The chosen art for my Australian posting is architectural, and needs no introduction, so we’ll go straight to the analysis.
The chart for Australia is characterised by three configurations: a Jupiter, Mercury conjunction opposite Neptune, a Uranus conjunction with Venus opposite Pluto and a Sun conjunct Saturn, Moon, Mars grand trine.
Looking back over 2008, we see that the summer eclipses picked up parts of these major configurations. The August 1 St eclipse was opposite the progressed Ascendant sextile Venus and quincunx Saturn/Sun. The 16th August eclipse conjoined progressed Mars and trined Jupiter and progressed Venus. The former probably represents the shift in commodity prices for the second half of the year and the latter the impact on the Australian dollar.
The Uranus Saturn opposition of November was square the Australian Pluto Uranus opposition further focusing on the commodities issue.
Similar themes continue throughout the next 4 years. The overall trends are not as bad as some countries we have looked at but nor are they are positive as some.
The January 2009 eclipses reflected that of August but with the added stimulus of progressed Moon conjoining progressed Venus.
The country however was closely in focus following the bush fires as a major conjunction involving the sun/Mars and Jupiter occurred on the progressed Ascendant.
Neptune is now opposing progressed Mars which suggests trade weakness at the best of times.
April sees Saturn activate the Uranus/Pluto opposition again, although the trine to progressed Saturn should afford some protection. It also sees Jupiter reactivate the Neptune opposition to progressed Mars, something further complicated by Uranus in quincunx.
May through to July sees the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction picks up the Jupiter/Neptune Mercury configuration – unsurprisingly, given what we have seen elsewhere, it is likely to have impact on the currency. Uranus in square to those planets suggests shocks (external?), though the trine from Neptune suggests that monetary inflation absorbs the brunt of events.
By July, Saturn is making its final square to Pluto and Uranus and it may be possible that some of the commodity price falls of the last year are slightly mitigated and Australia is able to benefit a little from this in the medium term.
From August to October, Saturn squares the chart’s Neptune and Jupiter– and quincunxes the progressed Sun Venus conjunction. The upshot of that is much less monetary freedom and likely currency falls and recessionary conditions.
Little more happens until near the end of 2009/early 2010, although the progressed Moon in trine to Saturn moderates matters in the last months.
December 2009 and January 2010 are characterised by a return to the Jupiter/Neptune opposition to progressed Mars and more currency growth. Jupiter though then trines the progressed Sun and MC and sextiles Jupiter. This looks overwhelmingly positive for the economy and its leadership.
In February, Neptune sextiles the progressed Venus and Jupiter while Uranus creates a square to Jupiter. There is likely to be a slightly misplaced sense of economic comfort around this time – perhaps post Australian holidays everyone is just in a good mood? A minor progressed Moon aspect to the Moon in March is also basically positive.
By April Neptune is trine Neptune and this continues the excess currency inflation. The theme continues for a few months and is likely to be accompanied by some shocks, as indicated by the squares of Uranus to Uranus and Mercury and the repeated Saturn square Neptune recessionary indicator. Clearly, together this indicates a lot of uncertainly and little long term planning evolution in the economy.
However it is worth noting that although there may be a sense of being buffeted slightly, or a sense of inertia arising from not knowing how to respond to events elsewhere, the country appears to completely miss out of the excitement of July August 2010 and the peak of the cardinal cross. This can surely only be a good thing.
The country has no planets at or near zero degrees of the cardinal signs and other than a continuation of the themes of May to July, which run right through to Neptune trine Neptune in September, there is unlikely to be any radical action in August.
It is worth noting that using an alternative chart for Australia gives more or less the same result: well the country is far away and perhaps sheltered a little from events even in a global economy.
However, as we will see in 2011, the seeds are being sown at this time that will lead to the need for radical restructuring later.
In October and November the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction does square Jupiter and Neptune and this is likely to be the biggest challenge that the Australian dollar sees in terms of valuation changes vs. the rest of the world. Of course the downside of revaluations is the impact on the economy and the leadership- with Saturn now square the Sun Saturn conjunction and MC, chances are that there will be a lot of hardship for the country and budgetary challenges for the government.
By December the situation becomes more concrete as Saturn crosses the Ascendant. This suggests even tougher times and currency depreciation.
January 2011 sees Saturn station on the Ascendant and square to the progressed Saturn– so major focus on the difficulties of the country at this time – droughts are, incidentally, also likely.
