Maintaining my art theme as an introduction to each topic is proving harder than I anticipated. There is no shortage of great art, but great art that reflects a nation's scenery is another matter. Where it exists it is almost certainly not by a local artist; people just don’t seem to want to paint their back yard. This week was not exception, there were plenty of great local artists painting something else altogether; the picture of Angel falls is my compromise.
Why Venezuela?
Returning to the real matter in hand, astrology, I have noticed that my timing for choosing countries for analysis is even better than my astrological predictions.
Why this might be we will save for a more philosophical post next week. But, to maintain the trend, Venezuela, this week, has proved a topical choice. Not only has there been a bank run on the Stanford Bank in Caracas following the alleged latest international fraud by Texan Allen Stanford, and a drugs arrest of UK family, but it has been interesting politically. As the Uranus/Saturn opposition squared the progressed Moon which represents the people, Chavez won his bid to change the regulations that limited the length of time he could serve. He could thus, in theory remain in power not just for the duration of this forecast, but potentially until the 2020 of this blog’s title. While I won’t be going into the detail of what this means policy-wise, it is worth bearing in mind as we look at the country; Chavez does not plan to voluntarily relinquish control, so if we see a change of control in the charts we should assume that this will be a time of significant political disruption.
The Venezuelan chart is not as interesting, cycle –wise, as either Brazil or Mexico. Nevertheless there are some points worth noting. Libra rises, Venus rules Libra, the chart seems to suit the country’s name. The MC of the chart is 13 Cancer, the degree of the US Sun, and by virtue of its formation in 1777 it has Pluto at the same degree as the US. Perhaps this helps contribute to Chavez’s antipathy to America, though the signifier of the rhetoric of recent years is likely to be progressed Mercury opposite natal Mars.
My review of the Bolivar will be relatively brief, as, while Venezuela’s oil interests make it politically and economically interesting its currency is much less so. Nevertheless the Bolivar chart I am using doe shave a rather nice Jupiter Uranus conjunction which can’t fail to be activated in the next year or so as the two planets meet at 0 degrees Aries in the cardinal square.
The 2008 eclipses were obviously important for the country, given the impact on oil prices. The 1 August eclipse was square Venezuela’s progressed Sun, the 16th August eclipse was square the country’s progressed Mercury and Mars. The Saturn Uranus opposition picked up a number of planets, and in November the progressed Moon further activated progressed Venus and Mars and trined the Sun. This latter aspect has probably been positive for the leadership.
The eclipses also formed squares with the planets in the Bolivar chart, notably the 16th August eclipse square the Bolivar progressed MC – not a positive sign. Everything is also accentuated in the Bolivar chart at the moment as like other charts we have considered, it has a progressed Sun Mars conjunction
The recent eclipses, picked up the same planets as in August. The six months in between probably saw a trend which may now be starting to change.
March is not especially noteworthy in the country chart. Saturn repeats its aspects of November, and Uranus trines Mars, the latter might spice things up a bit, but not too much. In April Saturn conjoins the country’s Sun again, and will remain in orb until August, suggesting restrictions and difficulties for the government. The Bolivar looks more interesting, with Jupiter conjoining the currency’s Mars this week ( bank run right on schedule then!), and later the progressed Ascendant, suggesting more focus on the currency.
This takes us into the Neptune conjunction of May to July. This quincunxes the Venezuelan natal Neptune and squares the progressed Mercury. This is tricky, though not catastrophic. Uranus also opposes natal Neptune and sextile Pluto. This tends to confirm currency issues that we have identified elsewhere and possibly oil price movements too.
It is not surprising, then, to see that the conjunction makes some major aspects to the Bolivar chart. A square to the progressed Mars/Sun conjunction as well as to the progressed MC and Venus, and a sextile to Neptune. At the same time Uranus sextiles the Mars/Sun and MC as well as the chart’s Uranus/Jupiter conjunction. This suggests some very significant currency movements affecting the Bolivar.
Note, however, that the fact that Saturn trines the Venezuelan Venus/Mars progressed conjunction again by July suggests that Venezuela’s position will not be as bad as some others. The indications are that it is significant though since the progressed Moon squares the conjunction in July.
A relatively benign August and September follow: with Uranus and Saturn making comfortable aspects to the country’s progressed Mercury and its Mars. The Bolivar seems to stabilise as Saturn trines the currency’s Saturn and conjoins the progressed Moon in August, and as Jupiter returns to cross the progressed Ascendant again in September we may backtrack to repeat some of the themes of the period around March.
