There was never going to be much contest for my Mexican artwork, it was always going to be Riviera or Kahlo. In the end, this one, which I was not previously familiar with, seemed like an appropriate theme for an astrological site.
Background to the Mexican chart
The chart for Mexico from 1821 is worth a brief discussion because of the number of outer planet aspects involved. Neptune conjoins Uranus close to the MC, (there would not be another conjunction of these planets until 1993). The two planets also square Pluto. This configuration, and the birth of modern Mexico, therefore represented a critical point in the cycle of industrialisation that took off with the grand trine between the three planets in the late 1760s. It was an especially critical moment because Uranus is trine a Saturn/Jupiter conjunction, a significator of the medium term business cycle. 1821 was thus a key year in economic history and Mexico can be expected to resonate with many of the events that follow.
It should be noted that Mexico is going through a 20 year period ( 1996-2017) when the progressed Moon and Saturn will make many conjunctions, this is a sign of stability but not of growth and may create an overall climate of negativity. Although it is a much better aspect than the equivalent square, which would definitely create a very negative climate.
Other than a slight depreciation in 2002, the Mexican Peso has closely tracked the US$ since the late 1990s. However that changed in October 2008, when the Peso saw a sharp fall in response to the US economic conditions. Can we see this in the chart and can we forecast what the next few years will bring?
The eclipse of 16th August together with Neptune was close to the Peso Chart’s MC, as will be the eclipse of 9th February 2009, this is an especially weakening aspect. That Mexico, and the Peso that seem to have such close ties to economic development as a whole should pick up this eclipse is to be expected. The Peso is hardwired into international economics. However the aspect was coupled in the Peso chart by a transit of Saturn to the progressed Sun/Mercury conjunction with the Peso moon ( as well as its hard aspects to Venus and Mars). Both of these events would have had a dampening effect on value but together they were even more significant. Nevertheless a major currency weakening would normally be accompanied by significant Uranus Pluto transits as well as Neptune. In fact it is notable that the effect on the Peso of the dollar is much more than, for example, against the Euro. We have not seen a complete collapse of this currency- rather a knock on effect from the dollar.
It should be noted that Mexico is going through a 20 year period ( 1996-2017) when the progressed Moon and Saturn will make many conjunctions, this is a sign of stability but not of growth and may create an overall climate of negativity. Although it is a much better aspect than the equivalent square, which would definitely create a very negative climate.
Other than a slight depreciation in 2002, the Mexican Peso has closely tracked the US$ since the late 1990s. However that changed in October 2008, when the Peso saw a sharp fall in response to the US economic conditions. Can we see this in the chart and can we forecast what the next few years will bring?
The eclipse of 16th August together with Neptune was close to the Peso Chart’s MC, as will be the eclipse of 9th February 2009, this is an especially weakening aspect. That Mexico, and the Peso that seem to have such close ties to economic development as a whole should pick up this eclipse is to be expected. The Peso is hardwired into international economics. However the aspect was coupled in the Peso chart by a transit of Saturn to the progressed Sun/Mercury conjunction with the Peso moon ( as well as its hard aspects to Venus and Mars). Both of these events would have had a dampening effect on value but together they were even more significant. Nevertheless a major currency weakening would normally be accompanied by significant Uranus Pluto transits as well as Neptune. In fact it is notable that the effect on the Peso of the dollar is much more than, for example, against the Euro. We have not seen a complete collapse of this currency- rather a knock on effect from the dollar.
Moving back to the events of the moment, news reports have already confirmed that remittances to Mexico from workers in the US have fallen and that jobs are increasingly difficult to obtain for Mexicans both at home and across the border. Unsurprisingly then we see that, Pluto has recently transited the Mexico Neptune and the eclipse of 26th January was square the Mexican chart’s Moon and progressed Jupiter – representing the people’s difficulties relating to funds.
The 9th February eclipse, involving Neptune, makes only one aspect in the country chart, to progressed Mars, suggesting discontent but not with any particular focus. And indeed there is not much worth mentioning in the chart throughout February and March suggesting little change in the situation during that time.
In the Peso chart the eclipse of 26 January was more dramatic than the summer ones. Conjoining Pluto, sextiling Neptune, trining Mercury and the Ascendant opposing Saturn and picking up quincunxes from Venus and the progressed Ascendant, it pulls in most of the Peso chart. These are not all negative aspects though, they are merely significant ones. As will be seen these points will pick up a stream of mundane aspects over the coming years, the eclipse just represents the starting point – an unsettling effect. This unsettled picture is further confirmed by the fact that the chart’s Uranus picks up the ongoing Saturn Uranus opposition- the currency sits on a knife edge at present – and indeed it has barely moved this last month.
