the rand as Saturn transits square its Mars, but this is offset by Jupiter; probably too much demand upsetting the hard currency balance and not a longer term issue. The issue of trade in the currency continues throughout the period to August, but it is a technical rather than a value one.
However, Saturn is square the SA Pluto through the months of May to July. Add to this the upcoming mundane Saturn Pluto square and it is difficult to see how there won’t be some unpleasant events associated with this Cup. Security will need to be good else the sort of event that marred the Africa cup in Angola could be repeated.
June itself is characterised by the first conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (sextile the SA mercury) at 0 degrees of Aries.. This in itself is a dramatic aspect. Perfect for a sporting event to break with tradition and suggesting progressive steps, but nevertheless a combination that can be volatile- on the pitch it could give some fantastic football, off the pitch I am less confident of the positives. Still there is little in the SA chart at 1 degree of the cardinal signs so perhaps too much disruption can be avoided. Economically, and despite the impending restrictions of Saturn, its all good stuff.
The themes continue into July. But now the impact of the Saturn and Pluto become stronger- a bit of a hangover effect probably. However, compared to some countries this key aspect is not too damaging to the SA chart. the progressed Moon forms a sextile and Saturn again trines Mercury as it conjoins Jupiter. All in all, a dampening of the exuberance but not too difficult, which continues throughout the SA winter months until October.
Furthermore Neptune trines Pluto, an easy aspect economically, though it has its downsides in other areas.
By October Saturn trines the country’s Sun and conjoins its progressed Neptune. This would normally be a sign of stability, politically and economically. However it is accompanied by the return of Jupiter and Uranus to a square to Pluto and sextile to Uranus through to January 2011. Much of the past problems come to the surface again so that Saturn trine is probably going to be harder on the economy and on the president than would otherwise be the case.
November and December sees Neptune transiting the SA moon again – yet more evidence of a return to murky situations.
Saturn on the Rand progressed MC opposite its progressed Sun and natal Venus, suggests the attraction of the currency wanes at this time.
The period is also dominated by Pluto’s square to the SA Jupiter. This is a debt aspect, and
since SA have been rather cautious about debt, we could probably surmise that this represents the impact of events elsewhere in the global economy.
As mentioned the themes of October onwards continue into the early part of 2011. Now, however, Saturn reaches progressed Jupiter and then squares Neptune. This will inevitably subdue optimism and clamp down on deception. It is less good for the currency too.
However it is offset by Jupiter sextiling the progressed Ascendant and opposes the country’s Jupiter, and expansive, even over-expansive, aspect.
There might also be another spike in rand trades at this time- the currency’s Mars is again squared by the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. With Pluto trine its own Pluto, it is facing questions over fundamental value – perhaps in line with other commodity related currencies.
Uranus returns to its sextile with SA Mercury in March, and Jupiter opposes progressed Mercury . Since these both highlight communications and information, we can expect information to come to light at this time which may change the political picture. It also suggests a continuing high level of trading activity.
April sees Jupiter sextile Neptune Mars conjunction and trines the progressed Sun and Mars
May sees Jupiter square the SA Uranus and sextile the Moon as well as Neptune squaring its Mercury and sextiling Saturn. A bit of a mixed bunch but not economically problematic in the longer term. However it will highlight some endemic problems within SA. The transist are accompanied by the progressed Moon Trine the progressed MC- not a bad aspect but in this case focusing on the people more than usual and perhaps further drawing attention to ongoing issues.
The Saturn conjunction with progressed Mercury in June will likely result in some repression of information and or trade.
July and August see Jupiter conjoining the country’s Saturn, good for both the government and the economy, a fact further confirmed by the sextile between the progressed Sun and Moon and a progressed Moon trining the Mars/Neptune conjunction and Uranus sextiling Mercury again. However, I do have reservations about the significance of the Neptune Mars conjunction in the SA chart and although all this seems mild stuff, the Moon highlighting a potentially questionable natal aspect is not without its downsides.
The Rand’s progressed Moon crosses its ascendant at this time – throwing the currency into strong focus globally. Remember elsewhere there are hints of a big change in worldwide currency values in October 2011 – these aspects, then, might represent the SA impact of the external trends.
