In order to look at the economic position of India from now until 2012, I am using two charts: that of India itself and, since the Rupee has existed for centuries and there is no definitive chart for it, the chart for the Reserve Bank of India(RBOI)
The RBOI chart seems to reflect the world economic situation. At the beginning of the year Jupiter crossed the chart IC, representing a 12 year turning point in financial matters in the country, and a trine between transiting Pluto and the RBOI Uranus ended this year. Then in mid September 2008 Saturn made a once every 30 year transit to Neptune- always a depressing influence, ( and mirrored by a square to Jupiter in the Indian chart), furthermore the August 16th eclipse with Neptune lay across the chart’s Saturn axis, a recessionary double whammy effect. The August eclipse came close to some of the planets in the Indian chart, but there is a sense that it the effects are only just beginning to be felt and that more unravelling may be felt in the coming year.
Of course India is in a very different situation to the western countries. Despite the rapid growth of the economic market since the relaxation of restrictions in the early 90s and particularly the growth of the outsourcing market in the last 12 years the country is still characterised by a substantial low income population, whilst it is unlikely to escape the effects of the impact of the contraction elsewhere, it will play out in a very different way in India.
We have already considered elsewhere (my previous post) the current aspects to the Indian chart, notably the Jupiter IC conjunction and the impact of the Saturn /Jupiter/ Uranus configuration. The former represents another economic turning point, but the latter configuration is for the most part not economically negative – rather indicating merely a change in trading patterns.
The configuration also picks up the RBOI Venus, but again this is a supporting aspect not a negative one.
We therefore turn to 2009 to see if and how the Indian economy will be affected by global economic events.
Late January/Early February may see some political events, which suggest the start of some major economic shifts as transiting Jupiter squares the Indian Pluto opposite the Sun but the impact of global financial matters still seems peripheral with the Indian Mars continuing to be positively aspected by the outer planet configuration.
There is evidence of the need for adjustment in the RBOI chart by mid February when Neptune forms a quincunx with progressed Pluto and the MC and a conjunction with Saturn. Currency and debt issues from elsewhere may be having an impact by this time.
This subtle change also starts to be reflected in the Indian country chart. By March there is evidence in that chart that things heat up a bit as Jupiter squares progressed Mars and Uranus conjoins the country’s Neptune. This might lead to the start of unexpected issues regarding technology security or underground crime which could negatively impact the country’s economic reputation. It is also an indicator of potential dramatic currency movements, which given the potential for both globally in April May, has to be considered significant.
The May Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction is exactly on the Indian progressed Venus, and the accompanying Uranus transit to the progressed Neptune/Ascendant conjunction looks potentially very unsettling.
The theme is mirrored in the RBOI chart. The Neptune conjunction aspects not only Saturn , but progressed Mercury , Pluto and progressed Jupiter , while Uranus conjoins progressed sun squares progressed Jupiter, and opposes the progressed MC. At the same time Saturn is conjunct the chart’s Neptune. A very difficult time for the currency and the Banks in India
The aspects essentially stations throughout the “summer” months and in the Indian chart is accompanied by a Saturn square to Jupiter that suggests contraction /reduced activity or increased regulation. The latter is further indicated by the upcoming trine between the progressed Sun and Saturn, suggesting a tendency for more government involvement even if the people do not fully support it ( the progressed Sun is quincunx the Moon).
Again there is confirmation in the RBOI chart: Saturn in August September opposes the progressed Sun and quincunxes Saturn . In the Indian chart the period of August and September is mixed by mainly characterised by the continuing Uranus station and a square between Saturn and the T-square in the Indian chart involving Neptune Jupiter and Venus. The latter t-square has two meanings – a financial one and a spiritual one –a previous Saturn aspect saw the statue milk miracle. If the financial implications are considered then the results do not suggest prosperity – quite the opposite, there is likely to be a rejection of the material in favour of the spiritual.
Matters do not improve in October, as Saturn reaches its opposition with the progressed Indian Neptune Ascendant conjunction. This suggests the potential for severe hardship at this time.
November is more mixed though and December 2009 even has some positive elements with a sextile between the progressed moon and Mars, suggesting at least some action, although it could conceivably be wrongly directed. A progressed Moon square Jupiter in the RBOI chart seems to suggest that too.
