I’ve returned to cathedrals for my Brazilian themed artwork. This time the design of the Brazilia Cathedral, which is stunning. I’m sticking to my art theme as there are only so many pictures of currency notes and central banks that one can take.
The Brazilian chart is set for the year after Mexico’s. Hence the outer planets are in the same place. Only Jupiter has moved by one sign. So the longer term cycles for these countries will be broadly similar. However the medium term effects will be different with all the inner planets and angles individual to each nation.
There have been substantial shifts since Lula da Silva came to power, at a time corresponding to progressed Sun opposite natal sun in the chart. However any advances made since then are being severely challenged by the global situation.
The summer 2008 eclipses made limited aspects to Brazil. It was not one of the countries hit directly by the events of July – Oct. This proved true, Brazil’s high banking reserve requirements due to past crises saved it from the worst of the initial crisis up to the end of September .However it does pick up longer term aspects from Uranus ( to the Mars, Sun progressed conjunction which tend to raise leadership challenges) and a Pluto square.
And sure enough the Uranus Saturn opposition in November seems to have activated the Brazil chart as the impact on the BRIC economies began to be appreciated and the currency and markets fell.
The Real is an interesting curiousity, dating as it does from 1694, the year the Bank of England was founded. Neptune and Jupiter are prominent as in some many currency charts, though in this case Venus trines Saturn, giving the coins at least strength.
Until mid 2008 the Real had been relatively strong, but that all changed later in the year. The 1 st August eclipse conjoined the Mon and quincunx Saturn, not wholly important, but suggesting change was in the offing. The 16th August eclipse conjoined the progressed Moon sextiled the progressed MC and opposed progressed Jupiter, suggesting a turning point.
But as for the country it was Uranus and Saturn that really hit the Real. Uranus conjoined the Real’s progressed Neptune Ascendant conjunction – the bearer of the previous years’ strength.
Subsequently the opposition picked up the Real Sun and Mars, increasingly the trading levels as investors repositioned themselves.
The other noteworthy issue as we look forward is that both the country and the currency are experiencing Mars/Sun conjunctions by progressions. A distinct theme.
The January 26 2009 eclipse made easy trine aspects to the Brazilian Jupiter, the Moon and progressed MC. No problems from that then. The Feb 9th eclipse made almost no aspects except those mentioned from Uranus. There was more action in the Real chart. The 26th January eclipse opposed the Moon and the more recent February one again picked up Jupiter and the MC. Not surprising that the last few months have seen the decline of the Real based on the summer eclipse turning points
In March 2009, Pluto will conjoin Brazil’s Uranus sextile Mars. This is a somewhat revolutionary aspect, but not in a hard way- it suggests sudden change but without the unpleasant effects which often accompany such changes. Pluto also then conjoins Neptune, which merely speaks of the ongoing global events and how they impact the country indirectly.
There is a lot happening in the Real chart too. Uranus conjoins the Real Neptune ( note again the parallels with both the country and currency receiving aspects from the outer planets to Neptune), Neptune opposes progressed Jupiter, Pluto conjoins Saturn and Saturn once again activates the Real Sun and Mars. Looks like more activity in this currency is coming up in the next 2 months.
In April Jupiter will oppose the Brazilian Venus, Uranus will conjoin progressed Mars and Saturn conjoin the natal Sun. This again suggests that the government will face problems and in this case that there may be more active disputes. The Jupiter to Venus aspect suggests money issues. In the Real chart Uranus crosses the progressed Ascendant, sudden changes in value are likely which given the upcoming conjunction is not surprising.
The May- June Neptune conjunction transits the country’s progressed mercury- planet of communication and exchange. Pluto once again conjoins Neptune, suggesting issues of deception being brought to light and the destruction of illusions. The progressed Moon conjoins Pluto. The people are likely to experience some fear over the market situation and how this will affect them at the grass roots level during this period.
During the same period, Uranus picks up a sextile to Venus in the Real chart and also is within orb of a sextile to the progressed Sun, although there is also a square to the progressed MC which is worrying. This is accompanied, however, by the Neptune conjunction continuing to oppose progressed Jupiter and trine the progressed MC. Jupiter is also transiting the natal MC. The indication here is for more big currency movements in the Real, but the picture is mixed about the direction. So far the Neptune opposition has led to selling, but the strength of the conjunction might just reverse that in a big way. That is further indicated by a sextile from Saturn to the Real Jupiter and another between Pluto and the Real progressed Moon.Bet on volatility rather than one direction.
In August the progressed Moon briefly squares the Brazilian Uranus and Neptune in the chart reactivating some of the above. And in the Real chart Saturn opposes the Sun suggesting depreciation although not of such long duration.
In September Saturn reaches its opposition of the Brazilian progressed Sun and Mars: hard graft for the government and with Jupiter opposite Venus, perhaps problems with paying its public servants. October thus has a repeat of the Pluto square and Uranus again conjoining progressed Mars and the potential for disputes and strikes again. November sees a repeat of surprise challenges to the leadership.
