I must admit to having a soft spot for Argentina, (as well as South America generally) both astrologically and otherwise. I won’t bore you with the otherwise, except to note that my choice of painting, EC2, although in the Buenos Aires Museum des belles Artes and by an Argentinian artist, Fernando Maza, does not represent anything particular Argentinian in itself, but I include it because I love it. The photographic representation does not however do justice to the perspective or the sheer energy and unadulterated happiness of the original.
My astrological soft spot, on the other hand, was engendered by the fact that Argentina and the Peso were the source of my first successful forecast. This I did in November 2000, and identified the likelihood of a crisis the following winter and even pinpointed to within a week the credit downgrade that happened in July 2001.
Enough of me, let’s get back to the economy. Although the Argentineans are Spanish speakers, the country has more in common with Italy business-wise. I am not surprised, therefore, that the country shares with Italy the astrological signature of Neptune on the IC. That in itself isn’t a particularly good aspect in the long run, but what matters is whether it is significantly in play now or not.
The situation in the early 2000 was very bad astrologically, but those who would still condemn Argentina by extrapolation should note that many of those configurations have move away or are in the process of reducing, notably the separating progressed Sun/Saturn conjunction. Indeed the Argentinean chart is notable at the moment for its lack of Pluto aspects.
The Peso chart we are dealing with dates from 1881. It is an especially noteworthy chart with a large conjunction involving Pluto, Saturn, and the moon as well as our 2009 trio Jupiter Neptune and Chiron ( although within much wider orbs than this year), and opposing the Sun and Mercury across the MC/IC axis. With such a chart one would expect dramatic effects and sure enough wikipedia reports that at the beginning of the 20th century, the Argentine peso was one of the most traded currencies in the world. Indeed it has occurred to me that the Peso, picking up this chart, although 10 years before the true Pluto Neptune conjunction of 1891/2, put Argentina and the Peso ahead of its time and that some of what it experiences will be experienced by the rest of the western consumer society later on. In Argentina this stuff was done and dusted almost a decade ago, now its the US’s turn.
Tomorrow’s eclipse makes few aspects to the Argentinean chart. But the February 9th lunar eclipse is more active, like the corresponding summer eclipse it lies on the Descendant axis, squaring progressed Jupiter and trining Venus. Uranus opposite Saturn conjoins the progressed Ascendant. The first aspect suggests precisely what one would expect, economic effects deriving from partners. The second is more mixed and suggests some instability within the country as a result.
The aspects for March are again mixed, Jupiter makes a lovely sextile to the progressed Sun/Saturn/Mercury conjunction, but Saturn squares it. Some of what the government is doing is favourable some of it is not. Rather, like the nationalisation of the pension funds in October, it rather depends on from whose perspective you are viewing things.
A Pluto trine to the Moon in the Argentian country chart is accelerated in the Peso, it is already in process now. In the background we also have a progressed Venus sextile Pluto aspect, generally positive. As in the country chart the 26th Jan eclipse has little effect but the 9th Feb full moon is square Jupiter, suggesting magnified currency effects, and of course these have been in place globally since August. The Saturn Uranus opposition is also trine Jupiter and Uranus on the progressed Sun. All of which confirm the themes of the country chart.
In March retrograde Saturn returns to conjoin the Pso Uranus, where it was in October, so expect some similar issues to arise unexpectedly then, the start of the path towards the May Neptune conjunction.
Obviously, then, comes April and May and the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction. Whilst the conjunction squares the Argentina Jupiter and trines Mercury, Uranus squares Mercury and sextiles Jupiter. That’s again rather a mixed bag. A little inflationary but broadly positive. On the other hand, at the same time Saturn makes its final opposition to Pluto but trines progressed Venus and Jupiter. There are issues around debt and money but they are coming to an end and the overall influence is definitely one of financial stability.
