My intention is not to publish political charts here. However it’s is clear that the Iran/Israel situation has a knock on effect on Oil prices and general economics and is therefore fair game.
I did publish a forecast of the progress of the relationship between the countries and indeed the USA in February 2006 as part of a prediction challenge here:
Although I admit I hedged my bets a bit on that one, I have been generally pleased with the results. Especially for Israel where I hit on some clear winners:
This configuration will be heavily hit by the Saturn Neptune Jupiter T square later in the year, but that is likely to reflect issues to do with the leadership rather than external matters. As mentioned it is 2008 before Neptune reaches the natal sun so such issues may drag on, there may be questions asked about internal political issues.
Obviously corruption and other matters have kept rearing their head there the whole time.
I also said about the period of Spring Summer 2006:
The Gemini progressed conjunction has something to say about Palestine, having already been activated by Pluto for the last couple of years, and cannot easily be unravelled, yet it was certainly triggered in the 1981 situation described above. And with mars ruling the 7th it is difficult to discount the likelihood that both natal and progressed mars aspects will signify either attack or being attacked. …... An astrological case could be made for something happening very soon. With Pluto conjunct Jupiter square progressed mars opposite progressed Uranus being activated in 4-6 months by the progressed moon.
What of course I failed to pick up was that the adversary in the attack and being attacked situation was Lebanon. No shame – no one asked me to look at the Lebanon chart!
I concluded my Israel analysis with:
The emphasis shifts a little in 2008. Pluto continues to oppose progressed mercury but no longer aspects mars. However, in June the full moon is at 27 sag right on Israel’s natal Jupiter, and the full moon eclipse that follows on 16 August may support action.
June 2008? Yes alleged trials for an attack in the Mediterranean.
I then said:
Uranus opposes the progressed MC mid year and progressed ascendant is exactly opposite natal mercury. Uranus was square progressed MC in 1981 so mid July cannot be ruled out – note that the progressed moon returns to its 1981 position end August 2008. But this is again rather close to November 2008 and US elections to make any action likely then…..
I do appear to have completely over-estimated the control of the situation by the US. It appears that Israel may have no regard for the US at all and may just go their way regardless of the consequences on their allies.
Of Iran in the same period I said:
Although the eclipse cycle which culminates on 16 August 2008 transits the critical Pisces 24-27 degrees, interesting there are no other new developments for some time after this. Rather more of the same. Uranus stations at 22 degrees Pisces without reaching Mars and Mercury. Saturn does not return to its return position of 7/8 degrees until August when it conjuncts Mars there. That suggests Iran will be in military mode that summer – perhaps under martial law?
I got the bit about the state of Iran internally wrong. A reflection of my lack of real knowledge of how things tick there internally which makes it difficult to imagine how things will play out.
Still they are in military mode shooting off rockets (or not depending on photoshop), so not bad for a prediction made two and half years ago.
So what is doing to happen next? Let’s look at Iran first:-
Actually my comment about Mars was not strictly true- as Mars is transiting the Iranian Saturn now in July. This whole period of the second half of July is risky. Mars moves on to square the MC on 17th, and the Sun and Mercury transit Jupiter in the last week (though since the Sun returns to this position every year (!) perhaps too much significance should not be attached to that alone).
Mars then opposes Iran’s Mars and Mercury on 12th-15th August. Expect at least some more heavy rhetoric then. At this point transiting Saturn moves past the degree it reached in December 2007, which suggests new developments. The Sun will trigger this Saturn transit to the progressed Ascendant in the first week of September suggesting that the theme will continue for that period too.
However, there is a lull after this. So whatever happens in August/early September it doesn’t look like a prolonged event. None of the outer planets make especial aspects to the Iranian chart until November when the mundane Jupiter/Uranus/Saturn configuration aspects the Iranian Uranus and progressed Mars – this suggests disruption and adjustment but not all out conflict – and let’s be honest all eyes will be on the US then anyway.
Because Saturn then goes retrograde the situation is in abeyance over the winter. Jupiter transits the Descendant on March 22nd. Then in April/May transiting Uranus reaches a conjunction with Iran’s Mars. What is more significant is that the progressed Sun will pass the country’s MC in May. I have to say I don’t like the look of this because the timing coincides with major aspects to so many other economic charts. A change of leader is possible – but so is conflict. Take the 16th May – Mars is transiting progressed Mars and opposing Pluto – this tends to breed violence (the UK has experienced a spate of stabbings with a similar aspect this summer).
So what happens then? Well the events look like continuing for a couple of months but then Uranus goes retrograde in the summer and does not reach the same degree again until 2010. There is some action in September/October when Saturn opposes this position, and Jupiter is stationed on the descendant, but nothing through the winter. That is curious. What goes on hold? Why? Is it Iran or is it something else?
Then in March 2010 Uranus returns to its position with a new moon at the same degree on 16th March and transiting Mars on the progressed Jupiter. By mid May Jupiter has reached the Iranian Mars as it makes its mundane conjunction with Uranus that month. Now this is rather explosive.
