While I am sure that to do a good forecast I need to understand a county well, I am not sure the same in true for just an interpretation of its natal chart. Sometimes it seems the less I know about a country, the more the image I have seems to resonate with its chart. Perhaps it is the fault of the chart ascendant that just shows the simple view presented to the world.
The Saudi chart is no exception. My view of Saudi Arabia is perfectly described by the Capricorn Ascendant with Saturn rising, and the Sun conjoining Jupiter also in Capricorn.
Unsurprisingly this chart does not show some of the drama that other countries have experienced over the last couple of years. It has no planets at 20-28 of Aquarius, or other fixed signs, activated by Neptune, only progressed Venus at 20-26 of the mutables activated by Uranus, and nothing at 0 of the cardinals activated by Pluto. Whilst Saturn and Jupiter has activated points in the last few years this is small fry compared to many countries.
So let’s just focus on whether this situation will change in the next 3 years.
Uranus is transiting progressed Venus and the Moon, so we can expect issues surrounding women in the country to be highlighted over the next year. Jupiter emphasises this in the last three months of the year. But Neptune makes no aspects in 2010 ( the closest is an approaching trine to Neptune not a cause for any disruption). Pluto is trining Mars, but this is just a powerful aspect. There are no hard squares, although Saturn does activate this in a tricky manner over the summer.
Saturn spends the year transiting the early degrees of Libra and makes few aspects. Jupiter makes favourable aspects to the chart as it moves through Pisces and little at all, except as mentioned above, when it joins Uranus in the cardinal cross.
So, compared to other countries , 2010 looks relatively calm economically.
Again little notable action from the three outer planets, but this year Saturn and Jupiter do shake things a little.
April 2011 sees Jupiter square the Saudi Arabian ascendant, it then moves on to square Saturn then the Sun Jupiter conjunction. All of this will go to make the country seem more extreme in its nature than usual. The same goes for the economy – all matters will be exaggerated.
Jupiter, however moves on fast, by July it will conjoin progressed Mars – making the country more assertive than usual and increasing all economic activity. At this point it is aided by the ongoing Pluto trine, a lot of power can be harnessed by the country at this time.
Jupiter then goes on to square natal Mars – suggesting even more. But before we forget- Jupiter transits a chart every 12 years and makes hard aspects every 3, its not so much of a big deal without the outer planets and by this stage the Pluto influence is waning.
By October though, Saturn will square the Ascendant, then Saturn. This is more significant. Remember once again it is picking up October 2011 which seems to be a critical point in all the currency charts. . Even Saudi wealth would be affected by a worldwide redenomination.
Furthermore Uranus is transiting the progressed Moon at this time – futher indications of a critical point
By November the square reaches the Sun/Jupiter conjunction – and the country rulers. Restriction even here. Jupiter retrograde is of no assistance. Indeed its transit of the IC further suggests a tunring point. The transit also quincunxes the Moon and progressed Venus- nothing escapes completely.
There is some evidence of things settling down by January 2012. Saturn trines Neptune, a weakening but not difficult aspect by itself. Jupiter makes its final pass to the IC and progressed Mars, more assertion but not particularly constructive
Saturn retrogrades backwards from February to September, keeping a feeling of restriction in place. Of course the country is no stranger to Saturnian influences, it is just that this time they may come from external influences rather than being imposed internally.
In November Saturn crosses the Saudi Arabian MC and opposes the country’s progressed Mars. The end of a cycle which started with the Saturn Pluto conjunction in 1982-3. Saturn and pLuto both pick up the progressed Ascendant by quincunx at the year end as Jupiter transits, Definitely a change of direction is indicated.
Capture of City from Turks.
15 Jan 1902 Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Rectified to approx 6.30am local time
Source Book of World Horoscopes. N Campion ( given time 6.45 am)
The Saudi chart is no exception. My view of Saudi Arabia is perfectly described by the Capricorn Ascendant with Saturn rising, and the Sun conjoining Jupiter also in Capricorn.
Unsurprisingly this chart does not show some of the drama that other countries have experienced over the last couple of years. It has no planets at 20-28 of Aquarius, or other fixed signs, activated by Neptune, only progressed Venus at 20-26 of the mutables activated by Uranus, and nothing at 0 of the cardinals activated by Pluto. Whilst Saturn and Jupiter has activated points in the last few years this is small fry compared to many countries.
So let’s just focus on whether this situation will change in the next 3 years.
Uranus is transiting progressed Venus and the Moon, so we can expect issues surrounding women in the country to be highlighted over the next year. Jupiter emphasises this in the last three months of the year. But Neptune makes no aspects in 2010 ( the closest is an approaching trine to Neptune not a cause for any disruption). Pluto is trining Mars, but this is just a powerful aspect. There are no hard squares, although Saturn does activate this in a tricky manner over the summer.
Saturn spends the year transiting the early degrees of Libra and makes few aspects. Jupiter makes favourable aspects to the chart as it moves through Pisces and little at all, except as mentioned above, when it joins Uranus in the cardinal cross.
So, compared to other countries , 2010 looks relatively calm economically.
Again little notable action from the three outer planets, but this year Saturn and Jupiter do shake things a little.
April 2011 sees Jupiter square the Saudi Arabian ascendant, it then moves on to square Saturn then the Sun Jupiter conjunction. All of this will go to make the country seem more extreme in its nature than usual. The same goes for the economy – all matters will be exaggerated.
Jupiter, however moves on fast, by July it will conjoin progressed Mars – making the country more assertive than usual and increasing all economic activity. At this point it is aided by the ongoing Pluto trine, a lot of power can be harnessed by the country at this time.
Jupiter then goes on to square natal Mars – suggesting even more. But before we forget- Jupiter transits a chart every 12 years and makes hard aspects every 3, its not so much of a big deal without the outer planets and by this stage the Pluto influence is waning.
By October though, Saturn will square the Ascendant, then Saturn. This is more significant. Remember once again it is picking up October 2011 which seems to be a critical point in all the currency charts. . Even Saudi wealth would be affected by a worldwide redenomination.
Furthermore Uranus is transiting the progressed Moon at this time – futher indications of a critical point
By November the square reaches the Sun/Jupiter conjunction – and the country rulers. Restriction even here. Jupiter retrograde is of no assistance. Indeed its transit of the IC further suggests a tunring point. The transit also quincunxes the Moon and progressed Venus- nothing escapes completely.
There is some evidence of things settling down by January 2012. Saturn trines Neptune, a weakening but not difficult aspect by itself. Jupiter makes its final pass to the IC and progressed Mars, more assertion but not particularly constructive
Saturn retrogrades backwards from February to September, keeping a feeling of restriction in place. Of course the country is no stranger to Saturnian influences, it is just that this time they may come from external influences rather than being imposed internally.
In November Saturn crosses the Saudi Arabian MC and opposes the country’s progressed Mars. The end of a cycle which started with the Saturn Pluto conjunction in 1982-3. Saturn and pLuto both pick up the progressed Ascendant by quincunx at the year end as Jupiter transits, Definitely a change of direction is indicated.
Capture of City from Turks.
15 Jan 1902 Riyadh Saudi Arabia. Rectified to approx 6.30am local time
Source Book of World Horoscopes. N Campion ( given time 6.45 am)