Spain :2009-2012

It is back to Europe for my December posts. And we start with Spain. I have also departed from my pattern of using photos for each post, instead this month I am using an art theme. My Spanish picture is El Greco's view of Toledo.

The chart for Spain, that I have chosen to use dates from 1479. Although it is not a chart with a known time, it is a convincing one. It is characterised by some major aspects between the outer planets ( a conjunction of Uranus and Neptune sextile Pluto) and a trine between Jupiter and Saturn. That is quite a combination and it is not surprising the country has maintained its independence, although not of course without problems, since. As you will see this may give it a resilience or dispassionate feel that precludes some of the events elsewhere.

As of 2008 Spain was undergoing a Saturn return; these are trials for young nations but with one every 30 years of so I think we can assume Spain is getting the hang of them by now. However progressed Saturn is within orb of Pluto which can make the returns more difficult especially when accompanied by hard Pluto aspects such as the approaching 2009 Pluto square.

All this, paired with the end of a square between Neptune and Jupiter which started in 2007, and a corresponding progressed Sun/Jupiter conjunction, indicate that the good times are over and Spain is in for a period of difficult entrenchment. Nevertheless it should be bourne in mind that the country is hard-wired for such situations and more likely than most to survive them. As we will see, as a result, it appears the Spanish will just shrug off the financial events and just accept whatever is thrown their way.

At present we have the Saturn Uranus opposition at 19-21 degrees of Virgo/Pisces. This actually makes favourable aspects to the country’s progressed Sun and natal Venus and its Jupiter ( which as mentioned is trine Saturn). So things are bad but the people are still in a positive frame of mind.

The start of 2009 is characterised by the Pluto square, indicating severe recession in some areas: presumably construction given the bursting of the real estate bubble, and banking. However Saturn still makes some positive aspects and in February Uranus sextile Jupiter and Venus, it really suggests financial restraint but not crisis.

March is more tricky; the Saturn return is exact and Neptune quincunxes natal Saturn. The effects of this run right through to the summer. It will be a time of adjustment but again not critical. Of course this makes sense; we really may well have to wait until Spain’s tourist season to see the real picture of the economy.

In April /May when the world will probably be facing some significant currency issues, Spain’s position is mixed. For sure it is dramatically shaken by outside events : Uranus is opposite its Saturn, but we don’t have the situation here that some other country’s seem to show. The Neptune conjunction is widely sextile the Moon, definitely not bad at all, and the progressed Moon makes only positive aspects in May. So Spain will be pulled into other matters but the people and government will still go on much as to date.

In July Saturn passes its return position for the last time and this likely to be accompanied by some bad economic stats. August is decidedly shaky with Uranus opposing progressed Saturn again and squaring Venus, but September suggests that there is some good news as the progressed Moon conjoins Jupiter and trines Venus. It seems that the Spanish are more philosophical about economic problems than many other countries.

However, that does not mean that the problems do not exist. Indeed in October and November with the progressed Saturn return and Pluto square the reality of a major recession becomes clear. This leaves the people in a temporary state of uncertainty and confusion as the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction squares the progressed Moon in December.

The themes of contraction and restructuring continue. Even so, the new year brings some optimism with Jupiter/Neptune sextile the natal moon and Saturn trine the progressed Moon.

In March the progressed Moon crosses the Ascendant, suggesting that concern is being more openly expressed (although we should note that this is not a timed chart and the importance of this may therefore be overstated). However April shows continued positive aspects with Jupiter trine the progressed sun, and Uranus sextile the progressed Moon. It is not until May that we see much excitement, when the progressed Moon opposes natal Neptune and Uranus and Saturn squares the natal moon. At last it seems the people are demanding change, albeit in a relatively passive way.

June through September is characterised by the cardinal square. In Spain’s chart it is Pluto which is most affected. Saturn conjoins it, Uranus and Jupiter oppose it and Pluto square’s it. Of course this also means that Jupiter and Uranus are trine the natal Neptune/Uranus and Saturn sextile them. So on the one hand we have probably one of the most significant economic situations in the history of the country, but the country is able to adapt. I haven’t looked at any Latin American countries yet but it is possible that the benefits of Spain’s trade with them will outweigh other negatives.

September to December is a little trickier. With some difficult moon aspects to the outer planets and Jupiter and Uranus returning again to opposition with Saturn which will certainly shake up the status quo even further.

The picture in early 2011 until February is for more of the same and particular the conditions of August 2010. Saturn conjoins the chart’s progressed Ascendant in March but again is accompanied by positive aspects to Neptune and Uranus which last into April. Even the fact that we are by this time in a Neptune square cannot be viewed too negatively – lack of direction does not seem to faze in Spain.

The summer seems to be characterised by matters relating to the leadership but with Saturn trine the Sun and Jupiter sextile it don’t expect any dramatic changes, rather a consolidation of the current position.

September through December shows a continuation of the trends. Uranus is trine Uranus and the progressed Mars- a time for action but there is not too much evidence of it being confrontational. There is a Jupiter square to Mars in October and a Uranus opposition to Pluto in November, which might suggest a desire to challenge but since it is accompanied by more trines and sextiles involving Neptune Uranus and Jupiter it is difficult to believe that any significant internal conflict will result.

And early 2012 looks like continuing to represent a lack of progress coupled with mild discontent but nothing more exciting than that. A Jupiter square to the Sun in March suggests some leadership issues but again not much change. And a progressed Moon conjoining progressed Venus in April suggests a party feel.

A mix of stability and general apathy seems to dominate through the summer as Neptune squares Uranus and progressed Mars.

A Saturn square to the natal Sun at the end of 2012 is one of the hardest aspects of the whole 4 years and might constitute a challenge to the leadership but given the general drift of the populace it is difficult to see much drama here.

Source: Spain 19 January 1479 (OS) , time unknown set for 12.00 Local time Madrid.

N Campion Book of World Horoscopes