So even if something happens in spring 2009 – it won’t be all over until this particular fat lady sings in 2010 at least. And since Jupiter and Uranus go retrograde in the last part of 2010 the themes will continue until February 2011.
At that time Saturn transits Iran’s Pluto and Pluto trines its Saturn. Resolution will come one way or the other then.
So what, if anything, in Israel’s chart coincides with these key dates?
Well as already mentioned in my 2006 forecast. June through August are exciting.
Today ( 14th July) Neptune is square the Sun- not a time for conflict. And with Uranus retrograding opposite its progressed MC, it still has a very unsettled foundation- but that is to do with the past –probably Palestine etc-just as well there is a conference about it. Probably there will be announcements ( not all good) this week as Mars squares Mercury and the progressed Ascendant- well, it is impossible to keep everyone happy in that situation.
The eclipsed new moon on 1st August is trine the Israel progressed Ascendant as well as making some other favourable aspects. The lunar eclipse on 16th August is trine the natal Ascendant and favourably aspects Uranus and Venus and Jupiter. And I have already referred to the position of the progressed moon at the 1981 position. Really this is a very good time for peace not war- but with Israel you never know they may decide it’s a good time for anything.
Actually, this summer (August to October) is the last time Pluto will square the Israeli progressed Mars and, if it wasn’t for what will come next, that would suggest it might feel a little less threatened.
November and the Jupiter/Uranus/Saturn configuration shows a similar theme in the Israel chart to that in the Iranian one- adjustment but again not conflict. The country’s Saturn is aspected but obliquely- more internal governmental and political issue probably. Furthermore Pluto will oppose the progressed Mercury suggesting undercover activity at this time.
In April 2009 Uranus will again oppose the progressed MC and there will be more disruptive activity–But this time Uranus goes on to square Venus and Uranus- the matter moves forward for good or evil. At the same time the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction trines them. Uranus square Uranus isn’t good – but it still doesn’t seem quite like the climax of the situation that might be expected – too much uncertainty and retaliation and no certain outcome. Still 23rd May time might lead to some conflict.
As in the Iranian chart we see Saturn squaring and restricting matters in the late summer of 2009. Uranus and Saturn oppose each other across the progressed Israeli MC axis in September and Saturn goes on to square natal Uranus and Venus. This is particularly challenging. When combined with the information from Iran of frankly not so much it says either that all plans regarding Iran will be suspended due to other conflict in Israel– or if conflict with Iran has already started it will have no resolution for this whole period (so anyone expecting a quick result will not be happy).
Although the opposition between Uranus and the progressed MC finally ends at the end of 2009, from early 2010, the progressed MC will square natal Uranus and progressed Venus ( astrology is very good at doing this theme baton passing). Uranus will go on to square progressed Uranus and natal Jupiter opposition in April. Then in May Jupiter will catch up with Uranus as Uranus goes on to oppose the Israel progressed Mars, by then at 29 degrees.
The problem with these aspects is that they are not very rational – they are “do something at all costs” to change the situation aspects – and worry about the consequences later. Unfortunately this is exactly the mix that Israel was born on (Uranus was opposite Jupiter) so in 2010 we have a double whammy involving an exact progressed aspect and the transiting conjunction. That can’t be good – and as mentioned it is not a one off but a series of aspects between May and December. Added to which Neptune will be sneaking up to oppose the country’s Mars. Neptune in hard aspect to Mars means “ if you are called to resolve someone else’s ongoing conflict you will be a victor, but if you start your own – it will drag out eternally” ( example US in Iraq and Afganistan).
Well presumably one way or another the future of Israel will be settled by the end of this too.
Clearly then there are a few risk points. I would say in order of the highest risk first.
I got the bit about the state of Iran internally wrong. A reflection of my lack of real knowledge of how things tick there internally which makes it difficult to imagine how things will play out.
Still they are in military mode shooting off rockets (or not depending on photoshop), so not bad for a prediction made two and half years ago.
So what is doing to happen next? Let’s look at Iran first:-
Actually my comment about Mars was not strictly true- as Mars is transiting the Iranian Saturn now in July. This whole period of the second half of July is risky. Mars moves on to square the MC on 17th, and the Sun and Mercury transit Jupiter in the last week (though since the Sun returns to this position every year (!) perhaps too much significance should not be attached to that alone).
Mars then opposes Iran’s Mars and Mercury on 12th-15th August. Expect at least some more heavy rhetoric then. At this point transiting Saturn moves past the degree it reached in December 2007, which suggests new developments. The Sun will trigger this Saturn transit to the progressed Ascendant in the first week of September suggesting that the theme will continue for that period too.
However, there is a lull after this. So whatever happens in August/early September it doesn’t look like a prolonged event. None of the outer planets make especial aspects to the Iranian chart until November when the mundane Jupiter/Uranus/Saturn configuration aspects the Iranian Uranus and progressed Mars – this suggests disruption and adjustment but not all out conflict – and let’s be honest all eyes will be on the US then anyway.
