With Uranus on its ascendant ( at least in the chart I use) North Korea appears as an outsider, a country that others feel difficulty relating to. However it was not a country that attracted much interest in the west until George Bush’s “axis of evil speech” at a time when the transiting Saturn Pluto opposition was square the NK Sun and trine its Pluto. It is a theme that has continued as the progressed Mars Sun and Ascendant in the NK chart have moved closer to exactitude with the country’s Pluto.
In 2008 there have been some dramatic twists-, with NK planning to restart its nuclear programme and questions over the state of health (or worse) of Kim-Jong-il. The astrology backs this up. The progressed Ascendant is within one degree of Pluto, progressed Mars within one degree of a trine with Pluto and a sextile with the Sun and progressed Sun also within one degree of a Sextile with progressed Pluto. If this was not enough focus on both nuclear military capacity and the mortality of the leader, transiting Pluto is crossing the Descendant and opposing Uranus, emphasising the very idiosyncrasies that makes other countries wary of NK.
Of course there is relatively not so much focus on NK at present due to the western financial crisis and the chart suggests that economically there are some challenges even in NK as a result of that crisis as the current Saturn Uranus oppositions squares the NK Jupiter.
So what do the next few years hold? It is clear that with so many progressions aspecting the country’s natal Pluto that the current issues will not be resolved quickly. Indeed the Sun and Mars aspects to Pluto continue to be effective for a another couple of years and are then replaced with some Mars Jupiter aspects which tend to suggest more active aggression rather than latent fears. The Pluto transit to the NK 7th house will continue until around 2020 suggesting it will continue to be perceived by others as a threat and continue to view other countries as a threat to itself.
The current themes are obviously continuing in existence as we move in to January and February 2009. In February there may be an internal show of emotion – perhaps over the leader- as Jupiter transits the country’s progressed Moon and squares it progressed Midheaven.
March sees NK in a somewhat aggressive mood with Jupiter opposite the progressed Ascendant.
But in April onwards we are interested in how, if at all the Neptune Jupiter conjunction impacts the NK chart. It is interesting to see that the planets picked up are the Moon ( a square) and progressed Jupiter. This implies that the show of emotional fervour described in February continues throughout these months and, indeed, is magnified. Neptune is closing in on an opposition with Saturn too ( although it will not reach the exact degree for another year) and this may indicate grief or depression.
The Neptune aspect continues into August and is accompanied by a Saturn transit of the Sun in July which picks up the progressed Mars/Sun etc that has already been discussed. We may see a new leader, accompanied by a lot of rhetoric, establish position over the summer. Pluto returns to oppose Uranus in August suggesting more spear shaking relating to the nuclear programme.
September and October represent a key turning point as the progressed Moon activates the degree of the progressed Ascendant/Pluto/Sun/Mars once again at the same time as Pluto opposes Uranus for the final time. We would expect any disputes to come to ahead at this time, although it does look like the internal focus will be on new leadership.
The year ends with the transiting Pluto Saturn square giving us everywhere a taste of 2010 in November/December. In the NK case Saturn squares the ascendant and Uranus, reigning in the more aggressive impulses but not lessening the external fears for how the country will act next.
In January and February 2010 the Neptune Jupiter conjunction really begins to reach Saturn and a square to Jupiter- Jupiter itself crosses the MC suggesting a change of emphasis. There seem to be conflicting themes here – on the one hand the country seems to be nearing a severe depression (for a country that appears to have a lot of poverty and repression anyway this suggests that things are about to get worse), but that there is temporary optimism.
In April there is a suggestion that there will be a slight show of military force- Jupiter opposes the Sun and Squares progressed Mars, picking up that Pluto and Sun too, and with Saturn once again square the Ascendant axis there is controlled tension within and outside.
The cardinal square over the summer of 2010 picks up first the country’s Saturn and then the Uranus/ascendant. This is a very unstable time- when there could be significant aggression by or against NK. It is possible that the opposition comes from within – with Neptune opposing Saturn there is likely to be dissatisfaction and in August the progressed Moon squares the Moon picking up the Neptune /Saturn opposition and suggesting that the population are severely challenged and disillusioned.
October transits do not significantly lighten the mood and there is a communications blackout as Saturn transits mercury. And by December there appears to be a very depressed mood as Neptune continues in opposition to Saturn and Saturn conjoins Neptune, which, as we have discussed elsewhere, is the depression double whammy.
