Part 1 :Introduction
Having reviewed the outcomes for 2008 in my last post, I now move on to 2009. Obviously I have already made predictions for each of the main markets, but they were made more or less in isolation. More information might be revealed if we take all those pieces together and complete the jigsaw puzzle, giving us a better picture of the unfolding of events.
Let’s first just recap on the planetary configurations we will see in 2009.
We still have Saturn opposing Uranus until March, and this will be further activated by eclipses in late January and early February – the latter notably close to Neptune again.
Saturn retrograde will move away temporarily from March. In April to July we will experience the full impact of the triple Jupiter Neptune Chiron conjunction (in semi-sextile to Uranus), still at similar degrees to last summer’s lunar eclipse. This takes us up to the eclipses of July/August – which are at new degrees and will shift things on for the coming months.
Saturn returns to oppose Uranus in August through October but takes a back seat when compared to the Saturn Pluto Square of November December.
I did cover most of these broader astrological themes in my Background Part 1 post. However I touched only in outline on the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction with the intention to return to it after more research.
So, before, I summarise how I think things may play out in 2009, I would like to analyse how this conjunction might manifest in more depth; financially or otherwise. Those not interested in the astrological logic, but only in the market outcome, are advised to skip to Part iii.
Part II: The players.
Unlimited growth or misplaced confidence? The faces of Jupiter/Neptune
Jupiter’s fundamental correspondences relate to heat, expansion and growth in all fields, and thus indirectly to optimism, searching and abundance.
Neptune is associated with multiple possibilities and anything that lacks substance and thus includes anything that is unstructured such as liquids, wave functions in general and both the unconscious and the supernatural as well as drug induced states.
Having reviewed the outcomes for 2008 in my last post, I now move on to 2009. Obviously I have already made predictions for each of the main markets, but they were made more or less in isolation. More information might be revealed if we take all those pieces together and complete the jigsaw puzzle, giving us a better picture of the unfolding of events.
Let’s first just recap on the planetary configurations we will see in 2009.
We still have Saturn opposing Uranus until March, and this will be further activated by eclipses in late January and early February – the latter notably close to Neptune again.
Saturn retrograde will move away temporarily from March. In April to July we will experience the full impact of the triple Jupiter Neptune Chiron conjunction (in semi-sextile to Uranus), still at similar degrees to last summer’s lunar eclipse. This takes us up to the eclipses of July/August – which are at new degrees and will shift things on for the coming months.
Saturn returns to oppose Uranus in August through October but takes a back seat when compared to the Saturn Pluto Square of November December.
I did cover most of these broader astrological themes in my Background Part 1 post. However I touched only in outline on the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction with the intention to return to it after more research.
So, before, I summarise how I think things may play out in 2009, I would like to analyse how this conjunction might manifest in more depth; financially or otherwise. Those not interested in the astrological logic, but only in the market outcome, are advised to skip to Part iii.
Part II: The players.
Unlimited growth or misplaced confidence? The faces of Jupiter/Neptune
Jupiter’s fundamental correspondences relate to heat, expansion and growth in all fields, and thus indirectly to optimism, searching and abundance.
Neptune is associated with multiple possibilities and anything that lacks substance and thus includes anything that is unstructured such as liquids, wave functions in general and both the unconscious and the supernatural as well as drug induced states.
When combined, we have heat plus liquids transforming into gas, other chemical and alchemical actions,( although the exact form of these will be indicated by other planets). Indeed anything that exists in an amorphous/en-mass state can be associated with Jupiter and Neptune together are also characteristic of the combination such as the spread of peoples and other species including viruses etc through migration. Because of the connection with liquids, floods and tsunamis are also indicated.
When combined, we have heat plus liquids transforming into gas, other chemical and alchemical actions,( although the exact form of these will be indicated by other planets). Indeed anything that exists in an amorphous/en-mass state can be associated with Jupiter and Neptune together are also characteristic of the combination such as the spread of peoples and other species including viruses etc through migration. Because of the connection with liquids, floods and tsunamis are also indicated.
Financially, we have optimism plus multiple possibilities equalling speculation, we have optimism with lack of substance equalling irrational exuberance and bubbles and growth together with lack of structure giving inflation. Anything which has the potential to multiply infinitely is also represented by this combination so it also to some extent represents all types of derivatives.
Financially, we have optimism plus multiple possibilities equalling speculation, we have optimism with lack of substance equalling irrational exuberance and bubbles and growth together with lack of structure giving inflation. Anything which has the potential to multiply infinitely is also represented by this combination so it also to some extent represents all types of derivatives.
