Canada seems to be unique from an art sense in that it has has a number of talented artists prepared to paint their home ground. This is a Lawren Stewart Harris’ painting Northern Island II. Unmistakeably Canadian in inspiration, yet original in interpretation.
But, despite my apparent enthusiam I won’t be moving there, as it is too damn cold. Like Iceland Canada has Neptune ascending – though in this case Saturn is quincunx rather than square the point: not quite as frozen then….Other notable configurations in the Canadian chart include a Saturn Pluto opposition, and a Uranus/Sun conjunction trine Jupiter and sextile Mars. The latter is a true pioneering configuration
Looking back to last year we would expect to see some of the same patterns as Australia, but not all. Australia has experienced a larger house price boom over recent years than Canada, and is perhaps even more dependent on hard rather than soft commodities.
The 1st August eclipse was trine the progressed Mars but because the Canadian Sun is at 8 degrees Cancer, the degree point was activated but no hard aspect was made as the eclipse tool place at 9 Leo. The 16th August eclipse was widely square the Sun Saturn progressed conjunction and MC. Indeed the separating Saturn Sun conjunction (square progressed Jupiter) itself is probably more significant than the eclipse, representing the end to some internal imbalances caused by the commodities boom in some territories. Canada also has an ongoing Saturn transit to the progressed Moon which starts in 2008 and continues until around 2020.
So while it cannot be said that Canada was unaffected by the events in the financial system in 2008, the impact was less dramatic in the short term.
Indeed the Uranus/Saturn opposition of November was sextile the nation’s Saturn, an indication of relative stability in an unstable environment.
The eclipses of February don’t have much to add to those of last summer. February also experienced the beginning of an ongoing Pluto trine to the progressed Ascendant potentially signifying long term changes and strength and lasting throughout the first half of 2009.
March is characterised by a sextile from Jupiter to progressed Venus and to Neptune, this probably relates to the increase in liquidity in the system; it is difficult to see how Canada would not be affected by the US stimulus. Saturn sextile Saturn again keeps things sensibly and responsibility in check though. April sees Saturn trine Pluto, the second planet in the natal configuration, continuing the repetition of the themes of the latter part of 2008.
Then of course comes May through to July, as Jupiter Neptune and Chiron combine at 26 degrees Aquarius. This does affect the Canadian chart. The hints of problems that might have been brushed aside in September October 2008, after the eclipse was widely square the progressed Sun Saturn conjunction, are much more likely to come to the fore now as the Neptune configuration is exactly square this point. However at the same time it trines the Moon, Uranus in Pisces also makes contradictory aspects: trining the Sun/Saturn and squaring the Moon.
As we are expecting this configuration to play out at a currency level, we can expect the impact to be mixed in Canada.
We should also be aware that it is the beginning of a trend that will not disappear until late 2012. Neptune will move in tandem with the progressed Sun for 4 years and lead to a sense of inertia as events will not indicate the best direction to take for some time. It may well be severely recessionary, particularly from time to time as it is further activated by Saturn. This will, as we shall see, have a downside, when there are development opportunities to be grasped.
While there is little new information from June to August, the Saturn Uranus mundane opposition repeats in September, by now widely sextile the country’s progressed Saturn. Again the country is saved from the worst of the instability, but is not untouched. In October Saturn sextiles the progressed Sun/Saturn conjunction and trines the progressed MC, but square the Moon. Probably not a nice time for the people as a whole but not a bad time for the government, and Canada’s reputation as a relatively safe country.
The Neptune conjunction repeats in late 2009/early 2010, but the exact conjunction is further away from the critical degrees in Canada’s chart and it can remain a little more detached than in May.
In January we see Pluto repeating its trine to the progressed Ascendant, repeating the pattern of gradual change, but Jupiter completes its square to progressed Saturn and Sun this time and then trines progressed Jupiter and the Moon. This suggests advancement from the picture in 2009 to a new situation. The country should beware of over-complacency at this time though as Neptune still lurks in the background and Pluto is moving forward to make some very dramatic and (if Pluto gets its way) not wholly pleasant conjunctions in the coming two years.
In February Neptune repeats its square to the progressed Sun, and Uranus opposes the progressed Moon. Uranus in opposition to the Moon tends to represent some sort of protest by people – in this case short lived. Possibly currency issues or confusion and deception by government might stimulate such action.
