France is another departure from the schedule, although it forms a useful comparison with Ireland, giving a perspective on two very different Euro countries. The same reservations about monetary policy apply to France as to Ireland. References to money supply etc, must be taken in the context of the Euro, while France retains that currency, and not in terms of French government policy. That said, the existence of a common currency does not preclude a very different experience in France to any other Eurozone countries, it is after all coming from a quite different economic perspective.
That France, under Sarkozy, is trying to go in a new direction economically, should come as no surprise for those who have studied the astrology.
Pluto reached 28 degrees Sagittarius in 2007 and in 2008 had its first ingress into Capricorn. Under the chosen chart for France, this means Pluto has been square the French Sun for the last couple of years, and will now go on to square the France chart’s MC. Pluto rarely indicates changes overnight, they are the domain of Uranus, rather it indicates slow transformation and, more importantly, the other side of the coin, the fear of such transformation. What we have seen as Pluto squared the Sun, is France coming to terms with a new type of leader; what we will see as its squares the MC is likely to be the impact of that leadership on France itself.
Despite a creeping sense of concern, due to the last 12 months global financial activities, (which peaked in August as the lunar eclipse was on the chart’s Pluto, and the global view of Europe’s economic situation was revised downwards), France has been in a relatively stable state for the last couple of years. The progressed Ascendant is in an ongoing trine to a major progressed conjunction involving Mercury, Saturn the Sun and Mars in Taurus. This will not last, but it is not going to change tomorrow either.
There are a number of subtle influences at play and these continue through September 2008. Neptune retreats to once again oppose Uranus, and Uranus to oppose Mercury. This is unsettling but not serious. Information on the state of the economy is contradictory, and we might have some more exposures about French banking or other corporate activity (Neptune retrogrades to its January position, where it was when the Soc Gen misdemeanour was uncovered). Jupiter stations square the French Venus, also indicating excesses coming to light.
As in many of the other countries we have looked at, the configuration of Saturn Jupiter and Uranus in October and November, does not make any strong aspects to France’s chart. There is a quincunx with natal Uranus, which suggests continuing adaptation and discomfort, but no crisis. In November the progressed Moon opposes the progressed Mercury Saturn conjunction, suggesting some heavy evaluation but that is all and although in December the Moon opposes the Sun suggesting a divergence between the government and the people, on the whole things are relatively positive as Jupiter is sextile Mars- although of course that can also mean exhuberant responses, on balance any upsets will be a flash in the pan.
The new trends really start to come to the fore in January 2009. Pluto reaches its square to the Midheaven. However it must be noted that Pluto is also trine the chart’s Saturn and sextile its Jupiter. There is an inbuilt stability in this, still. The fact that France resists changes is sometimes positive, it is less likely to make some of the mistakes of growing too fast, that other economies make, but the resistance is not always pleasant at the time. We will probably see the beginnings of Union dissent at this time.
One of the interesting things about the French Republic chart is that 1792 was also the year the US$ was defined. They both have a Neptune Jupiter conjunction opposing Saturn. Although how that plays out in a country is rather difficult from the inflationary effect it has on a currency, it does mean that France is likely to experience changes at the same time as there are dollar issues. January and February will be no exception to this as Jupiter squaring the conjunction has an impact on France’s economic dreams. And, as a result, we might even see some public demonstrations in March when the progressed Moon opposes progressed Mars, but once again, this by itself is a short lived effect.
Clearly, more interesting is whether the Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction resonates to the France chart. And in fact the conjunction in May is square the France natal Mars. Mars is the MC ruler in this chart. In the alternative chart it rules the Ascendant. An in the 21 September chart it is on the Midheaven. Whichever way you go, this is significant. However while a Jupiter square might possibly be considered to create a more combative situation, neither Neptune nor Chiron do. Together they are likely to do the opposite- stop action, create inertia. But as we know, what the conjunction touches, so does Uranus. In this case Uranus trines Mars, we have easy action. Since other charts suggest significant speculation and currency movements at this time, the conclusion seems to be that France is a bit of a victim in this case, paralysed by events outside its control.
The situation does not seem to let up completely, as the conjunction retrogrades through June and July. Pluto returns to its January position and there are more underlying tensions, although as mentioned this is not all for the bad, it will still seem challenging in the short term.