There is no change in the first few months of 2011. But by March and April, while the depressing influences are still there, (and indeed Saturn stations on Neptune until August 2011), there is also the start of a new influence. Although the Pluto progressed aspects cannot be said to have completely disappeared they are beginning to weaken by this stage
Despite the Saturn Neptune station, April of 2011 is characterised by a lessening of the negative Neptune influence as it moves to 0 degrees Pisces and trines the ascendant and Uranus. At the same time though Jupiter reaches the degree of Pluto and the Ascendant/Mars progression. This means that the energy previously kept under wraps is more likely to be outward looking. Jupiter moves on quickly and by June is also activating the Uranus/ascendant further emphasising openness.
July looks tricky however with the Mundane Pluto Uranus square aspecting progressed Saturn – suggesting change that might be difficult – something reinforced by the progressed Moon opposing Saturn and then conjoining the MC – a big turning point in the cycle.
In August Jupiter crosses the progressed MC and stations there at the beginning of a new era. Saturn is sextiling the progressed Pluto Ascendant Mars configuration which is now also picking up the natal Jupiter – this indicates that the country may be looking to be involved in more open conflict by this time. The indications are even stronger since towards the latter part of the year the country’s progressed Jupiter crosses the Descendant. At best this is a more open approach to the rest of the world, at worst when combined with the other factors it could be more open aggression.
Certainly the end of the year looks like being a big surprise. The country is having a Uranus square magnified by a Jupiter transit.
The aspects of December 2011 continue into January, and become even more like direct confrontation by February.
In February Jupiter opposes Mars, but we are also by now seeing progressed Mars conjoining the NK natal Jupiter. Another example of an astrological double whammy and one which is characterised by reckless pioneering – in the case of a country it might suggest invasion.
April is challenging as a result with the progressed moon opposing the Sun – this could be the people versus the leader but could represent North and South Korea. It is definitely not an easy time for NK as Jupiter reaches a square to Pluto – a bit of a knock back to the February aspects.
In May Mars passes the country’s IC – an event which happens every two years but in this case probably adds to the “assertive” nature of the other aspects. Jupiter opposing the progressed Sun and making some other tricky aspects makes the whole period very uncertain.
More tricky aspects continue in June and July, though after that the emotions start to calm down and August and September look less overtly difficult ( although there are still some behind the scenes challenges) .
However there is increased evidence of stability in the last months of the year, as Saturn sextiles Saturn and the progressed Jupiter, then the Ascendant Uranus configuration and Neptune trine the Ascendant further softens the effects of the events earlier in the year.
Chart Source:
North Korea: 9 September 1948. 00:00 local time Pyongyang. Wikipedia
In 2008 there have been some dramatic twists-, with NK planning to restart its nuclear programme and questions over the state of health (or worse) of Kim-Jong-il. The astrology backs this up. The progressed Ascendant is within one degree of Pluto, progressed Mars within one degree of a trine with Pluto and a sextile with the Sun and progressed Sun also within one degree of a Sextile with progressed Pluto. If this was not enough focus on both nuclear military capacity and the mortality of the leader, transiting Pluto is crossing the Descendant and opposing Uranus, emphasising the very idiosyncrasies that makes other countries wary of NK.
Of course there is relatively not so much focus on NK at present due to the western financial crisis and the chart suggests that economically there are some challenges even in NK as a result of that crisis as the current Saturn Uranus oppositions squares the NK Jupiter.
So what do the next few years hold? It is clear that with so many progressions aspecting the country’s natal Pluto that the current issues will not be resolved quickly. Indeed the Sun and Mars aspects to Pluto continue to be effective for a another couple of years and are then replaced with some Mars Jupiter aspects which tend to suggest more active aggression rather than latent fears. The Pluto transit to the NK 7th house will continue until around 2020 suggesting it will continue to be perceived by others as a threat and continue to view other countries as a threat to itself.
The current themes are obviously continuing in existence as we move in to January and February 2009. In February there may be an internal show of emotion – perhaps over the leader- as Jupiter transits the country’s progressed Moon and squares it progressed Midheaven.
March sees NK in a somewhat aggressive mood with Jupiter opposite the progressed Ascendant.
But in April onwards we are interested in how, if at all the Neptune Jupiter conjunction impacts the NK chart. It is interesting to see that the planets picked up are the Moon ( a square) and progressed Jupiter. This implies that the show of emotional fervour described in February continues throughout these months and, indeed, is magnified. Neptune is closing in on an opposition with Saturn too ( although it will not reach the exact degree for another year) and this may indicate grief or depression.
