My Europe theme continues with Italy and this time my chosen artwork is a Fazzino of Venice.
In the 1990s I spent a lot of time travelling to and form Italy on business. As a result I love the Italian country, its people and culture but in general am sceptical about its economic stability.
The chart for the country is not reassuring. A conjunction of the Sun Mercury and Neptune at the base of the chart suggests that it is difficult to construct anything solid there without finding oneself immersed in a mire of either paperwork or, worse, deception. The country also has Uranus almost conjunct its Descendant and square Saturn. It doesn’t adapt easily to change, and opposition to the state is all part of the way of life. It really isn’t an easy country to run.
One of the key points to note is that a major progressed aspect between the sun and natal mars and Jupiter is now separating, indicating that Italy may be moving away from the leadership style and economic practices of the last few year and into new territory.
The August eclipse this year happened on Italy’s progressed Mars and subsequent lunations have picked up the Sun Neptune conjunction and the Moon at 25 Taurus. One of the more significant country charts – especially in Europe. Unsurprisingly, given Italy’s continuing struggles to meet budget targets etc, Italian bonds are suffering with the financial crisis more than many others in Europe.
At present we see Neptune on the progressed MC of the chart, suggesting things might come out of the woodwork soon as it moves on. The Saturn/Uranus/Jupiter configuration has been activating the country’s Mars and creating some tension within the leadership ( quincunx to progressed Sun Jupiter)
The December 2008 aspects continue into 2009 with the final Neptune aspect to the progressed Mc. The situation is very mixed in the early months, there is definite weakness with Neptune opposing the progresed Mars and squaring the Moon – and emotionally draining time but this compensated to some extend by a trine between Saturn and Mars and an excellent restructuring and development aspect in the form of Pluto trine progressed Jupiter.
However any relaxation will be short lived. April through June, dominated by the Neptune Jupiter conjunction cannot be ignored in Italy. Saturn is conjunct progressed Venus and square Uranus, restraining any feelings of comfort, Uranus conjoins the Neptune Sun – so that people might start demanding new leadership, and the major conjunction itself opposes Mars- suggesting too much trade/liquidity and imbalance. Expect increased pressure on Italy as a member of the Euro and EU and on its commercial enterprises.
July is a little more stable as the progressed Moon briefly sextiles progressed Jupiter and Saturn, but in August we see a key moment as Jupiter crosses the progressed MC. However it should be noted that Pluto is sextile Neptune, a moderating influence and one that might start to lead to long term changes in the country, albeit gradually.
September is a time of drama – Jupiter opposing Jupiter, progressed Sun and square Mars, might see everyone out on the streets, although with a trine to the progressed Ascendant it will all happen in the most Italian of ways. It is accompanied however by a brief opposition between the progressed Moon and Pluto. Power to the people, but not with the most sensible of intentions.
By October the country is definitely in a recessionary state with Saturn opposing Neptune, and the government won’t be able to make a decision about what to do next which means more focus on the Italian government and its opposition , none of which looks to be very constructive. All in all a lot of debate, posturing and declarations but not much in the way of workable policy.
Jupiter returns to the progressed MC in December as Neptune continues square Mars. Everyoen wants change, no one can do anything about it.
Although the trends of 2009 won’t end, the first couple of montsh of 2010 don’t look too bad. Indeed with Pluto starting a 3 year period trine Saturn and the progressed Jupiter it has the first chance for a long time to make workable economic reforms.
Jupiter again opposes progressed Jupiter in February raising the temperature again, and leading to some outspoken views ( Uranus conjunct Mercury as the same time). The aspects of summer 2009 return for another look in the light of the potential reforms but the recession ( Saturn opposing Neptune) shows no sign of abating.
April really does bring impetus for change as Jupiter is square the progressed Uranus and Ascendant as well as opposite Venus. But Jupiter does its chart rounds every 12 years, obviously we need something more.
And in May Saturn conjoins the MC. This is not good for any leader, even less so when Jupiter and Uranus are transiting a Neptune Sun IC conjunction. Summer 2010 is likely to result in some dramatic changes in the Italian government. Indeed the picture looks explosive. The cardinal cross is close to the IC of Italy, and that Neptune signature. Expect revelations, resignations and re-evaluations at all levels. Any doubts that Italy will be a focus at this time, must be dismissed- in August and September the progressed Moon squares the progressed Sun and MC. Change is inevitable for the whole country.