Saturn is also trine Pluto and sextile Uranus suggesting some stabilisation of commodity activity and the change to plan for rebuilding some sectors that are in the doldrums.
March sees Jupiter square the MC and Sun/Saturn, normally this might indicate some exuberance, but in this case it is more likely to just reactivate the Saturn aspect and broaden its reach. There is a suggestion of some sort of turning point in April when Jupiter crosses the Descendant and also picks up the Uranus/Pluto opposition. Potentially this could be a time when new developments can take off.
Another interesting factor to note is that the Australian progressed Sun moves into Taurus now, after 30 years in Aries. This represents a long term change of emphasis from driven economic development to accumulation and security. There may be less immigration, too, from now on.
May sees Jupiter reach its conjunction with progressed Venus, which is also associated with accumulation and conservation of wealth. It is accompanied though by a Pluto conjunction with Saturn. The tentacles of this conjunction will have been felt for some while – but now it begins to perfect. It is the restructuring aspect par-excellence and there is no getting away from it. Whole industries will have to be re-evaluated, but the country still seems to be somewhat in denial as Jupiter and Venus does not suggest poverty and hardship on a large scale.
The fact is, that everything in the garden could look rosy in the next couple of months as Jupiter conjoins the progressed Sun /Venus conjunction. But this should probably be viewed with a healthy dose of scepticism. Pluto is not a force to go partying with. And anyway Saturn is again squaring the Sun and MC. Not great for government or country. There do seem to be conflicting factors at work here.
The summer is also rather misleading, with Jupiter trine the Saturn/Sun conjunction one would expect stability, and even when accompanied by Saturn square Jupiter we wouldn’t really have too much to worry about. But October sees another critical point where there is a change of direction. Jupiter squares the progressed Ascendant, and restrictive Saturn finally returns to the natal Ascendant, ushering in a time of real change.
By December, Saturn trines the Neptune Jupiter opposition, which probably brings currency stability at least, but not necessarily economy wellbeing. Jupiter briefly stations on the Australian progressed Sun this month which further suggests a positive situation albeit short term.
Unfortunately we still have Pluto creeping up again in the background, bringing the need for deep seated changes as it approaches its conjunction with the country’s Saturn.
Australia’s Saturn opposes progressed Venus by January and stations close to the progressed Sun, so that the first half of the year is characterised by the restriction that accompanies a Saturn opposition. The fact that Pluto is aspecting the country’s natal Saturn at the same time is likely to cause a knock on effect. The comfort and wealth associated with the Sun Venus progression is really now challenged and reassessed.
More seriously by March and April, Pluto reaches the IC and the Sun. This is the first time that Pluto has transited the Australian IC since the country’s legal formation. Issues relating to the whole foundation of the country and its economic sustainability are likely to manifest over the coming year or so.
However at the moment Jupiter in trine to the IC/Sun conjunction is creating a helping hand- there is deep reassessment but it is accompanied with opportunity for growth. The trine of Saturn to Neptune in March and sextile to Jupiter in April further suggest that this may be a period of transition but it is not an unequivocally dark one.
By July Uranus reaches its square to the Australian Saturn, which might lead to sudden changes in government policies, which given the mixed picture for August take a while to fully register their effects.
In September Jupiter conjoins the country’s Pluto and opposes Uranus. As we’ve mentioned, this is likely to have an impact on the country’s commodity industry. The combination of this together with the conjunction of Pluto and the Australian Saturn, which repeats in October, probably means major changes within this industry.
Stability in the currency seems to continue though. Saturn trines Neptune and sextiles Jupiter, and Neptune sextiles the progressed Sun. Together this implies not much change in either direction.
As mentioned Pluto conjoins the country’s Saturn in October. Saturn conjoins the country’s progressed MC and opposes the progressed Sun. This suggests that there are some real problems for the government and leadership. Probably because the changes needed ( as indicated by Pluto) are unpopular in some quarters.
The year ends, then, with the Pluto conjunction fully entrenched and the likelihood that the issues with continue int0 2013 as Uranus squares Pluto at a mundane level.
Australia Federation. Sydney 1 January 1901 midnight
There is an argument for using the First fleet chart but the fact that it could be claimed that it is only a NSW chart and uncertainty over whether to use a morning or evening time for that chart meant that I selected this one. It may well be the best chart to use for economic events anyway.
Australian Dollar
The authority to run its own currency was given to Australia at the same time as the Federation was created. I am therefore using the same chart for both.