The themes of May 2009 onwards continue into the beginning of 2010 with December 2009 through to February 2010 resurrecting many of the issues.
Now however there is also the beginning of the Pluto/Saturn square to consider. However it appears its effects are limited: other than a minor aspect to the RBOI progressed Saturn there is little impact. It is quite likely that the 2009-10 Neptune conjunction creates so much dissipation of energy that there is little of the structures left to be confronted. In March of 2010 both charts
show some cross aspects involving Saturn and Pluto but they are mixed – restructuring which is as welcome as it is difficult.
Neptune and Chiron reach progressed Venus sextile MC in the Indian chart in March and suggest potential to find some relief – the lack of activity in the RBOI chart suggests that this is not economic related. Indeed in April when Uranus squares the progressed MC, there may be a change of leadership or direction and a challenge to everything that has happened post the early 1980s when Uranus conjoined the progressed Mc. A Jupiter square to the progressed Indian Jupiter and conjunction with the progressed Moon suggests the people are gripped by a strong momentum again but not necessarily with much constructive material result.
In May, the Uranus Jupiter conjunction reactivates the progressed Ascendant/Neptune/MC in the Indian chart and the progressed Sun opposite MC in the RBOI chart. Another shock to the financial system is likely then. As a result, June is mixed in the Indian chart – with conflicting Saturn aspects to the MC and progressed MC - no doubt it takes some time to establish the long term implications of the effects.
Interestingly, as already mentioned, the cardinal square in July and August is relatively unimportant in both charts. Indeed the effects in the Indian chart look generally positive with easy aspects to Uranus – change is not being resisted at this time. In the RBOI chart the progressed Moon picking up Neptune conjoining Saturn seems to suggest a paucity of funds but nothing more.
There is more activity again in October when Jupiter and Uranus retrograde over the Indian progressed Ascendant and RBOI progressed Sun and Saturn conjoins the RBOI Ascendant. It may be apparent by this time that things are not resolving themselves and the country’s economic situation is worse than expected.
However November suggests a more mixed outlook. With Jupiter trines to progressed Jupiter and Venus in the Bank chart, offsetting the restricting in activity that is implied by Saturn conjoining Mars and squaring Sun and Mercury. In the country chart continued unsettling effects of Uranus are balanced by a stablising Saturn sextile to Saturn opposing the Sun. Leadership in the country and the Bank will be no party at this time but might start to control matters.
The year ends with a Uranus conjunction to the RBOI progressed Sun, suggesting more changes of leadership or direction and a reactivation of the transiting Uranus conjunction with Neptune in the country chart by the progressed Moon- suggesting a closing of one chapter and start of a new operation.
January 2011 continues the themes of December 2010 and the conditions extend over the early months of the year.
In March 2011there is a suggestion of a turning point as Jupiter crosses the ascendant in the RBOI chart. There is a sense of potential hope in the Indian chart too as Neptune conjoins progressed Vensu again and sextiles the progressed MC. A Saturn trine progressed Jupiter suggests some positive concrete steps rather than just wishful thinking.
In May 2011, Saturn returns to its November 2010 position in the Indian chart and stations opposite the progressed Sun suggesting a repeat of tests for the administration. In the RBOI chart there is a mixed picture – Jupiter conjoins progressed Venus opposite Mars but sextiles Saturn and natal Venus- some people will be benefiting from economic measures but in general the country will not as the progressed Moon opposes progressed Saturn. Indeed there is evidence of more restrictions on trade in June when Saturn squares the Sun and conjoins progressed Mars again.
June seems to indicate a change in the overall Indian situation. In the country’s chart although we see continuing effects for the Saturn and Neptune aspects , Jupiter crosses the Descendant at the end of May heralding a change in relationships and internal transformation.
The months of July to September appear mixed, with many of the existing aspects continuing in both charts and little change of direction expected. Jupiter in the India chart is stationed for much of the time on the country’s Sun/Pluto opposition . Since this opposition was the result of a battle for power between corporate and government interests, it can be expected to throw up the same themes and while Jupiter crosses this point regularly, the station will emphasis this polarity. By the time Saturn crosses the Indian Descendant in early November we can expect a change in the balance of power. The time is marked by Saturn conjoining the RBOI progressed Mars suggesting a new bout of financial restriction and when Saturn aspects progressed Venus and Pluto in December a stabilising of reserves.