Other than forming a conjunction with the Peso MC, the February eclipse makes no aspects to the currency chart. Some weakness continues whilst other factors become more significant. As we go into March, Pluto trines the progressed Venus Ascendant configuration and square Neptune again - this shouldn’t be too bad and no excitement is expected until April when Jupiter crosses the MC. At the same time Saturn conjoins progressed Mercury, restricting trade in the currency, which might be an interesting development.
By May, when Neptune and Jupiter conjoin, there are developments in the country chart. Retrograde Saturn sextiles the Mexico progressed MC, opposes progressed Mercury quincunxes the progressed Sun, and sextiles natal Mercury and the progressed Ascendant. This is rather a mixed bag and merely re-emphasises the themes of September-October 2008. Whilst there is hardship ( with Saturn opposing progressed Mercury, it still does not cut too deep). The Neptune Jupiter conjunction makes only a sextile to the Mexico Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the chart- surprisingly this is not too bad; possibly currency movements or commodity prices favour Mexico at this time. The Peso is also relatively unaffected by this conjunction. The conjunction is widely opposite the currency’s Saturn and square the Sun, suggesting that it is tipping into instability, but not quite. Saved temporarily by the dollar it seems
The summer is trickier though – The progressed Moon and Saturn quincunx the Mexican Jupiter/Saturn conjunction from August to October, confirming employment difficulties. Pluto also returns to transit Neptune again, deepening further, the sense of powerlessness and perhaps bringing corruption in industry and government to the fore.
In August and September Jupiter again crosses the Peso MC, and in the latter month the progressed Moon picks up those unstable aspects to Uranus and Saturn again – suggesting more shaky ground but no clear direction. A Jupiter trine to the Peso progressed Mars in October is indicative of more trade in the currency, but it can’t be showing too much direction still as November sees a stabilising trine from Saturn to progressed Uranus and the Sun.
In the country chart, November sees the progressed Moon and Saturn opposing Pluto, potentially creating a quite hostile environment for a month or two. So, although Neptune and Jupiter repeat their positive sextile in December, the background themes are not so good; the first mundane Pluto Saturn square is within orb of a square to Neptune, and a Saturn conjunction with the Sun and progressed Moon, such a combination does not make the sextile to Mars (a possible sign of military action) look terribly promising.
It is therefore in December 2009 that we really see a pattern emerging for the Peso. At that point the Saturn Pluto square starts to pickup many of the points in the peso chart; including progressed Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. Despite some trines from Pluto, this looks to be depressing for the value of the currency, perhaps a reflection of what is happening politically.
January and February continue the themes of late 2009. However Jupiter moving into Pisces and sextiling Neptune, the MC, progressed Jupiter and trine the moon suggests that conditions improve probably through increased liquidity, at this time. March sees a repeat of the Neptune sextile to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, and thus is again a relatively positive month. The Neptune sextile continues throughout the year, suggesting perhaps subsidies and other help to industry which will obviously have both positive and negative consequences.
In the Peso chart Jupiter conjoins Jupiter and picks up all the key points again. Because these are neither clear cut negative nor positive, we can expect the Jupiter transit to result primarily in volatility. This is further suggested by an opposition between Jupiter and the Peso chart Moon in March, and by the progressed Moon again picking up all the same planets as Pluto and Jupiter in the same month. It looks like large flows of funds are involved during this whole period and the trend for the Peso is down- but perhaps not against everything. Again this seems to confirm the general economic picture for the country.
The progressed Moon continues to transit the main points of the Peso chart until June, so we cannot expect things to settle down by themselves. Sure enough, April seems Jupiter oppose the progressed Peso Sun/Mercury conjunction and quincunx Mars, suggesting intervention by the state to stabilise matters ( Saturn is also trine the Peso Sun). In the country chart, by April, Pluto is fully conjoining the Mexico progressed Neptune and making a square to the Sun, although sextile the Moon; the people seem to have the power and the government is struggling
Meanwhile, Jupiter trine the Mexican Venus and Uranus and conjoining progressed Venus suggests unexpected wealth effects for a short time. This is difficult to explain at this point but must arise due to currency or other impacts on the global markets during the period. . Neptune opposes the Peso Saturn suggesting that there is excess liquidity being put into the system which will weaken the Peso but make the people happier.