The conjunction does square the Peso Pluto, opposes the progressed MC and conjoins Mercury, whilst the corresponding Uranus aspects are a sextile to Pluto and a conjunction with progressed Venus. At a guess this relates to the value of the country’s debt in foreign currency such as dollars. The question is does it increase or decrease? The conflicting aspects between Uranus and Neptune sum up the problem; a depreciation of the dollar vs. the Peso is good for debt but bad for exports and vice versa.
In the country chart, there is a final Saturn square to the progressed Sun etc in July, accompanied by an opposition from the progressed moon, which suggests that there may be some obstacles for the government at that time. In August Saturn squares Venus, the progressed MC and opposes the Ascendant and when coupled with the expansive Jupiter on the Descendant, this suggests forced repositioning (due to external events) with a net change in policy.
In the Peso chart, June sees Saturn complete its conjunction with Uranus and move forward, starting to change the picture. There is a tricky aspect of the progressed Moon and Sun in July mirroring the country issues, but with Pluto trine the natal Moon it is unlikely to be significant. Saturn returns to its January aspect in August, but this does not seem to be a particularly difficult aspect.
And in the Argentine chart, by October and November, Uranus is again on the progressed Ascendant square Venus and the progressed Moon but sextile Jupiter. Another surprising step in terms of reorganising the economic position might be taken by the government then, but again the effect is broadly positive. There is a congressional election then so that might impact on policy. September and October also see more excitement with the Saturn/Uranus oppsition on the Peso progressed Mercury/MC axis, which is further picked up by the Moon and magnified by a Jupiter square.
Jupiter makes its final transit of the country Descendant in December squaring Jupiter, more external influences stir the pot and create some instability but this is not heavy depression or anything remotely similar. Finally, November /December sees the beginning of a two year long transit of Pluto in sextile to the Argentinean moon and a quincunx to the Sun. Now as this position is picked up by the 2010 cardinal cross it is most important. But a Pluto sextile is a relatively easy Pluto transit, suggesting growing power. The people are beginning to feel empowered by economic and political events in the country, probably for the first time in many years: maybe they see the impact of the last two years in other countries and are relieved to be where they are. The relations with the government are less comfortable, but there is a will to work towards some sort of mutual outcome in some way – just not too easily.
In the Peso chart thinsg also seem broadly positive at the end of the year, with Uranus again conjoining the progressed Sun and sextile Jupiter, and the Neptune square Jupiter of earlier in the year repeating. However we should note that the Pluto Saturn square that is developing then is in hard aspect to the currency’s progressed Mars; This Mars is at 4 degrees Cancer, conjoining the US Venus/Jupiter and sextile the US$ Ascendant – we should expect there to be some tricky effects between the two currencies at this time.
The configurations of November and December remain in place through January and February. But by February transiting Jupiter has moved into Pisces and makes a whole series of positive aspects in the country chart; a conjunction to the Moon, a square to the Sun, MC and Mars ( over zealous but generally good) and a trine to Jupiter. It really does appear that everything will feel good in Argentina by the end of their summer. In February there are again some dramatic changes as Uranus again opposes the Peso MC. But in the background we have an exact progressed Sun sextile Jupiter aspect. This on balance must strenthen the currency.
March has another positive Jupiter aspect in the country chart, this time to Pluto and the progressed Venus, this is a really good financial aspect- difficult to see how any economic problems could ensue from it; it is good but real- i.e. it doesn’t suffer from Neptunian bubble effects, just fundamental well being. In April Jupiter crosses the progressed Ascendant and although this is accompanied by a square to Venus and the progressed MC, it probably isn’t going to negate the overall effects of wellbeing- merely change the pace a bit. May is a bit strange though with Jupiter and Uranus and Saturn square the progressed Moon. But this is a temporary upset, and in June is calmed by the Neptune trine.
In the Peso chart, Neptune squares Pluto again in March and April, arepeating the effects of May 2009, Uranus sextiling Pluto and conjoining Venus offsets this, it is now trine the Peso Ascendant too. The impact of these aspects last through to July. However, the issues in the counrty chart are again mirrored here, with Saturn conjoining the progressed MC and opposing Venus in May, and there is a bit of a negative effect on the value of the currency.