In September/ October Saturn opposes the Rand progressed Sun, and the progressed Mc opposes its Venus, reinforcing the likelihood of currency re-evaluations.
Pluto squares the SA Jupiter in October, repeating the themes from early 2011. As mentioned earlier this likely represents the impact of events elsewhere in the global economy. Pluto also trines progressed Saturn and quincunxes the progressed Ascendant as the year ends, this together with a Saturn trine to Pluto suggests some dark and difficult influences politically and economically.
Jupiter retrograde stations on SA’s Saturn in early 2012, and the progressed Moon sextiles the progressed Uranus/Mars conjunction, It is a probably time for change.
The rand chart shows a brief upswing of activity -with Uranus sextling the Moon and progressed Jupiter again and Jupiter squaring them.
Tricky aspects to the SA chart involving transiting Pluto Jupiter and Neptune in February suggest that the external impact of late 2011 is causing adjustment in all areas of the economy. In March Neptune sextile Saturn, Jupiter conjoins progressed Saturn and Uranus opposes Jupiter. Another mixed bag but the balance is an upset to the status quo.
April and May are much easier, with a nice sextile from the moon to SA’s Uranus, easing change, and a Jupiter trine to the Sun, and progressed MC, then to Neptune/mars and then Uranus/mars then conjoining Mercury. Everything happens quickly and by June a lot of changes will have been implemented without, it seems too much force being required. However June itself might see difficulties for the government.
There are underlying changes suggested to the Rand as Pluto sextile’s its Mercury. Perhaps talk of changing denominations or the use of the hard currency. Saturn also opposes Venus – issues of fundamental value are discussed. Jupiter crosses the Descendant in July– probably representing what is happening politically.
For July is another month dominated by Jupiter and Uranus transits. Jupiter consolidates its position conjoining the SA Sun , IC and progressed Ascendant. Uranus sextiles these points at the same time. A new government? Certainly a key turning point in the country’s history, now or perhaps at the end of the year when the aspect repeats. In any case Jupiter’s aspects in September suggests things are taking a while to settle. Neptune square Mercury suggests misinformation
August sees Saturn opposing Venus but trining Pluto, transformation in key sectors such as mining, Uranus opposing Jupiter in November accompanied by Saturn opposing Saturn and the continuing Jupiter transit suggests the end of 2012 is not the end of the situation.
The square between Saturn and the progressed Jupiter/natal Moon in the rand chart suggests more currency restrictions too.
Union of South African states. 31 May 1910, Midnight local time, Pretoria, South Africa
Source Book of Word Horoscopes. N Campion
I was, of course going to complete my G20 countries months ago, but try as I might I couldn’t raise any enthusiasm for a group of countries I had never visited. So economic output at Fortuna2020 has equalled zero. However, Greece has kindly re-ignited my interest. Of course it wasn’t on the list, but I’ve bribed myself: if I finish my G20 then I can look at Greece. Oooooh the thrill of it!
So here we are in South Africa. At least with the World Cup it is topical. You’d think I would be more thrilled wouldn’t you? However my appreciation for the World Cup is severely diluted every four years until that moment of ecstasy when England are eliminated. Then I am gripped by it. Of course England is unlikely to be submitting a team this year as the media has decreed that philandering is not acceptable in its footballers. And, since the phrase faithful footballer is clearly an oxymoron ..well…
Ooops, I digressed, didn’t I? Can you tell I am not enthused by South Africa? Oh well let’s get it over with shall we? I’ll try to make these next few posts short and sweet.
The chart I am using for South Africa makes it a Gemini nation – the dual face of Gemini fits well with the history of apartide. The contrast between the beauty of the Cape and the crime of Jo’berg is also indicated by this aspect. There are other interesting factors in the chart, notably a Mars Neptune conjunction, but we won’t analyse these we’ll just look at the future.
The Rand chart is rather mixed with a Jupiter Saturn conjunction quincunx Uranus. Interesting to see a currency that is about global matters and does not really tap into the personal planets at all. It has benefited from Neptune transiting its Sun in 2009; but some gains have been speculative.