The respite continues in May with Jupiter bringing good news through its conjunction with the progressed Mexico Mercury and trine to progressed MC. Whilst the short term impacts look positive ( Uranus sextiles the Peso Sun and Jupiter and Uranus sextile progressed Uranus suggesting pleasant surprises in May and June), the longer term outlook is less rosy.
The summer is tougher. July and August are the key months for the cardinal square, which we are expecting to have some major impact on international affairs. The cardinal cross first aspects Mexico’s Pluto, breaking up the established industries and sources of wealth and power, then it aspects Neptune, which as mentioned suggests a feeling of powerlessness and with the trine to Mars may signal significant inflation. There is certainly a sense that Mexico is a victim of events elsewhere at this time.
The square also picks up large sections of the Peso chart: However with planets at these early degrees of so many signs, there is no overwhelming negative or positive balance to the scales. The expectation is for liquidity which will bring relief to some and problems for others. In any case it is unlikely at this time that Mexico will be able to control the direction of its currency due to external factors, the fact that the cardinal cross picks up both the Peso natal Ascendant and progressed one further suggests that the emphasis is on the impact from other partners over that summer.
There is little change to these themes until after September. Then, Saturn moves forward squaring the Mexico MC and progressed Uranus, that suggests pent up feelings with no outlet. However November’s Saturn transit to the Mexico Descendant and its December opposition to the progressed Sun, suggest that relations with partners such as the US are at a low at this time.
September sees Uranus and Jupiter again sextiling the Peso Sun, but Saturn opposing Neptune (the most significant of a number of its aspects),; another mixed bag which suggests short term benefits may be offset by long term declines. The rest of the year continues to confirm the split personality of the currency with hard aspects to Jupiter from Saturn, but positive aspects from the progressed Moon to Jupiter and Mars.
January 2011 represents further developments in the themes of December, as Saturn moves to square the Mexico progressed MC and conjoin Mercury. Nothing especially new there.
In the Peso chart 2011 begins with a repeat of the square between Pluto and Jupiter/Uranus, but now without the repressing influence of Saturn. The aspects to Neptune and Jupiter do suggest the potential for more currency movement- but the problem is that the conflicting aspects make it difficult to see whether in the short run this will lead to increased value (against more significantly declining currencies) or increased volume in circulation ( leading to reduced value).
Moving back to the events of the moment, news reports have already confirmed that remittances to Mexico from workers in the US have fallen and that jobs are increasingly difficult to obtain for Mexicans both at home and across the border. Unsurprisingly then we see that, Pluto has recently transited the Mexico Neptune and the eclipse of 26th January was square the Mexican chart’s Moon and progressed Jupiter – representing the people’s difficulties relating to funds.
The 9th February eclipse, involving Neptune, makes only one aspect in the country chart, to progressed Mars, suggesting discontent but not with any particular focus. And indeed there is not much worth mentioning in the chart throughout February and March suggesting little change in the situation during that time.
In the Peso chart the eclipse of 26 January was more dramatic than the summer ones. Conjoining Pluto, sextiling Neptune, trining Mercury and the Ascendant opposing Saturn and picking up quincunxes from Venus and the progressed Ascendant, it pulls in most of the Peso chart. These are not all negative aspects though, they are merely significant ones. As will be seen these points will pick up a stream of mundane aspects over the coming years, the eclipse just represents the starting point – an unsettling effect. This unsettled picture is further confirmed by the fact that the chart’s Uranus picks up the ongoing Saturn Uranus opposition- the currency sits on a knife edge at present – and indeed it has barely moved this last month.
Other than forming a conjunction with the Peso MC, the February eclipse makes no aspects to the currency chart. Some weakness continues whilst other factors become more significant. As we go into March, Pluto trines the progressed Venus Ascendant configuration and square Neptune again - this shouldn’t be too bad and no excitement is expected until April when Jupiter crosses the MC. At the same time Saturn conjoins progressed Mercury, restricting trade in the currency, which might be an interesting development.
