Torn between two lovers?
Back to the schedule and, to complete the set, an analysis of the Hong Kong dollar. Now, there are those who might argue that looking at the HK$ is a waste of time since it has effectively been pegged to the US$ since 1983. They may have a point, but then again one may uncover some interesting information in the most unlikely places.
Furthermore there are those who think that the time might come when the HK$ might be abolished and merged with the Renminbi. See
Furthermore there are those who think that the time might come when the HK$ might be abolished and merged with the Renminbi. See
“Jim Rogers was right when he said last November that the Hong Kong dollar should disappear as soon as the Chinese currency, the yuan (also known as the renminbi) becomes convertible. "If I were the Hong Kong government, I would abolish the Hong Kong dollar. There's no reason for the Hong Kong dollar. It's a historical anomaly and I don't know why it exists anymore." ”
This is more like it. Perhaps we can see how and when this will happen?
As usual we have the same “pick a chart” issues. And in this case we have dates but definitely no times. I have made a rectification which can only be described as rough. Still, it results in a connection between the charts for the designation of the HK$ on 9th November 1935 and the Currency Ordinance of the 6 December 1935. It comes with a big caveat emptor but let’s run with it anyway.
Unsurprisingly the chart has Saturn at 3-4 degrees Pisces, opposite the US$ ascendant and the Renminbi Saturn of course (naagh, astrology is a load of rubbish, right?). I have set the ascendant for the same degree. We thus know that Saturn has been transiting opposite the chart’s Saturn and Ascendant this year. Progressed Mars is also close to progressed Saturn just past this ascendant indicating that the HK$, even more so than the Renminbi has been significantly undervalued as a result of the dollar peg and the depreciation of the dollar. In fact with the double effect of Saturn and the Ascendant it seems the most undervalued of all. Some of the effect is lifting now as Saturn moves on, but we should keep in mind what this double effect is trying to tell us.
The recent eclipse has had only a limited impact on the currency – Saturn’s declining influence has had more, and an even greater impact has been Jupiter retrograding through Capricorn, conjoining the node, sextiling the chart’s Sun and trining its Neptune. I missed this when looking at the dollar as we will see in a coming review post, it indicates somebody has been pumping in liquidity in the last month or so ….
This liquidity effect will last through September. Although there may be some dollar related fall back when compared to the last few weeks. But with Pluto squaring Venus and sextiling Mercury, people are seriously re- evaluating this pegged currency at the moment.
In October there is an interesting Saturn transit of the HK$ Neptune which suggests some limitation of the money supply. But as for many of the other financial indices we have looked at, the Saturn/Uranus/Jupiter configuration of October-November makes only limited impact.
A little more happens in December. Pluto sextiles Jupiter and trines Uranus. This suggests a growing speculative demand for the currency. Maybe there is a wish it would float free, but of course it can’t. The Saturn/Uranus opposition squares the progressed Venus and this is further activated by the progressed Moon. And transiting Jupiter trines Venus and opposes Pluto. This definitely suggests the movement of significant quantities of wealth. Maybe people will start to accumulate it in anticipation of future changes? Obviously that implies a whole raft of issues about the US$ too…………..
The theme continues into January, enhanced further by Jupiter conjoining the progressed Sun and sextiling Jupiter. Somewhere, somehow, someone is
intervening again. This could be local Chinese government or it could be the Fed and Co. When we do our recap and put all the pieces together in my next post, we will see how this fits with what is happening in the US at that time.
February indicators are that funds are free flowing with Neptune sextile the progressed Moon. March and April have Pluto, now at 3 degrees Capricorn, sextile the HK$ Saturn and trine its Uranus. More pressure to float? Saturn continues to transit Neptune, and square Jupiter. There are obstacles still, but a build up of pressure.
Next, of course, we have the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction of April – June. This is on the progressed MC of the HKS$ chart. Now as I mentioned this is a rough and ready rectification. However, as it happens, the 6 December 1935 chart’s progressed Sun is also at the same degree. Mmm, I’m convinced.
But is this really a positive?- Neptune often means weakness as well as inflation. If there is a weakening of the dollar due to monetary inflation, then the HK$, still pegged will follow, However together with the balance of other aspects for the period I am convinced this will also increase demand for the HK$ - whether in the long run these factors will be good for the local economy is another question.
