I’ve been delayed in positing this, and indeed in conducting my end of year review, due to catching one of the many cold/flu viruses that seem to be circulating. I shall be catching up over the next few weeks.
In keeping with my theme for the European countries in December, I am illustrating this post with an artwork. In this case a picture of a section from the window of Cologne Cathedral designed by Gerhard Richter.
Because for much of its history Germany was not a country but a selection of independent states, picking a first chart is not so easy. The chart used here for Germany is the chart for the formation of the empire as effective in 1871, and fulfilling the spirit of a nation, although it should be noted that legally it was still not a fully centralised state.
The chart is interestingly similar to that of the UK, with the same angles and the same position of the Sun. Germany is however more Capricornian with Saturn conjoining the Sun and IC and Venus also part of the stellium. Pluto is trine Venus in the chart, and thus indirectly the Saturn Sun conjunction, indicating the enormous strength that the nation can muster when the people are acting together as well as the well known strength in engineering and industry as a whole. The chart also contains a configuration between Uranus Jupiter and Neptune, something that will be activated in 2009 when these planets form a mundane aspect. In the German chart Neptune is square Uranus and sextile Jupiter, which confirm the potential for major inflation that was realised in the early 1920s, but also potential challenges in terms of integration and communication. The other key element of the chart is the square between Mars in early Libra, a Mars which conjoins the UK Uranus and the Mars of the Bank of England chart –linking the three. So how is this playing out in the current economic climate?
During 2008, the progressed Moon transited progressed Pluto in late summer, as the debt crisis came to a head across the globe. However Neptune is sextile progressed Neptune, which will generally lighten the effect of any difficult circumstances, although Germany and its banks have been affected along with everyone, the impact until now has not been as great as in some other countries.
We have also seen Uranus opposing the progressed Mars during the year, which implies opposition and even possibly violence and it should be noted that this theme will reoccur again over the next four years.
Now (20th December) as 2008 draws to a close Pluto squares Mars, indicating major “surgery” in the economy. At the same time Saturn conjoins progressed Mars and quincunxes Neptune but trines the progressed ascendant, suggesting that a lid is being kept on some of the economic problems and that the country is a least prepared to deal with them rather than practice denial. Furthermore Jupiter is trine the progressed Sun and sextile the progressed MC, suggesting that the government is well regarded at the moment. We will see whether this changes later.
In keeping with my theme for the European countries in December, I am illustrating this post with an artwork. In this case a picture of a section from the window of Cologne Cathedral designed by Gerhard Richter.
Because for much of its history Germany was not a country but a selection of independent states, picking a first chart is not so easy. The chart used here for Germany is the chart for the formation of the empire as effective in 1871, and fulfilling the spirit of a nation, although it should be noted that legally it was still not a fully centralised state.
The chart is interestingly similar to that of the UK, with the same angles and the same position of the Sun. Germany is however more Capricornian with Saturn conjoining the Sun and IC and Venus also part of the stellium. Pluto is trine Venus in the chart, and thus indirectly the Saturn Sun conjunction, indicating the enormous strength that the nation can muster when the people are acting together as well as the well known strength in engineering and industry as a whole. The chart also contains a configuration between Uranus Jupiter and Neptune, something that will be activated in 2009 when these planets form a mundane aspect. In the German chart Neptune is square Uranus and sextile Jupiter, which confirm the potential for major inflation that was realised in the early 1920s, but also potential challenges in terms of integration and communication. The other key element of the chart is the square between Mars in early Libra, a Mars which conjoins the UK Uranus and the Mars of the Bank of England chart –linking the three. So how is this playing out in the current economic climate?
During 2008, the progressed Moon transited progressed Pluto in late summer, as the debt crisis came to a head across the globe. However Neptune is sextile progressed Neptune, which will generally lighten the effect of any difficult circumstances, although Germany and its banks have been affected along with everyone, the impact until now has not been as great as in some other countries.
We have also seen Uranus opposing the progressed Mars during the year, which implies opposition and even possibly violence and it should be noted that this theme will reoccur again over the next four years.
Now (20th December) as 2008 draws to a close Pluto squares Mars, indicating major “surgery” in the economy. At the same time Saturn conjoins progressed Mars and quincunxes Neptune but trines the progressed ascendant, suggesting that a lid is being kept on some of the economic problems and that the country is a least prepared to deal with them rather than practice denial. Furthermore Jupiter is trine the progressed Sun and sextile the progressed MC, suggesting that the government is well regarded at the moment. We will see whether this changes later.