By October, though Saturn transits the Venezuelan Neptune, a sign of economic weakness and recession. Furthermore there is a notable double whammy: Saturn trines Pluto and Pluto sextiles Saturn. Now trines and sextiles are relatively mild aspects, yet when both Saturn and Pluto are involved there must necessarily be some heavy lifting, restructuring and perhaps more of the Chavez favourite, nationalisations are likely. The progressed Moon carries these aspects through to the end of the year, and the reappearance of the Neptune conjunction. Expect the prevailing themes in April to run right the way to early 2010.
The Bolivar chart looks quite calm from October to December. A Saturn sextile to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and trine to the Mars/Sun one keeps big movements in check for a while though the plethora of progressed Moon aspects suggest that currency issues are still under the spotlight.
That is not surprising as December into January sees the repeat of the Neptune conjunction across the world.
In the country chart, while January continues the trends of 2009, February sees Jupiter cross the chart progressed MC, a turning point which also picks up the progressed Mercury, highlighting, trade, exchange and information. Thus, March is characterised by lots of events, commercial, political and leadership-wise. However, these are not especially negative, merely a little frenetic and exuberant. Aspects to Mercury also predominate in the Bolivar chart.
May looks to be a generally positive period. Saturn, trining the Venezuelan progressed Mercury, Pluto and the Moon, imparts stability, while Jupiter and Uranus together encourage change. The only challenge is the Uranus to Uranus opposition, which although accompanied by positive aspects, is probably too much radical change in one go.
As a result June and July are characterised by the need to adjust as Jupiter and Uranus quincunx Saturn. More worrisome though is the Neptune square to the Moon, which suggests a lack of direction economically and much disinformation. There is still a lot of currency focus, with volatility in June, followed by restrictions in July, backing up the trends in the country chart.
The August cardinal cross in the early degrees of the cardinal signs is not highly activated in the Venezuelan chart. Aspects to Venus, the chart ruler, suggest the country is favourably placed though what ever happens at this time. September aspects to the Venezuelan Moon suggest the people are not unhappy with conditions. That could suggest that events point to a commodities issue rather than anything else, although Venezuela’s unique view of capitalism might contribute. The Bolivar chart is almost entirely untouched by the cardinal cross: this is not that surprising, we can expect most of the currency action to have taken place by this time, instead we will have real economic problems to contend with in many places.
September, however, does see quincunxes from Saturn to the progressed Venezuela MC and Sun, suggesting leadership difficulties, and this is accompanied by a notable triple conjunction of progressed Uranus, the progressed Ascendant and progressed Moon. This could be read as a revolutionary aspect- yet the events of the preceding year do not seem to suggest it. A physical event, floods, earthquakes etc might be the explanation. The Bolivar chart still shows relative stability with Saturn still transiting the progressed Moon ( part of a long term aspect).
In the Venezuela chart October though December continue the tricky leadership times, and Jupiter and Uranus again oppose Neptune, and Neptune quincunxes Neptune suggesting economic and currency instability again. In the Bolivar chart Jupiter/Uranus trines Jupiter/Uranus and sextiles the progressed Mars/Sun again- volatile in a good way.
Returning to the real matter in hand, astrology, I have noticed that my timing for choosing countries for analysis is even better than my astrological predictions.
Why this might be we will save for a more philosophical post next week. But, to maintain the trend, Venezuela, this week, has proved a topical choice. Not only has there been a bank run on the Stanford Bank in Caracas following the alleged latest international fraud by Texan Allen Stanford, and a drugs arrest of UK family, but it has been interesting politically. As the Uranus/Saturn opposition squared the progressed Moon which represents the people, Chavez won his bid to change the regulations that limited the length of time he could serve. He could thus, in theory remain in power not just for the duration of this forecast, but potentially until the 2020 of this blog’s title. While I won’t be going into the detail of what this means policy-wise, it is worth bearing in mind as we look at the country; Chavez does not plan to voluntarily relinquish control, so if we see a change of control in the charts we should assume that this will be a time of significant political disruption.
The Venezuelan chart is not as interesting, cycle –wise, as either Brazil or Mexico. Nevertheless there are some points worth noting. Libra rises, Venus rules Libra, the chart seems to suit the country’s name. The MC of the chart is 13 Cancer, the degree of the US Sun, and by virtue of its formation in 1777 it has Pluto at the same degree as the US. Perhaps this helps contribute to Chavez’s antipathy to America, though the signifier of the rhetoric of recent years is likely to be progressed Mercury opposite natal Mars.