In the Real chart, over the same period the Saturn/Uranus opposition is still at work. This time Uranus opposes Saturn and is on the progressed Ascendant/Neptune trine the progressed Venus. This indicates yet more volatility – perhaps it is hard to see where the country is going economically at this time and the Real is reflecting that uncertainty. By October Saturn is trine the progressed Mars/Sun in the Real chart, suggesting continued substantial trading but now in a more rational manner. Though Neptune opposite Jupiter at the same time does not imply any settling down to a long term value.
November and December also see the beginning of a more serious phase. The Pluto Saturn square picks up the Brazilian Pluto square Neptune/Uranus. Although with Saturn trine progressed Jupiter there is usually opportunity for consolidation rather than severe restructuring, the reality is likely to be more of the latter. Still with the progressed Moon sextile progressed MC at the year end, not everyone is unhappy.
In the Real chart, Uranus is still creating valuation surprises, as it transits Neptune, and Neptune in opposition to Jupiter suggests value is quite out of kilter at this time. The effect of the Pluto Saturn square can be felt in the currency too though, as it resonates to the quincunx in the Real natal chart. There may be currency trading restrictions and issues relating to Real debt at the end of the year.
The themes of December continue into the new year. Pluto again transits Brazil’s Uranus, although these are very long term transits and there is no reason to think the effects will be confined to this month alone.
February brings a change of scene as Jupiter crosses the Ascendant in the Brazil chart and Uranus crosses the Real ascendant. This is accompanied by more disputes ( Uranus conjoining the Brazil Mars) and more disinformation ( Neptune conjoining Brazil progressed Mercury). Jupiter however makes a sextile to the Neptune/Uranus conjunction and a trine to Mars, this suggests a liquidity hit. In the Real chart Jupiter sextiles Saturn and progressed Mercury – such liquidity could take the form of hard currency rather than computer bytes.
A brief progressed Venus Moon conjunction in the Brazil chart during March, coupled with a Jupiter sextile to progressed Uranus makes everyone rest on their laurels despite the ongoing restructuring from Saturn opposing Pluto. In the Real chart the impact of the mundane Pluto Saturn square means the picture continues mixed, though a Jupiter conjunction to the progressed Moon seems to mirror the country’s complacency.
Jupiter opposite Brazil’s progressed Sun in April suggests some rather reckless actions by the government, which are likely to escalate in May as Jupiter crosses the progressed Sun/Mars conjunction. In the Real chart Uranus us now trining the progressed Sun Mars too and Jupiter conjoins the Sun and then the Neptune progressed Ascendant conjunction: we are reaching a turning point in the currency valuation.
The months of June to September are characterised by the cardinal cross, that we have discussed many times. In Brazil’s chart, Pluto mainly aspects Uranus, and Jupiter/Uranus quincunx Mars. That suggests real on the streets demonstrations. There is a need for a lot of deep-seated change. However Saturn opposes the Brazilian Pluto but trine Jupiter and sextiles the MC. There is little growth but much positive change for the better with this, setting the country up for a better time later.
In the Real chart we see a conjunction between the progressed Moon and Sun, more indications that a new trend is starting. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction trines the Real’s Pluto, a very powerful force. Saturn trines the progressed Mars/Sun conjunction and Jupiter trines the progressed Pluto. This is a re-evaluation of the Real as big as that in 2009, but this time we are looking at fundamentals rather than fantasy.
In September 2010, Jupiter conjoins the Brazil Pluto, indicating issues regarding debt, but not necessarily bad ones. Yet Saturn squares the Neptune/Uranus conjunction suggesting inertia and lack of technological development.
In the Real chart the progressed Moon is picking up Neptune, reactivating some of the themes from the past 18 months, and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is again activating the progressed Sun/Mars, the currency looks strong at this time and once again there is much trade.
In October Pluto is again transiting Brazil’s Neptune, while Neptune transits Mercury- more misinformation and uncertainty will ensure. However we do have a stabilising Saturn trine to the country’s Jupiter and the Moon. This won’t make things better but will stop the worst of challenges to policy etc.
In the Real chart Neptune sextiles the MC. Jupiter crosses the progressed Ascendant and makes a sextile to Venus and a square to the progressed MC, as well as a conjunction with the progressed Moon. Saturn sextiles the Moon but squares Saturn This is again a lot of major planetary activity and it does suggest that the speculative element of the Real trading is not dead yet.
November sees Pluto back with the Brazilian Uranus and Mars, a continuation of the theme all the way back to early 2009. Jupiter again transits the progressed Mars Sun conjunction, sending the government into overdrive. Expect rhetoric and takeovers. Jupiter conjoining the Real Neptune once again suggests a lot of speculation or inflationary activity However Pluto is now conjunct Saturn again suggesting more concrete fundamental government action regarding the currency.
