Mystery Chart?
I don’t usually start with comments about my experience of analysing a specific chart. But this one has been the most difficult to date. I am happy that it is a “good” chart based on its response to prior events ( 1987, 2000), but the future is frankly less obvious. Maybe I will return to it again when I have reviewed all my other analysis to date.
The lows of the last 12 months, corresponded with Saturn being at 3-4 Virgo. In the FTSE chart this opposes the chart’s Jupiter and has been squaring its progressed Sun ( at 4 Gemini).
Currently there are two influences at play. On the one hand Uranus is transiting the FTSE Mars increasing volatility- Mars is natally in the 7th house of partners and relationships – it is not surprising that the index is tracking the US at present. A fact substantiated further by the progressed Ascendant opposing the natal Sun during this time. On the other hand Saturn, having left its square with the progressed Sun and Jupiter is now sextiling the natal Moon, opposing the progressed Moon , is about to conjoin Pluto and then in August will oppose progressed Jupiter. Again this is a busy time.
I don’t usually start with comments about my experience of analysing a specific chart. But this one has been the most difficult to date. I am happy that it is a “good” chart based on its response to prior events ( 1987, 2000), but the future is frankly less obvious. Maybe I will return to it again when I have reviewed all my other analysis to date.
The lows of the last 12 months, corresponded with Saturn being at 3-4 Virgo. In the FTSE chart this opposes the chart’s Jupiter and has been squaring its progressed Sun ( at 4 Gemini).
Currently there are two influences at play. On the one hand Uranus is transiting the FTSE Mars increasing volatility- Mars is natally in the 7th house of partners and relationships – it is not surprising that the index is tracking the US at present. A fact substantiated further by the progressed Ascendant opposing the natal Sun during this time. On the other hand Saturn, having left its square with the progressed Sun and Jupiter is now sextiling the natal Moon, opposing the progressed Moon , is about to conjoin Pluto and then in August will oppose progressed Jupiter. Again this is a busy time.
The solar eclipse of 1 August is within one degree of the chart’s Saturn. There does seem to be a feeling that the bottom has been reached in banking stocks at least. The aspects does suggest a time of re-evaluation and switching sectors. However it should be borne in mind that the UK economic forecast was not good- by all means take advantage of short term shifts, but beware of the long term trends.
The lunar eclipse of 16th August does not significantly affect this chart. The FTSE Uranus is at 27 Leo but this has already been activated for some months and the eclipse at 24 degrees should not affect it much more.
Negative news is likely to put a halt to things those by the end of the month when Saturn squares the FTSE MC and so trading is likely to be much more subdued by the end of August and into September. A lack of direction is indicated. October does not look any better. Saturn is on the Ascendant, never a sign of optimism. However by November when Jupiter completes its configuration with Saturn and Uranus things will be a bit more positive and a sense of stability will ensue in the final months of the year.
The end of the financial crisis of the last couple of years? Hmmmmm we’ll see
The broader themes for the coming 2 years look mixed. On the other hand the progressed Sun is approaching a square with natal Pluto, which by itself is very bad. But progressed Venus will sextile Pluto – good for finding value – even if not good at all for soaring prices.
During 2009 progressed Venus will be transiting the progressed Moon in Cancer, people will be looking to preserve value.
February shows glitches in the system Saturn opposite Uranus is square the Index progressed Mercury. These are likely to be information related though rather than anything else- perhaps the results season shows conflicting results between old and new sectors. Investors won’t have a feeling of where things are going yet. In early March there is indication of frantic trading again. Pluto will sextile the chart’s Jupiter – big deals are indicated.
But the excitement is not for long as Saturn returns to conjoin the Ascendant from March till July.
And we won’t be surprised to find that the, now infamous Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction of May 2009 does not go unnoticed by the FTSE chart. It is right slap bang opposite the chart’s Uranus. We definitely have an out of the blue event here. What is curious is the lack of impact on the other planets in the chart and the angles, almost as if there is an event of major significant, which doesn’t much affect the prices of the UK stocks. Impossible. Sometimes I just don’t have the imagination to interpret the astrological indicators! Or perhaps it takes tiem to work out what the impact will be on UK companies.
That would backup the continued movement of the progressed Sun towards its square with Pluto. As the impact of the Neptune conjunction is in force all the rest of the year, we can probably expect a slow decline in values rather than anything dramatic. Of course if the reality is that it is currencies that bear the full force of the conjunction then a decline in the index would not be necessary for it to lose value in real global terms.
The next notable time is September 2009. The transiting Uranus/ Saturn opposition picks up the ongoing Saturn opposite progressed Moon and transits the natal Mars. Some more sector evaluation is likely – and some switching out of companies which have no future in favour of others. More volatility courtesy of Uranus is promised in November and December, as the effects of Neptune/Jupiter continues to be felt.
You would expect the index to have key planets picked up by the cardinal cross this year but that does not seem to be the case either.
