Russia: to 2012

Although the focus will be on the economics of the coming years, I am starting this post with a brief discussion of the chart I am using for Russia.

I am sticking to only the Russian country chart, partly due to time constraints and partly due to the difficulties in identifying a chart for the Rouble. The currency has been in existence for hundreds of years and though there are dates for its revaluation in the last century, they don’t seem to add much to the country chart. The Central bank charts say very little about the currency as they merely mirror political changes. So it is back to the country chart itself

There are so many charts to chose from as Russia has gone through some quite dramatically different incarnations- at least politically. However I have stuck to my principle and chosen the earliest chart identified in Nick Campion’s book of world horoscopes: from 1613. But it would be lazy to select a chart on a principle alone; what convinced me of the validity of this one as a representation of the Russian nation was its relationship to the events that preceded it in October/November 1612.

The question that then arises is “is it still relevant today?” The answer is most definitely yes.
The chart has a number of interesting configurations. Its Uranus square Jupiter Neptune was activated when Saturn opposed Neptune at the time of the foundation of the USSR in 1922, and resonated to the Uranus/Neptune/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn in 1989-91 that ended that period.

The Saturn Sun conjunction in 1613 was repeated in the late 1990s as the progressed Sun finally returned to progressed Saturn after nearly 400 years. This aspect coupled with a sextile between progressed Mars and natal Pluto, and a positive aspect between the Midheaven and Ascendant resulted in the appointment of Putin. It is interesting to note that he is expected to return to his position in a few years as progressed Mars will reach the natal Sun by 2011/12.

The financial crisis of 1998 is shown in the chart by a combination of factors: Saturn transits Pluto, suggestion a major restriction of the internal accumulation of power and money, but more important in an international context is the transit of Neptune across the progressed Descendant coupled with the Jupiter opposition to the Russian Neptune.

It is interesting to note that some of the same planetary factors are being activated again now.

Neptune in 2008 is trine Uranus and progressed Jupiter and quincunx natal Jupiter, which, by itself, is somewhat ephemeral but not necessarily serious. Until recently Russia was basking in the benefits of an inflated oil price. However in the last couple of month transiting Uranus has been opposed by Saturn and together they are square Mars and Saturn is conjoining natal Jupiter while Uranus is conjoining natal Saturn. This is one country that is really being hit by this first Saturn Uranus opposition. And unfortunately the benefit of a supporting Jupiter is beginning to weaken as it moves towards the end of Capricorn. The rest of December looks like more of the same problems.

In January 2009 neither Saturn nor Uranus have moved much- indeed Saturn is stationed and retrograde over the same degrees for the next couple of months. February when they are exactly opposite maybe very tricky in Russia.

On the other hand Neptune transits again opposite Jupiter, and it is possible that the eclipses at the end of January and early February cause a change in direction in some markets. Jupiter crosses the progressed Descendent and progressed Moon in early February adding to the drama.

By March when Uranus opposes Jupiter and squares Uranus the pieces are already in place for the events of April and May when Jupiter conjoins Neptune and Chiron. In the Russian chart the planets which are being picked up by Jupiter Neptune and Uranus in these months are Jupiter Neptune and Uranus. If there is one country then that is most likely to directly resonate to the forthcoming conjunction it is Russia. As mentioned elsewhere the influence of this configuration is felt over the whole summer and again in December through February 2009. A resolution of any events in spring/early summer can’t therefore be expected quickly.

There are some changes of emphasis as Saturn returns to its square with mars and opposition with Saturn in August, suggesting some internal conflict and repression in the country, and in September when Saturn squares Uranus and transits natal Jupiter, the enforcement of new regulations. The corresponding progressed moon sextile progressed Sun Mercury conjunction suggests that this is acceptable to both government and people.

Because of the continued persistence of the Neptune Jupiter conjunction it si not surprising to note that November and December see more upsets though, as Uranus squares Uranus and opposes Jupiter again.

Although the themes continue into 2010, a new element enters the frame. The transiting Saturn Pluto square does not quite reach the Russian progressed Saturn but it is close enough for its effects to be felt in terms of the need to restructure the organisations of the country. It is also the beginning of a two to three year trine between Pluto and natal Pluto and therefore an opportunity to reorganise and build strength.

February/March is therefore a potential turning point. Jupiter crosses the MC but also the Sun and progressed Mars conjunction, suggesting focus on the leadership ( whether that means change of leader or merely a more forceful approach by the incumbent is harder to identify).

In April and May 2010 we are likely to see some forceful action being taken. The Uranus and Neptune transits to progressed Neptune suggest that the Russian economy is still dealing with the effects of 2009. May is particularly critical as Jupiter joins Uranus in trining the Russian natal moon as well as opposing Neptune, it is a moment which captures the identity of the Russian people.

June is not particularly different in nature and the focus is then in July and August on the perfection of the cardinal cross. As mentioned the only planets that are even slightly picked up by this in the Russian chart are progressed Saturn and natal Pluto. Heavy planets but not a close aspect and it is likely that background restructuring continues to go on in the country and it watches events elsewhere with some element of detachment.

Although Saturn opposes progressed Saturn in September, it is accompanied by a gentle Neptune transit to the progressed Moon and Uranus. A mixed picture which continues in October and November when the Uranus Jupiter conjunction continues to shake things up economically but not, I think, politically.

Saturn opposing the progressed MC in November is tougher and the incumbent administration may find December tricky; as the Jupiter Uranus conjunction continues at the same time as Saturn opposes the progressed Sun and Mercury: possibly creating difficulties with the leadership situation.

The leadership difficulties of late 2011 continue into early 2011. In fact for January and February whilst Saturn is stationed, no real progress can be expected before March.

March, or more probably April, is a key time. Although we still see the Saturn influence, Jupiter transits in opposition breaking up any stale situations, forcing everything out into the open and generally resolving any disputes one way or the other. This is reinforced by the transit of Uranus stationed on natal Saturn from June. I would assess this as being good fro the country in the longer term although disruptive at the time. The Jupiter transit to Pluto in July followed by a transit to the Midheaven in August and September as Pluto trines Pluto, imply a the start of a positive restructuring by the end of September.

While October is mixed, November establishes a stronger foundation based on the September changes. Jupiter joins Pluto in trine to Pluto at the same time as Saturn stabilises through a conjunction with Saturn and a trine with Uranus. All this is finished off neatly by the progressed Moon reaching the Sun and progressed Mars conjunction at the MC. It seems to suggest a very satisfactory end to the year.

The start of 2012 is very positive too. Jupiter transiting Pluto in February, followed by Pluto sextile the MC in March and Jupiter sextile the MC/Sun/progressed Mars in April is the sign of a country establishing strong economic and political fundamentals for the future.

April is a bit trickier with Uranus once again transiting Saturn, upsetting the status quo, but with Pluto stationed sextile the MC it doesn’t look too difficult to overcome.

May June and July see more involvement in the stabilising of the economy that started in late 2011, and although there is some evidence of overreaching in August when Jupiter squares the MC/Sun/progressed Mars, it seems to be resolved by September’s Jupiter sextile progressed Sun.

October and November however suggest some set backs again, and a bit more overreaching is evident again in December but with both Pluto and Saturn making positive aspects to the MC , on balance change is looking good.

Chart Source:
Russia: Start of Romanovs. 3 March 1613 ( NS calendar) Moscow. Noon local time. N Campion Book of World Horoscopes.