Indeed Saturn opposite the Brazilian progressed Venus in December probably makes for a short period of financial hardship –perhaps confiscation or restrictions on withdrawals etc. It is certainly another key moment currency wise as the Uranus Jupiter conjunction transiting the progressed Ascendant is reinforced by the progressed Moon.
Jupiter and Uranus shake up progressed Mars again in January 2011. But Jupiter conjoins Pluto and trines the MC and sextiles progressed Jupiter again ( as in the middle of 2010), Financially that looks quite positive- perhaps debt levels will be a cause for celebration, despite the people chanting for change. In the Real chart Neptune continues to sextile Venus which also suggests things are looking up.
In February and March, Jupiter squares the Brazil Neptune suggesting mistaken speculation or over liquidity. March’s Pluto transit to Neptune again continues the background theme of breaking up the delusions. There is some positive news in Mars though as Jupiter makes a sextile to Brazil’s Jupiter Moon conjunction, bringing a sense of comfort
The Real is definitely showing its stronger side in February, with a repeat of the Jupiter sextile to the progressed Sun/Mars conjunction and a Pluto transit to progressed Mercury. In March Uranus also activates the progressed Sun/Mars again and the progressed Moon, Jupiter sextiles the chart’s Uranus and Saturn trines the progressed Venus. This looks very good and far less out of control than the previous months have been. Things might be settling down
Jupiter conjoins Brazil’s progressed Venus in April but Saturn again opposes it. It’s a mixed sign. A feeling of wealth coupled with a fearing of restriction. With Uranus transiting Pluto and square progressed Jupiter and MC, there are likely to be huge changes in place.
May’s aspects suggest that this is so . Neptune reaches the Brazilian ascendant. And it is on the progressed Descendant. This suggests that there will be an enormous turning point in Brazil’s position relating to partners, and the rest of the world in general. It’s whole image is changing and in the medium term is going to be quite unclear. With Neptune square Jupiter and the MC, we have a fantasy, speculative aspect. It’s a gamble. At the same time Uranus squares Neptune/Uranus and Pluto conjoins Neptune. The key aspects that determined the beginnings of Brazil as an independents state are all coming in to play. This is not just about Brazil this is about the relations between North and South America and Europe too.
The Real looks mixed for April like the country chart. In May the major aspect is a square from Uranus to Saturn which is decidedly upsetting. It might suggest new denomination. The progressed Mars and Sun are now opposite the Real natal Pluto suggesting a complete change,
Curiously, June 2011 shows Jupiter sextiling the Brazil country Ascendant, trining the progressed Ascendant and conjoining the progressed Moon. Later in the month Jupiter trines the Neptune/Uranus conjunction and opposes Mars. All this means that the themes of May continue to be activated but also that they are basically positive for Brazil. In the Real chart Saturn trines the Uranus, calming down the changes of April. There are a number of Jupiter squares in the month but this is likely to be related to practical issues of the currency rather than value.
July and August’s conjunctions between Jupiter and the Brazilian Saturn suggests consolidation in a positive way. September basically continues the theme, with the progressed Moon carrying the baton of the earlier aspects in both the country and Real charts. Although the corresponding Uranus square is extremely disruptive, in the light of the rest of the aspects it can’t be too bad. Other country policies create shocks but the country can withstand them. It is worth noting though, the repeat of the Saturn opposite progressed Venus, which you will recall might suggest monetary restrictions for a short while. The Real chart ( where the mundane Pluto Uranus square is picking up the natal Saturn) shows that people are having to adapt quite dramatically to changes and that there is caution as a result.
October basically continues the events of September but with Uranus square the Brazilian Neptune meaning a element of uncertainty about how changes will play out. It must be ok because in November Jupiter conjoins the progressed Moon trines Uranus and Neptune and the progressed Ascendant again. And in December it sextiles the Ascendant. Whilst there are some quincunxes, we have continued Uranus conjunct Pluto in trine to the MC and sextile progressed Jupiter. Generally a good ending to the year for Brazil as a result of international events.
During this last quarter of the year the Real chart is once again very active. It comes to a head by December when Jupiter Saturn and Uranus are all active. Uranus makes wholly favourable aspects to the progressed Mars/Sun conjunction and Pluto. Saturn makes a mixture with a stabilising sextile to the midheaven but a square with Venus again. Jupiter makes wholly squares to the planets Uranus transits. On balance then the surprises are good, though reactions might be overdone.
The late 2011 Real themes continue in January 2012. In the same month Pluto transits the Brazil progressed Neptune, which would be unsettling if it were not for the fact that it also trines progressed Saturn. Given the benefits from the end of 2011 this looks like continuing policy changes for the long term good.