The chart for Australia is characterised by three configurations: a Jupiter, Mercury conjunction opposite Neptune, a Uranus conjunction with Venus opposite Pluto and a Sun conjunct Saturn, Moon, Mars grand trine.
Looking back over 2008, we see that the summer eclipses picked up parts of these major configurations. The August 1 St eclipse was opposite the progressed Ascendant sextile Venus and quincunx Saturn/Sun. The 16th August eclipse conjoined progressed Mars and trined Jupiter and progressed Venus. The former probably represents the shift in commodity prices for the second half of the year and the latter the impact on the Australian dollar.
The Uranus Saturn opposition of November was square the Australian Pluto Uranus opposition further focusing on the commodities issue.
Similar themes continue throughout the next 4 years. The overall trends are not as bad as some countries we have looked at but nor are they are positive as some.
The January 2009 eclipses reflected that of August but with the added stimulus of progressed Moon conjoining progressed Venus.
The country however was closely in focus following the bush fires as a major conjunction involving the sun/Mars and Jupiter occurred on the progressed Ascendant.
Neptune is now opposing progressed Mars which suggests trade weakness at the best of times.
April sees Saturn activate the Uranus/Pluto opposition again, although the trine to progressed Saturn should afford some protection. It also sees Jupiter reactivate the Neptune opposition to progressed Mars, something further complicated by Uranus in quincunx.
May through to July sees the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction picks up the Jupiter/Neptune Mercury configuration – unsurprisingly, given what we have seen elsewhere, it is likely to have impact on the currency. Uranus in square to those planets suggests shocks (external?), though the trine from Neptune suggests that monetary inflation absorbs the brunt of events.
By July, Saturn is making its final square to Pluto and Uranus and it may be possible that some of the commodity price falls of the last year are slightly mitigated and Australia is able to benefit a little from this in the medium term.
From August to October, Saturn squares the chart’s Neptune and Jupiter– and quincunxes the progressed Sun Venus conjunction. The upshot of that is much less monetary freedom and likely currency falls and recessionary conditions.
Little more happens until near the end of 2009/early 2010, although the progressed Moon in trine to Saturn moderates matters in the last months.
December 2009 and January 2010 are characterised by a return to the Jupiter/Neptune opposition to progressed Mars and more currency growth. Jupiter though then trines the progressed Sun and MC and sextiles Jupiter. This looks overwhelmingly positive for the economy and its leadership.
In February, Neptune sextiles the progressed Venus and Jupiter while Uranus creates a square to Jupiter. There is likely to be a slightly misplaced sense of economic comfort around this time – perhaps post Australian holidays everyone is just in a good mood? A minor progressed Moon aspect to the Moon in March is also basically positive.
By April Neptune is trine Neptune and this continues the excess currency inflation. The theme continues for a few months and is likely to be accompanied by some shocks, as indicated by the squares of Uranus to Uranus and Mercury and the repeated Saturn square Neptune recessionary indicator. Clearly, together this indicates a lot of uncertainly and little long term planning evolution in the economy.
However it is worth noting that although there may be a sense of being buffeted slightly, or a sense of inertia arising from not knowing how to respond to events elsewhere, the country appears to completely miss out of the excitement of July August 2010 and the peak of the cardinal cross. This can surely only be a good thing.
The country has no planets at or near zero degrees of the cardinal signs and other than a continuation of the themes of May to July, which run right through to Neptune trine Neptune in September, there is unlikely to be any radical action in August.
It is worth noting that using an alternative chart for Australia gives more or less the same result: well the country is far away and perhaps sheltered a little from events even in a global economy.
However, as we will see in 2011, the seeds are being sown at this time that will lead to the need for radical restructuring later.
In October and November the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction does square Jupiter and Neptune and this is likely to be the biggest challenge that the Australian dollar sees in terms of valuation changes vs. the rest of the world. Of course the downside of revaluations is the impact on the economy and the leadership- with Saturn now square the Sun Saturn conjunction and MC, chances are that there will be a lot of hardship for the country and budgetary challenges for the government.
By December the situation becomes more concrete as Saturn crosses the Ascendant. This suggests even tougher times and currency depreciation.
January 2011 sees Saturn station on the Ascendant and square to the progressed Saturn– so major focus on the difficulties of the country at this time – droughts are, incidentally, also likely.
