I can't breathe

As I mentioned in my 6 month 2020 review, I can’t claim to have identified the symbolism for the coronavirus pandemic despite concluding by a process of elimination that a virus was a likely event.

Of course, the conjunction of Saturn Pluto and Jupiter was going to be significant. And Saturn and Pluto together are rarely a bunch of laughs- so one could reasonably forecast dark events; restrictions, destruction, losses, fear, civil disruption and even death. However Pluto and Saturn together alone don’t suggest pandemics. Added to this triple conjunction was the transit of Mars through that conjunction in the early part of the year. Mars does rule infection and inflammation but, by itself, isn’t going to cause a pandemic. The sextile with Neptune might suggest globalisation of any effects but once again we are missing the specifics not to mention the fact that Neptune and Pluto are in a long term sextile so aren’t by themselves going to suggest anything that isn’t continuous already. Where is the symbolism for the virus affecting the lungs and wider biology.

Furthermore, the inclusion of Jupiter in the picture that confused matters for me. Jupiter rules all things positive and expansive, and some people even saw it as negating the impact of the Saturn Pluto effects. Jupiter can, on the other hand, just make things bigger- so there was always the possibility of major upheaval, particularly in markets but that wouldn’t normally be associated with a pandemic.

I wouldn’t have revisited the question (as there is no credit to be given for hindsight) if it had not been for the death of George Floyd and the associated Black Lives Matter protests which were accompanied by his last words that struck a cord about the theme: “I can’t breathe”

As I have myself had the delight of the conjunction on my Ascendant and progressed Midheaven this year and have personally experienced my own “ I can’t breathe” manifestation ( significant asthma brought on by a(/the?) virus), this interested me enough to get me digging out my books.

Since I knew that neither Saturn nor Pluto had associations with breathing in particular, I decided to start by looking up the medical associations with Jupiter.
And this was the quote that caught my eye.

“The illnesses of Jupiter include all afflictions that are connected to the circulation of air and blood in the body. These include corruption of the liver, lungs (and illnesses involving the rib cage), and blood circulation (including the heart and veins).”

So there we have it. Jupiter in this case wasn’t the benefic, it was the channel or pathway to the human body and specifically the lungs (and increasingly experts have noted the involvement of the blood and circulatory system in the illness too). A virus (probably signified by Mars) which otherwise might have gone nowhere,  attacked the lungs (Jupiter) of people making it difficult (Saturn) for them to breathe and was spread rapidly through 20th/21st century globalisation ( Neptune) across the world causing fear ( Pluto), restrictions  ( Saturn) upheavals in the markets  ( Saturn Pluto Jupiter) and deaths ( Pluto & Saturn).

As I said, easy in hindsight.  But only easy beforehand if you know all your planetary medical associations which I am ashamed to say I didn’t!

There is of course a great deal more to say about both Covid and about the underlying conditions that have given rise to the Black Lives Matter movement but they need to be addressed individually later when they can be given the serious attention they deserve.