Jupiter is again replaying some of its positive aspects of earlier months in February, and with Uranus and Pluto nearly in square we are seeing how the global mundane aspects continue their impacts on Brazil in its historical position as part of the greater global trade developments. Jupiter’s repeat conjunction with the Brazilian Saturn intensified by a progressed Moon aspect in March still confirms the stability of the impact in the country.
Jupiter is trine Saturn in the Real chart in February further suggesting stability, although this might be at the expense of value in March when Saturn opposes Venus again.
In March through to July, Neptune again crosses the Brazil Ascendant and squares progressed Jupiter. This just confirms the speculative activity mentioned for mid 2011. More Jupiter positive aspects to Uranus the progressed Moon and the Sun, followed by a sextile from Uranus to the moon Jupiter conjunction and then a sextile of Jupiter to the progressed Sun Mars, suggest that Brazil is still doing well, just no-one knows exactly what the true outcome will be.
There is a repeat of the Pluto conjunction with the Real progressed Saturn in April. But the difficulties associated with this are offset by the Jupiter transit to the Ascendant and its square to the MC. We are seeing more issues relating to the change in the currency which could be tricky, though the aspects in the currency chart do not suggest that is so. Indeed by May the rela chart is showing sextiles from Jupiter to the Sun. Mars and Neptune , which suggests a very positive situation. June is a bit more mixed but still characterised by a Jupiter trine to Venus and sextile to the progressed Ascendant and a Saturn sextile to progressed Jupiter. These should ensure that the Neptune sextile to Saturn is basically experiences as stability rather than weakness and should partially offset the mundane square of Pluto to the Real’s Mercury. Though the latter may create some difficulties on the street.
Neptune, by July, is sextile the Brazil natal Uranus/Neptune conjunction and trine Mars. Neptune/Mars aspects can suggest weakness but the sextile is the least complicated and in this case probably supports the other positive themes. The Real chart has more Jupiter sextiles to key points and so the currency will be well regarded at this time.
August does, however, suggest a shift of emphasis after almost a year of positive news in the country. In the Real chart we might see too much lightening of restrictions as Jupiter transits Uranus. Also Uranus is still making a positive sextile the Brazilian Moon Jupiter conjunction, the people are still happy and in a Brazilian party spirit. But Jupiter reaches the IC, a turning point and squares the Ascendant and progressed Ascendant as well as conjoining progressed Jupiter and sextiling Pluto. This is just too much of a good thing. It looks like Brazil’s finances might just be too good compared to elsewhere. It is a slight warning. Jupiter then trines the Sun and conjoins the progressed MC, more indication of a turning point, but all still with a happy populace that even another Pluto transit to Neptune can’t totally unravel.
September to December continue many of these themes. There are some slight adjustments though. In the Real chart Saturn again conjoins Venus in September, suggesting some restrictions or depression in value again. Saturn is trine the Brazil Ascendant from October and perhaps depressing some of the over inflated expectations – or maybe just bringing some hard headed realism into the picture. It is pointing out the need to watch debt with quincunxes to the country’s Pluto and Jupiter. In the Real chart Neptune and Saturn are in mundane aspect and Saturn squares the progressed Sun/mars and Ploto configuration. This is definitely tricky and the currency might suffer some negative sentiment during this part of the year.
In November Saturn conjoins the Brazil Mars, constraining activity a little but not too much as it is still sextile Uranus and the progressed Ascendant. This is mirrored by a Pluto conjunction to Neptune trine progressed Saturn. Potentially somewhat recessionary, but we can consider that a scaling back might be in order after the last 18 months. Still Jupiter is retrograding over the progressed MC in December, the new patterns won’t embed until 2013.
In the Real chart the end of the year is a bit mixed. Positive conjunctions between Jupiter and the Real Uranus and a Saturn sextile which is a very stable sign are offset by the ongoing effect of the mundane Pluto/Uranus square to the chart’s Saturn which is only really starting to get going. Although the year end’s ok the currency readjustments are taking time.
The Brazilian chart is set for the year after Mexico’s. Hence the outer planets are in the same place. Only Jupiter has moved by one sign. So the longer term cycles for these countries will be broadly similar. However the medium term effects will be different with all the inner planets and angles individual to each nation.
There have been substantial shifts since Lula da Silva came to power, at a time corresponding to progressed Sun opposite natal sun in the chart. However any advances made since then are being severely challenged by the global situation.
The summer 2008 eclipses made limited aspects to Brazil. It was not one of the countries hit directly by the events of July – Oct. This proved true, Brazil’s high banking reserve requirements due to past crises saved it from the worst of the initial crisis up to the end of September .However it does pick up longer term aspects from Uranus ( to the Mars, Sun progressed conjunction which tend to raise leadership challenges) and a Pluto square.
And sure enough the Uranus Saturn opposition in November seems to have activated the Brazil chart as the impact on the BRIC economies began to be appreciated and the currency and markets fell.
