Reviews and all that

I've just completed 3 large posts reviewing the outcomes of my predictions for 2013.

This time, as the forecasts were formatted in a different way, it was much easier than before to review each statement individually, so that is what I have done.

Once again I'm pretty pleased with the results. Indeed I am happier than I expected to be. I had my doubts whether I had my "predictive zone cap" on enough this time but apparently I did. 

Of course, there were the usual batch of 'not a lot'  happened places. There isn't much that can be done about this except to stop bothering to look at these places and concentrate on smaller but more interesting ones. For the moment I plan to stick to the G20 + a few important outliers though.

Given the very precise presentation of the results, it is also worth reminding everyone that these forecasts cannot be perfect to the month as they are longer term forecasts - designed to see trends over 3 months and longer and won't necessarily pick up  short term issues, though if these have enough general significance they will probably show up.

So now it is back to 2014 and I will be looking again at the period March to May in particular as it should be quite interesting.........................