My review of the Bolivar will be relatively brief, as, while Venezuela’s oil interests make it politically and economically interesting its currency is much less so. Nevertheless the Bolivar chart I am using doe shave a rather nice Jupiter Uranus conjunction which can’t fail to be activated in the next year or so as the two planets meet at 0 degrees Aries in the cardinal square.
The 2008 eclipses were obviously important for the country, given the impact on oil prices. The 1 August eclipse was square Venezuela’s progressed Sun, the 16th August eclipse was square the country’s progressed Mercury and Mars. The Saturn Uranus opposition picked up a number of planets, and in November the progressed Moon further activated progressed Venus and Mars and trined the Sun. This latter aspect has probably been positive for the leadership.
The eclipses also formed squares with the planets in the Bolivar chart, notably the 16th August eclipse square the Bolivar progressed MC – not a positive sign. Everything is also accentuated in the Bolivar chart at the moment as like other charts we have considered, it has a progressed Sun Mars conjunction
The recent eclipses, picked up the same planets as in August. The six months in between probably saw a trend which may now be starting to change.
March is not especially noteworthy in the country chart. Saturn repeats its aspects of November, and Uranus trines Mars, the latter might spice things up a bit, but not too much. In April Saturn conjoins the country’s Sun again, and will remain in orb until August, suggesting restrictions and difficulties for the government. The Bolivar looks more interesting, with Jupiter conjoining the currency’s Mars this week ( bank run right on schedule then!), and later the progressed Ascendant, suggesting more focus on the currency.
This takes us into the Neptune conjunction of May to July. This quincunxes the Venezuelan natal Neptune and squares the progressed Mercury. This is tricky, though not catastrophic. Uranus also opposes natal Neptune and sextile Pluto. This tends to confirm currency issues that we have identified elsewhere and possibly oil price movements too.
It is not surprising, then, to see that the conjunction makes some major aspects to the Bolivar chart. A square to the progressed Mars/Sun conjunction as well as to the progressed MC and Venus, and a sextile to Neptune. At the same time Uranus sextiles the Mars/Sun and MC as well as the chart’s Uranus/Jupiter conjunction. This suggests some very significant currency movements affecting the Bolivar.
Note, however, that the fact that Saturn trines the Venezuelan Venus/Mars progressed conjunction again by July suggests that Venezuela’s position will not be as bad as some others. The indications are that it is significant though since the progressed Moon squares the conjunction in July.
A relatively benign August and September follow: with Uranus and Saturn making comfortable aspects to the country’s progressed Mercury and its Mars. The Bolivar seems to stabilise as Saturn trines the currency’s Saturn and conjoins the progressed Moon in August, and as Jupiter returns to cross the progressed Ascendant again in September we may backtrack to repeat some of the themes of the period around March.
By October, though Saturn transits the Venezuelan Neptune, a sign of economic weakness and recession. Furthermore there is a notable double whammy: Saturn trines Pluto and Pluto sextiles Saturn. Now trines and sextiles are relatively mild aspects, yet when both Saturn and Pluto are involved there must necessarily be some heavy lifting, restructuring and perhaps more of the Chavez favourite, nationalisations are likely. The progressed Moon carries these aspects through to the end of the year, and the reappearance of the Neptune conjunction. Expect the prevailing themes in April to run right the way to early 2010.
The Bolivar chart looks quite calm from October to December. A Saturn sextile to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and trine to the Mars/Sun one keeps big movements in check for a while though the plethora of progressed Moon aspects suggest that currency issues are still under the spotlight.
That is not surprising as December into January sees the repeat of the Neptune conjunction across the world.
In the country chart, while January continues the trends of 2009, February sees Jupiter cross the chart progressed MC, a turning point which also picks up the progressed Mercury, highlighting, trade, exchange and information. Thus, March is characterised by lots of events, commercial, political and leadership-wise. However, these are not especially negative, merely a little frenetic and exuberant. Aspects to Mercury also predominate in the Bolivar chart.
May looks to be a generally positive period. Saturn, trining the Venezuelan progressed Mercury, Pluto and the Moon, imparts stability, while Jupiter and Uranus together encourage change. The only challenge is the Uranus to Uranus opposition, which although accompanied by positive aspects, is probably too much radical change in one go.
As a result June and July are characterised by the need to adjust as Jupiter and Uranus quincunx Saturn. More worrisome though is the Neptune square to the Moon, which suggests a lack of direction economically and much disinformation. There is still a lot of currency focus, with volatility in June, followed by restrictions in July, backing up the trends in the country chart.