By May, when Neptune and Jupiter conjoin, there are developments in the country chart. Retrograde Saturn sextiles the Mexico progressed MC, opposes progressed Mercury quincunxes the progressed Sun, and sextiles natal Mercury and the progressed Ascendant. This is rather a mixed bag and merely re-emphasises the themes of September-October 2008. Whilst there is hardship ( with Saturn opposing progressed Mercury, it still does not cut too deep). The Neptune Jupiter conjunction makes only a sextile to the Mexico Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in the chart- surprisingly this is not too bad; possibly currency movements or commodity prices favour Mexico at this time. The Peso is also relatively unaffected by this conjunction. The conjunction is widely opposite the currency’s Saturn and square the Sun, suggesting that it is tipping into instability, but not quite. Saved temporarily by the dollar it seems
The summer is trickier though – The progressed Moon and Saturn quincunx the Mexican Jupiter/Saturn conjunction from August to October, confirming employment difficulties. Pluto also returns to transit Neptune again, deepening further, the sense of powerlessness and perhaps bringing corruption in industry and government to the fore.
In August and September Jupiter again crosses the Peso MC, and in the latter month the progressed Moon picks up those unstable aspects to Uranus and Saturn again – suggesting more shaky ground but no clear direction. A Jupiter trine to the Peso progressed Mars in October is indicative of more trade in the currency, but it can’t be showing too much direction still as November sees a stabilising trine from Saturn to progressed Uranus and the Sun.
In the country chart, November sees the progressed Moon and Saturn opposing Pluto, potentially creating a quite hostile environment for a month or two. So, although Neptune and Jupiter repeat their positive sextile in December, the background themes are not so good; the first mundane Pluto Saturn square is within orb of a square to Neptune, and a Saturn conjunction with the Sun and progressed Moon, such a combination does not make the sextile to Mars (a possible sign of military action) look terribly promising.
It is therefore in December 2009 that we really see a pattern emerging for the Peso. At that point the Saturn Pluto square starts to pickup many of the points in the peso chart; including progressed Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. Despite some trines from Pluto, this looks to be depressing for the value of the currency, perhaps a reflection of what is happening politically.
January and February continue the themes of late 2009. However Jupiter moving into Pisces and sextiling Neptune, the MC, progressed Jupiter and trine the moon suggests that conditions improve probably through increased liquidity, at this time. March sees a repeat of the Neptune sextile to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, and thus is again a relatively positive month. The Neptune sextile continues throughout the year, suggesting perhaps subsidies and other help to industry which will obviously have both positive and negative consequences.
In the Peso chart Jupiter conjoins Jupiter and picks up all the key points again. Because these are neither clear cut negative nor positive, we can expect the Jupiter transit to result primarily in volatility. This is further suggested by an opposition between Jupiter and the Peso chart Moon in March, and by the progressed Moon again picking up all the same planets as Pluto and Jupiter in the same month. It looks like large flows of funds are involved during this whole period and the trend for the Peso is down- but perhaps not against everything. Again this seems to confirm the general economic picture for the country.
The progressed Moon continues to transit the main points of the Peso chart until June, so we cannot expect things to settle down by themselves. Sure enough, April seems Jupiter oppose the progressed Peso Sun/Mercury conjunction and quincunx Mars, suggesting intervention by the state to stabilise matters ( Saturn is also trine the Peso Sun). In the country chart, by April, Pluto is fully conjoining the Mexico progressed Neptune and making a square to the Sun, although sextile the Moon; the people seem to have the power and the government is struggling
Meanwhile, Jupiter trine the Mexican Venus and Uranus and conjoining progressed Venus suggests unexpected wealth effects for a short time. This is difficult to explain at this point but must arise due to currency or other impacts on the global markets during the period. . Neptune opposes the Peso Saturn suggesting that there is excess liquidity being put into the system which will weaken the Peso but make the people happier.
The respite continues in May with Jupiter bringing good news through its conjunction with the progressed Mexico Mercury and trine to progressed MC. Whilst the short term impacts look positive ( Uranus sextiles the Peso Sun and Jupiter and Uranus sextile progressed Uranus suggesting pleasant surprises in May and June), the longer term outlook is less rosy.
The summer is tougher. July and August are the key months for the cardinal square, which we are expecting to have some major impact on international affairs. The cardinal cross first aspects Mexico’s Pluto, breaking up the established industries and sources of wealth and power, then it aspects Neptune, which as mentioned suggests a feeling of powerlessness and with the trine to Mars may signal significant inflation. There is certainly a sense that Mexico is a victim of events elsewhere at this time.