By March Jupiter conjoins the country’s natal Jupiter and squares the progressed Mars and Venus and trines the country’s original Uranus/Sun conjunction. It must be remembered though that, whilst this is a highly positive and exuberant aspect , Jupiter only takes 12 years to complete a cycle and makes positive aspects every couple of years; it is a time to seize that pioneering spirit a little more than average, but by itself not a major trend signifier.
In April the progressed Moon is sextile progressed Saturn, which only continues the stability indicated by Saturn in the previous months. Jupiter square Venus carries the positive mood of March through for another month or so. Pluto now reaches a trine with Mars (remember that natal Mars makes aspects to the Sun and Uranus as well as Jupiter, so this is the beginning of a much more interesting phase), possibly leading to a discovery of new invention or new reserves of something. Uranus trines Saturn and the progressed MC, also indicating positive surprises. Neptune is once again conjoining Jupiter and trine the Moon: there is still a lot of liquidity in the system, which is not really helping concrete decision making, it is easing some otherwise difficult situations.
By May Uranus again reaches a sextile with the progressed Sun and is square the Moon; once more a mixed bag where the government are favoured but the people are not. The progressed Moon sextiles the progressed Sun over this and the next months drawing out the issues for a longer period.
Of course this is only a run up to the cardinal cross of summer 2010. By June, Uranus and Jupiter trine progressed Mercury, another good sign for technical advances. Athough Jupiter makes a tricky quincunx to the progressed Ascendant in July, this is probably only again the impact of news about events elsewhere upsetting things a little.
The actual cross in August sees the progressed Moon most impacted. Uranus and Jupiter oppose the progressed Moon , and Pluto squares it. And we already know that we are encountering a long cycle of Saturn conjoining the progressed Moon. My interpretation of this is that Canadians will not be able to remain detached from events elsewhere at this time and will be caught up in economic and political events that create some radical changes in the country. The other planet affected, is progressed Mercury but much more favourably, so in terms of trade, information and communication the indicators are all positive for the country.
Whether as a result of events of July/August, or as a response to the broader trends of the preceding year, September sees Neptune square the country’s progressed Saturn. There is, thus, a repetition of some matters that were the focus in 2006, when Neptune was square the natal Saturn; house price issues and other recessionary matters have resurfaced. These themes continue for the remainder of the year.
In October the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is retrograde and again trines the progressed Sun/Saturn. This extremely positive force for invention and change would, to some extent, offset any negativity created by the Neptune square. However, at the same time, Saturn will square the country’s Uranus/Sun conjunction. Here we see challenges. Jupiter and Uranus are encouraging dramatic and groundbreaking change in industry, but the natural Canadian pioneering spirit is being held too much in check by regulation and by a need to conform to broader expectations of a developed nation.
Not surprising then, that by November we get Neptune square Saturn accompanied by Saturn opposing Neptune: one of those double whammy’s that can indicate severe recession, and here is likely to reflect inertia as the impetus for change is crushed by less visionary forces as well as possibly currency restrictions.
December sees more of the same, a real conflict between change and restriction leading to nothing more than hording cash and not investing in the future.
One of the broader themes in the Canadian chart at this time is the progression of the Ascendant to a conjunction with the country’s Mars. Canada has a real chance to become a leader in change in the world at this time.
The Jupiter/Uranus change impetus continues into the early part of 2011. However Saturn now reaches a conjunction with the natal Descendant. Relations with partners such as the US are under duress, perhaps some channels are shut altogether (maybe US protectionism in play?). But Canada has unusual strength at this time: Pluto is not only in trine to the progressed Ascendant but also now to Mars as well. That is some power.
February sees Jupiter square the Uranus/Sun conjunction and this is probably stronger than any of the restrictive Saturn forces at play – invention/creation and change will come to the fore- perhaps with an impetus for change of leadership or at least new policies ( Uranus is still trine the progressed Sun). In March the progressed Moon reinforces this. Jupiter also is trine the Canadian progressed Mars by the end of the month, further ratcheting up the energy levels.
Neptune is now conjoining progressed Jupiter, more signs of inflationary liquidity, and still squaring the progressed Saturn/Sun conjunction (now joined by progressed Mercury). There is still a real problem with the issue of credit and asset values part of an ongoing recessionary background. But this almost seems like a distraction from what else seems to be happening.
Jupiter crosses the Canadian Ascendant in April representing a key turning point. Saturn stationed opposite Neptune trine Venus and sextile progressed Venus is still creating restrictions on investment preventing the development of new ideas, but accompanied by a sense of being in a comfort zone that is rather attractive at least in the short term.