By August Jupiter starts a few months of transiting the French natal Uranus/Pluto opposition. While we cannot read too much into an occurrence which repeats every 12 years, it is worth remembering the importance of this conjunction as the one that defines the French change from a monarchy to a Republic. Jupiter transiting this area will always reawaken those themes, but in good times they will take a back seat. In more challenging times, there is likely to be a more mutinous effect. In this case we also have Pluto again activating the Neptune/Jupiter, Saturn opposition reminding the French that this country is supposed to be run for the people. Together the effect, from August to October, is likely to increased nationalistic feeling, and distrust of government and the economic system.
It seems as if the situation becomes more concrete in November. Transiting Saturn conjoins the France IC. The progressed Moon squares Uranus. Chickens come home to roost. By December the Neptune conjunction reforms at 24 degrees Aquarius conjoining the French chart’s Pluto. These appear to be quite big economic chickens that are on their way.
With Saturn conjoining the IC and Pluto square it we are getting a taste of the impact of the cardinal cross on the country by January. However Jupiter is trine the chart’s Jupiter Neptune conjunction, so there is temporary optimism that the worst is over and lots of money/cheap credit being thrown at things yet again.
The next few months are a little mixed then. There is more delusion meshed with inertia as Neptune again squares the French Mars, but Jupiter trines the MC. There is however also continued underlying discontent as the progressed Moon reactivates the Pluto/Uranus opposition, which might lead to more open action as Uranus is also trine Mars again.
By April, though, things are shifting. Neptune is trine Neptune, by itself not very exciting but suggesting again more monetary expansion. This might be lower rates, but it might be literally more money as inflation takes hold.
At the same time the transiting Uranus/Jupiter conjunction trines the progressed Jupiter and Saturn sextile it. It would appear to be a very good time for economic freedom, However, this opposition is not just trine the progressed Jupiter, it is also right on the France MC/IC axis, and picks up the chart’s Sun too. When a country which defines itself by Liberty egality and fraternity is picking up so strongly a combination like this, it suggests radical and potentially difficult changes. Since Uranus and Jupiter are on the midheaven the objective seems to be independence and this could mean it may be trying to break free of economic bonds of the EU, and/or that the people are rebelling again the government. In 1968, when they were together on the chart’s IC ( opposite the 2010 position), there were a series of student protests and a general strike which led to the fall of the De Gaulle government. Although the timing of the actual conjunction differs from the protests by some months, and there are other different factors in play in each case, the parallels should not be ignored.
To quote from Wikipedia on the subject
That France, under Sarkozy, is trying to go in a new direction economically, should come as no surprise for those who have studied the astrology.
Pluto reached 28 degrees Sagittarius in 2007 and in 2008 had its first ingress into Capricorn. Under the chosen chart for France, this means Pluto has been square the French Sun for the last couple of years, and will now go on to square the France chart’s MC. Pluto rarely indicates changes overnight, they are the domain of Uranus, rather it indicates slow transformation and, more importantly, the other side of the coin, the fear of such transformation. What we have seen as Pluto squared the Sun, is France coming to terms with a new type of leader; what we will see as its squares the MC is likely to be the impact of that leadership on France itself.
Despite a creeping sense of concern, due to the last 12 months global financial activities, (which peaked in August as the lunar eclipse was on the chart’s Pluto, and the global view of Europe’s economic situation was revised downwards), France has been in a relatively stable state for the last couple of years. The progressed Ascendant is in an ongoing trine to a major progressed conjunction involving Mercury, Saturn the Sun and Mars in Taurus. This will not last, but it is not going to change tomorrow either.
There are a number of subtle influences at play and these continue through September 2008. Neptune retreats to once again oppose Uranus, and Uranus to oppose Mercury. This is unsettling but not serious. Information on the state of the economy is contradictory, and we might have some more exposures about French banking or other corporate activity (Neptune retrogrades to its January position, where it was when the Soc Gen misdemeanour was uncovered). Jupiter stations square the French Venus, also indicating excesses coming to light.
As in many of the other countries we have looked at, the configuration of Saturn Jupiter and Uranus in October and November, does not make any strong aspects to France’s chart. There is a quincunx with natal Uranus, which suggests continuing adaptation and discomfort, but no crisis. In November the progressed Moon opposes the progressed Mercury Saturn conjunction, suggesting some heavy evaluation but that is all and although in December the Moon opposes the Sun suggesting a divergence between the government and the people, on the whole things are relatively positive as Jupiter is sextile Mars- although of course that can also mean exhuberant responses, on balance any upsets will be a flash in the pan.