The Real is an interesting curiousity, dating as it does from 1694, the year the Bank of England was founded. Neptune and Jupiter are prominent as in some many currency charts, though in this case Venus trines Saturn, giving the coins at least strength.
Until mid 2008 the Real had been relatively strong, but that all changed later in the year. The 1 st August eclipse conjoined the Mon and quincunx Saturn, not wholly important, but suggesting change was in the offing. The 16th August eclipse conjoined the progressed Moon sextiled the progressed MC and opposed progressed Jupiter, suggesting a turning point.
But as for the country it was Uranus and Saturn that really hit the Real. Uranus conjoined the Real’s progressed Neptune Ascendant conjunction – the bearer of the previous years’ strength.
Subsequently the opposition picked up the Real Sun and Mars, increasingly the trading levels as investors repositioned themselves.
The other noteworthy issue as we look forward is that both the country and the currency are experiencing Mars/Sun conjunctions by progressions. A distinct theme.
The January 26 2009 eclipse made easy trine aspects to the Brazilian Jupiter, the Moon and progressed MC. No problems from that then. The Feb 9th eclipse made almost no aspects except those mentioned from Uranus. There was more action in the Real chart. The 26th January eclipse opposed the Moon and the more recent February one again picked up Jupiter and the MC. Not surprising that the last few months have seen the decline of the Real based on the summer eclipse turning points
In March 2009, Pluto will conjoin Brazil’s Uranus sextile Mars. This is a somewhat revolutionary aspect, but not in a hard way- it suggests sudden change but without the unpleasant effects which often accompany such changes. Pluto also then conjoins Neptune, which merely speaks of the ongoing global events and how they impact the country indirectly.
There is a lot happening in the Real chart too. Uranus conjoins the Real Neptune ( note again the parallels with both the country and currency receiving aspects from the outer planets to Neptune), Neptune opposes progressed Jupiter, Pluto conjoins Saturn and Saturn once again activates the Real Sun and Mars. Looks like more activity in this currency is coming up in the next 2 months.
In April Jupiter will oppose the Brazilian Venus, Uranus will conjoin progressed Mars and Saturn conjoin the natal Sun. This again suggests that the government will face problems and in this case that there may be more active disputes. The Jupiter to Venus aspect suggests money issues. In the Real chart Uranus crosses the progressed Ascendant, sudden changes in value are likely which given the upcoming conjunction is not surprising.
The May- June Neptune conjunction transits the country’s progressed mercury- planet of communication and exchange. Pluto once again conjoins Neptune, suggesting issues of deception being brought to light and the destruction of illusions. The progressed Moon conjoins Pluto. The people are likely to experience some fear over the market situation and how this will affect them at the grass roots level during this period.
During the same period, Uranus picks up a sextile to Venus in the Real chart and also is within orb of a sextile to the progressed Sun, although there is also a square to the progressed MC which is worrying. This is accompanied, however, by the Neptune conjunction continuing to oppose progressed Jupiter and trine the progressed MC. Jupiter is also transiting the natal MC. The indication here is for more big currency movements in the Real, but the picture is mixed about the direction. So far the Neptune opposition has led to selling, but the strength of the conjunction might just reverse that in a big way. That is further indicated by a sextile from Saturn to the Real Jupiter and another between Pluto and the Real progressed Moon.Bet on volatility rather than one direction.
In August the progressed Moon briefly squares the Brazilian Uranus and Neptune in the chart reactivating some of the above. And in the Real chart Saturn opposes the Sun suggesting depreciation although not of such long duration.
In September Saturn reaches its opposition of the Brazilian progressed Sun and Mars: hard graft for the government and with Jupiter opposite Venus, perhaps problems with paying its public servants. October thus has a repeat of the Pluto square and Uranus again conjoining progressed Mars and the potential for disputes and strikes again. November sees a repeat of surprise challenges to the leadership.
In the Real chart, over the same period the Saturn/Uranus opposition is still at work. This time Uranus opposes Saturn and is on the progressed Ascendant/Neptune trine the progressed Venus. This indicates yet more volatility – perhaps it is hard to see where the country is going economically at this time and the Real is reflecting that uncertainty. By October Saturn is trine the progressed Mars/Sun in the Real chart, suggesting continued substantial trading but now in a more rational manner. Though Neptune opposite Jupiter at the same time does not imply any settling down to a long term value.
November and December also see the beginning of a more serious phase. The Pluto Saturn square picks up the Brazilian Pluto square Neptune/Uranus. Although with Saturn trine progressed Jupiter there is usually opportunity for consolidation rather than severe restructuring, the reality is likely to be more of the latter. Still with the progressed Moon sextile progressed MC at the year end, not everyone is unhappy.
In the Real chart, Uranus is still creating valuation surprises, as it transits Neptune, and Neptune in opposition to Jupiter suggests value is quite out of kilter at this time. The effect of the Pluto Saturn square can be felt in the currency too though, as it resonates to the quincunx in the Real natal chart. There may be currency trading restrictions and issues relating to Real debt at the end of the year.