The aspects repeat in October through December so don’t suggest that resolution to issues is found over night – things will drag on, economic weakness ( Neptune opposing Mars) will continue and with progressed Mars increasingly moving to oppose the progressed MC, there may be violent outbreaks.
The beginning of 2011 is better. We still have the powerful Uranus Jupiter aspect shaking things up but the Pluto trine to Saturn suggests it is for the best in the long term and the Saturn trine Uranus aspect suggests that this continues to be a rare chance for Italy to raise its game.
In fact in April there is a rather positive Jupiter sextile to the progressed MC and Mars, a sign of positive leadership (hopefully but not necessarily democratically elected). May/June is a bit mixed as people adjust to the changes and adopt a “let’s see what happens next” attitude.
July through to September provides the country with even more of that very positive restructuring medicine- could it be that Italy has received funding from outside only on the agreement that it makes certain changes?
October is a bit of the past mixed with optimism fro the future with some nice stable ( yes really!) Saturn and Jupiter aspects to the progressed Sun. The Moon crosses the country’s Ascendant axis in November, suggesting that things have reached a turning point.
The country is very close to having progressed Jupiter conjoining its natal Saturn. This really is a sign of consolidation and an extremely rare occurrence in a national chart. Hopefully Italy are making use of it by this time. It is an ill wind…… and perhaps Italy can make use of the global crisis to do things that would not be possible alone.
The year starts as 2011 ended, not wholly positive but sufficiently so. Restructuring continues throughout and I won’t keep repeating it.
In May there is another outbreak of drama and debate ( Jupiter again in aspect to Jupiter & Mars and the progressed Sun and a progressed Moon opposing Uranus).
In August, we reach another key turning point and Jupiter first transits Uranus and then crosses the Descendant in the first of three passes over the coming months. Relations with other nations will be important during this time but, though not necessarily without incident, the general feel of the chart is that the positive changes are continuing. Maybe Italy gets not just outside money but outside help in its actions.
Whatever the nature of the changes, they are still continuing at the end of 2012, and at that point so far so good.
Chart Notes
Italy: 17 March 1861 NS midnight in Turin local time. Source N Campion Book of World Horoscopes.
Relocated to Rome current capital.
The chart for the country is not reassuring. A conjunction of the Sun Mercury and Neptune at the base of the chart suggests that it is difficult to construct anything solid there without finding oneself immersed in a mire of either paperwork or, worse, deception. The country also has Uranus almost conjunct its Descendant and square Saturn. It doesn’t adapt easily to change, and opposition to the state is all part of the way of life. It really isn’t an easy country to run.
One of the key points to note is that a major progressed aspect between the sun and natal mars and Jupiter is now separating, indicating that Italy may be moving away from the leadership style and economic practices of the last few year and into new territory.
The August eclipse this year happened on Italy’s progressed Mars and subsequent lunations have picked up the Sun Neptune conjunction and the Moon at 25 Taurus. One of the more significant country charts – especially in Europe. Unsurprisingly, given Italy’s continuing struggles to meet budget targets etc, Italian bonds are suffering with the financial crisis more than many others in Europe.
At present we see Neptune on the progressed MC of the chart, suggesting things might come out of the woodwork soon as it moves on. The Saturn/Uranus/Jupiter configuration has been activating the country’s Mars and creating some tension within the leadership ( quincunx to progressed Sun Jupiter)
The December 2008 aspects continue into 2009 with the final Neptune aspect to the progressed Mc. The situation is very mixed in the early months, there is definite weakness with Neptune opposing the progresed Mars and squaring the Moon – and emotionally draining time but this compensated to some extend by a trine between Saturn and Mars and an excellent restructuring and development aspect in the form of Pluto trine progressed Jupiter.
However any relaxation will be short lived. April through June, dominated by the Neptune Jupiter conjunction cannot be ignored in Italy. Saturn is conjunct progressed Venus and square Uranus, restraining any feelings of comfort, Uranus conjoins the Neptune Sun – so that people might start demanding new leadership, and the major conjunction itself opposes Mars- suggesting too much trade/liquidity and imbalance. Expect increased pressure on Italy as a member of the Euro and EU and on its commercial enterprises.