The new trends really start to come to the fore in January 2009. Pluto reaches its square to the Midheaven. However it must be noted that Pluto is also trine the chart’s Saturn and sextile its Jupiter. There is an inbuilt stability in this, still. The fact that France resists changes is sometimes positive, it is less likely to make some of the mistakes of growing too fast, that other economies make, but the resistance is not always pleasant at the time. We will probably see the beginnings of Union dissent at this time.
One of the interesting things about the French Republic chart is that 1792 was also the year the US$ was defined. They both have a Neptune Jupiter conjunction opposing Saturn. Although how that plays out in a country is rather difficult from the inflationary effect it has on a currency, it does mean that France is likely to experience changes at the same time as there are dollar issues. January and February will be no exception to this as Jupiter squaring the conjunction has an impact on France’s economic dreams. And, as a result, we might even see some public demonstrations in March when the progressed Moon opposes progressed Mars, but once again, this by itself is a short lived effect.
Clearly, more interesting is whether the Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction resonates to the France chart. And in fact the conjunction in May is square the France natal Mars. Mars is the MC ruler in this chart. In the alternative chart it rules the Ascendant. An in the 21 September chart it is on the Midheaven. Whichever way you go, this is significant. However while a Jupiter square might possibly be considered to create a more combative situation, neither Neptune nor Chiron do. Together they are likely to do the opposite- stop action, create inertia. But as we know, what the conjunction touches, so does Uranus. In this case Uranus trines Mars, we have easy action. Since other charts suggest significant speculation and currency movements at this time, the conclusion seems to be that France is a bit of a victim in this case, paralysed by events outside its control.
The situation does not seem to let up completely, as the conjunction retrogrades through June and July. Pluto returns to its January position and there are more underlying tensions, although as mentioned this is not all for the bad, it will still seem challenging in the short term.
By August Jupiter starts a few months of transiting the French natal Uranus/Pluto opposition. While we cannot read too much into an occurrence which repeats every 12 years, it is worth remembering the importance of this conjunction as the one that defines the French change from a monarchy to a Republic. Jupiter transiting this area will always reawaken those themes, but in good times they will take a back seat. In more challenging times, there is likely to be a more mutinous effect. In this case we also have Pluto again activating the Neptune/Jupiter, Saturn opposition reminding the French that this country is supposed to be run for the people. Together the effect, from August to October, is likely to increased nationalistic feeling, and distrust of government and the economic system.
It seems as if the situation becomes more concrete in November. Transiting Saturn conjoins the France IC. The progressed Moon squares Uranus. Chickens come home to roost. By December the Neptune conjunction reforms at 24 degrees Aquarius conjoining the French chart’s Pluto. These appear to be quite big economic chickens that are on their way.
With Saturn conjoining the IC and Pluto square it we are getting a taste of the impact of the cardinal cross on the country by January. However Jupiter is trine the chart’s Jupiter Neptune conjunction, so there is temporary optimism that the worst is over and lots of money/cheap credit being thrown at things yet again.
The next few months are a little mixed then. There is more delusion meshed with inertia as Neptune again squares the French Mars, but Jupiter trines the MC. There is however also continued underlying discontent as the progressed Moon reactivates the Pluto/Uranus opposition, which might lead to more open action as Uranus is also trine Mars again.
By April, though, things are shifting. Neptune is trine Neptune, by itself not very exciting but suggesting again more monetary expansion. This might be lower rates, but it might be literally more money as inflation takes hold.
At the same time the transiting Uranus/Jupiter conjunction trines the progressed Jupiter and Saturn sextile it. It would appear to be a very good time for economic freedom, However, this opposition is not just trine the progressed Jupiter, it is also right on the France MC/IC axis, and picks up the chart’s Sun too. When a country which defines itself by Liberty egality and fraternity is picking up so strongly a combination like this, it suggests radical and potentially difficult changes. Since Uranus and Jupiter are on the midheaven the objective seems to be independence and this could mean it may be trying to break free of economic bonds of the EU, and/or that the people are rebelling again the government. In 1968, when they were together on the chart’s IC ( opposite the 2010 position), there were a series of student protests and a general strike which led to the fall of the De Gaulle government. Although the timing of the actual conjunction differs from the protests by some months, and there are other different factors in play in each case, the parallels should not be ignored.