South Africa has so far remained relatively unaffected by the world economic problems (
though of course relatively is a big qualification in this case), with its currency strengthening significantly in 2009, - although making the country less competitive, it is probably welcome after some years of deppreciation. However the political situation has been more questionable with the hints of past scandals associated with Zuma, president since May 2009 . Neptune spent the last year transiting the country’s moon : a situation where no-one knows the truth. The unsettled effect has been amplified by a Uranus sextile to the country’s Uranus which is pulling in a square to natal Pluto.
As 2010 begins these aspects are still in play. They are accompanied by a Saturn transit to the SA Jupiter, suggesting some restriction in business, but the trine to the progressed ascendant confirms that the country is coping better than others. However Pluto is square Jupiter suggesting that there are a number of problems simmering beneath the surface.
Transiting Jupiter is about to pass over the country’s ascendant and into its first house in the next few weeks. Of course the fact that the country must be more open to the world and find eyes focused on it is par for the course for a world cup host. Jupiter also squares the SA sun and MC, definitely a time when the activities of the country, good and bad, will be thrown open to all eyes.
Jupiter continues its journey through the first house in March and April shifting from hard aspects to the natal sun and MC to one to the progressed sun and MC. Jupiter then opposes the country’s progressed Mars and sextiles its progressed Uranus in April – unfortunately this progressed aspect probably reflects the crime and violence that occurs in the country and Jupiter is likely to draw attention to this in the run up to the Cup. Hopefully there is sufficient prominence given to the country’s Aids problem too.
From a trade point of view, though, the aspect is probably going to be a good thing – much more development and economic activity.
There are some problems surrounding the rand as Saturn transits square its Mars, but this is offset by Jupiter; probably too much demand upsetting the hard currency balance and not a longer term issue. The issue of trade in the currency continues throughout the period to August, but it is a technical rather than a value one.
However, Saturn is square the SA Pluto through the months of May to July. Add to this the upcoming mundane Saturn Pluto square and it is difficult to see how there won’t be some unpleasant events associated with this Cup. Security will need to be good else the sort of event that marred the Africa cup in Angola could be repeated.
June itself is characterised by the first conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (sextile the SA mercury) at 0 degrees of Aries.. This in itself is a dramatic aspect. Perfect for a sporting event to break with tradition and suggesting progressive steps, but nevertheless a combination that can be volatile- on the pitch it could give some fantastic football, off the pitch I am less confident of the positives. Still there is little in the SA chart at 1 degree of the cardinal signs so perhaps too much disruption can be avoided. Economically, and despite the impending restrictions of Saturn, its all good stuff.
The themes continue into July. But now the impact of the Saturn and Pluto become stronger- a bit of a hangover effect probably. However, compared to some countries this key aspect is not too damaging to the SA chart. the progressed Moon forms a sextile and Saturn again trines Mercury as it conjoins Jupiter. All in all, a dampening of the exuberance but not too difficult, which continues throughout the SA winter months until October.
Furthermore Neptune trines Pluto, an easy aspect economically, though it has its downsides in other areas.
By October Saturn trines the country’s Sun and conjoins its progressed Neptune. This would normally be a sign of stability, politically and economically. However it is accompanied by the return of Jupiter and Uranus to a square to Pluto and sextile to Uranus through to January 2011. Much of the past problems come to the surface again so that Saturn trine is probably going to be harder on the economy and on the president than would otherwise be the case.
November and December sees Neptune transiting the SA moon again – yet more evidence of a return to murky situations.
Saturn on the Rand progressed MC opposite its progressed Sun and natal Venus, suggests the attraction of the currency wanes at this time.
The period is also dominated by Pluto’s square to the SA Jupiter. This is a debt aspect, and
since SA have been rather cautious about debt, we could probably surmise that this represents the impact of events elsewhere in the global economy.
As mentioned the themes of October onwards continue into the early part of 2011. Now, however, Saturn reaches progressed Jupiter and then squares Neptune. This will inevitably subdue optimism and clamp down on deception. It is less good for the currency too.
However it is offset by Jupiter sextiling the progressed Ascendant and opposes the country’s Jupiter, and expansive, even over-expansive, aspect.