Saturn is also trine Pluto and sextile Uranus suggesting some stabilisation of commodity activity and the change to plan for rebuilding some sectors that are in the doldrums.
March sees Jupiter square the MC and Sun/Saturn, normally this might indicate some exuberance, but in this case it is more likely to just reactivate the Saturn aspect and broaden its reach. There is a suggestion of some sort of turning point in April when Jupiter crosses the Descendant and also picks up the Uranus/Pluto opposition. Potentially this could be a time when new developments can take off.
Another interesting factor to note is that the Australian progressed Sun moves into Taurus now, after 30 years in Aries. This represents a long term change of emphasis from driven economic development to accumulation and security. There may be less immigration, too, from now on.
May sees Jupiter reach its conjunction with progressed Venus, which is also associated with accumulation and conservation of wealth. It is accompanied though by a Pluto conjunction with Saturn. The tentacles of this conjunction will have been felt for some while – but now it begins to perfect. It is the restructuring aspect par-excellence and there is no getting away from it. Whole industries will have to be re-evaluated, but the country still seems to be somewhat in denial as Jupiter and Venus does not suggest poverty and hardship on a large scale.
The fact is, that everything in the garden could look rosy in the next couple of months as Jupiter conjoins the progressed Sun /Venus conjunction. But this should probably be viewed with a healthy dose of scepticism. Pluto is not a force to go partying with. And anyway Saturn is again squaring the Sun and MC. Not great for government or country. There do seem to be conflicting factors at work here.
The summer is also rather misleading, with Jupiter trine the Saturn/Sun conjunction one would expect stability, and even when accompanied by Saturn square Jupiter we wouldn’t really have too much to worry about. But October sees another critical point where there is a change of direction. Jupiter squares the progressed Ascendant, and restrictive Saturn finally returns to the natal Ascendant, ushering in a time of real change.
By December, Saturn trines the Neptune Jupiter opposition, which probably brings currency stability at least, but not necessarily economy wellbeing. Jupiter briefly stations on the Australian progressed Sun this month which further suggests a positive situation albeit short term.
Unfortunately we still have Pluto creeping up again in the background, bringing the need for deep seated changes as it approaches its conjunction with the country’s Saturn.
Australia’s Saturn opposes progressed Venus by January and stations close to the progressed Sun, so that the first half of the year is characterised by the restriction that accompanies a Saturn opposition. The fact that Pluto is aspecting the country’s natal Saturn at the same time is likely to cause a knock on effect. The comfort and wealth associated with the Sun Venus progression is really now challenged and reassessed.
More seriously by March and April, Pluto reaches the IC and the Sun. This is the first time that Pluto has transited the Australian IC since the country’s legal formation. Issues relating to the whole foundation of the country and its economic sustainability are likely to manifest over the coming year or so.
However at the moment Jupiter in trine to the IC/Sun conjunction is creating a helping hand- there is deep reassessment but it is accompanied with opportunity for growth. The trine of Saturn to Neptune in March and sextile to Jupiter in April further suggest that this may be a period of transition but it is not an unequivocally dark one.
By July Uranus reaches its square to the Australian Saturn, which might lead to sudden changes in government policies, which given the mixed picture for August take a while to fully register their effects.
In September Jupiter conjoins the country’s Pluto and opposes Uranus. As we’ve mentioned, this is likely to have an impact on the country’s commodity industry. The combination of this together with the conjunction of Pluto and the Australian Saturn, which repeats in October, probably means major changes within this industry.
Stability in the currency seems to continue though. Saturn trines Neptune and sextiles Jupiter, and Neptune sextiles the progressed Sun. Together this implies not much change in either direction.
As mentioned Pluto conjoins the country’s Saturn in October. Saturn conjoins the country’s progressed MC and opposes the progressed Sun. This suggests that there are some real problems for the government and leadership. Probably because the changes needed ( as indicated by Pluto) are unpopular in some quarters.
The year ends, then, with the Pluto conjunction fully entrenched and the likelihood that the issues with continue int0 2013 as Uranus squares Pluto at a mundane level.
Australia Federation. Sydney 1 January 1901 midnight
There is an argument for using the First fleet chart but the fact that it could be claimed that it is only a NSW chart and uncertainty over whether to use a morning or evening time for that chart meant that I selected this one. It may well be the best chart to use for economic events anyway.
Australian Dollar
The authority to run its own currency was given to Australia at the same time as the Federation was created. I am therefore using the same chart for both.