Incredibly the only real major aspect in the Argentine country chart in July and August (when the rest of the world will be on tenterhooks) is the Pluto trine to the Moon. Maybe I will take a holiday in Argentina that August – shame it is their winter really. Even in the Peso chart, the only planet affected by the cardinal cross in July and August is the progressed Mars. As mentioned this picks up the US charts. Expect issues relating to the trade in the two currencies to accelerate over these months, but for the ground-level effects in Argentina to be minimal at this time.
As a result of the fact that in September the Uranus Jupiter conjunction is retrograde on Venus, sextile Pluto and trine the Ascendant it appears that the Peso is going to be looking pretty good by then. This aspect continues to be within orb for the rest of 2011 and even the possibility of some restrictions imposed in October November when Uranus opposes the progressed Mc and Saturn squares the progressed Ascendant don’t seem to offset the positive effects.
In the country chart, September sees yet another stream of positive aspects in the country chart, this time stabilising ones from Saturn, to Neptune, the Sun Mars and MC. October is a bit more mixed with Jupiter and Uranus back on the progressed Ascendant- something to do with those restrictions that are identified in the Peso chart no doubt, but lets not be too picky – indeed a bit of excitement would do them good – else all this positive stuff would get boring.
November is just another series of broadly pleasant aspects in the country chart; Saturn sextile Saturn, Jupiter Sextile Jupiter, Neptune sextile Mercury. It’s all broadly stable and growing steadily. And in December with a nice trine between the Moon and progressed Moon, the people are pretty happy. However, Saturn does makes a conjunction with Mars and a square to Venus and some quincunxes this month- obviously some pressures on budgets and pay but it’s not been a bad year.
The slight discontent is over by end of January when Saturn sextiles progressed Saturn and February and March are more nice months of Jupiterian sextiles and trines. In the Peso chart, Neptune is still in square to Pluto and Saturn stations on Venus in January suggesting more restrictions, but with Uranus continuing its aspects to the progressed MC and natal Ascendant, and then again to progressed Venus, and with the progressed Moon crossing the progressed Ascendant and opposing progressed Mars and trining Neptune in the coming month there is really no let up in the overall themes. Indeed when Jupiter forms a square to Mars and the progressed Moon in March things really come to a head.
For the country, April is yet another stable month, with Saturn stationing trine Mars, often a military aspect in this case it is more likely to be a serious drive to work hard and achieve rewards. It is not surprising that Uranus sextiles the Sun (leadership) in June, and Jupiter sextiles the Moon, there might be distrust of government but when all is going relatively well differences can be put aside.
For the peso, April to July 2011 sees a series of Jupiter aspects, opposing Venus in April, a sextile to Mercury in May, a conjunction with the Moon in June and sextile to progressed Mars in July. None of which is particularly negative. The Pluto Uranus square to progressed Mars repeats in the period but with Jupiter there it is close to resolution.
In August and September Jupiter conjoins the Peso Saturn, and the progressed Moon trines Jupiter, we are definitely coming to a point where things will settle down.
Pluto’s last aspect to the Peso progressed Mars is in October, accompanied by a Saturn transit to Venus. The value of the Peso is, not exactly fixed but determined with more confidence than in the past two years. A sextile of the progressed Moon and Sun in November with a Jupiter conjunction to the Moon and Uranus to prog. Venus are all positive signs despite the fact that the currency is a bit tied by the square of Saturn to the Ascendant in December.
As a result, in the Argentine chart, September sees a repeat of themes form earlier in the year, and October more stability in the administration. November sees another month of comfort, and financial balance. December is a bit more mixed with a Pluto quincunx to the MC and Mars, but it is not surprising that some resentment occurs when the positive effects slow down even though compared to other countries things aren’t too bad.