And we have searching together with lack of substance giving belief systems such as those involving religion/gods - the ultimate irrationality. (I am not passing judgement on the validity of any particular belief system here, merely using the word irrationality in its literal sense- that which cannot objectively and logically be proved: indeed faith would cease to be faith without it). A related area is the potential to transcend boundaries by peace or union or the ability to transcend the material world. Examples of the conjunction corresponding with such events are, the formation of the Olympic committee, the Treaty of Versailles, the end of WW2 and formation of the UN, prominent events related to Ghandi, the development of Esperanto and the electronic Freedom of information acts and more literally the discovery of the transcendence of Pi.
Finally, then, it is clear that when we combine the financial manifestations of the Neptune/Jupiter partnership with the belief system ones, we have the faith based system known as money and in the wider sense the currency markets.
However, Jupiter and Neptune move in a approximately 13 year cycle, which means that not only do they reach conjunction every 13 years but they form a major aspect of some sort every 1-2 years. Clearly one cycle of these two planets, by itself, is not going to be responsible for major global shifts in anything.
Nevertheless, together, they are also part of a larger cycle. Neptune takes 14 years to transit every sign, so consecutive conjunctions with Jupiter move forward in the zodiac by one sign almost every time. The last Aquarius conjunction occurred in 1843. So we should expect to see recurring themes throughout such a cycle of conjunctions.
And, of course, Neptune and Jupiter do not exist in a vacuum. Each cycle is accompanied by transits to the other outer planets. It can be difficult to isolate the pure Neptune Jupiter influences from those of Pluto, Uranus and Saturn, as they interact in turn. Indeed in this case we must incorporate the impact of Uranus as it is in almost exact semi-sextile with the Neptune conjunction in May.
Uranus throws invention, technological advances, change of direction, and creative disruption into the mix. It makes species evolution more likely as well as human led discoveries.
We can expect this year to herald some major breakthroughs in such areas. However we won’t see the real returns from these breakthroughs until later on in some of these cycles ( perhaps, on a grander scale when Neptune is sextile Uranus in the mid 2020s, or to a lesser extent when Jupiter makes aspects to the planets.). From an economic perspective it is a chance to make long term investment decisions, although not necessarily the investments themselves, in terms of the technologies to be followed in areas such as biotech/nanotech etc. Look at what is being started now to see what will bear fruit at those later cycle points.
On the other hand developments or investments in such areas from previous cycles may be maturing now. Look at what was started for example in 1997 (when Jupiter Uranus and Neptune were all within orb of conjunction), breakthroughs are likely, drugs started then may go mass market in 2009 etc. This would be a whole study in itself for which we don’t have the resources just now, but it is an indicator about what to look out for.
Adding Chiron to the equation: The awaited saviour or the fundamental flaw?
So how, if at all, does Chiron impact on this conjunction? I am not on such solid ground with Chiron ( although Neptune isn’t exactly the poster kid for solid ground either). I haven’t studied its effects other than in one or two extreme cases, even in personal charts, and can find little worthwhile commentary on its activity in mundane/financial charts.
The consensus view on Chiron in personal astrology is that it represents the “wounded-healer”- whatever that may mean. Furthermore the majority of astrological views imply that, despite the wounding element, this body is all about a more elevated and thus elated level of consciousness; i.e it can only result in a happy spiritual outcome.
Now even assuming that the wounded healer theory is correct, how on earth would something to do with physical or psychological wounds have any bearing on economics other than, at a stretch, that relating to medicine? And, even if we buy into the spiritual fulfilment theory, how does this play out for the vast majority of people in the practical material sense that business and finance demands?
A variation of the healer view is that Chiron, with an orbit overlapping that of Saturn and Uranus, acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual. Actually I do buy this option and believe that Chiron represents our ability to play God by tinkering with genetics etc – a view which is further supported by the birth of the company Genetech, one of the pioneers in this area in the year of Chiron’s discovery. However in this I don’t really see Chiron acting alone, but with Uranus ( which it opposed from 1952 to 1989) and Saturn (which it opposed both in 1965-66 and from 1986-2006). So we might be able to deduce at an economic level something more about the biotech industry from Chiron, (e.g cloning may become more significant since the 1996/7 Neptune/ Jupiter/Uranus conjunction brought Dolly the sheep), but perhaps not much else.
