All about Fortuna2020

Most financial astrologers are either exotic, new- age, personal astrological counsellors, or glamorous ex-city traders. I, however, am quite tediously conventional, with a B.Sc in Economics, an M.Sc. from L.S.E., an accountancy qualification and over 20 years business experience. Fortunately, in contrast, I also have 15 years of astrological experience. Over the last 10 years I’ve combined these strands to focus on financial, business and geopolitical issues.

My speciality is currencies but I’ll look at anything that is relevant to the broader economic picture. Though not a full time professional astrologer, I do trade on my own account.

Galbraith is reputed to have stated that “the only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable”. I am thus doubly irredeemable and, as a result, prefer to remain anonymous to protect my employers.

I am going to be using this space to forecast, mainly through astrology, the economic and financial position of countries, markets and companies.

So don’t come here looking for guidance on personal horoscopes. You won’t get any. And don’t come here if you want general technical, financial analysis, there are plenty of traders and analysts elsewhere who can give you that. Finally, don’t expect, for example, the result of the next US election, as those sort of political matters will only be covered to the extent they influence the economic outlook.

Oh, and I might throw in the odd betting article. But no lottery numbers… astrological technology and research have not got that far yet, and even if they had no-one with an ounce of common sense would tell you.

I’m based in London but I’ve worked across Europe, Asia and South America and lived in the US so I’ll be looking at all the main economies, and occasionally some of the smaller ones.

Astrology is all about when.

I’ll be looking at timescales from 2009 through to around 2020. And taking the risk of predicting. No risk, no fun. Sometimes I will be wrong. When I am, don’t blame the astrology, blame the astrologer; I’m still learning.

Why?Not many do predictions, leave alone long term ones. Indeed there are a huge number of modern astrologers who believe prediction is unethical, and that the sole purpose of astrology is to understand the current situation better. Perhaps they have a point. But I am an economist too. And, since economists love to make forecasts (though unfortunately, usually incorrect ones), how could I resist?
How?There are a lot of astrological techniques and styles out there so it is probably helpful if I indicate my methods.

I fall somewhere between the traditional and the modern psychological approaches. I am not, nor do I have any desire to be, a personal astrological counsellor and this gives me the freedom to be far more fatalistic than the modern counselling approach demands. However, the traditional model includes only the planets as far as Saturn, and I find that for global forecasting and generational work I get better accuracy when incorporating the cycles of Uranus Neptune and Pluto and occasionally other points.

I also use actual charts more than others in the financial and mundane astrology fields, focusing less on traditional techniques such as "ingresses" or on historical statistics (e.g. % of time a market dropped when the sun went into Scorpio) and more on interpreting "transits" and "progressions" to a chart of the country or market concerned.

Obviously I’ll be drawing on my business experience as well and hopefully also be using that extremely rare resource, common sense.

Blog name
Fortuna was, of course, the Roman god of fortune. In astrology pars fortuna (or part of fortune) is an important mathematical point linking the sun moon and ascendant at birth. It was therefore perfect for a blog about financial astrology.

2020 is my approximate forecasting time-frame but also of course has vision connotations. There is, incidentally, no contradiction with the fact that Fortuna is sometimes pictured with a blindfold: the latter reflects impartiality to individual fates rather than lack of foresight.

Contacting meI welcome comments and feedback. Where appropriate I will respond to individual questions. You can contact me at Please put just F2020 in the subject line so I can distinguish it from the inevitable spam.