In January 2009 Jupiter trines Mars briefly, as Saturn continues to conjoin the progressed Mars. There may be some policy actions taken to shift the impact of some of the global economic difficulties between sectors. In February when Uranus opposes progressed Mars and Pluto conjoins Saturn, it is possible that there may be internal opposition to the government although it is more likely that there will be disputes about policy with other countries. In March Saturn trines Pluto and squares Jupiter and Jupiter squares natal Pluto. This is by itself quite a positive aspect, suggesting slow transformation, but as it occurs when Pluto is conjoining Saturn, the effect becomes very depressing - it suggests much more deep seated transformation in the industrial sector. However there is some evidence that this will not all be bad. Neptune quincunxes Uranus, but Uranus is trine Uranus, there is a real opportunity here for the development of new and improved technology. The progressed Moon sextile Uranus in April further emphasises this. Given the upcoming mundane Pluto Uranus square post 2010, which highlights the need to have harnessed the right technological developments, the aspects in Germany suggest that appropriately targeted policies at this time will bear longer term fruit.
The Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in May and through the summer is not highly activated in the German chart. The impact on Uranus has been mentioned and the Neptune conjunction is within 1 degree square the progressed Sun and picks up the progressed Moon too. So the government is likely to be affected and even the people albeit briefly. This tallies with the likely currency adjustments expected then. Germany itself, as part of the Euro, is indirectly affected by events but probably for much of the country life will continue as usual through any such adjustments.
The double effect of Saturn trine Pluto and Pluto conjoining Saturn repeats in July, and the aspects to Mars repeat in August. There is no let up in the underlying changes to the industrial sector, and it is also possible that there are other undercurrents of aggression from some elements of the population at this time which have to be quelled. September, when the progressed Moon also trines Mars represents a particularly sensitive time.
October and November are somewhat mixed. With evidence of renewed strength in the leadership in October implied by a trine between Saturn and the progressed Sun, and a square to progressed Jupiter. In November and December we see a return of the Neptune conjunction effect, which should again favour technological change and on balance probably benefits from any external changes in currency strength.
There are other background forces at work in the country . Germany is experiencing the effects of an approaching conjunction between progressed Uranus and the progressed Descendant, which may be interpreted both as the impact of new methods and immigrant populations within the country and the effect of external events in partner countries on the German economy. Just how this will play out depends on the other aspects at play in the coming 2 years.
January opens with a Jupiter aspect to the progressed Sun, natal Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, This is an interesting aspect which on balance suggests strength although accompanied with some adjustments. February is predominantly positive too, despite the background changes. Jupiter trine the progressed Venus and Uranus trine Uranus suggests increased comfort, certainly enough to relieve any challenges produced by the Saturn square which accompanies it.
April and May see the beginnings of the impact of the cardinal square. At this point Uranus and Jupiter are still in Pisces and square progressed Jupiter and trine the progressed Sun, On the other hand the somewhat explosive effect of those planets are dampened by the trine of Neptune to the Jupiter and Square to the Sun that happens at the same time. But the period will be one of transition and possibly seizing opportunities. By June, Jupiter and Uranus are in Aries and square Mars. This is definitely the sort of aspect that precipitates dramatic changes - some of them opposed. Neptune continues its May aspects and Saturn reinforces them with a trine to the progressed Sun so there is still an offset at work that may break up the sparks from the other aspect- It is still a dramatic time though. Essentially by the time the cardinal cross is at its peak in August many of the events will already be set in process.
In August itself the cross has Saturn conjoining Mars, Pluto conjoining Saturn and Uranus/Jupiter in aspect to both. Now the Saturn/Mars square is core to the German psyche so this square is likely to activate old tensions and the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction to demand a change of both political and economic style which is definitely likely to upset the traditions.
In September, Saturn moves forward to square progressed Venus and conjoin the Ascendant. It was last crossing this point in 1981 so is likely to reactivate issues occurring then. Uranus and Jupiter retrograde to reactivate the Sun and Jupiter aspects - a more positive effect, change through the proper channels rather than through protest and activism.
The latter months of 2010 are likely to be characterised by some problems with the leadership as Saturn reaches a square to the IC and squares both progressed Saturn, Venus and the Sun. On the other hand the Jupiter Uranus conjunction will again highlight positive changes and take any developments to the next level.
The background theme of 2011 is an approaching trine between the progressed Sun and natal Mars, a very strong and dynamic aspect. We would not expect this to be accompanied by passive behaviour. Germany will face any problems head on and with the ability to surmount them.