Finally there is some evidence to suggest a connection between Chiron and the software industry too, perhaps because software can be considered the creation of an artificial intelligence. Though, again, I would be inclined to say that Chiron does not act alone here but in concert with other outer planets. So with Neptune Jupiter and Uranus in the mix we are more likely to encounter advancements in this area, unfortunately including some intelligent and widespread software viruses.
But the above aside, perhaps we should ignore Chiron altogether in financial astrology unless we are considering these few specific industries?
And yet…. and yet…. the triple conjunction of Chiron Neptune and Jupiter at such a critical time in economic history can’t be a co-incidence. It must merit further investigation.
Of the few astrological writers that I have read who have expressed an opinion on Chiron’s impact on the 2009 conjunction in a market or global political sense, almost all have been positive in their expectations.( See note 1)
As I write this, Obama has been inaugurated president in the US, and many recent commentaries have high expectations of his ability to unite and change that country, and even the world. Certainly he does represent a possible manifestation of these aspects, and their persistence throughout 2009 suggests that people will maintain their expectations of his almost divinity for the whole year.
However, economically, I think the optimism in the forecasts I read represents too much extrapolation (enough to get jobs as quants modelling new derivatives perhaps….?).
Fortunately from the point of view of this post (but unfortunately for me in a personal sense), I have Chiron conjoining my natal Jupiter, and in Pisces which, even if we discount modern rulerships in general, does have some affinity with Neptune. My experience of this is not positive- the combination can completely destroy optimism and faith in the future. No doubt if I were to employ a personal astrologer myself they would counsel me on how to rise above this “wound”. But we don’t need to worry about whether I could or would; we merely need to appreciate that nations and markets can’t rise above their wounds in the way that people might be able to.
My view is that in financial terms the wound may equal a flaw in the system. To understand how Chiron relates to this, imagine a parallel to evolution where a mutation or “flaw” is what determines the nature of the next generations; a wound to one’s makeup, depending on the environmental factors, may turn out to be a strength or a weakness.
So let’s recap. Neptune and Jupiter together symbolise currencies and inflation in general. With Chiron in the mix we have the failure of some of these currencies to adapt and with Uranus sextile the conjunction we have the potential for evolution to the next level. What we will see in 2009 is a conjunction that highlights the flaw in the financial system, and in this case in money/currencies and furthermore in how differential inflation creates imbalances.
Part III: 2009 a synopsis
So we return to my forecasts. I have reviewed the 2009 content of my posts last year, and actually don’t have too much more to add or change. I will leave the stock market forecasts as they are. Nevertheless it is worth summarising and consolidating the main expectations for the currencies.
As of next Tuesday, 26th January, we have the first of the 2009 eclipses, the corresponding lunar eclipse is on the 9th February, ( I’ve sometimes have referred to them as the February eclipses though the former is in late January). As I have stated elsewhere these eclipses are close to the degrees of the Neptune related August 2008 eclipses and, other things equal, would tend to bring to an end the cycle that started then. –In 2007 year the similar eclipse cycle saw Northern Rock run into trouble with the summer eclipses and then be nationalised 6 months later with the spring ones close to the same degree. We should not be surprised then to see the headlines of this week “another round of bank bailouts.” We should also note that while the effects of the eclipses are fading, the Neptune Jupiter conjunction is not that far from the same degrees. The bailouts might be coming to an end but the impact of them on currency and government bonds most definitely is not.
Given the events of the last week in the UK we should not be surprised that the eclipses make almost all negative aspects to the BOE and UK charts. The first eclipse is slap bang on the BOE Jupiter ( core to its main Pluto Sun Jupiter conjunction- its fundamental purpose). The full moon eclipse aspects progressed Jupiter, the progressed Ascendant and progressed Moon as the risk gets dumped on the tax-payer, not without a lot of rhetoric as it is accompanied by the challenge of a Mars square. The Pluto opposition to Venus in the chart does not exactly help the financial position either. The UK chart is not quite so rocked by the first eclipse- Again Jupiter is aspected with an opposition to the Sun ( government – oh what a pity!), but a trine to the Ascendant – because there is still a belief in many circles that something had to be done. The full moon eclipse, in opposition to Saturn however, damns sterling and house prices further. We are already seeing something of the impact on sterling. I expect more.
And we have searching together with lack of substance giving belief systems such as those involving religion/gods - the ultimate irrationality. (I am not passing judgement on the validity of any particular belief system here, merely using the word irrationality in its literal sense- that which cannot objectively and logically be proved: indeed faith would cease to be faith without it). A related area is the potential to transcend boundaries by peace or union or the ability to transcend the material world. Examples of the conjunction corresponding with such events are, the formation of the Olympic committee, the Treaty of Versailles, the end of WW2 and formation of the UN, prominent events related to Ghandi, the development of Esperanto and the electronic Freedom of information acts and more literally the discovery of the transcendence of Pi.
