China and the Renminbi :2008-2012

2008: Where we are now

The Bank of China and the Republic were formed just 10 months apart and therefore the charts have elements, such as the position of the outer planets in common.

Obviously China has been and remains in the limelight this year, due to the Olympics. The issues surrounding the Tibet situation and the Dali Lama have also been highlighted. Added to this the country have suffered both earthquakes and floods in recent months.

All this is a reflection of the coming solar eclipse on 1st August. The path of this eclipse ends in Western China. And the degree of the eclipse is sextile China’s sun and closely trine its progressed sun. Furthermore the lunar eclipse of 16th August at 24 Leo and conjunct transiting Neptune (water, spiritual matters etc) is 3 degrees from a square to the country’s MC, and makes quincunx aspects to progressed Venus and to Jupiter. Finally, the country’s progressed Ascendant is squaring is Mars this years – a lovely indicator for the Games. So the fact that the focus is on China should not be surprising. But what about the economic themes?

What is striking about the Renminbi chart if the position of Saturn at 4/5 degrees Virgo. There is some evidence to suggest that this point is key in the US dollar chart – perfect symbolism then for a currency pegged to the dollar.

Of course the peg has been relaxed a little in the last few years- but revaluation is still carefully controlled.

It is, as readers will now be familiar the degree at which last summer’s lunar eclipse took place and which Saturn transited in October 2007, March 2008 and again in the last couple of weeks.

A reasonable question is therefore, if the currency has just had a Saturn return why does the Renminbi still have apparent strength (I say apparent because the control over the partial peg restricts a free valuation so the real value can only be deduced from other factor)? The answer is that Saturn in the chart is trine a Jupiter Mars conjunction. The real value would have gone much higher by now if the currency was free floating but it is not – Saturn is and has been holding it in check.

The currency (being nearly 60 years old) is also having a Jupiter return, as well as having had a progressed sun sextile sun. All of which are positive signs. The Jupiter return has one more pass to the progressed Jupiter – in November so there are still some very positive signs for the currency.

However not everything is positive. Jupiter is also about to square the currency’s Neptune and will be within orb until November. This is inflationary. Finally Pluto is making its final opposition to the Renminbi Uranus, indicating the end of the pattern of change of the last three years or so.
The Olympics and beyond in 2008

During August Saturn will go on to square the chart’s Sun and Moon (and possible conjoin its ascendant – based on a midnight start time). This coincides with the Olympics and suggests some financial challenges coinciding with those. However these are likely to be minor disruptions rather than any major problem.

By the time transiting Saturn Uranus and Jupiter make their configuration in November, Jupiter is back near progressed Jupiter and Venus – suggesting increased value – presumed to be vs. the dollar etc. But the progressed Moon is opposite natal Pluto and trine natal Neptune – maybe some strong demand for the currency, or some other valuation problem causes some financial imbalance affecting the people at this time. Perhaps the effects of inflation begin to impact the ordinary people.

That seems to be confirmed by the China chart which has its Saturn return. Transiting Saturn conjoins both the progressed Saturn and Mars in October and November, and Uranus opposes them. This suggests some internal unrest and opposition. Probably demands for more freedom- the country is also having its Jupiter return at this time ( December) and Jupiter will further transit the country’s Moon ( representing the people ) and the Ascendant in January 2010, another indication of broadening horizons, or at the very least significant influence from the rest of the world that can’t be ignored.

2009- Outside influences and internal changes

The themes continue in the country chart in 2009, and there is some pressure in March April when transiting Pluto squares the progressed Moon and almost opposes the country’s Uranus. But not quite. More concerning is the fact that the country’s progressed Mars and its progressed Saturn are approaching an exact conjunction all this year. This is a military aspect and is likely to suggest oppression in some way – although the exact point does not occur until 2010.

However economically things don’t look too bad. In China’s chart Uranus sextiles Jupiter and progressed Venus all year, as well as the progressed MC. This suggests that the country will appear to maintain its economic strength whatever else is happening globally.

From the Renminbi perspective, January through Summer 2009 is interesting. On the one hand the positive Saturn Uranus aspect to progressed Venus continues, on the other Pluto will conjoin the Mars Jupiter conjunction. This indicates a major change afoot. This suggests big pressure to let the currency float freely against the dollar (from the US or from Asia itself it is difficult to tell). Certainly it is difficult to see a Pluto transit to what is a very driven conjunction (Mars Jupiter) suggesting anything other than a dramatic change in the level of trade in the currency and possibly the value thereof.

A curiosity is that most of the Renminbi chart is not significantly hit by the Jupiter Neptune Chiron conjunction of May 2009. Whatever is happening in China at this time it will be happening in quite a different way to US/UK etc. It does seem increasingly likely that this is some major unravelling/speculation/inflation in the Western currencies which leads to significantly increased demand for the Renminbi, and probably increased negotiations with US etc about this issue. It is interesting to note that the progressed moon will be within orb though – the people of China are affected by what is happening – and if we use a different time (9am) for the currency, then this falls at exactly 26 Aquarius – the degree of the May conjunction.

This is confirmed by the China chart –as mentioned the MC is at 26 Scorpio, so square the Neptune conjunction. My feeling is that there will be further issues regarding Tibet affecting the country at this time, but that the speculation/inflationary issues elsewhere won’t have the same impact as in the US etc.