Anyway, it is not just the progressed MC that is affected. The conjunction is sextile the moon and trine Mercury, and all this is activated further by a sextile to the progressed Moon. There is also a progressed Neptune Jupiter square in the HK$ chart, which will be resonating to the Neptune conjunction.. Now this is a very slow moving aspect, and indeed it is in orb since at least 2004, and doesn’t perfect until around 2012, but its significance when combined with the other information cannot be ignored.
So obviously nothing will happen at all……
…. or perhaps we really have a big speculation involving this currency.
While the conjunction retrogrades and the effect weakens, though does not disappear, Pluto, in July conjoins the progressed Moon and trines Uranus which continues the theme of December/ January.
September does not really suggest new trends, though Jupiter is conjunct the chart’s Mercury, increasing information flows and opening up new channels. October’s progressed Moon sextile Saturn and trine Uranus just takes up the baton already carried by Pluto and Jupiter. However there is some negativity this month as Saturn transits Venus so perhaps people question the efficacy of their strategy at this time.
November is characterised by a change of emphasis with Saturn reaching Libra and sextiling Jupiter, trining the progressed Sun and making a more tricky aspect to Saturn. On balance this suggests stability rather than anything else. Dull!
In December Pluto is again sextile Saturn and trine Uranus and the Neptune conjunction returns, albeit not so close to the MC as in May. But it is clear that the concerns of earlier in the year return at this time, it is likely that once again there is a sign of an excess of money and maybe creeping accumulation of the currency.
In the background there is evidence we are reaching a critical point for the currency. The progressed Ascendant is approaching a conjunction with the natal ascendant. A major turning point in the life cycle.
What we are seeing globally, of course, by this time, is the closing in of the Cardinal cross. By January Saturn reaches 4 degrees Libra in square with Pluto giving a taster of later on in the year.
In the case of the HK$, Pluto is making a helpful sextile to the ascendant and trine to Uranus, But Saturn is making quincunxes. There are definitely obstacles to the changes demanded by Pluto. However Jupiter transits the Ascendant this month, which is likely to cancel out the Saturn effect. Expect loosening of conditions, which will continue in February as Jupiter then transits the progressed Mars/Saturn conjunction. But the key turning points are still in the future.
Neptune conjoining the progressed MC and sextiling the Moon again, again suggests more monetary inflation, more dollar weakness and more potential speculation in the HK currency. In March transiting Jupiter squares the MC and natal Jupiter, trines the Sun and opposes Neptune, reinforcing the effect of any speculation. With these planets bubbles often result. What would you like to buy, just the currency or maybe some property or even some shares perhaps?
Saturn conjoining Venus again in April subdues things though. Temporarily. By May, Uranus and Jupiter are opposing Venus and creating significant amounts of volatility.
Neptune continues to conjoin the MC sextile Moon and trine Mercury through the summer.
July and August are the peak of the Cardinal cross. Pluto encouraging change, Saturn, rejecting it and Uranus/Jupiter gently shaking the tree. In most contexts Uranus and Jupiter at this time will be doing some quite vigorous shaking, But here, I say gently, as they only form a semi sextile aspect to the chart Ascendant/Saturn and Uranus. Not enough to create major change, but enough to gently tip the see-saw.
Is there more evidence of such a tipping point? There is. Progressed Mercury in the HK$ chart goes retrograde at this time for the first time since the currency’s formation.
September seems to be a time of adjustment as Saturn quincunxes the Saturn/Mars progression, but it stabilizes quickly as Saturn sextiles the MC in October, although when Jupiter is square Venus in November, there might be a little too much self congratulation.
December ends the year in much the same mode as it has gone on. With huge force for change as Pluto sextiles the Ascendant and Jupiter/Uranus trine Pluto.
The power of the changes in process does not let up in early 2011. All the major aspects of Pluto and Neptune are still in place. February and March mostly favour accumulation. By March Uranus trines Jupiter, and Jupiter sextiles the progressed Sun trines the MC and sextiles the progressed Ascendant. This is a ridiculously positive combination; I wish I could have it when I bet on the horses.
In April when Neptune squares Jupiter effects are once again overblown. All round we are inundated/drowning (suitably Neptune/Jupiter words) in Hong Kong dollars, for good or evil.