Finally, then, it is clear that when we combine the financial manifestations of the Neptune/Jupiter partnership with the belief system ones, we have the faith based system known as money and in the wider sense the currency markets.
However, Jupiter and Neptune move in a approximately 13 year cycle, which means that not only do they reach conjunction every 13 years but they form a major aspect of some sort every 1-2 years. Clearly one cycle of these two planets, by itself, is not going to be responsible for major global shifts in anything.
Nevertheless, together, they are also part of a larger cycle. Neptune takes 14 years to transit every sign, so consecutive conjunctions with Jupiter move forward in the zodiac by one sign almost every time. The last Aquarius conjunction occurred in 1843. So we should expect to see recurring themes throughout such a cycle of conjunctions.
And, of course, Neptune and Jupiter do not exist in a vacuum. Each cycle is accompanied by transits to the other outer planets. It can be difficult to isolate the pure Neptune Jupiter influences from those of Pluto, Uranus and Saturn, as they interact in turn. Indeed in this case we must incorporate the impact of Uranus as it is in almost exact semi-sextile with the Neptune conjunction in May.
Uranus throws invention, technological advances, change of direction, and creative disruption into the mix. It makes species evolution more likely as well as human led discoveries.
We can expect this year to herald some major breakthroughs in such areas. However we won’t see the real returns from these breakthroughs until later on in some of these cycles ( perhaps, on a grander scale when Neptune is sextile Uranus in the mid 2020s, or to a lesser extent when Jupiter makes aspects to the planets.). From an economic perspective it is a chance to make long term investment decisions, although not necessarily the investments themselves, in terms of the technologies to be followed in areas such as biotech/nanotech etc. Look at what is being started now to see what will bear fruit at those later cycle points.
On the other hand developments or investments in such areas from previous cycles may be maturing now. Look at what was started for example in 1997 (when Jupiter Uranus and Neptune were all within orb of conjunction), breakthroughs are likely, drugs started then may go mass market in 2009 etc. This would be a whole study in itself for which we don’t have the resources just now, but it is an indicator about what to look out for.
Adding Chiron to the equation: The awaited saviour or the fundamental flaw?
So how, if at all, does Chiron impact on this conjunction? I am not on such solid ground with Chiron ( although Neptune isn’t exactly the poster kid for solid ground either). I haven’t studied its effects other than in one or two extreme cases, even in personal charts, and can find little worthwhile commentary on its activity in mundane/financial charts.
The consensus view on Chiron in personal astrology is that it represents the “wounded-healer”- whatever that may mean. Furthermore the majority of astrological views imply that, despite the wounding element, this body is all about a more elevated and thus elated level of consciousness; i.e it can only result in a happy spiritual outcome.
Now even assuming that the wounded healer theory is correct, how on earth would something to do with physical or psychological wounds have any bearing on economics other than, at a stretch, that relating to medicine? And, even if we buy into the spiritual fulfilment theory, how does this play out for the vast majority of people in the practical material sense that business and finance demands?
A variation of the healer view is that Chiron, with an orbit overlapping that of Saturn and Uranus, acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual. Actually I do buy this option and believe that Chiron represents our ability to play God by tinkering with genetics etc – a view which is further supported by the birth of the company Genetech, one of the pioneers in this area in the year of Chiron’s discovery. However in this I don’t really see Chiron acting alone, but with Uranus ( which it opposed from 1952 to 1989) and Saturn (which it opposed both in 1965-66 and from 1986-2006). So we might be able to deduce at an economic level something more about the biotech industry from Chiron, (e.g cloning may become more significant since the 1996/7 Neptune/ Jupiter/Uranus conjunction brought Dolly the sheep), but perhaps not much else.
Finally there is some evidence to suggest a connection between Chiron and the software industry too, perhaps because software can be considered the creation of an artificial intelligence. Though, again, I would be inclined to say that Chiron does not act alone here but in concert with other outer planets. So with Neptune Jupiter and Uranus in the mix we are more likely to encounter advancements in this area, unfortunately including some intelligent and widespread software viruses.
But the above aside, perhaps we should ignore Chiron altogether in financial astrology unless we are considering these few specific industries?