The Renminbi themes continue throughout 2009, until October when there is a slight change as transiting Saturn squares the currency’s Uranus. Additional controls may have to be put in place at this time. Interest rates could change (as Jupiter conjoins progressed Mercury) The fact that Saturn then goes on to square transiting Pluto and natal Mars and Jupiter in December seems to confirm that conditions relating to trading the currency again become quite difficult and remain so in January 2010.

2010: Big Changes from mid-year

In January the Chinese progressed Moon opposes the country’s Neptune, and sense of deception may ensue amongst the people.

By February 2010, Jupiter is square the Renminbi sun and moon and opposite Saturn, suggesting a freeing up process. This is emphasised by the fact that Uranus will square the chart’s Uranus this year and this once every 21 year hard aspect is likely to result in radical change. Transiting Pluto will also trine the Renminbi Saturn, which as we have noted is the point at which it is tied to the dollar. Further managed revaluation is likely. Pluto trining the Renminbi Venus further suggests a transformation of value this spring.

In May the situation is even more disruptive as transiting Jupiter joins Uranus in the Sky and reactivates the Uranus to Uranus square. Expect big challenges to the status quo between April and June 2010. The progressed Moon sextile to Mars and Jupiter suggests that the Chinese people will be active at this time too.

This is further confirmed as the change is mirrored in the China chart. The Saturn Uranus opposition sextiles/trines the Country’s progressed MC, Venus and Jupiter conjunction and within 1 degree the country’s natal MC. Money issues/economics are definitely highlighted.

However the theme of deception already referred to becomes stronger. Transiting Neptune will square the country’s MC. Maybe it will be difficult for the rest of the world to understand what is happening economically in China at this time. But also with the Mars Saturn progressed aspect exact there is an indication that there may be some further oppression and a closing down of information channels.

The August cardinal square really hits the Renminbi’s Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn:
Pluto conjoins it, Saturn squares it from Libra, Uranus and Jupiter square it from Aries. A dramatic change is likely – perhaps a free float of the currency?

In the Chinese country chart- the cardinal square hits Uranus. Now as I mentioned in my introductory posts on the broad theme of this conjunction, Uranus in the early degrees of the cardinal signs has been critical in the development of China throughout the last century. To recap Uranus was last in Aries, beginning in 1927/28 leading to:
Formation of the Communist Chinese People’s Liberation Army during the Nachang Uprising
and an 8.6 magnitude eathquake,killed 200,000.
1948/1950 Uranus in Cancer: The current Republic formed
1968/9 Uranus in Libra: The Cultural Revolution
1988/9 – Uranus moved into Capricorn: Tiananmen Square protests

Ad to the fact that we have 4 major planets aspecting the country’s Uranus and an exact Mars Saturn progression and a progressed ascendant square the country’s natal Pluto to expect nothing to happen in China this summer would be more than naive it would be frankly idiotic. So the period right through summer to October promises to be very exciting and not necessarily easy, although one can assume that the end result will be to bring China further forward in its development.

However things start to look more stable by October. There are changes in the way things are managed and by November there may actually be a feeling of a slight handover from all the activity indicated by the Saturn opposition to Neptune (in both the country and currency charts). However with Jupiter and Uranus still squaring progressed Uranus in the renminbi chart and Pluto continuing to oppose Uranus in the country chart there will still be a lot of instability in the system.

2011: More changes but different

The themes for the spring of 2011 shift a little.

In China’s chart the progressed Ascendant continues the theme of major transformation as it squares progressed Pluto. Jupiter Uranus continues a trine to the country’s MC suggesting more freedoms, although with a corresponding Neptune square some of these will be illusory. There is a potential turning point in March as Jupiter transits opposite Saturn and over the Chinese Sun Neptune and Mercury.

And, in the Renminbi chart, Uranus will continue to square Mars and Jupiter throughout the year. But Saturn moves on after April suggesting that attempts to control matters reduce again until October. There is potential for banknote inflation/forgery or computer fraud in the summer as Neptune squares Mercury.

It seems as if there is mixed success at adjusting to a new environment throughout the year, with things continuing in a state of flux – sometimes with volatility and disruptions, sometimes with periods of uncertainty and lack of any direction.

2012: Beginning to settle

In 2012, in the Chinese chart Uranus will square Uranus so the impetus for change will remain. Pluto will continue to be square the Republic sun throughout this year, supported in the latter part of the period by Uranus and continuing the challenge to existing leadership. On the other hand the country’s progressed Ascendant will trine progressed Saturn and Mars and oppose Venus, and actually this is potentially a very stabilising and diplomatic influence. By the end of the year a new regime (either evolved or completely changed) will be emerging as the progressed MC reaches a conjunction with Jupiter. Potentially China may reach a significant point in its economic development vs. US etc at this point too.

In the Renminbi chart, in 2012, although Uranus is still transiting square Mars and Jupiter, transiting Jupiter moves on to form much more favourable aspects to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Neptune will sextile Mars and Jupiter- an inflationary indicator but not a difficult one. Even if things aren’t good in reality, with Neptune they will seem to be at this stage. Saturn also forms trines to progressed Mars, to Uranus and a sextile to the Mars/Jupiter conjunction during the year all helping stabilize matters a lot. Consolidation and a feeling of getting a grip on value are likely this year.


Renmimbi/Peoples Bank of China formed and started to issue currency 1 Dec 1948 Beijing, time unknown; time used midnight local. Source PBC
Alternative time considered 9 a.m.
PR China: 1 October 1949. Time, 15.15 Local. Source: Book of World Horoscopes. N Campion