The themes of December continue into the new year. Pluto again transits Brazil’s Uranus, although these are very long term transits and there is no reason to think the effects will be confined to this month alone.
February brings a change of scene as Jupiter crosses the Ascendant in the Brazil chart and Uranus crosses the Real ascendant. This is accompanied by more disputes ( Uranus conjoining the Brazil Mars) and more disinformation ( Neptune conjoining Brazil progressed Mercury). Jupiter however makes a sextile to the Neptune/Uranus conjunction and a trine to Mars, this suggests a liquidity hit. In the Real chart Jupiter sextiles Saturn and progressed Mercury – such liquidity could take the form of hard currency rather than computer bytes.
A brief progressed Venus Moon conjunction in the Brazil chart during March, coupled with a Jupiter sextile to progressed Uranus makes everyone rest on their laurels despite the ongoing restructuring from Saturn opposing Pluto. In the Real chart the impact of the mundane Pluto Saturn square means the picture continues mixed, though a Jupiter conjunction to the progressed Moon seems to mirror the country’s complacency.
Jupiter opposite Brazil’s progressed Sun in April suggests some rather reckless actions by the government, which are likely to escalate in May as Jupiter crosses the progressed Sun/Mars conjunction. In the Real chart Uranus us now trining the progressed Sun Mars too and Jupiter conjoins the Sun and then the Neptune progressed Ascendant conjunction: we are reaching a turning point in the currency valuation.
The months of June to September are characterised by the cardinal cross, that we have discussed many times. In Brazil’s chart, Pluto mainly aspects Uranus, and Jupiter/Uranus quincunx Mars. That suggests real on the streets demonstrations. There is a need for a lot of deep-seated change. However Saturn opposes the Brazilian Pluto but trine Jupiter and sextiles the MC. There is little growth but much positive change for the better with this, setting the country up for a better time later.
In the Real chart we see a conjunction between the progressed Moon and Sun, more indications that a new trend is starting. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction trines the Real’s Pluto, a very powerful force. Saturn trines the progressed Mars/Sun conjunction and Jupiter trines the progressed Pluto. This is a re-evaluation of the Real as big as that in 2009, but this time we are looking at fundamentals rather than fantasy.
In September 2010, Jupiter conjoins the Brazil Pluto, indicating issues regarding debt, but not necessarily bad ones. Yet Saturn squares the Neptune/Uranus conjunction suggesting inertia and lack of technological development.
In the Real chart the progressed Moon is picking up Neptune, reactivating some of the themes from the past 18 months, and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is again activating the progressed Sun/Mars, the currency looks strong at this time and once again there is much trade.
In October Pluto is again transiting Brazil’s Neptune, while Neptune transits Mercury- more misinformation and uncertainty will ensure. However we do have a stabilising Saturn trine to the country’s Jupiter and the Moon. This won’t make things better but will stop the worst of challenges to policy etc.
In the Real chart Neptune sextiles the MC. Jupiter crosses the progressed Ascendant and makes a sextile to Venus and a square to the progressed MC, as well as a conjunction with the progressed Moon. Saturn sextiles the Moon but squares Saturn This is again a lot of major planetary activity and it does suggest that the speculative element of the Real trading is not dead yet.
November sees Pluto back with the Brazilian Uranus and Mars, a continuation of the theme all the way back to early 2009. Jupiter again transits the progressed Mars Sun conjunction, sending the government into overdrive. Expect rhetoric and takeovers. Jupiter conjoining the Real Neptune once again suggests a lot of speculation or inflationary activity However Pluto is now conjunct Saturn again suggesting more concrete fundamental government action regarding the currency.
Indeed Saturn opposite the Brazilian progressed Venus in December probably makes for a short period of financial hardship –perhaps confiscation or restrictions on withdrawals etc. It is certainly another key moment currency wise as the Uranus Jupiter conjunction transiting the progressed Ascendant is reinforced by the progressed Moon.
Jupiter and Uranus shake up progressed Mars again in January 2011. But Jupiter conjoins Pluto and trines the MC and sextiles progressed Jupiter again ( as in the middle of 2010), Financially that looks quite positive- perhaps debt levels will be a cause for celebration, despite the people chanting for change. In the Real chart Neptune continues to sextile Venus which also suggests things are looking up.
In February and March, Jupiter squares the Brazil Neptune suggesting mistaken speculation or over liquidity. March’s Pluto transit to Neptune again continues the background theme of breaking up the delusions. There is some positive news in Mars though as Jupiter makes a sextile to Brazil’s Jupiter Moon conjunction, bringing a sense of comfort
The Real is definitely showing its stronger side in February, with a repeat of the Jupiter sextile to the progressed Sun/Mars conjunction and a Pluto transit to progressed Mercury. In March Uranus also activates the progressed Sun/Mars again and the progressed Moon, Jupiter sextiles the chart’s Uranus and Saturn trines the progressed Venus. This looks very good and far less out of control than the previous months have been. Things might be settling down
Jupiter conjoins Brazil’s progressed Venus in April but Saturn again opposes it. It’s a mixed sign. A feeling of wealth coupled with a fearing of restriction. With Uranus transiting Pluto and square progressed Jupiter and MC, there are likely to be huge changes in place.