January 2011 shows little change from late 2010 and in February Jupiter’s position back at 2 degrees Aries reactivates the summer 2010 themes. But now Jupiter moves on and will cross the Descendant by the end of the month. This is likely to mark a turning point, especially with regard to German’s relations with the outer world – perhaps the EU or perhaps even broader than just Europe. Jupiter is also square progressed Venus at the same time, and with progressed Venus in Cancer opposite the natal Sun, we might see internal political divisions regarding such external relations where they are seen to reduce the national spirit. The aspects of Uranus and Neptune to the progressed Sun and Jupiter continue at this time further suggesting that there is continued dichotomy.
After March, when the progressed Moon conjoining natal Jupiter brings things further to a head, April sees a conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune sextile natal Jupiter. This is highly optimistic, it suggests faith to the point of possible irrationalism, and could be accompanied by overvaluations and overestimations of success. Neptune and Uranus will have moved into aspect with Mars. Neptune will, to some extent, dampen the fervour of Mars, but Uranus in opposition to it may lead to outright violence. Nevertheless the aspect can be very productive and lead to a consolidation of trade. It does look increasingly as if there are too moods in the country at this time, those that are happy to go along with the existing government policies and those that believe that a more radical approach is appropriate.
As a result, the period around May is mixed. Saturn square the Sun, implies that the government faces obstacles, Jupiter square Uranus implies continued instability, and Pluto square the Descendant and opposing progressed Venus, suggests growing deep seated threats to the external relationships that were the focus of the early months of 2011.
Although Neptune is square to the progressed Sun throughout the summer, continuing the theme of weakness or deception regarding the leadership, June through August are relatively easy times. Jupiter conjoins the country’s Moon and Pluto trines it, gently harnessing the power of the people but not accompanied by any action. Even September, though a little less comfortable, is not especially dramatic. Nevertheless the potential of this amount of power is enormous and needs watching else it hijacks the political or economic agenda for the wrong ends.
However, by this time, Uranus is square Saturn which tend to upset the status quo and, in October, Saturn reaches an opposition with Neptune- this is a recession/depression type aspect suggesting inertia for the last 3 month of the year. But with Uranus again opposing Mars and sextiling the progressed Sun, we have the antithesis of inertia. It looks increasingly as if there are two country’s- one which is unable to move forward due to economic difficulties and another which is forging ahead, although whether in a constructive or destructive manner is less clear.
The year 2012 starts with a trine between Neptune and Saturn forming a grand trine with Germany’s progressed Jupiter and Moon. This is a rather odd aspect, as Neptune Saturn in trine is not unpleasant but nor is it particularly constructive. In aspect to expansive Jupiter the two suggest that it may be difficult to get new initiatives off the ground due to a lack of momentum. The spirit is willing but the flesh weak, so to speak. The quincunx of Neptune to natal Mars further suggests this.
At the same time Pluto is again opposing progressed Venus and approaching Saturn and the Descendant, continuing the theme of gradually accumulating power.
By March/April Pluto ( once more trined by Jupiter) reaches the IC. With just Pluto alone we might assume that the country would undergo an extremely difficult time of transformation, but with the trine from Jupiter the overall balance is less negative and more constructive- suggesting the financing of new industry and growth. In late April, Jupiter has moved away but it is now conjoining natal Pluto and trining natal Venus, passing the baton, as it were, of these positive wealth effects. It is possible that the apparent dichotomy mentioned represents the areas which are benefiting from finance and development versus those which are suffering from global recession.
However, while Pluto continues to transit Saturn and the IC, by May Jupiter has moved on. Furthermore Uranus crosses the Descendant. If Jupiter crossing the Descendant was a small turning point in international relations, then this looks to be a much bigger one. Essentially by June of 2012 we have the Pluto Uranus mundane square across the angles of the German chart. (It will be recalled that these are also the UK chart angles too and that in its own way the UK is experiencing similar effects). With these two planets at play we can assume that it is Germany’s industrial economy that is most impacted and that only those areas which have adapted to changes in technology, but not to the extent that they are reliant on others, will come out of this well. It also implies that there may be levels of economic protectionism put into effect at this time.
The latter part of the summer and Autumn of 2012, sees, via Neptune square the progressed Sun and quincunx Mars again, a repeat of the themes of weakness in direction of the leadership and, for a while, a rather mixed economic outlook with no real clear direction. December, however sees a reactivation of the Pluto Uranus aspect, as the progressed Moon reaches the MC and transiting Saturn trines it. It is likely to see the birth of a whole new cycle in German political and economic trends.