Pluto does sextile Jupiter, as we have seen, and it returns to this position in January February 2010, a sign of more deal-making perhaps. The fact that this is likely to be significant is confirmed by the “Jupiter return” in the same month. This suggests that a major company or companies are affected.
By March transiting Pluto is close to an opposition with the Moon and progressed Venus, but of course this is supported by the fact that Pluto is now approaching a trine to natal Pluto. Although there is more evaluation of fundamentals this is not all negative.
Indeed in March Jupiter conjoins the chart progressed Jupiter, then squares the MC and transits the Descendant. Things are tricky ( Neptune still opposes natal Uranus) but there does not seem to be any indicator of big falls or big rises.
There is a bit more uncertainty in May. Uranus and Jupiter are opposing Saturn picking up the chart progressed MC and its Uranus again. But no clear direction is indicated.
When the cardinal cross is at its most potent in July/August 2010, the FTSE chart is affected-Pluto is once again sextile the charts Jupiter, The degree is triggered by rather indirectly by the rest of the square. And it is the progressed Moon that picks up the chart Moon, Pluto and progressed Sun and Venus. Further deal, further evaluation, but again no radical rises or falls in the index. Increasingly curious. We have suggested elsewhere that there will be a lot of public unrest at this time so perhaps the market is just not the focus of attention.
The themes continue into the next couple of months. It is not until Saturn squares the Moon and progressed Venus in late September/early October that there seems to be a distinct direction – in this case down.
But even that is not long lasting and the lack of direction really returns by November.
In December Mars progresses into Taurus for the first time since the index was created. The emphasis really does seem to switching long term from trading to capital preservation.
There is no significant change in the influences on this chart in the early part of 2011. Pluto finally reaches the exact opposition with progressed Venus and quincunx with the Progressed Sun, but this only really confirms the ongoing trend rather than creating a new one. The pattern seems to be one of consolidation and conservation- without any major rallies or bubbles.
There are a few points where Jupiter aspects the chart and might lead to some increases in activity, notably March when it conjoins the FTSE Mercury, April with the sun and June with progressed Mars ( big trading days).
This might be the beginning of a new trend, as Neptune will sextile the FTSE progressed Mars by then- difficult to tell whether this means subdued trading or trading that bears no relation to price though – it might indicate weakness and lack of direction, but it might also indicate delusion. It should give an indication of the trend for mid 2012 though.
Saturn calms things down in the later summer. Indeed in November the view of the market is looking bad. I do get the feeling that what may be happening is a lack of enthusiasm for trading opportunities and therefore a disillusionment with the market as a whole.
Although the progressed aspects of Venus and the Sun are weakening by this time, transiting Pluto is taking up the baton to continue the relationship.
The square between Neptune and the progressed Mars is also getting more significant, and may be starting to pick up the FTSE Jupiter by March 2012. The progressed Moon is reinforcing the theme between March and June. On balance this looks like optimism and the potential for prices to lose touch with reality.
Remember that however good things are looking, Pluto and Uranus are square and aspecting the progressed Venus. Things are not out of the woods. There may be value but not everywhere.
In July Saturn crosses the progressed Ascendant leading to some disappointments, but in August the FTSE is all in vogue as Jupiter crosses the MC then goes on to square the Ascendant. Another sign of fluctuating opinions about market direction.
Nothing new really for the rest of the year. Pluto is back undermining the value of things by December and really setting quite a long to trend to do this for some years yet. Caution should still be the order of the day despite that rosy tinted Neptune.
Chart :
FTSE all share : 10 April 1962, London 16.30 BST (index based on close of business)
Note the index was not published until 26 November 1962 but the date of composition is used here.
The lunar eclipse of 16th August does not significantly affect this chart. The FTSE Uranus is at 27 Leo but this has already been activated for some months and the eclipse at 24 degrees should not affect it much more.
Negative news is likely to put a halt to things those by the end of the month when Saturn squares the FTSE MC and so trading is likely to be much more subdued by the end of August and into September. A lack of direction is indicated. October does not look any better. Saturn is on the Ascendant, never a sign of optimism. However by November when Jupiter completes its configuration with Saturn and Uranus things will be a bit more positive and a sense of stability will ensue in the final months of the year.
The end of the financial crisis of the last couple of years? Hmmmmm we’ll see
The broader themes for the coming 2 years look mixed. On the other hand the progressed Sun is approaching a square with natal Pluto, which by itself is very bad. But progressed Venus will sextile Pluto – good for finding value – even if not good at all for soaring prices.
During 2009 progressed Venus will be transiting the progressed Moon in Cancer, people will be looking to preserve value.
February shows glitches in the system Saturn opposite Uranus is square the Index progressed Mercury. These are likely to be information related though rather than anything else- perhaps the results season shows conflicting results between old and new sectors. Investors won’t have a feeling of where things are going yet. In early March there is indication of frantic trading again. Pluto will sextile the chart’s Jupiter – big deals are indicated.