The square also picks up large sections of the Peso chart: However with planets at these early degrees of so many signs, there is no overwhelming negative or positive balance to the scales. The expectation is for liquidity which will bring relief to some and problems for others. In any case it is unlikely at this time that Mexico will be able to control the direction of its currency due to external factors, the fact that the cardinal cross picks up both the Peso natal Ascendant and progressed one further suggests that the emphasis is on the impact from other partners over that summer.
There is little change to these themes until after September. Then, Saturn moves forward squaring the Mexico MC and progressed Uranus, that suggests pent up feelings with no outlet. However November’s Saturn transit to the Mexico Descendant and its December opposition to the progressed Sun, suggest that relations with partners such as the US are at a low at this time.
September sees Uranus and Jupiter again sextiling the Peso Sun, but Saturn opposing Neptune (the most significant of a number of its aspects),; another mixed bag which suggests short term benefits may be offset by long term declines. The rest of the year continues to confirm the split personality of the currency with hard aspects to Jupiter from Saturn, but positive aspects from the progressed Moon to Jupiter and Mars.
January 2011 represents further developments in the themes of December, as Saturn moves to square the Mexico progressed MC and conjoin Mercury. Nothing especially new there.
In the Peso chart 2011 begins with a repeat of the square between Pluto and Jupiter/Uranus, but now without the repressing influence of Saturn. The aspects to Neptune and Jupiter do suggest the potential for more currency movement- but the problem is that the conflicting aspects make it difficult to see whether in the short run this will lead to increased value (against more significantly declining currencies) or increased volume in circulation ( leading to reduced value).
February sees the final transit of Jupiter and Uranus to the Mexico Pluto together with a repeat of the hard Pluto aspects to Mexico’s progressed Neptune and the Sun. All the problems of summer 2010 are likely to resurface, but there is the beginning of a shift to something new. Later in February Pluto crosses the Mexican MC for the first time since independence. In doing so it picks up the progressed Jupiter and Uranus trine as well. That suggests a big change of governance style for the country as well as an equally big change in economic power. Jupiter, picks up a number of aspects to all the Mexican planetary points from Neptune to the MC at this time, further confirming that this will be a time of tremendous change.
In March Jupiter crosses the Ascendant, which, given the above transits, could mean the beginning of a new regime. Saturn conjoining the progressed Moon again, this time opposing the Mexico progressed Sun tends to confirm this. April, has a different emphasis with Jupiter conjoining the progressed Sun but opposing the Moon (and picking up the progressed chart angles), the leadership look stronger then. Yet Pluto still continues for some months to transit the Mexico MC/Uranus, so the situation will not yet be stable. Interestingly this period also corresponds with the beginning of a Neptune sextile Neptune aspect; potentially pleasant but lacking direction.
In the Peso chart Neptune opposing Saturn and squaring the Sun in March is, overwhelmingly negative, but Uranus sextile the Sun at the same time looks encouraging. April is again mixed with Neptune making a quincunx to Uranus but Uranus trining the same point. Furthermore Jupiter conjoins progressed Jupiter and the natal Mars in the same month, suggesting much trade in the Peso again. However it must be short lived as Saturn opposes progressed Jupiter in May. It really does not look as if people have a handle on where this currency is going trend wise and are just trading the moment for the whole period. That would back up the sense that politically things are rather fluid during this year.
In May there is some sense of action in the Mexico chart, as Jupiter trines progressed Mars and then begins its every 12th year transit to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction ( the last one was in early 2000). This is a brief transit, however, and by June Jupiter trines Neptune and with reinforce the ongoing Neptune/Neptune sextile. Maybe this represents too much complacency as Saturn stations close to the Descendant and the progressed Moon crosses the progressed Ascendant – the focus again is on difficult relationships.
For the Peso, June through August sees another mixed bag, including a nasty quincunx from Pluto to the Midheaven, suggesting debt problems, but coupled with an upbeat Uranus transit to Neptune and trine Saturn which makes everything seem fine. Pluto’s subsequent trine to the progressed Venus/Ascendant configuration even suggests some value in the Peso over this period – backing up that complacency that is felt politically and economically.
July and August seem to bring out the best from the recent changes. Although Pluto crosses the Mexico MC again, Jupiter is trine it and makes favourable aspects to progressed Jupiter and Uranus too, and later to Venus. All this suggests potentially positive economic effects and with Jupiter stationing they could continue until early 2012. However we must not overlook the continued hard aspects of Saturn, by October making a conjunction with the progressed Mexico Ascendant, and in November opposing its natal position.