Chart source:
Germany : 1 January 1871 0.00 local time Berlin. N Campion; Book of World Horoscopes
In January 2009 Jupiter trines Mars briefly, as Saturn continues to conjoin the progressed Mars. There may be some policy actions taken to shift the impact of some of the global economic difficulties between sectors. In February when Uranus opposes progressed Mars and Pluto conjoins Saturn, it is possible that there may be internal opposition to the government although it is more likely that there will be disputes about policy with other countries. In March Saturn trines Pluto and squares Jupiter and Jupiter squares natal Pluto. This is by itself quite a positive aspect, suggesting slow transformation, but as it occurs when Pluto is conjoining Saturn, the effect becomes very depressing - it suggests much more deep seated transformation in the industrial sector. However there is some evidence that this will not all be bad. Neptune quincunxes Uranus, but Uranus is trine Uranus, there is a real opportunity here for the development of new and improved technology. The progressed Moon sextile Uranus in April further emphasises this. Given the upcoming mundane Pluto Uranus square post 2010, which highlights the need to have harnessed the right technological developments, the aspects in Germany suggest that appropriately targeted policies at this time will bear longer term fruit.
The Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in May and through the summer is not highly activated in the German chart. The impact on Uranus has been mentioned and the Neptune conjunction is within 1 degree square the progressed Sun and picks up the progressed Moon too. So the government is likely to be affected and even the people albeit briefly. This tallies with the likely currency adjustments expected then. Germany itself, as part of the Euro, is indirectly affected by events but probably for much of the country life will continue as usual through any such adjustments.
The double effect of Saturn trine Pluto and Pluto conjoining Saturn repeats in July, and the aspects to Mars repeat in August. There is no let up in the underlying changes to the industrial sector, and it is also possible that there are other undercurrents of aggression from some elements of the population at this time which have to be quelled. September, when the progressed Moon also trines Mars represents a particularly sensitive time.
October and November are somewhat mixed. With evidence of renewed strength in the leadership in October implied by a trine between Saturn and the progressed Sun, and a square to progressed Jupiter. In November and December we see a return of the Neptune conjunction effect, which should again favour technological change and on balance probably benefits from any external changes in currency strength.
There are other background forces at work in the country . Germany is experiencing the effects of an approaching conjunction between progressed Uranus and the progressed Descendant, which may be interpreted both as the impact of new methods and immigrant populations within the country and the effect of external events in partner countries on the German economy. Just how this will play out depends on the other aspects at play in the coming 2 years.
January opens with a Jupiter aspect to the progressed Sun, natal Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, This is an interesting aspect which on balance suggests strength although accompanied with some adjustments. February is predominantly positive too, despite the background changes. Jupiter trine the progressed Venus and Uranus trine Uranus suggests increased comfort, certainly enough to relieve any challenges produced by the Saturn square which accompanies it.
April and May see the beginnings of the impact of the cardinal square. At this point Uranus and Jupiter are still in Pisces and square progressed Jupiter and trine the progressed Sun, On the other hand the somewhat explosive effect of those planets are dampened by the trine of Neptune to the Jupiter and Square to the Sun that happens at the same time. But the period will be one of transition and possibly seizing opportunities. By June, Jupiter and Uranus are in Aries and square Mars. This is definitely the sort of aspect that precipitates dramatic changes - some of them opposed. Neptune continues its May aspects and Saturn reinforces them with a trine to the progressed Sun so there is still an offset at work that may break up the sparks from the other aspect- It is still a dramatic time though. Essentially by the time the cardinal cross is at its peak in August many of the events will already be set in process.
In August itself the cross has Saturn conjoining Mars, Pluto conjoining Saturn and Uranus/Jupiter in aspect to both. Now the Saturn/Mars square is core to the German psyche so this square is likely to activate old tensions and the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction to demand a change of both political and economic style which is definitely likely to upset the traditions.
In September, Saturn moves forward to square progressed Venus and conjoin the Ascendant. It was last crossing this point in 1981 so is likely to reactivate issues occurring then. Uranus and Jupiter retrograde to reactivate the Sun and Jupiter aspects - a more positive effect, change through the proper channels rather than through protest and activism.
The latter months of 2010 are likely to be characterised by some problems with the leadership as Saturn reaches a square to the IC and squares both progressed Saturn, Venus and the Sun. On the other hand the Jupiter Uranus conjunction will again highlight positive changes and take any developments to the next level.
The background theme of 2011 is an approaching trine between the progressed Sun and natal Mars, a very strong and dynamic aspect. We would not expect this to be accompanied by passive behaviour. Germany will face any problems head on and with the ability to surmount them.