Because Saturn then goes retrograde the situation is in abeyance over the winter. Jupiter transits the Descendant on March 22nd. Then in April/May transiting Uranus reaches a conjunction with Iran’s Mars. What is more significant is that the progressed Sun will pass the country’s MC in May. I have to say I don’t like the look of this because the timing coincides with major aspects to so many other economic charts. A change of leader is possible – but so is conflict. Take the 16th May – Mars is transiting progressed Mars and opposing Pluto – this tends to breed violence (the UK has experienced a spate of stabbings with a similar aspect this summer).
So what happens then? Well the events look like continuing for a couple of months but then Uranus goes retrograde in the summer and does not reach the same degree again until 2010. There is some action in September/October when Saturn opposes this position, and Jupiter is stationed on the descendant, but nothing through the winter. That is curious. What goes on hold? Why? Is it Iran or is it something else?
Then in March 2010 Uranus returns to its position with a new moon at the same degree on 16th March and transiting Mars on the progressed Jupiter. By mid May Jupiter has reached the Iranian Mars as it makes its mundane conjunction with Uranus that month. Now this is rather explosive.
So even if something happens in spring 2009 – it won’t be all over until this particular fat lady sings in 2010 at least. And since Jupiter and Uranus go retrograde in the last part of 2010 the themes will continue until February 2011.
At that time Saturn transits Iran’s Pluto and Pluto trines its Saturn. Resolution will come one way or the other then.
So what, if anything, in Israel’s chart coincides with these key dates?
Well as already mentioned in my 2006 forecast. June through August are exciting.
Today ( 14th July) Neptune is square the Sun- not a time for conflict. And with Uranus retrograding opposite its progressed MC, it still has a very unsettled foundation- but that is to do with the past –probably Palestine etc-just as well there is a conference about it. Probably there will be announcements ( not all good) this week as Mars squares Mercury and the progressed Ascendant- well, it is impossible to keep everyone happy in that situation.
The eclipsed new moon on 1st August is trine the Israel progressed Ascendant as well as making some other favourable aspects. The lunar eclipse on 16th August is trine the natal Ascendant and favourably aspects Uranus and Venus and Jupiter. And I have already referred to the position of the progressed moon at the 1981 position. Really this is a very good time for peace not war- but with Israel you never know they may decide it’s a good time for anything.
Actually, this summer (August to October) is the last time Pluto will square the Israeli progressed Mars and, if it wasn’t for what will come next, that would suggest it might feel a little less threatened.
November and the Jupiter/Uranus/Saturn configuration shows a similar theme in the Israel chart to that in the Iranian one- adjustment but again not conflict. The country’s Saturn is aspected but obliquely- more internal governmental and political issue probably. Furthermore Pluto will oppose the progressed Mercury suggesting undercover activity at this time.
In April 2009 Uranus will again oppose the progressed MC and there will be more disruptive activity–But this time Uranus goes on to square Venus and Uranus- the matter moves forward for good or evil. At the same time the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction trines them. Uranus square Uranus isn’t good – but it still doesn’t seem quite like the climax of the situation that might be expected – too much uncertainty and retaliation and no certain outcome. Still 23rd May time might lead to some conflict.
As in the Iranian chart we see Saturn squaring and restricting matters in the late summer of 2009. Uranus and Saturn oppose each other across the progressed Israeli MC axis in September and Saturn goes on to square natal Uranus and Venus. This is particularly challenging. When combined with the information from Iran of frankly not so much it says either that all plans regarding Iran will be suspended due to other conflict in Israel– or if conflict with Iran has already started it will have no resolution for this whole period (so anyone expecting a quick result will not be happy).
Although the opposition between Uranus and the progressed MC finally ends at the end of 2009, from early 2010, the progressed MC will square natal Uranus and progressed Venus ( astrology is very good at doing this theme baton passing). Uranus will go on to square progressed Uranus and natal Jupiter opposition in April. Then in May Jupiter will catch up with Uranus as Uranus goes on to oppose the Israel progressed Mars, by then at 29 degrees.
The problem with these aspects is that they are not very rational – they are “do something at all costs” to change the situation aspects – and worry about the consequences later. Unfortunately this is exactly the mix that Israel was born on (Uranus was opposite Jupiter) so in 2010 we have a double whammy involving an exact progressed aspect and the transiting conjunction. That can’t be good – and as mentioned it is not a one off but a series of aspects between May and December. Added to which Neptune will be sneaking up to oppose the country’s Mars. Neptune in hard aspect to Mars means “ if you are called to resolve someone else’s ongoing conflict you will be a victor, but if you start your own – it will drag out eternally” ( example US in Iraq and Afganistan).
Well presumably one way or another the future of Israel will be settled by the end of this too.
Clearly then there are a few risk points. I would say in order of the highest risk first.
1. Spring 2010 (long lasting)
2. March - May 2009 ( but suspended by late summer)
3. This July August (brief)
Charts used: Both from Nick Campion's Book of World Horoscopes
Iran 1 April 1979 15.00 Tehran 17 Leo rising
Israel 14 May 1948 14.00 Tel Aviv 23 Libra rising
Israel 14 May 1948 14.00 Tel Aviv 23 Libra rising