In the Argentine chart, a quiet summer is followed by some tricky moments in March. Similarly in the peso chart, January 2012 is all positive with Jupiter conjoining the Moon and a trine between the progressed Mc and Pluto. There is strength in the currency and a positive debt profile. February is characterised by the beginnings of a long Pluto trine to Saturn, a mixed blessing but probably in this case indicating a secure debt position. It seems to be a turning point in the relations with other currencies as the progressed Moon crosses the Descendant.
By April and May though there is a broadly pleasant environment in the country again. Uranus sextile the Sun and MC leads to some surprises re the leadership but Saturn trine Venus still keeps the economy balanced throughout the period to July. What follows for the Peso, in those months, are more gently positive aspects from Neptune and Jupiter, as Jupiter crosses the chart’s major stellium in Taurus for the first time since before 2001. This time rather than emphasising the flaws in the peg, it is likely to be highlighting the benefits that have come from the depreciation of the early 2000s and the revaluations of the recent couple of years.
Nothing is perfect and Saturn quincunxes in the Peso chart in July and August create some concern, and even discontent in September, but the overriding trines from the progressed Ascendant to Neptune and from Pluto to Saturn seem to suggest that we have a fair valuation now.
As a result things are a bit less straightforward in August and September politically and economically, based on the country chart. The Pluto Uranus square picks up the MC and Mars and Neptune – perhaps some older issues come back to haunt the country then. But not for long as Saturn in positive aspect to the Moon, and Uranus to the Sun in November suggest some resolution of any such matters by the end of the year.
Chart sources
Argentina. 25 May 1810, Buenos Aires. 12.15pm local time
Date of change of power following the revolution. The events took place in the morning and it is not clear exactly what time the new administration took power, N Campion therefore uses noon. I have attempted a rectification which puts the time at somewhere around 12.15pm. As always with rectifications, caveat emptor and preferably do your own.
Peso: moneda nacional. 5 November 1881, 0.00 local time. Source: Law 1130
The progressed Sun appears at 4 degrees Pisces in 1992, opposite the dollar Ascendant, when the dollar peg started so I am happy with this choice. An alternative chart is one for 1 Jan 1992, 0.00 local time for the new Peso currency. This also shows links to the dollar in its ascendant and Saturn positions.
Since both work and since there was a mathematical relationship between the various series of currencies since 1881 I have stuck with the older one
My astrological soft spot, on the other hand, was engendered by the fact that Argentina and the Peso were the source of my first successful forecast. This I did in November 2000, and identified the likelihood of a crisis the following winter and even pinpointed to within a week the credit downgrade that happened in July 2001.
Enough of me, let’s get back to the economy. Although the Argentineans are Spanish speakers, the country has more in common with Italy business-wise. I am not surprised, therefore, that the country shares with Italy the astrological signature of Neptune on the IC. That in itself isn’t a particularly good aspect in the long run, but what matters is whether it is significantly in play now or not.
The situation in the early 2000 was very bad astrologically, but those who would still condemn Argentina by extrapolation should note that many of those configurations have move away or are in the process of reducing, notably the separating progressed Sun/Saturn conjunction. Indeed the Argentinean chart is notable at the moment for its lack of Pluto aspects.
The Peso chart we are dealing with dates from 1881. It is an especially noteworthy chart with a large conjunction involving Pluto, Saturn, and the moon as well as our 2009 trio Jupiter Neptune and Chiron ( although within much wider orbs than this year), and opposing the Sun and Mercury across the MC/IC axis. With such a chart one would expect dramatic effects and sure enough wikipedia reports that at the beginning of the 20th century, the Argentine peso was one of the most traded currencies in the world. Indeed it has occurred to me that the Peso, picking up this chart, although 10 years before the true Pluto Neptune conjunction of 1891/2, put Argentina and the Peso ahead of its time and that some of what it experiences will be experienced by the rest of the western consumer society later on. In Argentina this stuff was done and dusted almost a decade ago, now its the US’s turn.