The August cardinal cross in the early degrees of the cardinal signs is not highly activated in the Venezuelan chart. Aspects to Venus, the chart ruler, suggest the country is favourably placed though what ever happens at this time. September aspects to the Venezuelan Moon suggest the people are not unhappy with conditions. That could suggest that events point to a commodities issue rather than anything else, although Venezuela’s unique view of capitalism might contribute. The Bolivar chart is almost entirely untouched by the cardinal cross: this is not that surprising, we can expect most of the currency action to have taken place by this time, instead we will have real economic problems to contend with in many places.
September, however, does see quincunxes from Saturn to the progressed Venezuela MC and Sun, suggesting leadership difficulties, and this is accompanied by a notable triple conjunction of progressed Uranus, the progressed Ascendant and progressed Moon. This could be read as a revolutionary aspect- yet the events of the preceding year do not seem to suggest it. A physical event, floods, earthquakes etc might be the explanation. The Bolivar chart still shows relative stability with Saturn still transiting the progressed Moon ( part of a long term aspect).
In the Venezuela chart October though December continue the tricky leadership times, and Jupiter and Uranus again oppose Neptune, and Neptune quincunxes Neptune suggesting economic and currency instability again. In the Bolivar chart Jupiter/Uranus trines Jupiter/Uranus and sextiles the progressed Mars/Sun again- volatile in a good way.
November, however, sees Saturn reintroduce stability via a trine to the Ascendant Moon Uranus conjunction in the country chart and a conjunction with the Ascendant in the Bolivar chart.
In December Saturn crosses the country’s natal Ascendant, which suggests quite severe restrictions of some kind. Again this is reflected in the Bolivar chart with a Saturn square.
The two opposite indicators of instability and restriction look like running in parallel for the last months of the year.
Saturn, in the form of stability and even difficult restrictions, continues to hold sway, stationing on the Venezuelan Ascendant, retrograding back to its trine with the progressed Ascendant and finally retuning to the Ascendant in September of 2011. It was last at this point in 1981, but then it was accompanied by Pluto and Jupiter, so the events of that time will not be repeated in the same way. Still, it could be quite a tough few months. The Bolivar still looks to be subject to quiet heavy trade with Uranus continuing its aspects of late 2010.
Other than the impact of Saturn the early part of the year looks relatively clam, Uranus and Jupiter both make favourable aspects in February and a more mixed March is followed by an April where there are some big events. Jupiter crosses the Descendant and square the MC, throwing focus onto partners and any difficult relationships with them. But Jupiter is also trine Jupiter and sextile the progressed Ascendant Uranus configuration- anything is possible and great strides can be made in new areas and new relationships. As mentioned Saturn is continuing its stabilising influence and Neptune trine Saturn, although not a very constructive aspect will only serve to smooth the edges of any complications. The Uranus trine to Venus is economically and socially enhancing.
In May and June, Jupiter adds another dose of pleasantness in the country chart, sextiling the Moon, and Pluto imparts power through its sextile to the progressed MC. When Jupiter reinforces this in July, it is difficult to see how the country cannot be riding out any global storms very well indeed.
After Saturn returns to hover over the Venezuelan Ascendant and trine Uranus etc in September/October, it moves on to form some more difficult aspects. By December Saturn squares Pluto, suggesting restructuring of a difficult and loss making type. Uranus in square to the Moon together with Jupiter square Venus suggest upsets or protests. Jupiter opposing the country’s Saturn suggests a shake up of traditional values.
The Bolivar chart does not really mirror the country chart at all in 2011.
In February/March in the Bolivar chart Jupiter crosses the Descendant squares the Sun/Saturn/Mercury and opposes the progressed Moon, suggesting the need to re-evaluate the currency within the global marketplace, this is likely to reflect actions being taken elsewhere. In April through to July there is even more activity in the chart. Saturn retrogrades across the Bolivar ascendant and Jupiter squares the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction as it transit Neptune. These aspects look a little like a re-run of late 2010, but the external picture will be looking quite different by now so given that the country chart is looking positive we can assume that what is happening are adjustments to align the currency with that fact.
By September/October a more problematic theme starts to emerge in the currency chart. Saturn and the progressed Moon square Saturn and oppose the progressed Neptune. At the same time transiting Neptune squares the progressed Mars/Sun and MC. With Saturn opposing Neptune we have restraint over inflation but with Neptune square the other planets a tendency towards it. On balance the restriction looks more likely, with the Neptune square manifesting as a lack of trade. The Saturn square to Uranus/Jupiter in November and December further suggests this.
2011 started with a Saturn station on the Ascendant, this year starts with one close to Venezuela’s natal Saturn position. Now a Saturn return is not too big a deal for a country that is over 200 years old as it has one every 30 years or so. Nevertheless it is not something that will ever pass without creating some conditions of hardship or restriction.
