While the Dow reached its all time peak in nominal terms in October 2007 but, as is only too well know by dot.com bubble victims, the Nasdaq reached its peak in 2000. So we should not expect to see the same themes in the two charts. For instance the Nasdaq progressed MC has been in orb of natal or progressed Saturn since 2004, depressing the recovery in a way that didn’t happen with the Dow.
However, when the whole US economy is either booming or collapsing the two should roughly correlate for a while. Indeed the Nasdaq did also reach a recent peak last October and trend-wise has more or less been tracking the Dow since.
So what does the chart show?
Well in one way it parallels the Dow. Whereas in the Dow chart we see progressed Venus trining Pluto, in the Nasdaq, transiting Pluto having been square natal Pluto at the end of 2007 made its first transit of natal Venus in February 2008 an aspect that is also in orb of a conjunction with progressed Mar and square progressed Mercury. But more of that later. Pluto is now retrograde and still square natal Pluto. But there must be more to explain matters?
There is. Uranus in June was close to conjoining the progressed Sun. Sharp eyed readers will notice a curiosity here. The progressed sun of the Nasdaq is at 23 Pisces, that of the Dow at 23 Virgo. They are opposites – partners in crime so to speak and have been since the Nasdaq was created. And of course that means that when anything hits the progressed Sun of one it also hits the other. Aaaagh, you see, it always makes sense when you look properly.
So we should expect the coming lunar eclipse, with its partner in crime, the evil illusionist, Neptune, to do something to this chart too, right? Right. The progressed ascendant of the Nasdaq is at 24 degrees of Leo. Perfect. So it will have responded to the new moon on 2/3 July won’t it? And then it should respond to the eclipse on 16th August. So a quiet summer in the markets maybe? Hmmmm….
It has just been benefiting from Jupiter trine the progressed MC. Another parallel with the Dow, which has Jupiter with the progressed Moon.
The solar eclipse is actually trine both the Nasdaq Mars and MC as well. So a spot of hyperactive trading is probably in order next week, with Saturn probably depressing the price. The fact that Saturn then squares Mars indicates far less trading in early August. But then we have that lunar eclipse. It is also sextile the Moon (which is within a degree of Mercury in the Dow chart You have to buy an intelligent force in the Universe when you see this stuff – well let’s face it we need one since there is a chronic shortage of intelligence in the financial system itself). I expect there will be a shift at this time – perhaps in favour of Nasdaq stocks or just focusing on the make up of the index and the fact that some huge losses in some sectors have been offset by gains elsewhere. I suspect a bubble will start to form in certain sub-sectors. The progressed moon in the background in keeping the Pluto Venus aspect in play throughout this time.
A flurry of unexpected activity is likely in mid September. Mars triggers a square between Jupiter and the Nasdaq Uranus. Maybe a bid or something then, although the indicator is short lived.
The Saturn Jupiter Uranus configuration in November picks up the progressed Saturn on the MC- a similar tale of stability to that seen with the Dow.
However, although Jupiter is sextile the Progressed Sun in December and might be positive, Pluto returns to 0 Capricorn review value in the form of Venus and starts a whole new theme.
By February 2009, Pluto is transiting the progressed Mars, and square Mercury. This suggests trading problems of a technical nature. Computer issues perhaps, or plans to clear out some of the dud stocks in the index. But Saturn is still holding things in check value wise ( trine the progressed Saturn/MC conjunction) which is not necessarily bad.
So of course we are now dying to know about the Jupiter Neptune Chiron conjunction in May. It is on the progressed Descendant and sextile Moon while Uranus transits the Sun. And the Nasdaq was born with a Jupiter Neptune conjunction in trine to Chiron so it will be extra sensitive to this configuration. Yes – huge activity – of an indeterminate direction confirmed here too.
Saturn returns to its trine with the MC/Saturn in June, a claming influence I hope, although the Neptune configuration continues to hold sway all through the summer. More volatility at least until September when Saturn in opposition to Uranus cuts down the effect of the latter.
By October Pluto is again transiting Venus and Saturn is transiting the Nasdaq Pluto. This will kill a lot of dogs in the index. The conjunction between the progressed Saturn and MC is reaching exactitude around this time – another indicator of pruning off the dead branches. There is a Jupiter conjunction with the Nasdaq sun at this point and square the progressed MC but rather than offsetting the effect I see this as being the instigator of the final changes.