It seems like there are two very strong but conflicting themes here, internal changes leading to optimism and possibly economic strength within the country and continuing difficult with relations outside the country. The pattern is one of the people vacillating between the positive and the negative.
In the Peso chart, August to October is dominated by an opposition from Neptune to Saturn, and square to the Peso Sun. In an economy this means recession, in a currency it can just mean printing money. However an opposition aspect from Saturn to Mars in September, when accompanying this probably suggests immediate weakness rather than just growth of supply. Nevertheless Pluto continues to square the Peso Neptune and Uranus to conjoin it, that is likely to represent a large unexpected change in the currency whatever else happens, before the end of the year. It really does not look too bad though as December is also characterised by a sextile from Jupiter to the progressed Moon. The Peso chart, like that of the country, seems to embody a dichotomy during the period.
Unsurprisingly then 2011 ends with Uranus squaring Neptune and trine Mars in the Mexico country chart, suggesting the need to adapt to another set of external circumstances.
Even less surprisingly, given the external challenges, Pluto continues to transit the Mexico MC and Uranus in January. Nevertheless the impact of the continuing Jupiter transits across the whole MC configuration and the Neptune sextile, seem to suggest that, until March at least, the changes are not too painful.
For the Peso, 2012 begins with the Neptune opposition to Saturn ongoing, but being replaced with a less forceful quincunx to Uranus. Jupiter is being decidedly bountiful to the peso too– sextile Jupiter and trine progressed Venus, and squaring the Pluto Saturn opposition in the chart, which in this case suggests positive transformation.
By March though the dominant aspect in the Mexico chart seems to be the Saturn opposition, which is reinforced by the progressed Moon. The aspect continues in play until September. Furthermore Uranus is now opposing the Mexico Sun and square progressed Neptune/MC. So just when it looked like everything would settle down there may be more changes in leadership. The mundane Pluto/Uranus square is pretty much across both the Mexican angles (MC and Ascendant) by this stage. It should not surprise that a country formed under such major mundane configurations should be so susceptible to major economic world events, nevertheless it does look as if the changes are going to be deep and long lasting. However there are only small signs of the inertia and stagnancy that some other countries show significantly over this period- whatever the outcome Mexico moves forward.
March is however still relatively benign for the Peso, with only Uranus transit to Neptune to worry about and a stabilising Saturn sextile to Saturn to settle things down. April is even more interesting. The progressed Moon transits Jupiter on the mid point of Neptune and Pluto and opposing Progressed Venus/Ascendant This looks to be a very positive point for the currency. That does not mean major appreciation though, merely that it will be seen to have strength. The aspect is follows by a trine from Jupiter to the progressed Sun and another transit of Neptune by Uranus this time sextile Pluto and trine Saturn- all suggesting overall strength. Maybe political changes are viewed well by the outside world and this reinforces the currency value.
In any case, May and June are characterised by sextiles from Jupiter and Uranus to the Peso Midheaven, and from Jupiter to the Sun and Ascendant, and then to Mercury and Neptune, yet more signs of a good image for the currency and a sense that things are settling down.
Yet throughout the summer the impact of the Pluto transit to the Mexico progressed Uranus continues to be felt- it is all change in industry and government still. However in the Peso chart, although Pluto continues to make a slightly tricky aspect to the MC in the summer, Jupiter continues to dominate, stationing with a conjunction with Venus and sextile to Mars, and although that is coupled with a square to the Peso’s progressed Sun, it also has the impact of the Uranus transit to support it.
By September, Saturn moves from its opposition to the Mexican country Saturn to oppose Jupiter, embedding the changes into the economy. By October Saturn is sextile the Mexico Neptune and square Mars, which does suggest a lack of progress at that time but given the magnitude of the recent changes that is probably a good thing.
In November there are more unexpected challenges for the government, perhaps related to corruption (as it is square to Neptune). But the year end of the themes of October with Saturn still sextile Neptune but also conjoining both the progressed and natal Moons of the country. The people may finally be seeing signs of long term stability by the end of the year.
In any case, by October, Pluto has reached a trine with the Peso progressed Ascendant too and that suggests a stable value for the Peso versus other currencies. Indeed December 2012 sees Uranus sextile Pluto and trine Saturn yet again, for an overall positive end to the year for the Mexican Peso which seems to mirror the political picture described above.
Chart Sources
Mexico: 28 Sept 1821 Mexico City. 18.00 local time. N Campion Book of World horoscopes.