Tomorrow’s eclipse makes few aspects to the Argentinean chart. But the February 9th lunar eclipse is more active, like the corresponding summer eclipse it lies on the Descendant axis, squaring progressed Jupiter and trining Venus. Uranus opposite Saturn conjoins the progressed Ascendant. The first aspect suggests precisely what one would expect, economic effects deriving from partners. The second is more mixed and suggests some instability within the country as a result.
The aspects for March are again mixed, Jupiter makes a lovely sextile to the progressed Sun/Saturn/Mercury conjunction, but Saturn squares it. Some of what the government is doing is favourable some of it is not. Rather, like the nationalisation of the pension funds in October, it rather depends on from whose perspective you are viewing things.
A Pluto trine to the Moon in the Argentian country chart is accelerated in the Peso, it is already in process now. In the background we also have a progressed Venus sextile Pluto aspect, generally positive. As in the country chart the 26th Jan eclipse has little effect but the 9th Feb full moon is square Jupiter, suggesting magnified currency effects, and of course these have been in place globally since August. The Saturn Uranus opposition is also trine Jupiter and Uranus on the progressed Sun. All of which confirm the themes of the country chart.
In March retrograde Saturn returns to conjoin the Pso Uranus, where it was in October, so expect some similar issues to arise unexpectedly then, the start of the path towards the May Neptune conjunction.
Obviously, then, comes April and May and the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction. Whilst the conjunction squares the Argentina Jupiter and trines Mercury, Uranus squares Mercury and sextiles Jupiter. That’s again rather a mixed bag. A little inflationary but broadly positive. On the other hand, at the same time Saturn makes its final opposition to Pluto but trines progressed Venus and Jupiter. There are issues around debt and money but they are coming to an end and the overall influence is definitely one of financial stability.
The conjunction does square the Peso Pluto, opposes the progressed MC and conjoins Mercury, whilst the corresponding Uranus aspects are a sextile to Pluto and a conjunction with progressed Venus. At a guess this relates to the value of the country’s debt in foreign currency such as dollars. The question is does it increase or decrease? The conflicting aspects between Uranus and Neptune sum up the problem; a depreciation of the dollar vs. the Peso is good for debt but bad for exports and vice versa.
In the country chart, there is a final Saturn square to the progressed Sun etc in July, accompanied by an opposition from the progressed moon, which suggests that there may be some obstacles for the government at that time. In August Saturn squares Venus, the progressed MC and opposes the Ascendant and when coupled with the expansive Jupiter on the Descendant, this suggests forced repositioning (due to external events) with a net change in policy.
In the Peso chart, June sees Saturn complete its conjunction with Uranus and move forward, starting to change the picture. There is a tricky aspect of the progressed Moon and Sun in July mirroring the country issues, but with Pluto trine the natal Moon it is unlikely to be significant. Saturn returns to its January aspect in August, but this does not seem to be a particularly difficult aspect.
And in the Argentine chart, by October and November, Uranus is again on the progressed Ascendant square Venus and the progressed Moon but sextile Jupiter. Another surprising step in terms of reorganising the economic position might be taken by the government then, but again the effect is broadly positive. There is a congressional election then so that might impact on policy. September and October also see more excitement with the Saturn/Uranus oppsition on the Peso progressed Mercury/MC axis, which is further picked up by the Moon and magnified by a Jupiter square.
Jupiter makes its final transit of the country Descendant in December squaring Jupiter, more external influences stir the pot and create some instability but this is not heavy depression or anything remotely similar. Finally, November /December sees the beginning of a two year long transit of Pluto in sextile to the Argentinean moon and a quincunx to the Sun. Now as this position is picked up by the 2010 cardinal cross it is most important. But a Pluto sextile is a relatively easy Pluto transit, suggesting growing power. The people are beginning to feel empowered by economic and political events in the country, probably for the first time in many years: maybe they see the impact of the last two years in other countries and are relieved to be where they are. The relations with the government are less comfortable, but there is a will to work towards some sort of mutual outcome in some way – just not too easily.