To quote from Wikipedia on the subject
“May '68 was a political failure for the protesters, but it had an enormous social impact. In France, it is considered to be the watershed moment that saw the replacement of conservative morality (religion, patriotism, respect for authority) with the liberal morality (equality, sexual liberation, human rights) that dominates French society today”
As mentioned the situation will not be the same, however, we do know that this will be a major turning point. If we revert to 1928, we see the previous conjunction was a turning point after which France began to run a trade surplus and accumulate reserves following post war depreciation of the franc. Interesting to see the Neptune Jupiter themes in the background suggesting quite the opposite- indeed suggesting free spending and possibly inflation of money.
Where as the timing of events in these previous instances is not perfect correlated, the closeness of these 201 aspects suggests that early August 2010 is likely to be critical. Not only is that the point where Mars joins the cross and the moon activates it but the French progressed Moon conjoins progressed Jupiter; a sign of the people gaining what they want.
It might be a bit of an anti-climax next as Neptune squares Mars again in September. There is, again, a sense of having access to more funds a Pluto sextiles Jupiter/Neptune once more. However by November there is a sense of the need to conserve resources as Saturn conjoins Venus.
In 2011 there is a background theme which will gradually come to fore. Pluto will conjoin the progressed Ascendant.
However in January, although it is within orb, the conjunction does not perfect. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is again on the MC. Neptune again trines Neptune. And Jupiter will trine the progressed Moon. The themes of 2009 continue but are moderated and relatively positive at this point.
In April through June, Saturn stations on Venus, and sextiles the Moon and progressed Moon conjunction. France is stable but cautious at this time.
In June, Jupiter opposes the Neptune/ Jupiter conjunction in the 1st Republic Chart, expanding optimism and possibly the availability of an excess of cheap money again or, less pleasantly, inflation.
In July Jupiter conjoins that progressed Saturn Sun conjunction and Pluto again trines the progressed Saturn at the same time right the way through to October. The latter is not a particularly cheerful aspect but in the context probably not unhelpful. Uranus (now without Jupiter) again conjoins the MC in the summer through to October too. There is still a lot of change in the air but it does not seem to be accompanied by much difficulty at this time. Neptune square progressed Jupiter in August continues the theme of cheap money, and Jupiter conjoining the progressed Sun again, continues the theme of optimism and a positive feeling about the country. Saturn in October sextile/Trine the country’s Pluto Uranus opposition really suggests stability.
But don’t forget that upcoming Pluto/progressed ascendant. Hints of problems may be briefly experienced in November as Saturn squares the Ascendant, suggesting obstacles and a short period of hardship. But other than that the end of 2011 still suggests things on the surface are expansive with another shot of cheap money/more inflation in December.
In January 2012 however, the picture changes. Now Uranus on the MC ushers in a different change. Pluto is finally square the progressed Ascendant and by the end of the year Uranus will be square it.
So what is different economically? Temporarily at least, a great deal. Saturn is in opposition to the French Neptune in the first months of 2012. And Neptune is forming a sextile to Saturn and a trine to Neptune still. Whilst this is not quite the double whammy of hard aspects that we have seen in the Irish chart, it does suggest a slip into more difficult recessionary conditions, despite, or perhaps due to, the Neptune square progressed Jupiter suggesting more money in the system again. In February the theme is emphasised a Jupiter conjoins the progressed Saturn.
April also looks a tricky time, as Pluto squares the progressed Ascendant and Saturn the natal ascendant. This is a very heavy and depressive combination and suggests that France will be forced into some economic and political restructuring at this time.
But the country is not showing to deep a problem as yet. May is mixed, with a show of combative spirit as Jupiter opposes the progressed Mars and with the Pluto aspect continuing but more positivity and boosts to the economy in the form of more yet more possible inflation or other money easing as Neptune trines Jupiter again.
In June the Pluto/Uranus square is very near the progressed Ascendant. And over the summer Saturn will square the country’s Ascendant- making things seem a lot tougher.
In September to November Saturn conjoins Neptune again, and opposes natal Saturn but is still benefiting from the Neptune transiting trine. Indeed with Jupiter conjoining progressed Venus in September there is a probable feeling of comfort at least for a few weeks.
But December sees that Pluto transiting the progressed Ascendant again as well as Saturn opposite progressed Saturn. It looks as if by 2013 things are about to get much tougher.