Neptune continues to trine Saturn at the same time and together these might contribute to a recessionary phase. Certainly there will be no moving forward with projects or policies.
Pluto also stays close to its sextile with the progressed MC throughout the year, continuing to contribute a feeling of power.
February to April is characterised by a number of minor squares. May sees Jupiter transit the progressed Mars and progressed Venus .Mars would put people in an antagonistic mood but with Venus it is likely to result in something a bit more creative.
The first three months in the Bolivar chart are mixed and unremarkable from a long term perspective. In April Saturn repeats its opposition to Neptune, but this time the aspect is accompanied by Pluto conjoining the IC, the first time since the founding date. This latter aspect is further magnified by Jupiter transiting Pluto in May. The Bolivar has already had a number of incarnations without such an aspect so this could be the beginning of the end of the Bolivar as a separate currency. Perhaps the country will adopt another, although this is unlikely to happen until a few passes of Pluto have occurred.
Jupiter transiting the Mars/Sun conjunction sextile Jupiter/Uranus increases trading activity in the currency in June suggesting increased trade again. But given the Pluto transit mentioned above the most interesting facet of this is that the Mars/Sun conjunction will shortly change signs. This confirms the likelihood of moving to another currency regime within a year or two.
Little new happens in the Bolivar chart for the remainder of the year so developments on this theme are likely to be slow and other economic events will take precedence.
Returning to the country itself, June’s conjunction of Jupiter with the Venezuelan Mercury emphasises the power of communications; the country might want to talk on the global stage more than usual. Jupiter is square the progressed MC though in July suggesting speaking out of turn, an indication reinforced by a Uranus opposition to Mercury – Venezuela might speak but it can’t expect everyone to agree. The people support the attitude though as the progressed Moon transits the MC.
The Saturn return follows, look to 1983-4 for indication of the likely impact, it is square progressed Pluto so could be potentially extremely challenging. And in October Jupiter stations on that Uranus progressed Ascendant configuration, possibly leading to more certain revolutionary behaviour – it is a bit of an anarchistic conjunction to take us to the end of 2012.
Seems it could be all change in both currency and political terms. I don’t think Chavez expects that!
Chart sources
Returning to the country itself, June’s conjunction of Jupiter with the Venezuelan Mercury emphasises the power of communications; the country might want to talk on the global stage more than usual. Jupiter is square the progressed MC though in July suggesting speaking out of turn, an indication reinforced by a Uranus opposition to Mercury – Venezuela might speak but it can’t expect everyone to agree. The people support the attitude though as the progressed Moon transits the MC.
The Saturn return follows, look to 1983-4 for indication of the likely impact, it is square progressed Pluto so could be potentially extremely challenging. And in October Jupiter stations on that Uranus progressed Ascendant configuration, possibly leading to more certain revolutionary behaviour – it is a bit of an anarchistic conjunction to take us to the end of 2012.
Seems it could be all change in both currency and political terms. I don’t think Chavez expects that!
Chart sources
Venezuela: 8 September 1777, 12pm local time San ildefonso, Spain relocated to Caracas, Establishment of the Captaincy of Venezuela by Carlos III, The History of Venezuela, By H. Micheal Tarver, Hollis Micheal Tarver Denova, Julia C. Frederick, Google books
Although independence was not achieved until later, the territories that make up today’s Venezuela were first separately identified as a government region at this time.
Venezolano, 1 January 1872, midnight, Caracas.
The current Bolivar Fuerte is only a year or so old. It replaced the old Bolivar which in turn replaced the Venezolano in 1879. Since there is a direct line connecting all three it is logical to use the oldest. The Venezolano was actually approved on 11 May 1871, but did not become a functioning currency until 1 January 1872 when sufficient amounts were in existence. Since there is a time for 1872 but not 1871 I have chosen to use the 1872 chart.
Wikipedia/wiki/el venezolano
Although independence was not achieved until later, the territories that make up today’s Venezuela were first separately identified as a government region at this time.
Venezolano, 1 January 1872, midnight, Caracas.
The current Bolivar Fuerte is only a year or so old. It replaced the old Bolivar which in turn replaced the Venezolano in 1879. Since there is a direct line connecting all three it is logical to use the oldest. The Venezolano was actually approved on 11 May 1871, but did not become a functioning currency until 1 January 1872 when sufficient amounts were in existence. Since there is a time for 1872 but not 1871 I have chosen to use the 1872 chart.
Wikipedia/wiki/el venezolano