In the Peso chart thinsg also seem broadly positive at the end of the year, with Uranus again conjoining the progressed Sun and sextile Jupiter, and the Neptune square Jupiter of earlier in the year repeating. However we should note that the Pluto Saturn square that is developing then is in hard aspect to the currency’s progressed Mars; This Mars is at 4 degrees Cancer, conjoining the US Venus/Jupiter and sextile the US$ Ascendant – we should expect there to be some tricky effects between the two currencies at this time.
The configurations of November and December remain in place through January and February. But by February transiting Jupiter has moved into Pisces and makes a whole series of positive aspects in the country chart; a conjunction to the Moon, a square to the Sun, MC and Mars ( over zealous but generally good) and a trine to Jupiter. It really does appear that everything will feel good in Argentina by the end of their summer. In February there are again some dramatic changes as Uranus again opposes the Peso MC. But in the background we have an exact progressed Sun sextile Jupiter aspect. This on balance must strenthen the currency.
March has another positive Jupiter aspect in the country chart, this time to Pluto and the progressed Venus, this is a really good financial aspect- difficult to see how any economic problems could ensue from it; it is good but real- i.e. it doesn’t suffer from Neptunian bubble effects, just fundamental well being. In April Jupiter crosses the progressed Ascendant and although this is accompanied by a square to Venus and the progressed MC, it probably isn’t going to negate the overall effects of wellbeing- merely change the pace a bit. May is a bit strange though with Jupiter and Uranus and Saturn square the progressed Moon. But this is a temporary upset, and in June is calmed by the Neptune trine.
In the Peso chart, Neptune squares Pluto again in March and April, arepeating the effects of May 2009, Uranus sextiling Pluto and conjoining Venus offsets this, it is now trine the Peso Ascendant too. The impact of these aspects last through to July. However, the issues in the counrty chart are again mirrored here, with Saturn conjoining the progressed MC and opposing Venus in May, and there is a bit of a negative effect on the value of the currency.
Incredibly the only real major aspect in the Argentine country chart in July and August (when the rest of the world will be on tenterhooks) is the Pluto trine to the Moon. Maybe I will take a holiday in Argentina that August – shame it is their winter really. Even in the Peso chart, the only planet affected by the cardinal cross in July and August is the progressed Mars. As mentioned this picks up the US charts. Expect issues relating to the trade in the two currencies to accelerate over these months, but for the ground-level effects in Argentina to be minimal at this time.
As a result of the fact that in September the Uranus Jupiter conjunction is retrograde on Venus, sextile Pluto and trine the Ascendant it appears that the Peso is going to be looking pretty good by then. This aspect continues to be within orb for the rest of 2011 and even the possibility of some restrictions imposed in October November when Uranus opposes the progressed Mc and Saturn squares the progressed Ascendant don’t seem to offset the positive effects.
In the country chart, September sees yet another stream of positive aspects in the country chart, this time stabilising ones from Saturn, to Neptune, the Sun Mars and MC. October is a bit more mixed with Jupiter and Uranus back on the progressed Ascendant- something to do with those restrictions that are identified in the Peso chart no doubt, but lets not be too picky – indeed a bit of excitement would do them good – else all this positive stuff would get boring.
November is just another series of broadly pleasant aspects in the country chart; Saturn sextile Saturn, Jupiter Sextile Jupiter, Neptune sextile Mercury. It’s all broadly stable and growing steadily. And in December with a nice trine between the Moon and progressed Moon, the people are pretty happy. However, Saturn does makes a conjunction with Mars and a square to Venus and some quincunxes this month- obviously some pressures on budgets and pay but it’s not been a bad year.
The slight discontent is over by end of January when Saturn sextiles progressed Saturn and February and March are more nice months of Jupiterian sextiles and trines. In the Peso chart, Neptune is still in square to Pluto and Saturn stations on Venus in January suggesting more restrictions, but with Uranus continuing its aspects to the progressed MC and natal Ascendant, and then again to progressed Venus, and with the progressed Moon crossing the progressed Ascendant and opposing progressed Mars and trining Neptune in the coming month there is really no let up in the overall themes. Indeed when Jupiter forms a square to Mars and the progressed Moon in March things really come to a head.