By June there is a slight weaking in the inertia effects of Neptune ( though this is short lived still), and Uranus trines Mercury and Saturn sextiles the progressed Mars. Together a chance to harness plans for change. The repeated impetus of the Pluto trine is by June/July emphasised by Jupiter completing a grand trine from its position in Taurus. Whilst I can’t for one minute think that Canada will be at war, it is instructive to explain that no-one would really want to take on a country with this combination of strengths. It is an extremely powerful combination and can only be good for the country in question. In this case one assumes that it is economically positive.
Jupiter’s sextile to the Sun/Uranus conjunction in August is almost a postscript in comparison, nevertheless it is equally positive.
However we still haven’t got rid of the nuisance that is Neptune. In August it repeats its conjunction with Jupiter and corresponding square to the progressed Sun. Still lacking in any concrete substance, and with Saturn opposes Neptune again, keeping everyone in a state of inertia at best.
Finally in September/October, Saturn returns to the Descendant and in October it is joined there by the progressed Moon. While this does reinforce the restrictions created by partners, there is something to be said for it : now we can move forward with some degree of certainty.
Jupiter repeating its trine to Mars and the progressed Ascendant in November will probably see the country doing just that.
Of course we can’t escape so easily from the tentacles of Neptune’s mists. And it is still hanging around its square to the progressed Mercury/Sun/Saturn conjunction at the end of the year. Canada isn’t out of the woods yet, there are still some bears to be contended with.
Indeed Neptune continues to cast its fog over the direction and leadership of the country all year, as it is never far from being in square to the progressed Sun.
Yet we can expect some shifts in 2012. Saturn has finally moved on from its opposition to the Canadian Neptune, even if Neptune hasn’t completely left the country’s progressed Saturn. So at least we don’t have a double whammy any more.
Saturn is actually trine the progressed Jupiter at this time, it is also trine the Moon, suggesting again that certainty that we mentioned occurring in October. Not ground breaking but at least constructive.
However February brings further shifts that aren’t so positive. Pluto is moving on from its trine to Mars and is now on the country’s MC and opposing the Sun/Uranus conjunction. That is really quite an extraordinary configuration. I would expect a change of government and even a change of constitution of the country with that sort of planetary force at play. Either that or world domination. In March, Jupiter sextiles the Uranus Sun conjunction ramping up the force for change.
April sees more tricky conditions with Uranus quincunx the progressed Ascendant/Mars configuration, which will lead to disruptions. Coupled with Jupiter transiting Pluto at the same time there may be some power struggles. In June, Jupiter activates the T-square between the progressed Sun, Jupiter and Mars, suggesting that things are not quite so quickly resolved and that there are ongoing disputes.
By August Uranus is square the Sun/Uranus conjunction and MC. Remember that Pluto is already aspecting these points. Canada’s key configuration, like so many in the world, picks up the global Pluto Uranus square.
In September Jupiter conjoins Venus and opposes progressed Venus. This is a financially positive influence and given the significance of the other aspects in play probably will merely make the situation a little more palatable.
Saturn, still obviously in aspect to the progressed Moon, makes a trine with the Canadian progressed Jupiter in the last few months, which might continue some of the positive influence and allow changes to be integrated.
The year ends with the mundane trine between Pluto and Saturn picking up the Uranus Sun conjunction again. Since Canada was founded on a Pluto Saturn opposition, it is able to use this combination well, and it should be good for its commodities industries as well as for other business transformation.
We are also finally seeing the end of the Neptune aspects but have to wait to see whether this allows the country to move forward or whether it will become bogged down by other factors in 2013.
Chart Sources
1 July 1867, Ottawa, 0.00am Source N Campion, Book of world horoscopes
I do have a query over the time for this chart. But it is not the same query that other astrologers have. Legally the decree for the creation was determined in London and the date specified in London. No time appears to have been specified in the document. Surely from a UK legal point of view then the change occurred at midnight London time? But midnight London time is 5 hours ahead of Ottawa. Canada’s view seems to be that midnight Ottawa time was the time of the change. As Canadian astrologers seem to be happy with their local time, I have gone with that, but a doubt remains.
This chart really only represents the combining of a few states of Canada. There is an argument for using the chart for the final and current version of the confederation. But on that basis we could be choosing a chart for the US when Hawaii joined. Creation of the sense of a national identity may in some instances be as key as the delineation of the borders- the fact that later on others wish to join up to such an identity does not alter the moment of its creation.