The India chart generally continues the positive spirit that started in 2011 in the first months, indeed there is evidence that things are actually looking a little more secure with Saturn sextile the progressed MC in February and the progressed Moon trine natal Saturn in March.
Pluto also starts to make a sextile to the Indian Sun/Mercury conjunction and by February Jupiter enhances this. It is a powerful combination and potentially a great opportunity to restructure some elements of the economy.
The opportunities continue through much of 2012. However it is worth noting that the positive aspects from Pluto conflict with some Uranus aspects (this is all part of the global Pluto Uranus square) and there are likely to be unexpected challenges throughout.
In the RBOI chart, the year starts with significant restraint, as Saturn opposes Uranus and progressed Venus. The themes shown in the country chart repeat here as transiting Pluto passes the IC, starting to build up a new cycle. But as noted above, this is subject to challenge from outside forces over the coming months as Uranus will square Pluto.
The opportunities, however, are further strengthened in March/April as Uranus trines the country chart Saturn and the progressed Moon conjoins natal Sun aligning the interests of the government and people albeit for only a short time. Mars transiting Jupiter in late March suggests a real impetus for change but could also represent conflict. In the RBOI chart there is some relaxation as Jupiter opposes the Moon Jupiter conjunction, but this might lead to over eagerness and there is some evidence that there is pull back in May.
Saturn stations on the Indian country Descendant throughout June to September 2012 which suggests hardship and the implementation of strict policies, probably including ones over major companies. The RBOI chart has Neptune transiting the progressed Saturn confirming the theme. But overall this is a year where major changes can be made for the longer term.
There are also still factions that create periodic upsets but in general the situation looks more stable by the end of the third quarter.
By the end of 2012, when Saturn transits the Sun/Pluto opposition the restrictions are biting both government and corporate sector but there appears to be much more financial stability. However it has to be seen whether this is strong enough to support the economy in 2013 and beyond.
India chart: 1 November 1858, Delhi, (midnight GMT)- see my previous post
Reserve Bank of India:1 January 1935 Calcutta ( 00.00 local time), . Source Reserve Bank of India Act at http://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Publications/PDFs/54435.pdf
Note some provisions of the act were effective 1 January, the remainder 1 april of 1935
The RBOI chart seems to reflect the world economic situation. At the beginning of the year Jupiter crossed the chart IC, representing a 12 year turning point in financial matters in the country, and a trine between transiting Pluto and the RBOI Uranus ended this year. Then in mid September 2008 Saturn made a once every 30 year transit to Neptune- always a depressing influence, ( and mirrored by a square to Jupiter in the Indian chart), furthermore the August 16th eclipse with Neptune lay across the chart’s Saturn axis, a recessionary double whammy effect. The August eclipse came close to some of the planets in the Indian chart, but there is a sense that it the effects are only just beginning to be felt and that more unravelling may be felt in the coming year.
Of course India is in a very different situation to the western countries. Despite the rapid growth of the economic market since the relaxation of restrictions in the early 90s and particularly the growth of the outsourcing market in the last 12 years the country is still characterised by a substantial low income population, whilst it is unlikely to escape the effects of the impact of the contraction elsewhere, it will play out in a very different way in India.
We have already considered elsewhere (my previous post) the current aspects to the Indian chart, notably the Jupiter IC conjunction and the impact of the Saturn /Jupiter/ Uranus configuration. The former represents another economic turning point, but the latter configuration is for the most part not economically negative – rather indicating merely a change in trading patterns.
The configuration also picks up the RBOI Venus, but again this is a supporting aspect not a negative one.
We therefore turn to 2009 to see if and how the Indian economy will be affected by global economic events.
Late January/Early February may see some political events, which suggest the start of some major economic shifts as transiting Jupiter squares the Indian Pluto opposite the Sun but the impact of global financial matters still seems peripheral with the Indian Mars continuing to be positively aspected by the outer planet configuration.
There is evidence of the need for adjustment in the RBOI chart by mid February when Neptune forms a quincunx with progressed Pluto and the MC and a conjunction with Saturn. Currency and debt issues from elsewhere may be having an impact by this time.