The presence of Jupiter conjoining the HK$ Uranus and sextiling the Saturn/Ascendant in May-June is also positive even given the close progressed square of the Sun to natal Uranus which suggests leadership instability.
This is getting boring now. And so let’s just say that summer 2011 into September is more of the same and the themes continue.
But October to December is worth a special mention. We still have the slow moving Neptune transit in play. At the same time Jupiter is stationed retrograde at the same point as in May. Uranus again trines Jupiter. Pluto gives strength through its sextile to progressed Mars,
Finally there is a progressed new Moon, suggesting a new beginning at some level. I think, from memory that this is a critical time for other currencies such as sterling; something is in the air for this time.
Anyway, overall, despite a depressing little Saturn transit opposite the Moon in December it is difficult to quibble over the expansionary nature of these aspects.
The Neptune aspects and the Jupiter station continue through to February, although January 2012 suggests a bit more stability with Saturn trine the MC and conjunct Mercury.
Let’s skip March and April as they just show other ways of achieving the same thing. But by May there is a change of emphasis. Neptune conjoins Saturn and the ascendant. Now this is generally a depressing effect. But in this case Neptune is also sextile Uranus, which is rather more transcendent. Basically, after all the drama of the past few years seems to morph into this point. So just possibly we could finally have a merger of the HK$ with the Renminbi at this time. There is certainly enough momentum for it with the Uranus/Pluto square activating the HK$ Mars/Saturn progressed conjunction and natal Mars.
Although the Neptune square with Jupiter and transit to the progressed MC continues through 2012, I think it may be irrelevant by the time the year is out as this currency will be no more.
So why pick this time and not the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction of 2009, or the cardinal cross of 2010, which is clearly a turning point of some kind, as the point or merger?
Two reasons: Change often requires external forces and if it isn’t broke why fix it. So we have to see more problems with the dollar/HK$ peg first. I see the speculation of 2009 as representing these. Thus we would have a potentially floating HK$ from mid 2010, but accompanied by a lot of changes both in the US$ dollar and other currencies from then into 2011 leading to a redefinition of many currencies at the end of 2011. All this will have inevitable impact on the global economy and interesting times in China will probably lead to some consolidation of position by 2012 which would tie nicely with the Neptune transit to the Renminbi and HK$ Saturns – merger would be a perfect description of such a combination which tends to dissolve structures.
And the other reason? Well, maybe I am just trying to fit things into my time frame!
Hong Kong Dollar designated, 9 November 1935, 13.55 local (-8.00), Hong Kong.
Source: for date, Wikipedia and HK government sites, see
Time unconfirmed, rectified
The alternative date is 6 December 1935 Currency/exchange fund Ordinance
As usual we have the same “pick a chart” issues. And in this case we have dates but definitely no times. I have made a rectification which can only be described as rough. Still, it results in a connection between the charts for the designation of the HK$ on 9th November 1935 and the Currency Ordinance of the 6 December 1935. It comes with a big caveat emptor but let’s run with it anyway.
Unsurprisingly the chart has Saturn at 3-4 degrees Pisces, opposite the US$ ascendant and the Renminbi Saturn of course (naagh, astrology is a load of rubbish, right?). I have set the ascendant for the same degree. We thus know that Saturn has been transiting opposite the chart’s Saturn and Ascendant this year. Progressed Mars is also close to progressed Saturn just past this ascendant indicating that the HK$, even more so than the Renminbi has been significantly undervalued as a result of the dollar peg and the depreciation of the dollar. In fact with the double effect of Saturn and the Ascendant it seems the most undervalued of all. Some of the effect is lifting now as Saturn moves on, but we should keep in mind what this double effect is trying to tell us.
The recent eclipse has had only a limited impact on the currency – Saturn’s declining influence has had more, and an even greater impact has been Jupiter retrograding through Capricorn, conjoining the node, sextiling the chart’s Sun and trining its Neptune. I missed this when looking at the dollar as we will see in a coming review post, it indicates somebody has been pumping in liquidity in the last month or so ….
This liquidity effect will last through September. Although there may be some dollar related fall back when compared to the last few weeks. But with Pluto squaring Venus and sextiling Mercury, people are seriously re- evaluating this pegged currency at the moment.