As in Australia, the decree creating the Canadian nation also authorises power over the currency. Again I have taken the chart to be representative of both.
But, despite my apparent enthusiam I won’t be moving there, as it is too damn cold. Like Iceland Canada has Neptune ascending – though in this case Saturn is quincunx rather than square the point: not quite as frozen then….Other notable configurations in the Canadian chart include a Saturn Pluto opposition, and a Uranus/Sun conjunction trine Jupiter and sextile Mars. The latter is a true pioneering configuration
Looking back to last year we would expect to see some of the same patterns as Australia, but not all. Australia has experienced a larger house price boom over recent years than Canada, and is perhaps even more dependent on hard rather than soft commodities.
The 1st August eclipse was trine the progressed Mars but because the Canadian Sun is at 8 degrees Cancer, the degree point was activated but no hard aspect was made as the eclipse tool place at 9 Leo. The 16th August eclipse was widely square the Sun Saturn progressed conjunction and MC. Indeed the separating Saturn Sun conjunction (square progressed Jupiter) itself is probably more significant than the eclipse, representing the end to some internal imbalances caused by the commodities boom in some territories. Canada also has an ongoing Saturn transit to the progressed Moon which starts in 2008 and continues until around 2020.
So while it cannot be said that Canada was unaffected by the events in the financial system in 2008, the impact was less dramatic in the short term.
Indeed the Uranus/Saturn opposition of November was sextile the nation’s Saturn, an indication of relative stability in an unstable environment.
The eclipses of February don’t have much to add to those of last summer. February also experienced the beginning of an ongoing Pluto trine to the progressed Ascendant potentially signifying long term changes and strength and lasting throughout the first half of 2009.
March is characterised by a sextile from Jupiter to progressed Venus and to Neptune, this probably relates to the increase in liquidity in the system; it is difficult to see how Canada would not be affected by the US stimulus. Saturn sextile Saturn again keeps things sensibly and responsibility in check though. April sees Saturn trine Pluto, the second planet in the natal configuration, continuing the repetition of the themes of the latter part of 2008.
Then of course comes May through to July, as Jupiter Neptune and Chiron combine at 26 degrees Aquarius. This does affect the Canadian chart. The hints of problems that might have been brushed aside in September October 2008, after the eclipse was widely square the progressed Sun Saturn conjunction, are much more likely to come to the fore now as the Neptune configuration is exactly square this point. However at the same time it trines the Moon, Uranus in Pisces also makes contradictory aspects: trining the Sun/Saturn and squaring the Moon.
As we are expecting this configuration to play out at a currency level, we can expect the impact to be mixed in Canada.
We should also be aware that it is the beginning of a trend that will not disappear until late 2012. Neptune will move in tandem with the progressed Sun for 4 years and lead to a sense of inertia as events will not indicate the best direction to take for some time. It may well be severely recessionary, particularly from time to time as it is further activated by Saturn. This will, as we shall see, have a downside, when there are development opportunities to be grasped.
While there is little new information from June to August, the Saturn Uranus mundane opposition repeats in September, by now widely sextile the country’s progressed Saturn. Again the country is saved from the worst of the instability, but is not untouched. In October Saturn sextiles the progressed Sun/Saturn conjunction and trines the progressed MC, but square the Moon. Probably not a nice time for the people as a whole but not a bad time for the government, and Canada’s reputation as a relatively safe country.
The Neptune conjunction repeats in late 2009/early 2010, but the exact conjunction is further away from the critical degrees in Canada’s chart and it can remain a little more detached than in May.
In January we see Pluto repeating its trine to the progressed Ascendant, repeating the pattern of gradual change, but Jupiter completes its square to progressed Saturn and Sun this time and then trines progressed Jupiter and the Moon. This suggests advancement from the picture in 2009 to a new situation. The country should beware of over-complacency at this time though as Neptune still lurks in the background and Pluto is moving forward to make some very dramatic and (if Pluto gets its way) not wholly pleasant conjunctions in the coming two years.
In February Neptune repeats its square to the progressed Sun, and Uranus opposes the progressed Moon. Uranus in opposition to the Moon tends to represent some sort of protest by people – in this case short lived. Possibly currency issues or confusion and deception by government might stimulate such action.
By March Jupiter conjoins the country’s natal Jupiter and squares the progressed Mars and Venus and trines the country’s original Uranus/Sun conjunction. It must be remembered though that, whilst this is a highly positive and exuberant aspect , Jupiter only takes 12 years to complete a cycle and makes positive aspects every couple of years; it is a time to seize that pioneering spirit a little more than average, but by itself not a major trend signifier.