This subtle change also starts to be reflected in the Indian country chart. By March there is evidence in that chart that things heat up a bit as Jupiter squares progressed Mars and Uranus conjoins the country’s Neptune. This might lead to the start of unexpected issues regarding technology security or underground crime which could negatively impact the country’s economic reputation. It is also an indicator of potential dramatic currency movements, which given the potential for both globally in April May, has to be considered significant.
The May Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction is exactly on the Indian progressed Venus, and the accompanying Uranus transit to the progressed Neptune/Ascendant conjunction looks potentially very unsettling.
The theme is mirrored in the RBOI chart. The Neptune conjunction aspects not only Saturn , but progressed Mercury , Pluto and progressed Jupiter , while Uranus conjoins progressed sun squares progressed Jupiter, and opposes the progressed MC. At the same time Saturn is conjunct the chart’s Neptune. A very difficult time for the currency and the Banks in India
The aspects essentially stations throughout the “summer” months and in the Indian chart is accompanied by a Saturn square to Jupiter that suggests contraction /reduced activity or increased regulation. The latter is further indicated by the upcoming trine between the progressed Sun and Saturn, suggesting a tendency for more government involvement even if the people do not fully support it ( the progressed Sun is quincunx the Moon).
Again there is confirmation in the RBOI chart: Saturn in August September opposes the progressed Sun and quincunxes Saturn . In the Indian chart the period of August and September is mixed by mainly characterised by the continuing Uranus station and a square between Saturn and the T-square in the Indian chart involving Neptune Jupiter and Venus. The latter t-square has two meanings – a financial one and a spiritual one –a previous Saturn aspect saw the statue milk miracle. If the financial implications are considered then the results do not suggest prosperity – quite the opposite, there is likely to be a rejection of the material in favour of the spiritual.
Matters do not improve in October, as Saturn reaches its opposition with the progressed Indian Neptune Ascendant conjunction. This suggests the potential for severe hardship at this time.
November is more mixed though and December 2009 even has some positive elements with a sextile between the progressed moon and Mars, suggesting at least some action, although it could conceivably be wrongly directed. A progressed Moon square Jupiter in the RBOI chart seems to suggest that too.
The themes of May 2009 onwards continue into the beginning of 2010 with December 2009 through to February 2010 resurrecting many of the issues.
Now however there is also the beginning of the Pluto/Saturn square to consider. However it appears its effects are limited: other than a minor aspect to the RBOI progressed Saturn there is little impact. It is quite likely that the 2009-10 Neptune conjunction creates so much dissipation of energy that there is little of the structures left to be confronted. In March of 2010 both charts
show some cross aspects involving Saturn and Pluto but they are mixed – restructuring which is as welcome as it is difficult.
Neptune and Chiron reach progressed Venus sextile MC in the Indian chart in March and suggest potential to find some relief – the lack of activity in the RBOI chart suggests that this is not economic related. Indeed in April when Uranus squares the progressed MC, there may be a change of leadership or direction and a challenge to everything that has happened post the early 1980s when Uranus conjoined the progressed Mc. A Jupiter square to the progressed Indian Jupiter and conjunction with the progressed Moon suggests the people are gripped by a strong momentum again but not necessarily with much constructive material result.
In May, the Uranus Jupiter conjunction reactivates the progressed Ascendant/Neptune/MC in the Indian chart and the progressed Sun opposite MC in the RBOI chart. Another shock to the financial system is likely then. As a result, June is mixed in the Indian chart – with conflicting Saturn aspects to the MC and progressed MC - no doubt it takes some time to establish the long term implications of the effects.
Interestingly, as already mentioned, the cardinal square in July and August is relatively unimportant in both charts. Indeed the effects in the Indian chart look generally positive with easy aspects to Uranus – change is not being resisted at this time. In the RBOI chart the progressed Moon picking up Neptune conjoining Saturn seems to suggest a paucity of funds but nothing more.
There is more activity again in October when Jupiter and Uranus retrograde over the Indian progressed Ascendant and RBOI progressed Sun and Saturn conjoins the RBOI Ascendant. It may be apparent by this time that things are not resolving themselves and the country’s economic situation is worse than expected.
However November suggests a more mixed outlook. With Jupiter trines to progressed Jupiter and Venus in the Bank chart, offsetting the restricting in activity that is implied by Saturn conjoining Mars and squaring Sun and Mercury. In the country chart continued unsettling effects of Uranus are balanced by a stablising Saturn sextile to Saturn opposing the Sun. Leadership in the country and the Bank will be no party at this time but might start to control matters.