In October there is an interesting Saturn transit of the HK$ Neptune which suggests some limitation of the money supply. But as for many of the other financial indices we have looked at, the Saturn/Uranus/Jupiter configuration of October-November makes only limited impact.
A little more happens in December. Pluto sextiles Jupiter and trines Uranus. This suggests a growing speculative demand for the currency. Maybe there is a wish it would float free, but of course it can’t. The Saturn/Uranus opposition squares the progressed Venus and this is further activated by the progressed Moon. And transiting Jupiter trines Venus and opposes Pluto. This definitely suggests the movement of significant quantities of wealth. Maybe people will start to accumulate it in anticipation of future changes? Obviously that implies a whole raft of issues about the US$ too…………..
The theme continues into January, enhanced further by Jupiter conjoining the progressed Sun and sextiling Jupiter. Somewhere, somehow, someone is
February indicators are that funds are free flowing with Neptune sextile the progressed Moon. March and April have Pluto, now at 3 degrees Capricorn, sextile the HK$ Saturn and trine its Uranus. More pressure to float? Saturn continues to transit Neptune, and square Jupiter. There are obstacles still, but a build up of pressure.
Next, of course, we have the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction of April – June. This is on the progressed MC of the HKS$ chart. Now as I mentioned this is a rough and ready rectification. However, as it happens, the 6 December 1935 chart’s progressed Sun is also at the same degree. Mmm, I’m convinced.
But is this really a positive?- Neptune often means weakness as well as inflation. If there is a weakening of the dollar due to monetary inflation, then the HK$, still pegged will follow, However together with the balance of other aspects for the period I am convinced this will also increase demand for the HK$ - whether in the long run these factors will be good for the local economy is another question.
Anyway, it is not just the progressed MC that is affected. The conjunction is sextile the moon and trine Mercury, and all this is activated further by a sextile to the progressed Moon. There is also a progressed Neptune Jupiter square in the HK$ chart, which will be resonating to the Neptune conjunction.. Now this is a very slow moving aspect, and indeed it is in orb since at least 2004, and doesn’t perfect until around 2012, but its significance when combined with the other information cannot be ignored.
So obviously nothing will happen at all……
…. or perhaps we really have a big speculation involving this currency.
While the conjunction retrogrades and the effect weakens, though does not disappear, Pluto, in July conjoins the progressed Moon and trines Uranus which continues the theme of December/ January.
September does not really suggest new trends, though Jupiter is conjunct the chart’s Mercury, increasing information flows and opening up new channels. October’s progressed Moon sextile Saturn and trine Uranus just takes up the baton already carried by Pluto and Jupiter. However there is some negativity this month as Saturn transits Venus so perhaps people question the efficacy of their strategy at this time.
November is characterised by a change of emphasis with Saturn reaching Libra and sextiling Jupiter, trining the progressed Sun and making a more tricky aspect to Saturn. On balance this suggests stability rather than anything else. Dull!
In December Pluto is again sextile Saturn and trine Uranus and the Neptune conjunction returns, albeit not so close to the MC as in May. But it is clear that the concerns of earlier in the year return at this time, it is likely that once again there is a sign of an excess of money and maybe creeping accumulation of the currency.
In the background there is evidence we are reaching a critical point for the currency. The progressed Ascendant is approaching a conjunction with the natal ascendant. A major turning point in the life cycle.
What we are seeing globally, of course, by this time, is the closing in of the Cardinal cross. By January Saturn reaches 4 degrees Libra in square with Pluto giving a taster of later on in the year.
In the case of the HK$, Pluto is making a helpful sextile to the ascendant and trine to Uranus, But Saturn is making quincunxes. There are definitely obstacles to the changes demanded by Pluto. However Jupiter transits the Ascendant this month, which is likely to cancel out the Saturn effect. Expect loosening of conditions, which will continue in February as Jupiter then transits the progressed Mars/Saturn conjunction. But the key turning points are still in the future.
Neptune conjoining the progressed MC and sextiling the Moon again, again suggests more monetary inflation, more dollar weakness and more potential speculation in the HK currency. In March transiting Jupiter squares the MC and natal Jupiter, trines the Sun and opposes Neptune, reinforcing the effect of any speculation. With these planets bubbles often result. What would you like to buy, just the currency or maybe some property or even some shares perhaps?