The Neptune aspect continues into August and is accompanied by a Saturn transit of the Sun in July which picks up the progressed Mars/Sun etc that has already been discussed. We may see a new leader, accompanied by a lot of rhetoric, establish position over the summer. Pluto returns to oppose Uranus in August suggesting more spear shaking relating to the nuclear programme.
September and October represent a key turning point as the progressed Moon activates the degree of the progressed Ascendant/Pluto/Sun/Mars once again at the same time as Pluto opposes Uranus for the final time. We would expect any disputes to come to ahead at this time, although it does look like the internal focus will be on new leadership.
The year ends with the transiting Pluto Saturn square giving us everywhere a taste of 2010 in November/December. In the NK case Saturn squares the ascendant and Uranus, reigning in the more aggressive impulses but not lessening the external fears for how the country will act next.
In January and February 2010 the Neptune Jupiter conjunction really begins to reach Saturn and a square to Jupiter- Jupiter itself crosses the MC suggesting a change of emphasis. There seem to be conflicting themes here – on the one hand the country seems to be nearing a severe depression (for a country that appears to have a lot of poverty and repression anyway this suggests that things are about to get worse), but that there is temporary optimism.
In April there is a suggestion that there will be a slight show of military force- Jupiter opposes the Sun and Squares progressed Mars, picking up that Pluto and Sun too, and with Saturn once again square the Ascendant axis there is controlled tension within and outside.
The cardinal square over the summer of 2010 picks up first the country’s Saturn and then the Uranus/ascendant. This is a very unstable time- when there could be significant aggression by or against NK. It is possible that the opposition comes from within – with Neptune opposing Saturn there is likely to be dissatisfaction and in August the progressed Moon squares the Moon picking up the Neptune /Saturn opposition and suggesting that the population are severely challenged and disillusioned.
October transits do not significantly lighten the mood and there is a communications blackout as Saturn transits mercury. And by December there appears to be a very depressed mood as Neptune continues in opposition to Saturn and Saturn conjoins Neptune, which, as we have discussed elsewhere, is the depression double whammy.
There is no change in the first few months of 2011. But by March and April, while the depressing influences are still there, (and indeed Saturn stations on Neptune until August 2011), there is also the start of a new influence. Although the Pluto progressed aspects cannot be said to have completely disappeared they are beginning to weaken by this stage
Despite the Saturn Neptune station, April of 2011 is characterised by a lessening of the negative Neptune influence as it moves to 0 degrees Pisces and trines the ascendant and Uranus. At the same time though Jupiter reaches the degree of Pluto and the Ascendant/Mars progression. This means that the energy previously kept under wraps is more likely to be outward looking. Jupiter moves on quickly and by June is also activating the Uranus/ascendant further emphasising openness.
July looks tricky however with the Mundane Pluto Uranus square aspecting progressed Saturn – suggesting change that might be difficult – something reinforced by the progressed Moon opposing Saturn and then conjoining the MC – a big turning point in the cycle.
In August Jupiter crosses the progressed MC and stations there at the beginning of a new era. Saturn is sextiling the progressed Pluto Ascendant Mars configuration which is now also picking up the natal Jupiter – this indicates that the country may be looking to be involved in more open conflict by this time. The indications are even stronger since towards the latter part of the year the country’s progressed Jupiter crosses the Descendant. At best this is a more open approach to the rest of the world, at worst when combined with the other factors it could be more open aggression.
Certainly the end of the year looks like being a big surprise. The country is having a Uranus square magnified by a Jupiter transit.
The aspects of December 2011 continue into January, and become even more like direct confrontation by February.
In February Jupiter opposes Mars, but we are also by now seeing progressed Mars conjoining the NK natal Jupiter. Another example of an astrological double whammy and one which is characterised by reckless pioneering – in the case of a country it might suggest invasion.
April is challenging as a result with the progressed moon opposing the Sun – this could be the people versus the leader but could represent North and South Korea. It is definitely not an easy time for NK as Jupiter reaches a square to Pluto – a bit of a knock back to the February aspects.
In May Mars passes the country’s IC – an event which happens every two years but in this case probably adds to the “assertive” nature of the other aspects. Jupiter opposing the progressed Sun and making some other tricky aspects makes the whole period very uncertain.
More tricky aspects continue in June and July, though after that the emotions start to calm down and August and September look less overtly difficult ( although there are still some behind the scenes challenges) .
However there is increased evidence of stability in the last months of the year, as Saturn sextiles Saturn and the progressed Jupiter, then the Ascendant Uranus configuration and Neptune trine the Ascendant further softens the effects of the events earlier in the year.
Chart Source:
North Korea: 9 September 1948. 00:00 local time Pyongyang. Wikipedia