January to May 2020 review introduction

So now we move on to the more interesting period. But that most definitely requires a bit of introduction.
It was patently clear when I wrote these forecasts in 2016 that something major was going to occur in 2020. However, used as I was, to look for economic triggers, I failed to find the trigger for 2020.
I returned to the question time and again in 2017-19, reading others’ forecasts ( many of which confirmed that something big was in the air but not what) and even attending conference lectures in the hope that someone would say something that might just point me in the right direction. Other than ( for the most part) being very negative about the period, they did not.
What really bothered me was that based on my chart I too was going to be affected. So finally during a conversation last summer I said the only thing I could think of was a virus, we debated the   correlation between the configurations that were coming and the significators for a  virus and agreed it wasn’t necessarily obvious at all. So I can’t claim to have predicted it using astrology – only by a process of elimination.
Nevertheless, I did plan to write it up as a possibility. But the Universe was not having any of that. It made absolutely sure that I was so busy from September to January that I had no time to publish my thoughts. I find that both fascinating and rather disturbing.
There was another post that I failed to publish last year, because I was unhappy with my conclusion: the post was about the possibility of changing fate. I now feel I can finish it but not with the original conclusion at all. My new conclusion : some things will happen and absolutely no one can stop them.
So anyway back to the details. I have dealt with each country separately as usual though I have reduced the detail a little where it adds little to the review and I have ordered them broadly according to the evolution of the virus in this case, though I have mostly kept regions together. I have posted the detail separately – see post below that precedes this one.
That’s it for the update – the next post will deal with some thoughts on the next 6 months