As we know by December Saturn is at 1-4 degree Libra and square Pluto, and natal Venus as well as opposite progressed Mercury. This also makes it sextile the Nasdaq’s “bubble” aspect of Jupiter /Neptune in early Sagittarius. Possibly by late December/early January 2010 when Jupiter Neptune and Chiron meet again, we have plans for a new looking Nasdaq index.
Throughout the year Neptune continues to oppose the progressed Ascendant and Uranus again transits the progressed Sun. We don’t give up on the themes of 2009. However the effect of the 2010 cardinal cross becomes more important
In February the progressed Moon opposes the progressed MC/Saturn conjunction.
In March and April, Pluto moves to square progressed Mercury and Uranus still in opposition to Saturn also now opposes the Nasdaq Pluto. This suggests a conflict between the old and new and a resistance to transformation. The matter is emphasised further as Jupiter approaches its conjunction with Uranus at the end of Pisces and picks up the Ascendant axis and Mercury.
By mid summer and the cardinal cross’s maximum influence, the Nasdaq planet’s being influenced are still Venus, progressed Mars, and more favourably the Neptune Jupiter conjunction.
In September to November it is Pluto and the progressed Sun again that are transited by Uranus and Jupiter, really shaking up the fundamentals. This is emphasized further by the progressed Moon which trines the progressed Sun in October. However a counteracting influence, in the form of Saturn transiting the Nasdaq Uranus again restrains further development in November, and in December when Saturn is trine the chart’s Sun, we can expect regulation influences to slow things down.
The Nasdaq progressed Venus will conjoin the chart’s Sun this year. And the progressed Sun will trine the chart’s Ascendant. These should be positive developments. The index should reveal its “best” side for most of the year.
However, at least in the early part of the year, Neptune is still opposing the progressed Ascendant, and Jupiter and Uranus are still shaking up the fundamentals.
In February 2011 Jupiter trines the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in the Nasdaq chart, and then crosses the chart MC, suggesting the beginnings of a significant rise in value. This might have been brief if it wasn’t for the fact that the progressed Moon will conjoin this natal conjunction from February through to October, continuing the enthusiasm. Uranus will also move forward to trine the conjunction – stimulating matters further. Uranus will also again square progressed Mars and natal Venus, but this square combined with the above influences is only likely to add to more excitement and volatility – it is not a price depressing influence.
In April and May when Jupiter trines the Ascendant and squares the progressed ascendant, the trend is likely to be accentuated. However the trend is then somewhat offset by Saturn which stations throughout the summer on the chart IC and Uranus. This holds things in check a bit at that time. Saturn in trine with the Nasdaq Sun and progressed Venus, emphasises value over speculation by September.
The volatility created by the Uranus square continues through the last months of the year.. Saturn square the ascendant, among other things, in October and November looks to me like a suppressing influence. The bubble of the earlier months will deflate somewhat at this time.
I expect the influence of Saturn to temporarily lift from December 2011 to February 2012, and the influence of Uranus to return with more volatility leading to increases in stock prices– especially with the support Jupiter in Taurus trining progressed Mars at this time.
The volatility doesn’t really stop all year as Uranus continues to create trading impetus. But there is another fall back between March and August, as Saturn retraces its steps. April and May look particularly interesting- Jupiter will transit the Nasdaq chart’s Saturn and then its progressed Saturn and finally, progressed MC. Jupiter at this point in 2000 was the peak of the tech bubble – and although it was accompanied then by a “Saturn return” in the chart, the Saturn position square the ascendant is likely to have a similar influence. Added to this Pluto is square the chart MC- dangerous territory – watch out for what is happening at this time – it will give some indication of what is to come in the next years.
However Pluto retraces its steps and Saturn moves temporarily out of orb for a few months so bubble territory is indicated again by July. Jupiter is square Neptune, and this configuration picks up the Nasdaq Jupiter/Neptune conjunction.
But Saturn pulls things down again in September and the index is relatively quiet for a couple of months until around December when the future direction becomes clearer. We will return to these major changes in our 2013-2020 forecasts later.