I can’t claim that I am not interested in Indonesia because I’ve never visited, as I have. But there is a vast difference between interacting with a country for business and lying on a beach. I don’t have a feel for it at all. I doubt this will be one of my best analysis, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
It is tempting to use a chart for Indonesia that predated this one, But the only one I can find represents the union of the island under Dutch rule such as the nationalisation of the Dutch East India Company on 1 Jan 1800 and this seems to predate any feeling of unity, so I will go with the independence chart.
Indonesia has the 1945 conjunction of Jupiter Neptune and Chiron, so writing about it before last year would have been a trifle wiser. Too late, but perhaps I will be able to refine by views of the conjunction as interpreting it seems to be my weak point.
Other notable factors in the chart are a very close conjunction between Mars and Uranus, a permanently unstable feature, and perhaps a reason I should use the later confirmation of independence chart. The country also has a Saturn Venus conjunction on the MC, and a Mercury Moon square. A bit all over the place and conflicting really. The progressed chart sees a long term sextile between Jupiter and Pluto which perfected in 2008, suggesting growing power – in this case with the Neptune conjunction the services sector is more important than engineering etc and part of the configuration probably represents faith rather than economic power or perhaps just a representation of the demographics as this is a rapidly growing population. Interestingly 2008 was the year Indonesia withdrew from OPEC as it was no longer a new exporter of oil.
It should also be noted that the Rupiah ( decreed by law on 3 October 1951) has its MC, Sun, and Saturn around the same degrees of Libra and opposite Jupiter. As the country goes so does the currency.
Transit wise Pluto has recently been squaring the Neptune conjunction in the chart and Saturn has been transiting it since November. However these are subtle long term influences and will probably need the impact of Uranus and Jupiter in the coming year to crystallise into anything event wise.
Although we had a Neptune conjunction of the same nature in the sky in 2009, it made no aspects to the equivalent configuration in the Indonesian chart. Instead it opposed the country’s Sun – which of course meant corruption allegations against the president. However a simultaneous trine to the progressed Sun was protective in the main. Uranus has been trine the deepening Saturn Mars conjunction but will move on now and the issues of this conjunction will be on a back burner for a few more years.
Indonesia has not been immune to the global economic downturn, with exports affected but with such a low level of per capita income and unemployed, the marginal impact on the country as a whole is hardly like that for nations with richer populations. Furthermore despite attempts by the government to increase expenditure to cushion the economic slowdown, the budget deficit is only around 2.0% of GDP, New measures to expedite spending and stimulate the economy are being implemented (1) but it remains to be seen whether that will be enough to compensate for global shifts.
So where is the country heading?
Pluto will continue to square Neptune throughout the year but, by May, Saturn will conjoin the Indonesian Jupiter and Uranus and Jupiter will oppose it. The cardinal cross will pull in the Indonesian progressed Venus through July and August. Given what we know already about the significance of the conjunction we can expect major imbalances within the economy. Output and trade is likely to suffer- probably the impact of no longer being an oil exporter has been underestimated and there is likely to be a significant impact on the commodities business of the country too. Furthermore the effect on the Rupiah is likely to be significant, showing major fluctuations and ultimately in 2010 depreciating.
The effect of the cardinal cross continues right the way through to September. Then Jupiter and Uranus have moved away and are trining the Indonesian Saturn again taking the pressure off a little. However Saturn now reaches the progressed Jupiter and sextiles Pluto, definitely the impact of the oil balance will be felt now.
In January 2011 Saturn will trine the Mars and Uranus conjunction, this is a relatively stabilising influence, but with Jupiter and Uranus opposing Jupiter again there is a lot of instability and imbalance to compensate for.
The currency might actually rise this year – or it might be subject to significant speculation with the Jupiter Uranus opposition – either way it looks like losing contact with fundamental value. Perhaps it may be replaced completely.
The two configurations continue throughout at least the first six months of the year . Jupiter moves forward and across the descendant in May, putting the focus further on external trade issues. From then on the picture is dominated by Saturn, first conjoining the progressed Jupiter in August then , moving on to square the MC, and Saturn in October and finally crossing the ascendant and squaring the progressed Saturn and Mars in November and December. All this Saturn suggests either a very depressed business environment and or a restrictive political situation. Saturn was last in this position in 1982,
Pluto and Uranus continue their transit of the Neptune conjunction in the background during the year. For Indonesia this seems to be about long term trends in the economy.
Saturn conjoins the progressed Sun in January 2012, putting pressure on the government and the as it retrogrades a square to progressed Mars and Saturn in May suggests some sort of police or military clampdown. Again the themes continue throughout the year.