July is a little more stable as the progressed Moon briefly sextiles progressed Jupiter and Saturn, but in August we see a key moment as Jupiter crosses the progressed MC. However it should be noted that Pluto is sextile Neptune, a moderating influence and one that might start to lead to long term changes in the country, albeit gradually.
September is a time of drama – Jupiter opposing Jupiter, progressed Sun and square Mars, might see everyone out on the streets, although with a trine to the progressed Ascendant it will all happen in the most Italian of ways. It is accompanied however by a brief opposition between the progressed Moon and Pluto. Power to the people, but not with the most sensible of intentions.
By October the country is definitely in a recessionary state with Saturn opposing Neptune, and the government won’t be able to make a decision about what to do next which means more focus on the Italian government and its opposition , none of which looks to be very constructive. All in all a lot of debate, posturing and declarations but not much in the way of workable policy.
Jupiter returns to the progressed MC in December as Neptune continues square Mars. Everyoen wants change, no one can do anything about it.
Although the trends of 2009 won’t end, the first couple of montsh of 2010 don’t look too bad. Indeed with Pluto starting a 3 year period trine Saturn and the progressed Jupiter it has the first chance for a long time to make workable economic reforms.
Jupiter again opposes progressed Jupiter in February raising the temperature again, and leading to some outspoken views ( Uranus conjunct Mercury as the same time). The aspects of summer 2009 return for another look in the light of the potential reforms but the recession ( Saturn opposing Neptune) shows no sign of abating.
April really does bring impetus for change as Jupiter is square the progressed Uranus and Ascendant as well as opposite Venus. But Jupiter does its chart rounds every 12 years, obviously we need something more.
And in May Saturn conjoins the MC. This is not good for any leader, even less so when Jupiter and Uranus are transiting a Neptune Sun IC conjunction. Summer 2010 is likely to result in some dramatic changes in the Italian government. Indeed the picture looks explosive. The cardinal cross is close to the IC of Italy, and that Neptune signature. Expect revelations, resignations and re-evaluations at all levels. Any doubts that Italy will be a focus at this time, must be dismissed- in August and September the progressed Moon squares the progressed Sun and MC. Change is inevitable for the whole country.
The aspects repeat in October through December so don’t suggest that resolution to issues is found over night – things will drag on, economic weakness ( Neptune opposing Mars) will continue and with progressed Mars increasingly moving to oppose the progressed MC, there may be violent outbreaks.
The beginning of 2011 is better. We still have the powerful Uranus Jupiter aspect shaking things up but the Pluto trine to Saturn suggests it is for the best in the long term and the Saturn trine Uranus aspect suggests that this continues to be a rare chance for Italy to raise its game.
In fact in April there is a rather positive Jupiter sextile to the progressed MC and Mars, a sign of positive leadership (hopefully but not necessarily democratically elected). May/June is a bit mixed as people adjust to the changes and adopt a “let’s see what happens next” attitude.
July through to September provides the country with even more of that very positive restructuring medicine- could it be that Italy has received funding from outside only on the agreement that it makes certain changes?
October is a bit of the past mixed with optimism fro the future with some nice stable ( yes really!) Saturn and Jupiter aspects to the progressed Sun. The Moon crosses the country’s Ascendant axis in November, suggesting that things have reached a turning point.
The country is very close to having progressed Jupiter conjoining its natal Saturn. This really is a sign of consolidation and an extremely rare occurrence in a national chart. Hopefully Italy are making use of it by this time. It is an ill wind…… and perhaps Italy can make use of the global crisis to do things that would not be possible alone.
The year starts as 2011 ended, not wholly positive but sufficiently so. Restructuring continues throughout and I won’t keep repeating it.
In May there is another outbreak of drama and debate ( Jupiter again in aspect to Jupiter & Mars and the progressed Sun and a progressed Moon opposing Uranus).
In August, we reach another key turning point and Jupiter first transits Uranus and then crosses the Descendant in the first of three passes over the coming months. Relations with other nations will be important during this time but, though not necessarily without incident, the general feel of the chart is that the positive changes are continuing. Maybe Italy gets not just outside money but outside help in its actions.
Whatever the nature of the changes, they are still continuing at the end of 2012, and at that point so far so good.
Chart Notes
Italy: 17 March 1861 NS midnight in Turin local time. Source N Campion Book of World Horoscopes.
Relocated to Rome current capital.