And yet…. and yet…. the triple conjunction of Chiron Neptune and Jupiter at such a critical time in economic history can’t be a co-incidence. It must merit further investigation.
Of the few astrological writers that I have read who have expressed an opinion on Chiron’s impact on the 2009 conjunction in a market or global political sense, almost all have been positive in their expectations.( See note 1)
As I write this, Obama has been inaugurated president in the US, and many recent commentaries have high expectations of his ability to unite and change that country, and even the world. Certainly he does represent a possible manifestation of these aspects, and their persistence throughout 2009 suggests that people will maintain their expectations of his almost divinity for the whole year.
However, economically, I think the optimism in the forecasts I read represents too much extrapolation (enough to get jobs as quants modelling new derivatives perhaps….?).
Fortunately from the point of view of this post (but unfortunately for me in a personal sense), I have Chiron conjoining my natal Jupiter, and in Pisces which, even if we discount modern rulerships in general, does have some affinity with Neptune. My experience of this is not positive- the combination can completely destroy optimism and faith in the future. No doubt if I were to employ a personal astrologer myself they would counsel me on how to rise above this “wound”. But we don’t need to worry about whether I could or would; we merely need to appreciate that nations and markets can’t rise above their wounds in the way that people might be able to.
My view is that in financial terms the wound may equal a flaw in the system. To understand how Chiron relates to this, imagine a parallel to evolution where a mutation or “flaw” is what determines the nature of the next generations; a wound to one’s makeup, depending on the environmental factors, may turn out to be a strength or a weakness.
So let’s recap. Neptune and Jupiter together symbolise currencies and inflation in general. With Chiron in the mix we have the failure of some of these currencies to adapt and with Uranus sextile the conjunction we have the potential for evolution to the next level. What we will see in 2009 is a conjunction that highlights the flaw in the financial system, and in this case in money/currencies and furthermore in how differential inflation creates imbalances.
Part III: 2009 a synopsis
So we return to my forecasts. I have reviewed the 2009 content of my posts last year, and actually don’t have too much more to add or change. I will leave the stock market forecasts as they are. Nevertheless it is worth summarising and consolidating the main expectations for the currencies.
As of next Tuesday, 26th January, we have the first of the 2009 eclipses, the corresponding lunar eclipse is on the 9th February, ( I’ve sometimes have referred to them as the February eclipses though the former is in late January). As I have stated elsewhere these eclipses are close to the degrees of the Neptune related August 2008 eclipses and, other things equal, would tend to bring to an end the cycle that started then. –In 2007 year the similar eclipse cycle saw Northern Rock run into trouble with the summer eclipses and then be nationalised 6 months later with the spring ones close to the same degree. We should not be surprised then to see the headlines of this week “another round of bank bailouts.” We should also note that while the effects of the eclipses are fading, the Neptune Jupiter conjunction is not that far from the same degrees. The bailouts might be coming to an end but the impact of them on currency and government bonds most definitely is not.
Given the events of the last week in the UK we should not be surprised that the eclipses make almost all negative aspects to the BOE and UK charts. The first eclipse is slap bang on the BOE Jupiter ( core to its main Pluto Sun Jupiter conjunction- its fundamental purpose). The full moon eclipse aspects progressed Jupiter, the progressed Ascendant and progressed Moon as the risk gets dumped on the tax-payer, not without a lot of rhetoric as it is accompanied by the challenge of a Mars square. The Pluto opposition to Venus in the chart does not exactly help the financial position either. The UK chart is not quite so rocked by the first eclipse- Again Jupiter is aspected with an opposition to the Sun ( government – oh what a pity!), but a trine to the Ascendant – because there is still a belief in many circles that something had to be done. The full moon eclipse, in opposition to Saturn however, damns sterling and house prices further. We are already seeing something of the impact on sterling. I expect more.
In the US both eclipses throw up a lot of quincunx aspects – adjustment but not so much action. Of course with the new president it will take longer for things to play out there. The first eclipse is actually trine the US Uranus – as everyone embraces the change of leader. But the full moon square the MC will begin to demand more concrete response rather than spoken commitments. Pluto makes a mix of aspects in the US chart, positive for the president but not exactly uplifting for the economy. The latter February eclipse also repeats some of the previous summer’s aspects in the dollar chart. With Neptune conjunct Pluto and opposing Uranus. In the summer the dollar turned up against the Euro, and soon after down against the Yen, we will, post 9th February either see a marked increase in those trends or a change of direction. And Pluto is once more square the chart’s progressed Ascendant, it is still challenged currency for some while yet. It is also worth noting that over the coming years Neptune will transit first the MC/IC axis then the Ascendant/descendant axis of the dollar chart. The last 4 times it did so were 1848-50 ( Gold rush), 1888-1891, 1929-1932ish- needs no explanation, and 1971-1973, Bretton Woods and the subsequent oil crisis. So, on the whole I wouldn’t be positive about the dollar in the medium term, but the Obama factor might just save it for the moment.