Declaration/proclamation of independence
17 Aug 1945 10 am local time Jakarta Indonesia-
Source: N Campion Book of World horoscopes
1)Asia Monitor Nov 2009
It is tempting to use a chart for Indonesia that predated this one, But the only one I can find represents the union of the island under Dutch rule such as the nationalisation of the Dutch East India Company on 1 Jan 1800 and this seems to predate any feeling of unity, so I will go with the independence chart.
Indonesia has the 1945 conjunction of Jupiter Neptune and Chiron, so writing about it before last year would have been a trifle wiser. Too late, but perhaps I will be able to refine by views of the conjunction as interpreting it seems to be my weak point.
Other notable factors in the chart are a very close conjunction between Mars and Uranus, a permanently unstable feature, and perhaps a reason I should use the later confirmation of independence chart. The country also has a Saturn Venus conjunction on the MC, and a Mercury Moon square. A bit all over the place and conflicting really. The progressed chart sees a long term sextile between Jupiter and Pluto which perfected in 2008, suggesting growing power – in this case with the Neptune conjunction the services sector is more important than engineering etc and part of the configuration probably represents faith rather than economic power or perhaps just a representation of the demographics as this is a rapidly growing population. Interestingly 2008 was the year Indonesia withdrew from OPEC as it was no longer a new exporter of oil.
It should also be noted that the Rupiah ( decreed by law on 3 October 1951) has its MC, Sun, and Saturn around the same degrees of Libra and opposite Jupiter. As the country goes so does the currency.
Transit wise Pluto has recently been squaring the Neptune conjunction in the chart and Saturn has been transiting it since November. However these are subtle long term influences and will probably need the impact of Uranus and Jupiter in the coming year to crystallise into anything event wise.
Although we had a Neptune conjunction of the same nature in the sky in 2009, it made no aspects to the equivalent configuration in the Indonesian chart. Instead it opposed the country’s Sun – which of course meant corruption allegations against the president. However a simultaneous trine to the progressed Sun was protective in the main. Uranus has been trine the deepening Saturn Mars conjunction but will move on now and the issues of this conjunction will be on a back burner for a few more years.
Indonesia has not been immune to the global economic downturn, with exports affected but with such a low level of per capita income and unemployed, the marginal impact on the country as a whole is hardly like that for nations with richer populations. Furthermore despite attempts by the government to increase expenditure to cushion the economic slowdown, the budget deficit is only around 2.0% of GDP, New measures to expedite spending and stimulate the economy are being implemented (1) but it remains to be seen whether that will be enough to compensate for global shifts.
So where is the country heading?
Pluto will continue to square Neptune throughout the year but, by May, Saturn will conjoin the Indonesian Jupiter and Uranus and Jupiter will oppose it. The cardinal cross will pull in the Indonesian progressed Venus through July and August. Given what we know already about the significance of the conjunction we can expect major imbalances within the economy. Output and trade is likely to suffer- probably the impact of no longer being an oil exporter has been underestimated and there is likely to be a significant impact on the commodities business of the country too. Furthermore the effect on the Rupiah is likely to be significant, showing major fluctuations and ultimately in 2010 depreciating.
The effect of the cardinal cross continues right the way through to September. Then Jupiter and Uranus have moved away and are trining the Indonesian Saturn again taking the pressure off a little. However Saturn now reaches the progressed Jupiter and sextiles Pluto, definitely the impact of the oil balance will be felt now.
In January 2011 Saturn will trine the Mars and Uranus conjunction, this is a relatively stabilising influence, but with Jupiter and Uranus opposing Jupiter again there is a lot of instability and imbalance to compensate for.
The currency might actually rise this year – or it might be subject to significant speculation with the Jupiter Uranus opposition – either way it looks like losing contact with fundamental value. Perhaps it may be replaced completely.
The two configurations continue throughout at least the first six months of the year . Jupiter moves forward and across the descendant in May, putting the focus further on external trade issues. From then on the picture is dominated by Saturn, first conjoining the progressed Jupiter in August then , moving on to square the MC, and Saturn in October and finally crossing the ascendant and squaring the progressed Saturn and Mars in November and December. All this Saturn suggests either a very depressed business environment and or a restrictive political situation. Saturn was last in this position in 1982,
Pluto and Uranus continue their transit of the Neptune conjunction in the background during the year. For Indonesia this seems to be about long term trends in the economy.
Saturn conjoins the progressed Sun in January 2012, putting pressure on the government and the as it retrogrades a square to progressed Mars and Saturn in May suggests some sort of police or military clampdown. Again the themes continue throughout the year.
Declaration/proclamation of independence
17 Aug 1945 10 am local time Jakarta Indonesia-
Source: N Campion Book of World horoscopes
1)Asia Monitor Nov 2009