Saturn conjoining Venus again in April subdues things though. Temporarily. By May, Uranus and Jupiter are opposing Venus and creating significant amounts of volatility.
Neptune continues to conjoin the MC sextile Moon and trine Mercury through the summer.
July and August are the peak of the Cardinal cross. Pluto encouraging change, Saturn, rejecting it and Uranus/Jupiter gently shaking the tree. In most contexts Uranus and Jupiter at this time will be doing some quite vigorous shaking, But here, I say gently, as they only form a semi sextile aspect to the chart Ascendant/Saturn and Uranus. Not enough to create major change, but enough to gently tip the see-saw.
Is there more evidence of such a tipping point? There is. Progressed Mercury in the HK$ chart goes retrograde at this time for the first time since the currency’s formation.
September seems to be a time of adjustment as Saturn quincunxes the Saturn/Mars progression, but it stabilizes quickly as Saturn sextiles the MC in October, although when Jupiter is square Venus in November, there might be a little too much self congratulation.
December ends the year in much the same mode as it has gone on. With huge force for change as Pluto sextiles the Ascendant and Jupiter/Uranus trine Pluto.
The power of the changes in process does not let up in early 2011. All the major aspects of Pluto and Neptune are still in place. February and March mostly favour accumulation. By March Uranus trines Jupiter, and Jupiter sextiles the progressed Sun trines the MC and sextiles the progressed Ascendant. This is a ridiculously positive combination; I wish I could have it when I bet on the horses.
In April when Neptune squares Jupiter effects are once again overblown. All round we are inundated/drowning (suitably Neptune/Jupiter words) in Hong Kong dollars, for good or evil.
The presence of Jupiter conjoining the HK$ Uranus and sextiling the Saturn/Ascendant in May-June is also positive even given the close progressed square of the Sun to natal Uranus which suggests leadership instability.
This is getting boring now. And so let’s just say that summer 2011 into September is more of the same and the themes continue.
But October to December is worth a special mention. We still have the slow moving Neptune transit in play. At the same time Jupiter is stationed retrograde at the same point as in May. Uranus again trines Jupiter. Pluto gives strength through its sextile to progressed Mars,
Finally there is a progressed new Moon, suggesting a new beginning at some level. I think, from memory that this is a critical time for other currencies such as sterling; something is in the air for this time.
Anyway, overall, despite a depressing little Saturn transit opposite the Moon in December it is difficult to quibble over the expansionary nature of these aspects.
The Neptune aspects and the Jupiter station continue through to February, although January 2012 suggests a bit more stability with Saturn trine the MC and conjunct Mercury.
Let’s skip March and April as they just show other ways of achieving the same thing. But by May there is a change of emphasis. Neptune conjoins Saturn and the ascendant. Now this is generally a depressing effect. But in this case Neptune is also sextile Uranus, which is rather more transcendent. Basically, after all the drama of the past few years seems to morph into this point. So just possibly we could finally have a merger of the HK$ with the Renminbi at this time. There is certainly enough momentum for it with the Uranus/Pluto square activating the HK$ Mars/Saturn progressed conjunction and natal Mars.
Although the Neptune square with Jupiter and transit to the progressed MC continues through 2012, I think it may be irrelevant by the time the year is out as this currency will be no more.
So why pick this time and not the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction of 2009, or the cardinal cross of 2010, which is clearly a turning point of some kind, as the point or merger?
Two reasons: Change often requires external forces and if it isn’t broke why fix it. So we have to see more problems with the dollar/HK$ peg first. I see the speculation of 2009 as representing these. Thus we would have a potentially floating HK$ from mid 2010, but accompanied by a lot of changes both in the US$ dollar and other currencies from then into 2011 leading to a redefinition of many currencies at the end of 2011. All this will have inevitable impact on the global economy and interesting times in China will probably lead to some consolidation of position by 2012 which would tie nicely with the Neptune transit to the Renminbi and HK$ Saturns – merger would be a perfect description of such a combination which tends to dissolve structures.
And the other reason? Well, maybe I am just trying to fit things into my time frame!
Hong Kong Dollar designated, 9 November 1935, 13.55 local (-8.00), Hong Kong.
Source: for date, Wikipedia and HK government sites, see
Time unconfirmed, rectified
The alternative date is 6 December 1935 Currency/exchange fund Ordinance