There seem to be a number of dates for Mexican independence, and the most popular is 27th September. However this time is stated by Campion as being the one used by Mexican astrologers and reports suggest that the actual change of government occurred then. The only time I could find was 8pm (MEXICO A Land or Volcanoes FROM CORTES TO ALEMAN By Joseph H. Z. Scnlarman THE BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY) but suspect this is a misuse of the 24hr clock and that the 18.00 time is more accurate.
Founding of Mexican Mint :11 May 1535. Noon local time Madrid, relocated to Mexico city. From casa de moneda de Mexico . http://www.cmm.gob.mx/ and other web and wikipedia enties
In March Jupiter crosses the Ascendant, which, given the above transits, could mean the beginning of a new regime. Saturn conjoining the progressed Moon again, this time opposing the Mexico progressed Sun tends to confirm this. April, has a different emphasis with Jupiter conjoining the progressed Sun but opposing the Moon (and picking up the progressed chart angles), the leadership look stronger then. Yet Pluto still continues for some months to transit the Mexico MC/Uranus, so the situation will not yet be stable. Interestingly this period also corresponds with the beginning of a Neptune sextile Neptune aspect; potentially pleasant but lacking direction.
In the Peso chart Neptune opposing Saturn and squaring the Sun in March is, overwhelmingly negative, but Uranus sextile the Sun at the same time looks encouraging. April is again mixed with Neptune making a quincunx to Uranus but Uranus trining the same point. Furthermore Jupiter conjoins progressed Jupiter and the natal Mars in the same month, suggesting much trade in the Peso again. However it must be short lived as Saturn opposes progressed Jupiter in May. It really does not look as if people have a handle on where this currency is going trend wise and are just trading the moment for the whole period. That would back up the sense that politically things are rather fluid during this year.
In May there is some sense of action in the Mexico chart, as Jupiter trines progressed Mars and then begins its every 12th year transit to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction ( the last one was in early 2000). This is a brief transit, however, and by June Jupiter trines Neptune and with reinforce the ongoing Neptune/Neptune sextile. Maybe this represents too much complacency as Saturn stations close to the Descendant and the progressed Moon crosses the progressed Ascendant – the focus again is on difficult relationships.
For the Peso, June through August sees another mixed bag, including a nasty quincunx from Pluto to the Midheaven, suggesting debt problems, but coupled with an upbeat Uranus transit to Neptune and trine Saturn which makes everything seem fine. Pluto’s subsequent trine to the progressed Venus/Ascendant configuration even suggests some value in the Peso over this period – backing up that complacency that is felt politically and economically.
July and August seem to bring out the best from the recent changes. Although Pluto crosses the Mexico MC again, Jupiter is trine it and makes favourable aspects to progressed Jupiter and Uranus too, and later to Venus. All this suggests potentially positive economic effects and with Jupiter stationing they could continue until early 2012. However we must not overlook the continued hard aspects of Saturn, by October making a conjunction with the progressed Mexico Ascendant, and in November opposing its natal position.
It seems like there are two very strong but conflicting themes here, internal changes leading to optimism and possibly economic strength within the country and continuing difficult with relations outside the country. The pattern is one of the people vacillating between the positive and the negative.
In the Peso chart, August to October is dominated by an opposition from Neptune to Saturn, and square to the Peso Sun. In an economy this means recession, in a currency it can just mean printing money. However an opposition aspect from Saturn to Mars in September, when accompanying this probably suggests immediate weakness rather than just growth of supply. Nevertheless Pluto continues to square the Peso Neptune and Uranus to conjoin it, that is likely to represent a large unexpected change in the currency whatever else happens, before the end of the year. It really does not look too bad though as December is also characterised by a sextile from Jupiter to the progressed Moon. The Peso chart, like that of the country, seems to embody a dichotomy during the period.
Unsurprisingly then 2011 ends with Uranus squaring Neptune and trine Mars in the Mexico country chart, suggesting the need to adapt to another set of external circumstances.
Even less surprisingly, given the external challenges, Pluto continues to transit the Mexico MC and Uranus in January. Nevertheless the impact of the continuing Jupiter transits across the whole MC configuration and the Neptune sextile, seem to suggest that, until March at least, the changes are not too painful.