The Euro chart sees the new moon eclipse conjoining progressed Venus, and the full moon eclipse trining the moon and progressed Mars. Overall this is positive. But Pluto square the chart angles is threatening the structure that binds the currency. Still value looks to be preserved better than Sterling for the minute at least.
Turning to China and the Renminbi, things don’t look too bad. Again the eclipse is slap bang on important parts of the chart- in this case the new moon next week ( incidentally the start of Chinese New Year as well) conjoins the Ascendant and the Moon and sextiles the progressed Sun and trines the natal sun. All extremely positive- so the internal propaganda will be for a good year to come. The full moon is widely opposite progressed Saturn though –indicating the shadow of recession in the background. In the Renminbi chart things look mixed. A 26th January conjunction with the progressed Sun and sextile to the Sun & moon and IC confirms the positives of the China chart, but an opposition to the progressed MC suggests difficulty. However there is little impact from the 9th February eclipse, so it is tempting to conclude that there won’t be much change in this currency for another couple of months at least.
Looking at Japan, next week’s eclipse is trine the country’s Pluto Neptune conjunction. That is not bad: deep seated change but not with too much difficulty. The Full moon eclipse conjoins the Sun – a repeat of leadership uncertainties which occurred in August is likely (then it led to a resignation), but it is trine the progressed Sun Mars and Uranus – they may get change and more strength. Still not too bad at all for the country as a whole. Even Pluto makes some nice aspects to the progressed Ascendant and Jupiter suggesting there is an opportunity to consolidate the financial strength of the country despite the global recession. The 26th January eclipse makes only favourable aspects to the yen. We’ve already seen much of the impact of this in the months coming up to this. The Full moon also makes some favourable aspects, despite a wide square to the Sun. It is possible as I mentioned for the dollar that we see a turning point after this time. Pluto in the Yen chart conjoins Saturn and squares progressed Venus and the Sun. That is quite challenging and will become more important post during the lunations of the coming months.
Finally in Russia, we have some aspects that are comparable in difficulty to those of the UK. The new moon conjoins the moon and widely Venus– but opposes the Ascendant and squares Pluto. Obviously we have seen some of the effect of this in the gas pipeline problem – having an eclipse on your point of relationships with partners tends to get a bit tricky for the best of us. The full moon is more mixed though with squares to Venus and a quincunx to Jupiter being offset by trines to Uranus and progressed Jupiter- economic challenges, there may be, yet changes are not hampered. The Pluto aspect confirms that times are tough but not insurmountable.
Moving on then we look at April to June and the conjunction we have already explored the broader meaning of. We can expect that between now and then the trend will run from the above eclipse manifestations to those that follow:
In the UK the conjunction makes just one major aspect, to Saturn. Recovery of sterling and houses are not on the cars. In the Bank of England chart a square to Mars suggests a weakened position and weakened resistance to events. An opposition to the progressed Ascendant activated by the progressed Moon suggests challenges from the people and the rest of the world
The progressed Sun is well aspected though- so the blame isn’t on the BOE leadership.
In the US chart the conjunction almost sits on the US moon. The people. This suggests the continuation of the Obama factor for some time. The American dream, in the absence of economic substance, is being replaced by a focus on the American saviour. The opposition is also close to being on the progressed Descendant though, suggesting paralysis due to the economic forces though quincunxes to Mercury and Neptune.
In the dollar chart, though things are still not too bad. The conjunction is trine the US Neptune Jupiter conjunction and sextile its progressed Saturn and its progressed Mars, printing continues unabated but value does not look to be too much further damaged, yet. Uranus is trickily positioned though so things will still be rocky.
The Euro chart looks very similar to the dollar one. The conjunction sextiles Saturn and trines progressed Mars and sextiles the progressed Moon. It is a similar picture but without such radical inflation of money. Uranus conjoining Jupiter and sextiling Venus actually looks unexpectedly positive for the currency’s value. However Pluto is still square the Ascendant, which puts a lot of pressure on its image.