In April the progressed Moon is sextile progressed Saturn, which only continues the stability indicated by Saturn in the previous months. Jupiter square Venus carries the positive mood of March through for another month or so. Pluto now reaches a trine with Mars (remember that natal Mars makes aspects to the Sun and Uranus as well as Jupiter, so this is the beginning of a much more interesting phase), possibly leading to a discovery of new invention or new reserves of something. Uranus trines Saturn and the progressed MC, also indicating positive surprises. Neptune is once again conjoining Jupiter and trine the Moon: there is still a lot of liquidity in the system, which is not really helping concrete decision making, it is easing some otherwise difficult situations.
By May Uranus again reaches a sextile with the progressed Sun and is square the Moon; once more a mixed bag where the government are favoured but the people are not. The progressed Moon sextiles the progressed Sun over this and the next months drawing out the issues for a longer period.
Of course this is only a run up to the cardinal cross of summer 2010. By June, Uranus and Jupiter trine progressed Mercury, another good sign for technical advances. Athough Jupiter makes a tricky quincunx to the progressed Ascendant in July, this is probably only again the impact of news about events elsewhere upsetting things a little.
The actual cross in August sees the progressed Moon most impacted. Uranus and Jupiter oppose the progressed Moon , and Pluto squares it. And we already know that we are encountering a long cycle of Saturn conjoining the progressed Moon. My interpretation of this is that Canadians will not be able to remain detached from events elsewhere at this time and will be caught up in economic and political events that create some radical changes in the country. The other planet affected, is progressed Mercury but much more favourably, so in terms of trade, information and communication the indicators are all positive for the country.
Whether as a result of events of July/August, or as a response to the broader trends of the preceding year, September sees Neptune square the country’s progressed Saturn. There is, thus, a repetition of some matters that were the focus in 2006, when Neptune was square the natal Saturn; house price issues and other recessionary matters have resurfaced. These themes continue for the remainder of the year.
In October the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is retrograde and again trines the progressed Sun/Saturn. This extremely positive force for invention and change would, to some extent, offset any negativity created by the Neptune square. However, at the same time, Saturn will square the country’s Uranus/Sun conjunction. Here we see challenges. Jupiter and Uranus are encouraging dramatic and groundbreaking change in industry, but the natural Canadian pioneering spirit is being held too much in check by regulation and by a need to conform to broader expectations of a developed nation.
Not surprising then, that by November we get Neptune square Saturn accompanied by Saturn opposing Neptune: one of those double whammy’s that can indicate severe recession, and here is likely to reflect inertia as the impetus for change is crushed by less visionary forces as well as possibly currency restrictions.
December sees more of the same, a real conflict between change and restriction leading to nothing more than hording cash and not investing in the future.
One of the broader themes in the Canadian chart at this time is the progression of the Ascendant to a conjunction with the country’s Mars. Canada has a real chance to become a leader in change in the world at this time.
The Jupiter/Uranus change impetus continues into the early part of 2011. However Saturn now reaches a conjunction with the natal Descendant. Relations with partners such as the US are under duress, perhaps some channels are shut altogether (maybe US protectionism in play?). But Canada has unusual strength at this time: Pluto is not only in trine to the progressed Ascendant but also now to Mars as well. That is some power.
February sees Jupiter square the Uranus/Sun conjunction and this is probably stronger than any of the restrictive Saturn forces at play – invention/creation and change will come to the fore- perhaps with an impetus for change of leadership or at least new policies ( Uranus is still trine the progressed Sun). In March the progressed Moon reinforces this. Jupiter also is trine the Canadian progressed Mars by the end of the month, further ratcheting up the energy levels.
Neptune is now conjoining progressed Jupiter, more signs of inflationary liquidity, and still squaring the progressed Saturn/Sun conjunction (now joined by progressed Mercury). There is still a real problem with the issue of credit and asset values part of an ongoing recessionary background. But this almost seems like a distraction from what else seems to be happening.
Jupiter crosses the Canadian Ascendant in April representing a key turning point. Saturn stationed opposite Neptune trine Venus and sextile progressed Venus is still creating restrictions on investment preventing the development of new ideas, but accompanied by a sense of being in a comfort zone that is rather attractive at least in the short term.