There might also be another spike in rand trades at this time- the currency’s Mars is again squared by the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. With Pluto trine its own Pluto, it is facing questions over fundamental value – perhaps in line with other commodity related currencies.
Uranus returns to its sextile with SA Mercury in March, and Jupiter opposes progressed Mercury . Since these both highlight communications and information, we can expect information to come to light at this time which may change the political picture. It also suggests a continuing high level of trading activity.
April sees Jupiter sextile Neptune Mars conjunction and trines the progressed Sun and Mars
May sees Jupiter square the SA Uranus and sextile the Moon as well as Neptune squaring its Mercury and sextiling Saturn. A bit of a mixed bunch but not economically problematic in the longer term. However it will highlight some endemic problems within SA. The transist are accompanied by the progressed Moon Trine the progressed MC- not a bad aspect but in this case focusing on the people more than usual and perhaps further drawing attention to ongoing issues.
The Saturn conjunction with progressed Mercury in June will likely result in some repression of information and or trade.
July and August see Jupiter conjoining the country’s Saturn, good for both the government and the economy, a fact further confirmed by the sextile between the progressed Sun and Moon and a progressed Moon trining the Mars/Neptune conjunction and Uranus sextiling Mercury again. However, I do have reservations about the significance of the Neptune Mars conjunction in the SA chart and although all this seems mild stuff, the Moon highlighting a potentially questionable natal aspect is not without its downsides.
The Rand’s progressed Moon crosses its ascendant at this time – throwing the currency into strong focus globally. Remember elsewhere there are hints of a big change in worldwide currency values in October 2011 – these aspects, then, might represent the SA impact of the external trends.
In September/ October Saturn opposes the Rand progressed Sun, and the progressed Mc opposes its Venus, reinforcing the likelihood of currency re-evaluations.
Pluto squares the SA Jupiter in October, repeating the themes from early 2011. As mentioned earlier this likely represents the impact of events elsewhere in the global economy. Pluto also trines progressed Saturn and quincunxes the progressed Ascendant as the year ends, this together with a Saturn trine to Pluto suggests some dark and difficult influences politically and economically.
Jupiter retrograde stations on SA’s Saturn in early 2012, and the progressed Moon sextiles the progressed Uranus/Mars conjunction, It is a probably time for change.
The rand chart shows a brief upswing of activity -with Uranus sextling the Moon and progressed Jupiter again and Jupiter squaring them.
Tricky aspects to the SA chart involving transiting Pluto Jupiter and Neptune in February suggest that the external impact of late 2011 is causing adjustment in all areas of the economy. In March Neptune sextile Saturn, Jupiter conjoins progressed Saturn and Uranus opposes Jupiter. Another mixed bag but the balance is an upset to the status quo.
April and May are much easier, with a nice sextile from the moon to SA’s Uranus, easing change, and a Jupiter trine to the Sun, and progressed MC, then to Neptune/mars and then Uranus/mars then conjoining Mercury. Everything happens quickly and by June a lot of changes will have been implemented without, it seems too much force being required. However June itself might see difficulties for the government.
There are underlying changes suggested to the Rand as Pluto sextile’s its Mercury. Perhaps talk of changing denominations or the use of the hard currency. Saturn also opposes Venus – issues of fundamental value are discussed. Jupiter crosses the Descendant in July– probably representing what is happening politically.
For July is another month dominated by Jupiter and Uranus transits. Jupiter consolidates its position conjoining the SA Sun , IC and progressed Ascendant. Uranus sextiles these points at the same time. A new government? Certainly a key turning point in the country’s history, now or perhaps at the end of the year when the aspect repeats. In any case Jupiter’s aspects in September suggests things are taking a while to settle. Neptune square Mercury suggests misinformation
August sees Saturn opposing Venus but trining Pluto, transformation in key sectors such as mining, Uranus opposing Jupiter in November accompanied by Saturn opposing Saturn and the continuing Jupiter transit suggests the end of 2012 is not the end of the situation.
The square between Saturn and the progressed Jupiter/natal Moon in the rand chart suggests more currency restrictions too.
Union of South African states. 31 May 1910, Midnight local time, Pretoria, South Africa
Source Book of Word Horoscopes. N Campion