In China, the main conjunction aspects are to the midheaven of the chart. It is not all bad but expect more Tibet issues and similar. In the Renminbi there is only one planet significantly aspected; Uranus. It is a curved ball, and upsets the status quo, but the trine from the conjunction to Uranus suggests it is viewed in a positive light. I would be inclined to interpret this as a sudden loosening of the reins on the currency- if not a free float, certainly a much more widely moving one. There are some hard Pluto aspects to this chart developing however in the medium term and this is no doubt meant to mitigate some of the difficult trading issues.
In Japan the conjunction makes a trine to the Moon, but a square to the MC. The country looks bad to the outside world but the people are ok with the economic developments – well let’s be honest they are used to economic difficulties after 2 decades. In the Yen chart the effect of the conjunction is mixed. There is a trine to the Jupiter Venus conjunction, and a continued sextile to natal Neptune. Uranus makes a trine to progressed Jupiter and the MC. There are some tricky aspects, e.g a Neptune square to the MC and Mercury, but the balance is still positive.
Finally we turn again to Russia. As in the case of the Renminbi, the conjunction trines Uranus, and makes quincunxes to Neptune and the Moon suggesting unexpected developments regarding the economic state of the people and currency. Uranus opposes the country’s Jupiter Neptune conjunction (yeah they keep cropping up don’t they- anyone would think these country’s set themselves up for economic disaster hundreds of years ago…. ), but trines the Moon. It is subject to radical shifts and is not cut and dried but it looks a little better than the last few months.
So it looks as if the current trends are set to continue through to the summer at least. It does not look to be as dramatic as I though when I wrote last spring, but that is because the eclipses have brought much of the action forward and essentially there is a currency crisis at the moment : all of them need to fall, the question on everyone’s lips is “against what?” My analysis here is only a relative comparison of those currencies, and soft commodities and other assets really need to be taken into account.
With that proviso, the Yen still looks strongest, although the speed of gains will be less dramatic. The Dollar/Euro is harder to read with the Obama factor seeming to lead to a marginal preference for the Dollar over the Euro, despite the former currency being multiplied at speeds that would make bird flu virus proud. The Renminbi won’t do much till April or so but then it might get a much longer leash. The Rouble is subject to shifts either way and is likely to improve for a while as the Obama effect on the US keeps commodity prices off their bottoms. Sterling remains a bad choice for all but the most masochistic investor.
I’ll keep an eye on whether this is being borne out and update accordingly. Otherwise the next global currency update will be in the summer for the second half of the year.
In the meantime I will be moving to South America. Analysis-wise, not physically.
Charts: As described in my individual posts on each currency.
Note 1 : A typical astrological view of the coming conjunction:
When Neptune and Chiron are in conjunction, we can expect any and all of a whole sea of possibilities, all swirling at the same time. We may hear profound mystical guidance that may resonate with the highest compassionate aims of the healer -- or may be wasted on the perpetual victim who can't see anything beyond his own need for attention. There may be inspired plays and dances that bring our communities together in celebrations of beauty, provided the players are not too stoned to remember their entrances, or too troubled by bad dreams to stay brave. We may feel more clearly than ever before the awakening of humanity toward the coming moment of our ascent into galactic consciousness, as we see at last that the same universal heart beats in each one of us. Or . . . the years ahead may be a field day for scam artists and quacks who pass for "channels" and "healers," and offer effortless remedies to those who still will not imagine the pivotal truth: all the medicine they really need is within the capacity of their love and intention to attract to themselves, and to the widening circle of the ones they love.
http://www.hermes3.net/chirnep.htmMoving on then we look at April to June and the conjunction we have already explored the broader meaning of. We can expect that between now and then the trend will run from the above eclipse manifestations to those that follow:
In the UK the conjunction makes just one major aspect, to Saturn. Recovery of sterling and houses are not on the cars. In the Bank of England chart a square to Mars suggests a weakened position and weakened resistance to events. An opposition to the progressed Ascendant activated by the progressed Moon suggests challenges from the people and the rest of the world
The progressed Sun is well aspected though- so the blame isn’t on the BOE leadership.
In the US chart the conjunction almost sits on the US moon. The people. This suggests the continuation of the Obama factor for some time. The American dream, in the absence of economic substance, is being replaced by a focus on the American saviour. The opposition is also close to being on the progressed Descendant though, suggesting paralysis due to the economic forces though quincunxes to Mercury and Neptune.
In the dollar chart, though things are still not too bad. The conjunction is trine the US Neptune Jupiter conjunction and sextile its progressed Saturn and its progressed Mars, printing continues unabated but value does not look to be too much further damaged, yet. Uranus is trickily positioned though so things will still be rocky.
