Rather more of a delay between posting than I intended. Telecom problems. A friend asked why I failed to predict this simple event when I have no problem predicting the US dollar. Very amusing. I rarely study my own chart and certainly do not spend the amount of effort required to obtain that much daily accuracy – studying currency charts pays; there’s yet to be a futures market in Fortuna2020 telecommunications glitches.
A more serious reader of my initial posting asked a better question: “Why, if there is, for example, a Saturn Uranus opposition, does this not affect everything and everyplace on the earth? Simultaneously?"
There are two main reasons:-
A more serious reader of my initial posting asked a better question: “Why, if there is, for example, a Saturn Uranus opposition, does this not affect everything and everyplace on the earth? Simultaneously?"
There are two main reasons:-
The first is that different places, races, nations and companies were born under different alignments. Just like different people. A country or market may have a tight Saturn Pluto conjunction , so be very responsive to the cycle of Saturn and Pluto. Another country may have been formed when Uranus was at 0 degrees of a cardinal sign and be sensitive to transits of all planets to that degree. We may well not have the exact data for many locations and entities but the principle applies to all.
The second reason is that each location experiences the universe from different perspective at any point in time. This is easiest to understand if we remember that the earth is not a pinhead, but a large spinning body with different time zones; no-one questions the fact that the sun is in exactly the same degree relative to the earth, but that it is visible (and daytime) only where it is above the horizon. The same principle can be applied to all the bodies in the universe. We know we don’t experience the sun in the same way at the same times in California as we do in Switzerland and, on a more symbolic level, the same applies to Venus, Saturn etc.
Planets on the angles may be particularly significant. The four key angles are the Ascendant and Descendant, which are essentially horizons, the Midheaven ( MC), which is pretty much what it says it is and the IC- the point opposite the Midheaven.
An example will illustrate. A chart set for the time of the recent UK earthquake shows Uranus on the IC (the root of the chart) in Market Rasen at that moment. Uranus was not on the IC in Germany or Sweden etc etc.
Thus there are a limited number of places in which an event can occur.
My reader didn’t ask the following corollary but he could have done. “If things don’t happen identically, simultaneously, everywhere, how do you explain the fact that the major stock markets do often correlate with each other”
There are again two reasons for this:-
The first is that the charts of related markets/sectors/countries often have elements in common and encounter transits to those elements at the same time. No coincidence; they are often born at similar times or under key points in the cycles of the same planetary pair.
The second is that, in some cases, they are physically linked too.
For instance; set the Pluto Capricorn ingress chart for New York and you will find the Pluto/Jupiter/Venus conjunction opposite the Midheaven. Relocate the chart to Hong Kong and the conjunction there is close to the Midheaven. This relationship holds as they are not far from 180 degrees apart.
It is sometimes the case that a configuration on the impacts the angles in London as well. For example in early August the sun rises in London as it is on the Hong Kong (and Beijing) MC and close to the IC in NY.
In the first example given, though, the conjunction does not fall on a key angle in London, (although it does fall in the second house of finance), instead it falls on the Ascendant in the Middle East.
It is easy to see, then, how events that occur in one part of the world may or may not be reflected elsewhere. I hope that answers the question. Now can someone tell me how to stop the telephone problems...