The year ends with a Uranus conjunction to the RBOI progressed Sun, suggesting more changes of leadership or direction and a reactivation of the transiting Uranus conjunction with Neptune in the country chart by the progressed Moon- suggesting a closing of one chapter and start of a new operation.
January 2011 continues the themes of December 2010 and the conditions extend over the early months of the year.
In March 2011there is a suggestion of a turning point as Jupiter crosses the ascendant in the RBOI chart. There is a sense of potential hope in the Indian chart too as Neptune conjoins progressed Vensu again and sextiles the progressed MC. A Saturn trine progressed Jupiter suggests some positive concrete steps rather than just wishful thinking.
In May 2011, Saturn returns to its November 2010 position in the Indian chart and stations opposite the progressed Sun suggesting a repeat of tests for the administration. In the RBOI chart there is a mixed picture – Jupiter conjoins progressed Venus opposite Mars but sextiles Saturn and natal Venus- some people will be benefiting from economic measures but in general the country will not as the progressed Moon opposes progressed Saturn. Indeed there is evidence of more restrictions on trade in June when Saturn squares the Sun and conjoins progressed Mars again.
June seems to indicate a change in the overall Indian situation. In the country’s chart although we see continuing effects for the Saturn and Neptune aspects , Jupiter crosses the Descendant at the end of May heralding a change in relationships and internal transformation.
The months of July to September appear mixed, with many of the existing aspects continuing in both charts and little change of direction expected. Jupiter in the India chart is stationed for much of the time on the country’s Sun/Pluto opposition . Since this opposition was the result of a battle for power between corporate and government interests, it can be expected to throw up the same themes and while Jupiter crosses this point regularly, the station will emphasis this polarity. By the time Saturn crosses the Indian Descendant in early November we can expect a change in the balance of power. The time is marked by Saturn conjoining the RBOI progressed Mars suggesting a new bout of financial restriction and when Saturn aspects progressed Venus and Pluto in December a stabilising of reserves.
The India chart generally continues the positive spirit that started in 2011 in the first months, indeed there is evidence that things are actually looking a little more secure with Saturn sextile the progressed MC in February and the progressed Moon trine natal Saturn in March.
Pluto also starts to make a sextile to the Indian Sun/Mercury conjunction and by February Jupiter enhances this. It is a powerful combination and potentially a great opportunity to restructure some elements of the economy.
The opportunities continue through much of 2012. However it is worth noting that the positive aspects from Pluto conflict with some Uranus aspects (this is all part of the global Pluto Uranus square) and there are likely to be unexpected challenges throughout.
In the RBOI chart, the year starts with significant restraint, as Saturn opposes Uranus and progressed Venus. The themes shown in the country chart repeat here as transiting Pluto passes the IC, starting to build up a new cycle. But as noted above, this is subject to challenge from outside forces over the coming months as Uranus will square Pluto.
The opportunities, however, are further strengthened in March/April as Uranus trines the country chart Saturn and the progressed Moon conjoins natal Sun aligning the interests of the government and people albeit for only a short time. Mars transiting Jupiter in late March suggests a real impetus for change but could also represent conflict. In the RBOI chart there is some relaxation as Jupiter opposes the Moon Jupiter conjunction, but this might lead to over eagerness and there is some evidence that there is pull back in May.
Saturn stations on the Indian country Descendant throughout June to September 2012 which suggests hardship and the implementation of strict policies, probably including ones over major companies. The RBOI chart has Neptune transiting the progressed Saturn confirming the theme. But overall this is a year where major changes can be made for the longer term.
There are also still factions that create periodic upsets but in general the situation looks more stable by the end of the third quarter.
By the end of 2012, when Saturn transits the Sun/Pluto opposition the restrictions are biting both government and corporate sector but there appears to be much more financial stability. However it has to be seen whether this is strong enough to support the economy in 2013 and beyond.
India chart: 1 November 1858, Delhi, (midnight GMT)- see my previous post
Reserve Bank of India:1 January 1935 Calcutta ( 00.00 local time), . Source Reserve Bank of India Act at http://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Publications/PDFs/54435.pdf
Note some provisions of the act were effective 1 January, the remainder 1 april of 1935