The Euro chart looks very similar to the dollar one. The conjunction sextiles Saturn and trines progressed Mars and sextiles the progressed Moon. It is a similar picture but without such radical inflation of money. Uranus conjoining Jupiter and sextiling Venus actually looks unexpectedly positive for the currency’s value. However Pluto is still square the Ascendant, which puts a lot of pressure on its image.
In China, the main conjunction aspects are to the midheaven of the chart. It is not all bad but expect more Tibet issues and similar. In the Renminbi there is only one planet significantly aspected; Uranus. It is a curved ball, and upsets the status quo, but the trine from the conjunction to Uranus suggests it is viewed in a positive light. I would be inclined to interpret this as a sudden loosening of the reins on the currency- if not a free float, certainly a much more widely moving one. There are some hard Pluto aspects to this chart developing however in the medium term and this is no doubt meant to mitigate some of the difficult trading issues.
In Japan the conjunction makes a trine to the Moon, but a square to the MC. The country looks bad to the outside world but the people are ok with the economic developments – well let’s be honest they are used to economic difficulties after 2 decades. In the Yen chart the effect of the conjunction is mixed. There is a trine to the Jupiter Venus conjunction, and a continued sextile to natal Neptune. Uranus makes a trine to progressed Jupiter and the MC. There are some tricky aspects, e.g a Neptune square to the MC and Mercury, but the balance is still positive.
Finally we turn again to Russia. As in the case of the Renminbi, the conjunction trines Uranus, and makes quincunxes to Neptune and the Moon suggesting unexpected developments regarding the economic state of the people and currency. Uranus opposes the country’s Jupiter Neptune conjunction (yeah they keep cropping up don’t they- anyone would think these country’s set themselves up for economic disaster hundreds of years ago…. ), but trines the Moon. It is subject to radical shifts and is not cut and dried but it looks a little better than the last few months.
So it looks as if the current trends are set to continue through to the summer at least. It does not look to be as dramatic as I though when I wrote last spring, but that is because the eclipses have brought much of the action forward and essentially there is a currency crisis at the moment : all of them need to fall, the question on everyone’s lips is “against what?” My analysis here is only a relative comparison of those currencies, and soft commodities and other assets really need to be taken into account.
With that proviso, the Yen still looks strongest, although the speed of gains will be less dramatic. The Dollar/Euro is harder to read with the Obama factor seeming to lead to a marginal preference for the Dollar over the Euro, despite the former currency being multiplied at speeds that would make bird flu virus proud. The Renminbi won’t do much till April or so but then it might get a much longer leash. The Rouble is subject to shifts either way and is likely to improve for a while as the Obama effect on the US keeps commodity prices off their bottoms. Sterling remains a bad choice for all but the most masochistic investor.
I’ll keep an eye on whether this is being borne out and update accordingly. Otherwise the next global currency update will be in the summer for the second half of the year.
In the meantime I will be moving to South America. Analysis-wise, not physically.
Charts: As described in my individual posts on each currency.
Note 1 : A typical astrological view of the coming conjunction:
When Neptune and Chiron are in conjunction, we can expect any and all of a whole sea of possibilities, all swirling at the same time. We may hear profound mystical guidance that may resonate with the highest compassionate aims of the healer -- or may be wasted on the perpetual victim who can't see anything beyond his own need for attention. There may be inspired plays and dances that bring our communities together in celebrations of beauty, provided the players are not too stoned to remember their entrances, or too troubled by bad dreams to stay brave. We may feel more clearly than ever before the awakening of humanity toward the coming moment of our ascent into galactic consciousness, as we see at last that the same universal heart beats in each one of us. Or . . . the years ahead may be a field day for scam artists and quacks who pass for "channels" and "healers," and offer effortless remedies to those who still will not imagine the pivotal truth: all the medicine they really need is within the capacity of their love and intention to attract to themselves, and to the widening circle of the ones they love.
And the only practical economic example I could find:
We are getting a big lesson in the commons and the vital importance of the people as a whole. When the workers are left out of the economic equation, the true wealth leaves the society. We are relearning that wealth must be distributed to the lowest levels of society and allowed to waft up the economic chimney to those at the top [ rather than the reverse trickle down process]
Through Chiron and Neptune, we have painfully identified the flaw in the culture’s perception of the role of the worker and the economic model currently in favor. This is prompting a refocusing process that can result in an increased emphasis in the commons in our value and our regulatory system. October 2008 Forecast by Terry Lamb