For the Peso, 2012 begins with the Neptune opposition to Saturn ongoing, but being replaced with a less forceful quincunx to Uranus. Jupiter is being decidedly bountiful to the peso too– sextile Jupiter and trine progressed Venus, and squaring the Pluto Saturn opposition in the chart, which in this case suggests positive transformation.
By March though the dominant aspect in the Mexico chart seems to be the Saturn opposition, which is reinforced by the progressed Moon. The aspect continues in play until September. Furthermore Uranus is now opposing the Mexico Sun and square progressed Neptune/MC. So just when it looked like everything would settle down there may be more changes in leadership. The mundane Pluto/Uranus square is pretty much across both the Mexican angles (MC and Ascendant) by this stage. It should not surprise that a country formed under such major mundane configurations should be so susceptible to major economic world events, nevertheless it does look as if the changes are going to be deep and long lasting. However there are only small signs of the inertia and stagnancy that some other countries show significantly over this period- whatever the outcome Mexico moves forward.
March is however still relatively benign for the Peso, with only Uranus transit to Neptune to worry about and a stabilising Saturn sextile to Saturn to settle things down. April is even more interesting. The progressed Moon transits Jupiter on the mid point of Neptune and Pluto and opposing Progressed Venus/Ascendant This looks to be a very positive point for the currency. That does not mean major appreciation though, merely that it will be seen to have strength. The aspect is follows by a trine from Jupiter to the progressed Sun and another transit of Neptune by Uranus this time sextile Pluto and trine Saturn- all suggesting overall strength. Maybe political changes are viewed well by the outside world and this reinforces the currency value.
In any case, May and June are characterised by sextiles from Jupiter and Uranus to the Peso Midheaven, and from Jupiter to the Sun and Ascendant, and then to Mercury and Neptune, yet more signs of a good image for the currency and a sense that things are settling down.
Yet throughout the summer the impact of the Pluto transit to the Mexico progressed Uranus continues to be felt- it is all change in industry and government still. However in the Peso chart, although Pluto continues to make a slightly tricky aspect to the MC in the summer, Jupiter continues to dominate, stationing with a conjunction with Venus and sextile to Mars, and although that is coupled with a square to the Peso’s progressed Sun, it also has the impact of the Uranus transit to support it.
By September, Saturn moves from its opposition to the Mexican country Saturn to oppose Jupiter, embedding the changes into the economy. By October Saturn is sextile the Mexico Neptune and square Mars, which does suggest a lack of progress at that time but given the magnitude of the recent changes that is probably a good thing.
In November there are more unexpected challenges for the government, perhaps related to corruption (as it is square to Neptune). But the year end of the themes of October with Saturn still sextile Neptune but also conjoining both the progressed and natal Moons of the country. The people may finally be seeing signs of long term stability by the end of the year.
In any case, by October, Pluto has reached a trine with the Peso progressed Ascendant too and that suggests a stable value for the Peso versus other currencies. Indeed December 2012 sees Uranus sextile Pluto and trine Saturn yet again, for an overall positive end to the year for the Mexican Peso which seems to mirror the political picture described above.
Chart Sources
Mexico: 28 Sept 1821 Mexico City. 18.00 local time. N Campion Book of World horoscopes.
There seem to be a number of dates for Mexican independence, and the most popular is 27th September. However this time is stated by Campion as being the one used by Mexican astrologers and reports suggest that the actual change of government occurred then. The only time I could find was 8pm (MEXICO A Land or Volcanoes FROM CORTES TO ALEMAN By Joseph H. Z. Scnlarman THE BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY) but suspect this is a misuse of the 24hr clock and that the 18.00 time is more accurate.
Founding of Mexican Mint :11 May 1535. Noon local time Madrid, relocated to Mexico city. From casa de moneda de Mexico . http://www.cmm.gob.mx/ and other web and wikipedia enties
Arguably the chart for the Mexican Peso could be traced to Spanish Ordinance of Medina del Campo of 1497 as the Peso can trace a direct line from this. The Peso is certainly sensitive to this chart, and indeed there are a number of similarities between that and the one I use. However I have chosen to use the decree for the founding of the Mexican Mint as being specifically Mexican.
The problem with the earlier Peso charts is a lack of times. I have assumed a Spanish time of midday and relocated this to Mexico, which merely serves to switch the Sun from the MC to the Asc. We'll have to see if it works
The problem with the earlier Peso charts is a lack of times. I have assumed a Spanish time of midday and relocated this to Mexico, which merely serves to switch the Sun from the MC to the Asc. We'll have to see if it works