January 2011 shows little change from late 2010 and in February Jupiter’s position back at 2 degrees Aries reactivates the summer 2010 themes. But now Jupiter moves on and will cross the Descendant by the end of the month. This is likely to mark a turning point, especially with regard to German’s relations with the outer world – perhaps the EU or perhaps even broader than just Europe. Jupiter is also square progressed Venus at the same time, and with progressed Venus in Cancer opposite the natal Sun, we might see internal political divisions regarding such external relations where they are seen to reduce the national spirit. The aspects of Uranus and Neptune to the progressed Sun and Jupiter continue at this time further suggesting that there is continued dichotomy.
After March, when the progressed Moon conjoining natal Jupiter brings things further to a head, April sees a conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune sextile natal Jupiter. This is highly optimistic, it suggests faith to the point of possible irrationalism, and could be accompanied by overvaluations and overestimations of success. Neptune and Uranus will have moved into aspect with Mars. Neptune will, to some extent, dampen the fervour of Mars, but Uranus in opposition to it may lead to outright violence. Nevertheless the aspect can be very productive and lead to a consolidation of trade. It does look increasingly as if there are too moods in the country at this time, those that are happy to go along with the existing government policies and those that believe that a more radical approach is appropriate.
As a result, the period around May is mixed. Saturn square the Sun, implies that the government faces obstacles, Jupiter square Uranus implies continued instability, and Pluto square the Descendant and opposing progressed Venus, suggests growing deep seated threats to the external relationships that were the focus of the early months of 2011.
Although Neptune is square to the progressed Sun throughout the summer, continuing the theme of weakness or deception regarding the leadership, June through August are relatively easy times. Jupiter conjoins the country’s Moon and Pluto trines it, gently harnessing the power of the people but not accompanied by any action. Even September, though a little less comfortable, is not especially dramatic. Nevertheless the potential of this amount of power is enormous and needs watching else it hijacks the political or economic agenda for the wrong ends.
However, by this time, Uranus is square Saturn which tend to upset the status quo and, in October, Saturn reaches an opposition with Neptune- this is a recession/depression type aspect suggesting inertia for the last 3 month of the year. But with Uranus again opposing Mars and sextiling the progressed Sun, we have the antithesis of inertia. It looks increasingly as if there are two country’s- one which is unable to move forward due to economic difficulties and another which is forging ahead, although whether in a constructive or destructive manner is less clear.
The year 2012 starts with a trine between Neptune and Saturn forming a grand trine with Germany’s progressed Jupiter and Moon. This is a rather odd aspect, as Neptune Saturn in trine is not unpleasant but nor is it particularly constructive. In aspect to expansive Jupiter the two suggest that it may be difficult to get new initiatives off the ground due to a lack of momentum. The spirit is willing but the flesh weak, so to speak. The quincunx of Neptune to natal Mars further suggests this.
At the same time Pluto is again opposing progressed Venus and approaching Saturn and the Descendant, continuing the theme of gradually accumulating power.
By March/April Pluto ( once more trined by Jupiter) reaches the IC. With just Pluto alone we might assume that the country would undergo an extremely difficult time of transformation, but with the trine from Jupiter the overall balance is less negative and more constructive- suggesting the financing of new industry and growth. In late April, Jupiter has moved away but it is now conjoining natal Pluto and trining natal Venus, passing the baton, as it were, of these positive wealth effects. It is possible that the apparent dichotomy mentioned represents the areas which are benefiting from finance and development versus those which are suffering from global recession.
However, while Pluto continues to transit Saturn and the IC, by May Jupiter has moved on. Furthermore Uranus crosses the Descendant. If Jupiter crossing the Descendant was a small turning point in international relations, then this looks to be a much bigger one. Essentially by June of 2012 we have the Pluto Uranus mundane square across the angles of the German chart. (It will be recalled that these are also the UK chart angles too and that in its own way the UK is experiencing similar effects). With these two planets at play we can assume that it is Germany’s industrial economy that is most impacted and that only those areas which have adapted to changes in technology, but not to the extent that they are reliant on others, will come out of this well. It also implies that there may be levels of economic protectionism put into effect at this time.
The latter part of the summer and Autumn of 2012, sees, via Neptune square the progressed Sun and quincunx Mars again, a repeat of the themes of weakness in direction of the leadership and, for a while, a rather mixed economic outlook with no real clear direction. December, however sees a reactivation of the Pluto Uranus aspect, as the progressed Moon reaches the MC and transiting Saturn trines it. It is likely to see the birth of a whole new cycle in German political and economic trends.
Chart source:
Germany : 1 January 1871 0.00 local time Berlin. N Campion; Book of World Horoscopes