For the country, April is yet another stable month, with Saturn stationing trine Mars, often a military aspect in this case it is more likely to be a serious drive to work hard and achieve rewards. It is not surprising that Uranus sextiles the Sun (leadership) in June, and Jupiter sextiles the Moon, there might be distrust of government but when all is going relatively well differences can be put aside.
For the peso, April to July 2011 sees a series of Jupiter aspects, opposing Venus in April, a sextile to Mercury in May, a conjunction with the Moon in June and sextile to progressed Mars in July. None of which is particularly negative. The Pluto Uranus square to progressed Mars repeats in the period but with Jupiter there it is close to resolution.
In August and September Jupiter conjoins the Peso Saturn, and the progressed Moon trines Jupiter, we are definitely coming to a point where things will settle down.
Pluto’s last aspect to the Peso progressed Mars is in October, accompanied by a Saturn transit to Venus. The value of the Peso is, not exactly fixed but determined with more confidence than in the past two years. A sextile of the progressed Moon and Sun in November with a Jupiter conjunction to the Moon and Uranus to prog. Venus are all positive signs despite the fact that the currency is a bit tied by the square of Saturn to the Ascendant in December.
As a result, in the Argentine chart, September sees a repeat of themes form earlier in the year, and October more stability in the administration. November sees another month of comfort, and financial balance. December is a bit more mixed with a Pluto quincunx to the MC and Mars, but it is not surprising that some resentment occurs when the positive effects slow down even though compared to other countries things aren’t too bad.
In the Argentine chart, a quiet summer is followed by some tricky moments in March. Similarly in the peso chart, January 2012 is all positive with Jupiter conjoining the Moon and a trine between the progressed Mc and Pluto. There is strength in the currency and a positive debt profile. February is characterised by the beginnings of a long Pluto trine to Saturn, a mixed blessing but probably in this case indicating a secure debt position. It seems to be a turning point in the relations with other currencies as the progressed Moon crosses the Descendant.
By April and May though there is a broadly pleasant environment in the country again. Uranus sextile the Sun and MC leads to some surprises re the leadership but Saturn trine Venus still keeps the economy balanced throughout the period to July. What follows for the Peso, in those months, are more gently positive aspects from Neptune and Jupiter, as Jupiter crosses the chart’s major stellium in Taurus for the first time since before 2001. This time rather than emphasising the flaws in the peg, it is likely to be highlighting the benefits that have come from the depreciation of the early 2000s and the revaluations of the recent couple of years.
Nothing is perfect and Saturn quincunxes in the Peso chart in July and August create some concern, and even discontent in September, but the overriding trines from the progressed Ascendant to Neptune and from Pluto to Saturn seem to suggest that we have a fair valuation now.
As a result things are a bit less straightforward in August and September politically and economically, based on the country chart. The Pluto Uranus square picks up the MC and Mars and Neptune – perhaps some older issues come back to haunt the country then. But not for long as Saturn in positive aspect to the Moon, and Uranus to the Sun in November suggest some resolution of any such matters by the end of the year.
Chart sources
Argentina. 25 May 1810, Buenos Aires. 12.15pm local time
Date of change of power following the revolution. The events took place in the morning and it is not clear exactly what time the new administration took power, N Campion therefore uses noon. I have attempted a rectification which puts the time at somewhere around 12.15pm. As always with rectifications, caveat emptor and preferably do your own.
Peso: moneda nacional. 5 November 1881, 0.00 local time. Source: Law 1130
The progressed Sun appears at 4 degrees Pisces in 1992, opposite the dollar Ascendant, when the dollar peg started so I am happy with this choice. An alternative chart is one for 1 Jan 1992, 0.00 local time for the new Peso currency. This also shows links to the dollar in its ascendant and Saturn positions.
Since both work and since there was a mathematical relationship between the various series of currencies since 1881 I have stuck with the older one