But the excitement is not for long as Saturn returns to conjoin the Ascendant from March till July.
And we won’t be surprised to find that the, now infamous Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction of May 2009 does not go unnoticed by the FTSE chart. It is right slap bang opposite the chart’s Uranus. We definitely have an out of the blue event here. What is curious is the lack of impact on the other planets in the chart and the angles, almost as if there is an event of major significant, which doesn’t much affect the prices of the UK stocks. Impossible. Sometimes I just don’t have the imagination to interpret the astrological indicators! Or perhaps it takes tiem to work out what the impact will be on UK companies.
That would backup the continued movement of the progressed Sun towards its square with Pluto. As the impact of the Neptune conjunction is in force all the rest of the year, we can probably expect a slow decline in values rather than anything dramatic. Of course if the reality is that it is currencies that bear the full force of the conjunction then a decline in the index would not be necessary for it to lose value in real global terms.
The next notable time is September 2009. The transiting Uranus/ Saturn opposition picks up the ongoing Saturn opposite progressed Moon and transits the natal Mars. Some more sector evaluation is likely – and some switching out of companies which have no future in favour of others. More volatility courtesy of Uranus is promised in November and December, as the effects of Neptune/Jupiter continues to be felt.
You would expect the index to have key planets picked up by the cardinal cross this year but that does not seem to be the case either.
Pluto does sextile Jupiter, as we have seen, and it returns to this position in January February 2010, a sign of more deal-making perhaps. The fact that this is likely to be significant is confirmed by the “Jupiter return” in the same month. This suggests that a major company or companies are affected.
By March transiting Pluto is close to an opposition with the Moon and progressed Venus, but of course this is supported by the fact that Pluto is now approaching a trine to natal Pluto. Although there is more evaluation of fundamentals this is not all negative.
Indeed in March Jupiter conjoins the chart progressed Jupiter, then squares the MC and transits the Descendant. Things are tricky ( Neptune still opposes natal Uranus) but there does not seem to be any indicator of big falls or big rises.
There is a bit more uncertainty in May. Uranus and Jupiter are opposing Saturn picking up the chart progressed MC and its Uranus again. But no clear direction is indicated.
When the cardinal cross is at its most potent in July/August 2010, the FTSE chart is affected-Pluto is once again sextile the charts Jupiter, The degree is triggered by rather indirectly by the rest of the square. And it is the progressed Moon that picks up the chart Moon, Pluto and progressed Sun and Venus. Further deal, further evaluation, but again no radical rises or falls in the index. Increasingly curious. We have suggested elsewhere that there will be a lot of public unrest at this time so perhaps the market is just not the focus of attention.
The themes continue into the next couple of months. It is not until Saturn squares the Moon and progressed Venus in late September/early October that there seems to be a distinct direction – in this case down.
But even that is not long lasting and the lack of direction really returns by November.
In December Mars progresses into Taurus for the first time since the index was created. The emphasis really does seem to switching long term from trading to capital preservation.
There is no significant change in the influences on this chart in the early part of 2011. Pluto finally reaches the exact opposition with progressed Venus and quincunx with the Progressed Sun, but this only really confirms the ongoing trend rather than creating a new one. The pattern seems to be one of consolidation and conservation- without any major rallies or bubbles.
There are a few points where Jupiter aspects the chart and might lead to some increases in activity, notably March when it conjoins the FTSE Mercury, April with the sun and June with progressed Mars ( big trading days).
This might be the beginning of a new trend, as Neptune will sextile the FTSE progressed Mars by then- difficult to tell whether this means subdued trading or trading that bears no relation to price though – it might indicate weakness and lack of direction, but it might also indicate delusion. It should give an indication of the trend for mid 2012 though.
Saturn calms things down in the later summer. Indeed in November the view of the market is looking bad. I do get the feeling that what may be happening is a lack of enthusiasm for trading opportunities and therefore a disillusionment with the market as a whole.
Although the progressed aspects of Venus and the Sun are weakening by this time, transiting Pluto is taking up the baton to continue the relationship.
The square between Neptune and the progressed Mars is also getting more significant, and may be starting to pick up the FTSE Jupiter by March 2012. The progressed Moon is reinforcing the theme between March and June. On balance this looks like optimism and the potential for prices to lose touch with reality.
Remember that however good things are looking, Pluto and Uranus are square and aspecting the progressed Venus. Things are not out of the woods. There may be value but not everywhere.
In July Saturn crosses the progressed Ascendant leading to some disappointments, but in August the FTSE is all in vogue as Jupiter crosses the MC then goes on to square the Ascendant. Another sign of fluctuating opinions about market direction.
Nothing new really for the rest of the year. Pluto is back undermining the value of things by December and really setting quite a long to trend to do this for some years yet. Caution should still be the order of the day despite that rosy tinted Neptune.
Chart :
FTSE all share : 10 April 1962, London 16.30 BST (index based on close of business)
Note the index was not published until 26 November 1962 but the date of composition is used here.