May’s aspects suggest that this is so . Neptune reaches the Brazilian ascendant. And it is on the progressed Descendant. This suggests that there will be an enormous turning point in Brazil’s position relating to partners, and the rest of the world in general. It’s whole image is changing and in the medium term is going to be quite unclear. With Neptune square Jupiter and the MC, we have a fantasy, speculative aspect. It’s a gamble. At the same time Uranus squares Neptune/Uranus and Pluto conjoins Neptune. The key aspects that determined the beginnings of Brazil as an independents state are all coming in to play. This is not just about Brazil this is about the relations between North and South America and Europe too.
The Real looks mixed for April like the country chart. In May the major aspect is a square from Uranus to Saturn which is decidedly upsetting. It might suggest new denomination. The progressed Mars and Sun are now opposite the Real natal Pluto suggesting a complete change,
Curiously, June 2011 shows Jupiter sextiling the Brazil country Ascendant, trining the progressed Ascendant and conjoining the progressed Moon. Later in the month Jupiter trines the Neptune/Uranus conjunction and opposes Mars. All this means that the themes of May continue to be activated but also that they are basically positive for Brazil. In the Real chart Saturn trines the Uranus, calming down the changes of April. There are a number of Jupiter squares in the month but this is likely to be related to practical issues of the currency rather than value.
July and August’s conjunctions between Jupiter and the Brazilian Saturn suggests consolidation in a positive way. September basically continues the theme, with the progressed Moon carrying the baton of the earlier aspects in both the country and Real charts. Although the corresponding Uranus square is extremely disruptive, in the light of the rest of the aspects it can’t be too bad. Other country policies create shocks but the country can withstand them. It is worth noting though, the repeat of the Saturn opposite progressed Venus, which you will recall might suggest monetary restrictions for a short while. The Real chart ( where the mundane Pluto Uranus square is picking up the natal Saturn) shows that people are having to adapt quite dramatically to changes and that there is caution as a result.
October basically continues the events of September but with Uranus square the Brazilian Neptune meaning a element of uncertainty about how changes will play out. It must be ok because in November Jupiter conjoins the progressed Moon trines Uranus and Neptune and the progressed Ascendant again. And in December it sextiles the Ascendant. Whilst there are some quincunxes, we have continued Uranus conjunct Pluto in trine to the MC and sextile progressed Jupiter. Generally a good ending to the year for Brazil as a result of international events.
During this last quarter of the year the Real chart is once again very active. It comes to a head by December when Jupiter Saturn and Uranus are all active. Uranus makes wholly favourable aspects to the progressed Mars/Sun conjunction and Pluto. Saturn makes a mixture with a stabilising sextile to the midheaven but a square with Venus again. Jupiter makes wholly squares to the planets Uranus transits. On balance then the surprises are good, though reactions might be overdone.
The late 2011 Real themes continue in January 2012. In the same month Pluto transits the Brazil progressed Neptune, which would be unsettling if it were not for the fact that it also trines progressed Saturn. Given the benefits from the end of 2011 this looks like continuing policy changes for the long term good.
Jupiter is again replaying some of its positive aspects of earlier months in February, and with Uranus and Pluto nearly in square we are seeing how the global mundane aspects continue their impacts on Brazil in its historical position as part of the greater global trade developments. Jupiter’s repeat conjunction with the Brazilian Saturn intensified by a progressed Moon aspect in March still confirms the stability of the impact in the country.
Jupiter is trine Saturn in the Real chart in February further suggesting stability, although this might be at the expense of value in March when Saturn opposes Venus again.
In March through to July, Neptune again crosses the Brazil Ascendant and squares progressed Jupiter. This just confirms the speculative activity mentioned for mid 2011. More Jupiter positive aspects to Uranus the progressed Moon and the Sun, followed by a sextile from Uranus to the moon Jupiter conjunction and then a sextile of Jupiter to the progressed Sun Mars, suggest that Brazil is still doing well, just no-one knows exactly what the true outcome will be.
There is a repeat of the Pluto conjunction with the Real progressed Saturn in April. But the difficulties associated with this are offset by the Jupiter transit to the Ascendant and its square to the MC. We are seeing more issues relating to the change in the currency which could be tricky, though the aspects in the currency chart do not suggest that is so. Indeed by May the rela chart is showing sextiles from Jupiter to the Sun. Mars and Neptune , which suggests a very positive situation. June is a bit more mixed but still characterised by a Jupiter trine to Venus and sextile to the progressed Ascendant and a Saturn sextile to progressed Jupiter. These should ensure that the Neptune sextile to Saturn is basically experiences as stability rather than weakness and should partially offset the mundane square of Pluto to the Real’s Mercury. Though the latter may create some difficulties on the street.