As mentioned the situation will not be the same, however, we do know that this will be a major turning point. If we revert to 1928, we see the previous conjunction was a turning point after which France began to run a trade surplus and accumulate reserves following post war depreciation of the franc. Interesting to see the Neptune Jupiter themes in the background suggesting quite the opposite- indeed suggesting free spending and possibly inflation of money.
Where as the timing of events in these previous instances is not perfect correlated, the closeness of these 201 aspects suggests that early August 2010 is likely to be critical. Not only is that the point where Mars joins the cross and the moon activates it but the French progressed Moon conjoins progressed Jupiter; a sign of the people gaining what they want.
It might be a bit of an anti-climax next as Neptune squares Mars again in September. There is, again, a sense of having access to more funds a Pluto sextiles Jupiter/Neptune once more. However by November there is a sense of the need to conserve resources as Saturn conjoins Venus.
In 2011 there is a background theme which will gradually come to fore. Pluto will conjoin the progressed Ascendant.
However in January, although it is within orb, the conjunction does not perfect. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is again on the MC. Neptune again trines Neptune. And Jupiter will trine the progressed Moon. The themes of 2009 continue but are moderated and relatively positive at this point.
In April through June, Saturn stations on Venus, and sextiles the Moon and progressed Moon conjunction. France is stable but cautious at this time.
In June, Jupiter opposes the Neptune/ Jupiter conjunction in the 1st Republic Chart, expanding optimism and possibly the availability of an excess of cheap money again or, less pleasantly, inflation.
In July Jupiter conjoins that progressed Saturn Sun conjunction and Pluto again trines the progressed Saturn at the same time right the way through to October. The latter is not a particularly cheerful aspect but in the context probably not unhelpful. Uranus (now without Jupiter) again conjoins the MC in the summer through to October too. There is still a lot of change in the air but it does not seem to be accompanied by much difficulty at this time. Neptune square progressed Jupiter in August continues the theme of cheap money, and Jupiter conjoining the progressed Sun again, continues the theme of optimism and a positive feeling about the country. Saturn in October sextile/Trine the country’s Pluto Uranus opposition really suggests stability.
But don’t forget that upcoming Pluto/progressed ascendant. Hints of problems may be briefly experienced in November as Saturn squares the Ascendant, suggesting obstacles and a short period of hardship. But other than that the end of 2011 still suggests things on the surface are expansive with another shot of cheap money/more inflation in December.
In January 2012 however, the picture changes. Now Uranus on the MC ushers in a different change. Pluto is finally square the progressed Ascendant and by the end of the year Uranus will be square it.
So what is different economically? Temporarily at least, a great deal. Saturn is in opposition to the French Neptune in the first months of 2012. And Neptune is forming a sextile to Saturn and a trine to Neptune still. Whilst this is not quite the double whammy of hard aspects that we have seen in the Irish chart, it does suggest a slip into more difficult recessionary conditions, despite, or perhaps due to, the Neptune square progressed Jupiter suggesting more money in the system again. In February the theme is emphasised a Jupiter conjoins the progressed Saturn.
April also looks a tricky time, as Pluto squares the progressed Ascendant and Saturn the natal ascendant. This is a very heavy and depressive combination and suggests that France will be forced into some economic and political restructuring at this time.
But the country is not showing to deep a problem as yet. May is mixed, with a show of combative spirit as Jupiter opposes the progressed Mars and with the Pluto aspect continuing but more positivity and boosts to the economy in the form of more yet more possible inflation or other money easing as Neptune trines Jupiter again.
In June the Pluto/Uranus square is very near the progressed Ascendant. And over the summer Saturn will square the country’s Ascendant- making things seem a lot tougher.
In September to November Saturn conjoins Neptune again, and opposes natal Saturn but is still benefiting from the Neptune transiting trine. Indeed with Jupiter conjoining progressed Venus in September there is a probable feeling of comfort at least for a few weeks.
But December sees that Pluto transiting the progressed Ascendant again as well as Saturn opposite progressed Saturn. It looks as if by 2013 things are about to get much tougher.
First day of French first republic, September 22 1792, 0.00 LMT, Paris, based on start of calendar source:http://www.marxists.org/history/france/revolution/1793/calendar.htm
see previous post "Will the real French lady please stand up" for a discussion about this chart choice