This is the third of a three part Gold forecasting project. I am posting the whole project in this case as it isn't possible to identify an original gold chart, so some justification is in order. Part I discusses the chart in use, Part II, which is very long, looks at some historical events for chart comparison and confirmation and Part III looks at the future. Astrologers might be interested in Part's I and II, but other readers will probably want to focus on Part III and some future updates.
So, how about some forecasts?
How do we do that?
One way, clearly, is to look at the transits and progressions.
And, interestingly, because of the daily price fixing we can advance our chart
on the 3 p.m. fix to see when the angles are activated.
First let’s look at some longer terms trends. Remember at
all times we are considering a dollar/gold pair so we can expect cycles to show
up which are important for the dollar as well as for gold. It means that we
can’t just assume that a positive aspect to the chart is positive for gold. We
must understand that the chart is a gold peak in dollar price chart ( i.e the
moment when sentiment turned downwards) and interpret the elements
So we need to consider the interconnected cycles of
Pluto/Jupiter and Saturn as well as Neptune.
Obviously we have moved into moving into the last waning
quarter of Pluto Saturn. And over the next two years will move into the waning
Jupiter cycles too. All finally culminating in the conjunctions of 2020-2021, when the progressed Venus is
conjunct the progressed MC. This will almost certainly mark a major turning
point in the gold price – we are left only with the question as to if this is a
peak, or a trough before an exponential rise. I will write a more detailed
forecast that will answer this question when I do my 2017-2020 forecasts in
Notably the Venus/MC configuration has been building since
2001, so it likely tells us something important about the secular bull market
in the metal. In which case we can assume that there will not be a collapse of
the gold price before 2021 and that it is likely that overall we shall see more
rises ( although not necessary a linear trend due to other factors).
In the meantime will gold rise or fall and when will the key
shifts take place?
I confess that I don’t have enough experience of this chart
yet to separate the positive gold from the positive dollar. So it is easy to
identify timing but not direction. I plan to further track the chart over the
next few months to establish how the factors work exactly. I will then make further
predictions in early 2014.
So I wouldn’t recommend using this as a guide to price
direction just yet but for those who want to use volatility as a trade there is
some useful information already..
And, as you can see, it even called to me as the sun is
conjunct the node as I complete this analysis.
Recently, Pluto has been making mostly positive aspects,
with a trine to Jupiter, and Saturn with a sextile to the progressed
Mars/Jupiter conjunction and a trine to Venus, so has not been causing too many
problems. My view is this is supporting the price at the moment and offsetting
some of the weakness that Neptune might otherwise be creating.
We must also mention Uranus, given the on-going square with
Pluto. Currently it is not significantly aspecting the chart but it will.
In 2014 we will see Pluto start to create a trine with the
chart MC, and in the April it will be in square to Uranus. Uranus will then
move into a square with the chart Ascendant that May until September. Then in
March 2015 the square is right across the Ascendant Descendant axis. That is
likely to be key turning point. The influence is in play all 2015 with the
chart progressed Moon crossing the Ascendant
In late August /early September 2015. There is a lot going on at that
time in the chart, so I expect it to involve significant price movements.
However, Neptune continues to conjoin the progressed Sun,
which is likely to be creating some weakness in sentiment for the metal. It has
been within orb since early 2012 and will continue to be an influence until the
end of 2015.
Jupiter, is the most interesting planet in the immediate
future (coming month) as it will trine the chart MC and cross the Ascendant.
Particular dates to watch are therefore 8-10th of September. In 2001
Jupiter’s station near the ascendant created a small rise. But this was
accompanied by the Pluto Saturn opposition square the MC/IC axis and a Uranus
transit of the progressed Sun. In June1990 the transit corresponded with a
slight drop.
In October the progressed Moon will oppose the chart Neptune
and square the Moon. Elsewhere I’ve expected some currency difficulties around
that time so this finding is not unsurprising.
Jupiter returns to transit the Ascendant again in early
2014. So we can watch what happens in September and expect that it will give an
indication of the themes prevalent early next year.
One of the most interesting dates, 24 Feb 2014, however, does
not include Jupiter. Then the transiting
Sun conjoins transiting Neptune and the progressed Sun opposing the
Mars/Jupiter progressed conjunction. The Moon at fix time is at 0 degrees
Capricorn and the Asc is close to the progressed Ascendant - In 2012 there was a short spurt in prices
when the Sun reached this area, although then it was supported by a Jupiter
sextile and mars was close to the IC. In
2013 prices were slightly depressed at this time of year – but this time Mars
was on the MC and Jupiter was square the Sun. 2014 should clarify the exact effect of the
Sun /Neptune aspect.
The movement of Mars is a key factor in the historic charts,
as is the position of the progressed and transiting Moon.
Another date I will be keeping my eye on is 19 August 2014,
when Jupiter and Venus are together on the progressed Ascendant. I suspect this might be positive for the
dollar, but it certainly should create a larger than average movement.
Generally, I won’t look at the detail further out than 12
months. I will do that next year. But another
significant date is 30 September 2016, when the progressed Mars crosses progressed Jupiter. Those who have
read my US forecasts will know that 2016
looks seriously negative for the country. I would therefore hazard a guess that
gold will rise in price around this time.
Aspects to the daily ‘fix’ angles are also important
indicators of the fix price – but may not give full information of all trading movements
for the whole 24 hours.
But, as I say, this is a work in progress and I will return to it periodically with new findings.