Neptune, by July, is sextile the Brazil natal Uranus/Neptune conjunction and trine Mars. Neptune/Mars aspects can suggest weakness but the sextile is the least complicated and in this case probably supports the other positive themes. The Real chart has more Jupiter sextiles to key points and so the currency will be well regarded at this time.
August does, however, suggest a shift of emphasis after almost a year of positive news in the country. In the Real chart we might see too much lightening of restrictions as Jupiter transits Uranus. Also Uranus is still making a positive sextile the Brazilian Moon Jupiter conjunction, the people are still happy and in a Brazilian party spirit. But Jupiter reaches the IC, a turning point and squares the Ascendant and progressed Ascendant as well as conjoining progressed Jupiter and sextiling Pluto. This is just too much of a good thing. It looks like Brazil’s finances might just be too good compared to elsewhere. It is a slight warning. Jupiter then trines the Sun and conjoins the progressed MC, more indication of a turning point, but all still with a happy populace that even another Pluto transit to Neptune can’t totally unravel.
September to December continue many of these themes. There are some slight adjustments though. In the Real chart Saturn again conjoins Venus in September, suggesting some restrictions or depression in value again. Saturn is trine the Brazil Ascendant from October and perhaps depressing some of the over inflated expectations – or maybe just bringing some hard headed realism into the picture. It is pointing out the need to watch debt with quincunxes to the country’s Pluto and Jupiter. In the Real chart Neptune and Saturn are in mundane aspect and Saturn squares the progressed Sun/mars and Ploto configuration. This is definitely tricky and the currency might suffer some negative sentiment during this part of the year.
In November Saturn conjoins the Brazil Mars, constraining activity a little but not too much as it is still sextile Uranus and the progressed Ascendant. This is mirrored by a Pluto conjunction to Neptune trine progressed Saturn. Potentially somewhat recessionary, but we can consider that a scaling back might be in order after the last 18 months. Still Jupiter is retrograding over the progressed MC in December, the new patterns won’t embed until 2013.
In the Real chart the end of the year is a bit mixed. Positive conjunctions between Jupiter and the Real Uranus and a Saturn sextile which is a very stable sign are offset by the ongoing effect of the mundane Pluto/Uranus square to the chart’s Saturn which is only really starting to get going. Although the year end’s ok the currency readjustments are taking time.
Chart Sources
Brazil: Independence declared by ruler. 7 Sep 1922 Sao Paulo. 16.47 local time. Chart from N Campion’s Book of world horoscopes based on a time rectified by Brazilian astrologers.
The Real
Brazil Mint Foundation: 8 March 1694, Salvador Brazil. Based on law issued by Portugal. Chart set for 12pm Lisbon Portugal relocated to Brazil. See casadamoeda.com.br
Another fascination currency history here.
The law of 8 March 1694 answered this request, by determining that gold and silver in Brazil would devalue by 10% over and above the 20% devaluation decided in 1688 by Portugal. It also states that a mint should be opened in the city of Baía so that the provincial currency could be coined there and would only circulate Brazil.
See: WAR, TAXES AND GOLD:THE INHERITANCE OF THE REAL Jorge Braga de Macedo, Faculty of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon; NBER and CEPR Álvaro Ferreira da Silva Faculty of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon Rita Martins de Sousa Institute of Economics and Management, Technical University of Lisbon
Brazil: Independence declared by ruler. 7 Sep 1922 Sao Paulo. 16.47 local time. Chart from N Campion’s Book of world horoscopes based on a time rectified by Brazilian astrologers.
The Real
Brazil Mint Foundation: 8 March 1694, Salvador Brazil. Based on law issued by Portugal. Chart set for 12pm Lisbon Portugal relocated to Brazil. See casadamoeda.com.br
Another fascination currency history here.
The law of 8 March 1694 answered this request, by determining that gold and silver in Brazil would devalue by 10% over and above the 20% devaluation decided in 1688 by Portugal. It also states that a mint should be opened in the city of Baía so that the provincial currency could be coined there and would only circulate Brazil.
See: WAR, TAXES AND GOLD:THE INHERITANCE OF THE REAL Jorge Braga de Macedo, Faculty of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon; NBER and CEPR Álvaro Ferreira da Silva Faculty of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon Rita Martins de Sousa Institute of Economics and Management, Technical University of Lisbon
I don´t know if you are not aware, but the real only began in the 90´s, and we had dozens of currencies since 1694!
I am definitely open to changing if someone demonstrates another chart has a better correlation. So far I've not seen anyone write much about the Real ( or indeed many of the things I covered) so I don't have a persuasive reason to switch yet.