By June there is a slight weaking in the inertia effects of Neptune ( though this is short lived still), and Uranus trines Mercury and Saturn sextiles the progressed Mars. Together a chance to harness plans for change. The repeated impetus of the Pluto trine is by June/July emphasised by Jupiter completing a grand trine from its position in Taurus. Whilst I can’t for one minute think that Canada will be at war, it is instructive to explain that no-one would really want to take on a country with this combination of strengths. It is an extremely powerful combination and can only be good for the country in question. In this case one assumes that it is economically positive.
Jupiter’s sextile to the Sun/Uranus conjunction in August is almost a postscript in comparison, nevertheless it is equally positive.
However we still haven’t got rid of the nuisance that is Neptune. In August it repeats its conjunction with Jupiter and corresponding square to the progressed Sun. Still lacking in any concrete substance, and with Saturn opposes Neptune again, keeping everyone in a state of inertia at best.
Finally in September/October, Saturn returns to the Descendant and in October it is joined there by the progressed Moon. While this does reinforce the restrictions created by partners, there is something to be said for it : now we can move forward with some degree of certainty.
Jupiter repeating its trine to Mars and the progressed Ascendant in November will probably see the country doing just that.
Of course we can’t escape so easily from the tentacles of Neptune’s mists. And it is still hanging around its square to the progressed Mercury/Sun/Saturn conjunction at the end of the year. Canada isn’t out of the woods yet, there are still some bears to be contended with.
Indeed Neptune continues to cast its fog over the direction and leadership of the country all year, as it is never far from being in square to the progressed Sun.
Yet we can expect some shifts in 2012. Saturn has finally moved on from its opposition to the Canadian Neptune, even if Neptune hasn’t completely left the country’s progressed Saturn. So at least we don’t have a double whammy any more.
Saturn is actually trine the progressed Jupiter at this time, it is also trine the Moon, suggesting again that certainty that we mentioned occurring in October. Not ground breaking but at least constructive.
However February brings further shifts that aren’t so positive. Pluto is moving on from its trine to Mars and is now on the country’s MC and opposing the Sun/Uranus conjunction. That is really quite an extraordinary configuration. I would expect a change of government and even a change of constitution of the country with that sort of planetary force at play. Either that or world domination. In March, Jupiter sextiles the Uranus Sun conjunction ramping up the force for change.
April sees more tricky conditions with Uranus quincunx the progressed Ascendant/Mars configuration, which will lead to disruptions. Coupled with Jupiter transiting Pluto at the same time there may be some power struggles. In June, Jupiter activates the T-square between the progressed Sun, Jupiter and Mars, suggesting that things are not quite so quickly resolved and that there are ongoing disputes.
By August Uranus is square the Sun/Uranus conjunction and MC. Remember that Pluto is already aspecting these points. Canada’s key configuration, like so many in the world, picks up the global Pluto Uranus square.
In September Jupiter conjoins Venus and opposes progressed Venus. This is a financially positive influence and given the significance of the other aspects in play probably will merely make the situation a little more palatable.
Saturn, still obviously in aspect to the progressed Moon, makes a trine with the Canadian progressed Jupiter in the last few months, which might continue some of the positive influence and allow changes to be integrated.
The year ends with the mundane trine between Pluto and Saturn picking up the Uranus Sun conjunction again. Since Canada was founded on a Pluto Saturn opposition, it is able to use this combination well, and it should be good for its commodities industries as well as for other business transformation.
We are also finally seeing the end of the Neptune aspects but have to wait to see whether this allows the country to move forward or whether it will become bogged down by other factors in 2013.
Chart Sources
1 July 1867, Ottawa, 0.00am Source N Campion, Book of world horoscopes
I do have a query over the time for this chart. But it is not the same query that other astrologers have. Legally the decree for the creation was determined in London and the date specified in London. No time appears to have been specified in the document. Surely from a UK legal point of view then the change occurred at midnight London time? But midnight London time is 5 hours ahead of Ottawa. Canada’s view seems to be that midnight Ottawa time was the time of the change. As Canadian astrologers seem to be happy with their local time, I have gone with that, but a doubt remains.
This chart really only represents the combining of a few states of Canada. There is an argument for using the chart for the final and current version of the confederation. But on that basis we could be choosing a chart for the US when Hawaii joined. Creation of the sense of a national identity may in some instances be as key as the delineation of the borders- the fact that later on others wish to join up to such an identity does not alter the moment of its creation.
As in Australia, the decree creating the Canadian nation also authorises power over the currency. Again I have taken the chart to be representative of both.